Spring flowers

Chapter 285, Collision

When the snow melted and spring was full of spring, Xiaochu sat on the couch and looked at the stickers in his hand one by one. Where should he go? In fact, everyone eats, talks and laughs, but it's always not boring to go out and walk around.

Pick out a few favorite posts, and Xiaochu took them to the study. Chu Huaixian saw Xiaochu's smile coming in, with a three-point smile on his face. The husband and wife looked very kind. Xiaochu handed over the post and said one by one, "Go here tomorrow, go here the day after tomorrow, by the way," Xiaochu took a good smile and asked again, "The grass has grown an inch long. Why don't you go out for a spring?"

Chu Huaixian said with a smile, "I'll go back in the evening. I don't have to wait for my dinner." Xiaochu still smiled: "Okay." Turning around and going out, the smile on his face immediately disappeared, his shoulders collapsed, and his hands lowered his head. It was really tired to pretend to be concerned.

Chu Huaixian, who looked at Xiaochu's back from the bright window, was itchy with hatred. Anyway, you also pretended, so you can't pretend for a little longer. At least after jumping out of the hospital, it's not too late to be energetic. Looking at the yellow calendar, it has been half a month since the couple pretended to be. The knot in everyone's heart is still there.

Xiaochu is trying to practice sending and receiving feelings. Chu Huaixian is unwilling to coax her on small things. In his opinion, the small things are the big things Lin Xiaochu put in his heart and the big things that Lin Xiaochu feels blasphemous.

During the day, he pretended to smile and sent Chu Huaixian away. If it was too late at night, he would rush to the study with a smile and asked, "Do you sleep in the study tonight?" Every time Mrs. Chu did this, she thought that Chu Huaixian could sleep in the study. However, under the false greeting, the eldest son of Chu also smiled and said, "I'll go back."

It seems that he didn't want to go back, but Xiaochu pulled him back. At this time, it is the time when Xiaochu hates his teeth. Although his teeth are itchy, Xiaochu is not going to practice on Chu Huaixian. This is my long-term job. What should I do if I bite it? Xiaochu thought so to understand his feelings of biting people.

Under the shaking of the red candle, Chu Huaixian never let Lin Xiaochu go for another night. He was reluctant to see Xiaochu, and he also saw that he wanted to hide from himself. He understood all these things, but he didn't understand one thing. Xiaochu's bright red lips are very repulsive. Mr. Chu was angry, and his anger often came from Xiaochu's words. What Chu Huaixian wanted to kiss most was Xiaochu's red lips.

"Don't kiss me!" Xiaochu finally couldn't stand it anymore. He couldn't avoid it. Xiaochu beat Chu Huaixian fiercely and said again, "Don't kiss." This beating is no longer an ordinary couple's fighting spirit, but the use of strength. Chu Huaixian felt itchy, but he could understand Xiaochu's anger. He bit the rose-like lips and took a hard bite before letting go, "Why, maybe I can agree to say it."

Xiaochu covered his lips and said hatefully, "You can kiss others and use other people's lips as a wine glass or tea bowl." Xiaochu finally vented the anger that had been accumulated in his heart for a long time. Chu Huaixian and she were entangled in ** and kept asking, "Where did you put it?" You can leave something outside as a baby. Put it away and see if the flowers can be generated.

Two people have tossing around. I don't think it's whether they are angry with each other or tossing each other enough before going to sleep. The next day, Xiaochu still smiled and smiled brightly like spring flowers: "Son, won't you come back at night? You told me earlier, so I don't have to ask again." Chu Huaixian smiled and said, "Come back, what can you do if you don't come back?"

took two steps before suddenly turning around. Xiaochu, who had no smile, quickly smiled again, and then bent down infinitely: "Slow down, young man."

Chu Huaixian just left with a smile, and the two seemed to be extremely harmonious.

Mrs. Chu's long sigh was crooked on the chair closest to her. She only felt weak and should have a good rest. It's time to have enough rest and go out. Today is a Mrs. Lin with the same surname as Xiaochu. She is also of the same age and just got married.

When night came, Chu Huaixian waited to pick up his father at the palace gate. King Liang passed here, came in with a bang, and knocked on his head and said, "Prong your father." King Liang's spirit seems to have completely recovered, and his face is much richer. He smiled at Chu Huaixian: "Have you become a filial son now? Is there anything else to do in the evening? Send Lord Shaofu back and I'll go out for a drink with you.

Chu Huaixian was in a good spirit and looked outside: "It's still cold. It's not the time to swim at night." Liang Wang smiled and said, "I don't feel cold. You are stronger than me. Why are you afraid of the cold?" Go out to try the wind direction, and King Liang came in again: "Are you really not going? It's rare for me to take you out once."

The two laughed together, and Chu Huaixian shook his head: "Let's not go," Liang Wang regretted: "There is no female tiger by your pillow. Doesn't the filial son swim at night?" Chu Huaixian is funny. The pillow is not a female tiger, but a rouge tiger.

When Chu Shaofu came out, Chu Huaixian took his father. Chu Shaofu took a sedan chair, Chu Huaixian rode a horse, and the family followed him back and forth to the house. There is still half an hour before the curfew, and the street wind is not cold. Chu Huaixian still thoughtfully made a whole curtain for his father. Chu Shaofu, who was slightly sleaver in the sedan chair, said slowly, "Don't you quarrel?"

"I didn't have it," Chu Huaixian's mouth was stiff. This was not a quarrel at all. I didn't quarrel with Xiaochu at all, just to fight. Let's see who was soft first, and he was still fighting today. Chu Huaixian suddenly smiled to see who was powerful.

Chu Shaofu stopped asking, and he closed his eyes and meditated on his mind. While napping in the haze, suddenly there was a noise, and then the sedan chair shook and stopped. In the wind, there was a laughing voice: "Ouch, I bumped into the official sedan chair," and then the woman's laughter, drunkenly said, "official sedan chair? Why doesn't it avoid it?"

Accompanied by these voices, it was the scolding of the family: "Bold, get out of the car, get off the horse, Lord Shaofu is here." Chu Shaofu only opened his eyes when the sedan chair vibrated, and then closed it and continued to refresh his mind. Chu Huaixian saw clearly. A group of horses and cars suddenly came out of the corner of the street, with five or seven cars and seven or eight horses. The horses were all women. The first two horses did not stop and hit them.

The sedan chair reacted quickly and stopped at once due to the vibration of the retreating sedan chair. Then everyone was angry and the family scolded. And there was a car at the end, which Chu Huaixian recognized, which was Xiaochu's.

The front collided, and then it was reported that it was an official sedan chair. The back was clever, and there were already people with horses and oil on the soles of the car. Jin Xier whispered to Chu Huaixian, "Son, Sun Erhai is not bad for driving." With these words, the car has turned around and drove into the dark with other backward cars.

Chu Huaixian smiled and asked, "Who is this?" A group of women with makeup, only one of them is known by Chu Huaixian. It was dark on the street. There were lanterns in front of Chu Shaofu's sedan chair, and there were also lanterns on their carriage, which could be seen clearly. Jin Xier grinned and smiled, "Son, one of them is the one mentioned by Lord Fang, which is the one who hooked up with his second son's young lady to gamble."

"I just look familiar with her." Chu Huaixian smiled again and used wine. I'm afraid Xiaochu will be like this. Let Xiaochu go out to play, just waiting to find her. The family stopped all the people who collided and came over and replied, "Sir, they drink too much and talk nonsense."

Before Chu Huaixian said anything, Chu Shaofu in the sedan chair opened his mouth. Chu Shaofu didn't even look outside and ordered Chu Huaixian to say, "It's not decent to play at night. Send it to the government for trial, I'm afraid there will be any improper things in it. Chu Huaixian agreed first and then said, "There are several family of Beijing officials." Chu Shaofu didn't open his eyes and said slowly, "Let's send it together and let the adults of each family come to get it."

"Yes." Chu Huaixian and Jin Xier both smiled. Jin Xier did not need to be ordered by the prince. He immediately took them forward and divided several people with him to escort these people to the government. Chu Huaixian continued to send his father home with the rest of the people.

When the father and son came back, they didn't take it seriously. Chu Shaofu went back to the room and Chu Huaixian went back to the room. Lin Xiaochu had fallen asleep. When he saw Chu Huaixian coming in, he still felt guilty and pretended to be asleep. Chu Huaixian came over and smelled that there was no smell of alcohol on Xiaochu's lips, so he didn't disturb her any more and fell asleep.

Mrs Chu came back quickly and was not caught on the spot. When Xiaochu thought about the night before the next day, he suddenly wanted to laugh. There was a scolding in front of him. Sun Erhai immediately drove the car around. When the car turned halfway, he heard the voice: "It's Chu Shaofu here." Chunshui stuck out his tongue in the carriage and knocked on the carriage urgently to urge, "Go quickly."

After the carriage left, Chunshui did not forget to complain about Mrs. Chu: "Let you come back first. You're late today." Xiao Shu thought that at that time, he was still pretending to have nothing to do and covering his mouth and smiling: "It's not this time." Mrs. Chu ran to "admonish" Chu Huaixian every day. Tonight, everyone was excited to travel at night, and she was also in the mood.

This time, I almost hit the muzzle again. Xiaochu smiled and smiled at Xiaoyi opposite: "What are you playing at home?" Xiaoyi held an embroidered needle in her hand: "Sister, when will you finish that work?" Xiaochu looked at Coke and patted Xiaoyi's head with his hand: "Our Xiaoyi, what a good little girl." Xiaoyi blushed and replied shyly, "Sister, you're laughing at me." Little Chu Da Le.

The spring atmosphere outside the courtyard is getting stronger. Xiaochu sat with his cheeks in his hand until the evening. Xiaoyi has left, and spring is also at night. She sighed quietly and long: "Alas..." Then he stood up and went outside and stared at Chunshui: "Go and say hello to me."

At the gate of the courtyard, Chu Huaixian came in casually and pretended not to hear Xiaochu's witty words.

Everything happens in spring, and epidemics also develop. When I woke up again, my nose was stuffy and my eyes were swollen. Chu Huaixian didn't forget the joke when he left: "How can you go out to play when you are sick? Is someone willing to receive you? Xiaochu also pretended not to hear it, took a dizzy head to see the doctor, and then was stunned by the bitter medicine for a long time.