Spring flowers

Chapter 293, burning the ship

Mrs. Wen went home and sat lonely Lord Wen under a lonely lamp. Seeing your wife come back: "How about it?" That eyebrow is anxious. Mrs. Wen untied the blue cloth towel on the head: "I gave him something and asked him what he had done recently, but he refused to say it." Mrs. Wen was disappointed: "Of course, they won't say it."

"That's all right. Mr. Chu said two words to me for no reason. Today, I will go to the Ministry of Criminal Justice, and they are much better to me." Lord Wen is in cold eyes, with only grief and indignation in his heart; with a little warmth, he comes back a lot after his normal thoughts. In front of him, Lord Wen can be satisfied for the time being: "As long as someone can listen to me. Besides, this case seems to be retrial. The two dirty officials who are not locked have also been locked and taken to Beijing today."

Mrs. Wen's eyes turned red: "Is it the two people who bit you back?"

"That's them!" Lord Wen gritted his teeth and said, "There is also today! Although I was guilty, I came out." In the shadow of the lamp, the figure gritted his teeth was on the wall, which was particularly lonely.

Mrs. Wen said, "It can be seen that there is a blue sky on her head." Lord Wen was laughed at: "Is Mrs. Chu Qingtian?" Mrs. Wen also smiled. There was an old wooden shelf in the corner of the room with a basin, in which there was less than half a basin of water. Mrs. Wen went to wash her hands, lifted a blue cloth cover on the kang, and underneath was a pair of unfinished tiger-headed shoes.

"Do they still lack this?" Lord Wen sighed: "Why don't you rest?" Mrs. Wen took the needle by herself, pricked a needle and said, "She is hers. Let's ask for help. If we don't have money, we can only do our best. Besides, my craftsmanship is no worse than others. Lord Wen was no longer reluctant. He thought about it and said, "I don't want to be madam, but I understand the truth better than me."

Mrs. Wen said with concern, "What's the matter?" Lord Wen sighed: "I didn't like to see gifts before, but now it's my turn. Think about the difficulties of others." Mrs. Wen smiled and said, "Don't you understand?"

"There is something more clear. When my wife meets an outsider, don't say that I'm looking for the Chu family. Now I'm not afraid of clinging to it. I'm afraid that the Chu family won't accept it. Besides, it's not good to let outsiders know more about speculation." Once Lord Wen is not sad and angry, he is not a fool.

Mrs. Wen agreed. That night, I woke up and made breakfast, and went to the official's house to work. He was a distant relative of Mrs. Guan. Mrs. Wen had nothing to give, so she went to be a handyman for a while and said some good words.

Outside the door, she saw Sun Erhai leaning on the car and doze, and Mrs. Wen knew that Mrs. Chu was in it. Suddenly remembered, he said to Sun Erhai, "There is a house. The owner is in a hurry to take action. It's very cheap." Sun Erhai was surprised and turned his eyes without saying a word. Mrs. Wen quickly explained, "You took the young lady to see the house. I saw it once." Sun Erhai was relieved: "Wait for the young lady and me to mention it and see if she wants to see it."

When I went back, I told Xiaochu, and Xiaochu said, "Let's talk about it later." She has no money in her hand, no matter how cheap it is. In the evening, it rained and was beating the spring grass outside. Mrs. Sun sent a note: "Let's tell you the day after tomorrow." Chu Huaixian came in and asked, "Who wrote it?"

"Do you know each other?" Xiaochu pinched the note and showed it to Chu Huaixian. Chu Huaixian said, "I'm familiar with it. I can't remember whose words it is." Xiaochu put the note in his sleeve: "I think you are also familiar."

Whose word is this? Chu Huaixian didn't ask again all night.

That boat of herbs was quietly moored in the original river bay. Gong Miaoer was talking to a person on the dock: "What kind of cargo is this ship? Let me see if I need it?" The man said, "There is a master, it's herbs. The money has been paid, and we will just wait for tomorrow to move the goods. Gong Miaoer said oh and said a few words, separated from the man, and ran to a high place and sat in a daze against the boat.

Do you really want to chisel the boat? Manager Zhuang knows water. If you really want to set fire, pour some oil on it much faster. The afterglow of the evening shone on Gong Miaoer, biting a grass root in his mouth, and suddenly he was a little distracted.

Why did you do this bad thing? For herself, revenge; Gong Miaoer sighed deeply, do it or not? When the wind blows, the stew manager Zhuang came with two guys who could also water.

"My boss, each of us brought a large bottle of oil and kept it, hee," the three people laughed as if they had eaten something secretly: "You watch on the shore and keep it burn quickly."

Gong Miaoer's face was half hidden in the dark, and the half of her face in the moonlight was a little hesitant: "Do you really do this?" Manager Zhuang hasn't done anything bad for a hundred years. Today, he was excited: "We only went to pour oil. Little Witch came up with an idea. We went down from downstream. We didn't get on the boat and poured oil from the ventilated place of the cabin. Tomorrow, find someone to load it on the ship to see the goods and smoke a dry smoke to light the fire. The boat is accurate."

The guys all have a bad smile: "There is no need to burn it all, right? As long as there is oil burning for a while, the herbs on this ship can't be used. Can you still cook medicine?"

being bad is one of these people's abilities.

Everyone is waiting and excited in the dark. At that time, the boat also recognized it. Manager Zhuang took someone to say goodbye to Gong Miaoer: "You can watch it here. It will look good tomorrow." Gong Miaoer had a smile: "I'll wait."

The three stew manager Zhuang quietly went down the high place and went downstream. Without walking a few steps, they suddenly stopped and hid into the trees. Here, you can already see the river bank, not far from where they went into the water.

Several people walked over briskly. The three people stared at it with wide eyes. They went into the water, one of them carried something on his back and swam to the dock.

Half an hour later, a cluster of sparks suddenly bloomed in the darkness. Gong Miaoer sat up in surprise, afraid that something would happen to them and they would not burn the boat at night. He watched the people on the dock boiling, shouting and cursing, it was not a boat that caught fire.

A row of five or six boats, all of which got up.

Where are the guys? Gong Miaoer is anxious. Bad people are important, and these guys who depend on her life are not important. He can see the dock where he sits, but there are many ways to go. Otherwise, if he sits too close, he will be suspected. At this time, Gong Miaoer couldn't wait any longer. He got up and walked down the trees a few steps. He heard someone in the dark gently shouting, "Shopkeeper."

"It's me, are you all here?" Gong Miaoer suddenly fell in love with it. After a few steps, she saw her three friends here intact, and their clothes were completely free of water stains, and they carried a lot of oil on their shoulders.

Steal Zhuang's face was extremely ugly. He looked at the fire on the dock and said decisively, "Let's go back and talk about it." The four of them went back as fast as possible. The gate was closed. They had a rest outside the city and came back together.

Click on the small oil lamp, everyone look at me, I look at you, sit silently and look at each other. Gong Miaoer also noticed something strange and said sourly, "What's going on?"

The oil was still there, and the man didn't go into the water. The fire lit it himself.

"It's Lu Shanchang." When the stewer Zhuang said it with difficulty, there was a spark in Gong Miaoer's eyes, which was much brighter and dazzling than the oil lamp on the table.

Lu Shanchang! Gong Miaoer was as cold as ice. She met him on the street during the Spring Festival and never met him again. Did he set fire? Gong Miaoer still doesn't believe it.

"He set fire!" Manager Zhuang was resolute, and the other two guys also testified: "We saw with our own eyes that what he ordered first was not the boat, but the two next to him."

Gong Miaoer couldn't believe it and muttered, "I'm so lucky that Lu Shanchang helped me?" I don't believe it!" He shook his front skirt and tied it to his belt, so that it was more convenient to walk around. Gong Miaoer frowned and ruled out little by little: "On the left is the boat of the satin shop, and on the right is the boat of the porcelain shop. What is Lu Shanchang? What is he doing here?"

"There is another person, and I also know," Ai Ai Ai, the manager of Zhuang: "It's the person in Mrs. Jin's house," Gong Miaoer smiled, "Your cousin, your white-faced cousin who eats women's meals?"

stewer Zhuang blushed, as if he was ashamed to see people: "It's him."

"I can't stand it either. Lu Shanchang can't wait for me to die. I can't wait for him to go to hell. He knows that I'm going to set fire, so he came to help me." Gong Miaoer shook her head like a rattle: "This is impossible. If he knew what I was thinking, he would only..."

Everyone's eyes lit up: "planted!" The steward rushed out and stopped again: "No, going to the dock now will only make people doubt. What about the shopkeeper? What traces must he have left on that ship to make people suspect that you did it? What should I do? The steward Zhuang was so anxious that he rubbed his hands.

Gong Miaoer calmed down, and the face under the oil lamp was resolute: "This is possible! He won't ask me, know that I rely on the Chu family, and then inquire about this herb related to Mrs. Chu, so his fire hurt me again and burned our partnership with Mrs. Chu. But there is a question. If it weren't for Lao Sun, I wouldn't know that the ship had something to do with Mrs. Chu. He? How did you know?"

"Yes, Mrs. Chu did it behind her back. I also asked a familiar agent during the day. I only know Mrs. Sun, and no one mentioned Mrs. Chu. Is this fire going to be burned by himself? Manager Zhuang also thought so.

A sneer appeared on Gong Miaoer's face: "That's beautiful! Why did he burn? Lu Shan is good at water. The Lu family originally came from the south. If the Gong family hadn't been framed, the Lu family would not have got up.

Several people discussed in the middle of the night, and finally Gong Miaoer said, "Go back to each family, what should we do?" If there is anything to go to the government, I have something to say first, it's my business.

Everyone entered the city at dawn and went back to Gong's house to fall asleep. Shortly after they entered the city, several people dispersed into the city. One of them had a white face and a good life. He went straight to Mrs. Jin's house.

"Is it done?" Mrs. Jin rinsed her mouth in the porch and asked with a smile when she saw him coming in. The man lowered his head and said, "Madam's words were burned clean, and the keel of the ship sank into the water. The boats on both sides were also burned, even if some people were suspicious, it had nothing to do with the herbal boat. They will feel that it is burning someone else's boat and implicating that boat.

Mrs. Jin smiled and took out the silver from her sleeve: "A reward you, go and have a rest." Turning to the room, he thought about the boat on the left, the satin shop, which was inquired about, and there were also enemies among his peers. Thinking about the boat on the right, the porcelain shop, the three brothers are unevenly separated this year and are jealous of each other.

This boat is really parked. In this way, who knows that it is the herbal boat that caused the fire.