Spring flowers

Chapter 295, Send a dowry to Xiangzhi

Several rulers are new, and in the box are two jewel-encrusted flowers. Chu Huaixian was never stingy with his wife. Xiaochu thanked him again and played with flowers there.

"Go back first, don't wait for me. I still have guests." Chu Huaixian said to Xiao Chudao. Xiaochu was a little unhappy. She was in a bad mood. She ran to rub and pay attention again.

Duo Shou picked up something, and Xiaochu walked in front of him, still playing with Chu Huaixian's new wrench finger in his hand. A green of blue spirit is adorable. When I was discharged from the door, I walked to the top with a man in a black poplin.

The man came here and smiled with Dorshou. Although he was curious about the women's dependents, he still avoided his eyes. It was not until he entered that he asked Duofu, "Who was that just now?" Duofu said, "Young lady." The official of Lou smiled: "I think so." The expression of entering and leaving the yard is like entering no man's land, and he is young. The first thought of the experienced official is Mrs. Chu.

Chu Huaixian made an appointment with the senior official of the building. Seeing him come in and stand up to meet him under the window, the senior official of the building said happily, "You have a vision. Let's go to the boat again and make another money."

Talking about Chu Huaide's marriage, these two have not been idle since they met. There is a lot of news about the eldest son. The senior official of the building has a boat and some people have capital.

Today, Chu Huaixian asked him to come, but he said, "There is no need to do herbs anymore." The senior official of the building was shocked. This is in the mood. It's simply a hot cooking of oil. Stop at this time? He looked carefully in Chu Huaixian's smile and didn't ask again.

When he left, the official of the building shook his head and sighed that the girl in the fifth room should be sent to the eldest son's room, and she should also be his concubine. Chu Huaide has known each other for two years, which was attracted by his nephews. For two years, he is still a hairy child. Compared with his brother, he is a fool.

Doing business is to accept it as soon as it is good. Lou officials think about the herbal medicine business on the street, and they have reached the point that no matter what medicine enters Beijing, they can accept it without looking at it. If it goes on like this, there will be problems sooner or later. When Mr. Chu said so, there may be some other news. The senior official hummed a little song and got into his car and transported something else.

The folds of the ten ministers were handed over, and Mr. Chu stopped and planned to stay away. After sending off the official of the building, Chu Huaixian put away his new silver ticket and came to the room with his hands on his back. Xiaochu came to see something in the morning, which was her love for Xiangzhi.

Xiaochu's dowry opened and read it again. Chu Huaixian helped pick a pair of white jade bottles with eight auspicious patterns. Xiaochu casually asked, "I don't understand the value. I'm either afraid of giving up too much, or I want to ask how much the price can be on the street?" Chu Huaixian said, "This pair is worth thousands of taels." Xiaochu stuck out his tongue: "Is it worth so much?" Seeing Chu Huaixian smile, "Can't bear it?"

"No," Xiaochu suddenly became shy and pulled Chu Huaixian's sleeves and said shyly, "I thought these things were only worth a few thousand taels in total." Xiaochu couldn't believe too much of Mrs. Chu's dowry for herself. And she doesn't know the value of jade and other treasures. Without saying that he can recite poems and live down the ancients, but he is also born an antique.

Lin Xiaochu doesn't know him.

Chu Huaixian smiled at the corners of his mouth and looked at the remaining dozen pairs of treasures in this room. In addition, there were furniture furnishings. He said, "All the things in here are what I picked in my grandmother's warehouse." Xiaochu said to Chu Huaixian at the corners of his mouth, "If you had told me earlier, I would have guessed more."

"Guess what, are you waiting for the money?" Chu Huaixian just made fun of him. Xiaochu stroked a pair of green jade ears and longevity bowls with white eyes: "You can't wait for me to spend all my money." Chu Huaixian laughed and said, "I'm waiting for this day." No matter how well Xiaochu disguised, his mood was also beaten down by this sentence. She picked up Chu Huaixian's arm and pretended to be angry: "You will laugh at me. Let's go. I don't want to see it."

Chu Huaixian still felt that Xiaochu didn't like it. He stroked Xiaochu's hair: "Be careful." Just take this narrow-minded ghost back to the room.

Mr. Chu made a profit, and Mrs. Chu lost a lot. Fortunately, the two of them don't know each other. If they know, they can probably come to the last argument. If Mrs. Chu is not convinced, Mr. Chu will laugh.

You can't blame Xiaochu for losing money, right? Sometimes, it should also be pertinent. Chu Huaixian is the right time, place and people, and he occupies all of them.

Mrs. Chu didn't get anything. She went back to her room and had a few feet waiting for her.

When he fell asleep in the afternoon, Chu Huaixian went to see Chu Shaofu. Xiaochu asked Chunshui to hold the jade bottle box and come to Xiangzhifang. Mrs. Chu was also there. Seeing that Xiaochu gave the jade bottle and opened it to see that the jade was white, Mrs. Chu cried. She regretted that her daughter was going to get married these days, and it was not good for her to marry. She was crying every day. Today's cry is even more sad.

Xiang Zhi also burst into tears, and she could only be a persuasive person at the beginning of her childhood. To Mrs. Chu, who has never felt kind and does not want to be kind in her heart, Xiaochu has to brew: "My sister is a happy event. Even if the second aunt can't bear to leave, don't cry so that my sister is sad."

"I'm not crying for her, but seeing my brother and sister-in-law love her so much, and I like her." Mrs. Chu said that Xiaochu felt itchy all over. It's better to listen less.

I haven't looked at Mrs. Chu seriously for a long time. Today, when I saw her, I wanted to think of Chu Huaixian's words in my heart. As soon as he heard the words of the officials, he had to stop. Now it seems that he still has some reason.

Mrs. Chu is several years old, and she has a few white hairs on her temples. She pulls up Xiaochu and keeps talking, looking at Xiaochu with loving eyes. He whispered softly, "In the future, only her brother and sister-in-law will love her. Young lady, don't blame me before. This family is like this..."

Xiang Zhi blushed and persuaded her: "Mother, look at what you said!" Mrs. Chu faced her daughter with a vicious face: "In the future, you have to be kind to your eldest brother."

Xiaochu can't stand it anymore. How can anyone treat his family like this before they get married? Seeing Xiangzhi lowering her head timidly, Mrs. Chu came to Xiaochu again, with tears on her face and begging bitterly: "You have to take care of her. If you don't care about her, she will have no mother's family. There is no one in her father's eyes. She used to have a grandmother to take care of her. Since the birth of Brother Yu, there is no one else in her grandmother's eyes.

"Mother," Xiangzhi, who had always been weak, couldn't listen and came to help her mother: "Sister-in-law is going back." Then give a winp to Xiaochu. Mrs. Chu clamped Xiaochu's clothes tightly with both hands and said like crazy, "My mother's family has to take care of her, otherwise what will she do?"

After finally getting off, the spring water burst into tears and sobbed, "Young lady, is this a big girl jumping into the fire?" Xiaochu rarely scolded her: "It's a happy event to get married. Don't cry!" Going back upset, Xiaoxin thought that he was lucky that he had a good idea. He didn't have any business with Mrs. Guan, and he didn't get much favor from Mrs. Jin from time to time.

If I have something to do with them, Mrs. Chu's today can really become her tomorrow.

After a while, Xiaoyi was also scared back. Recently, she helped to clean up her dowry in Xiangzhifang. Xiaochu won't do it and hasn't done it. Let Xiaoyi learn it so that she can do her own in the future. Xiaoyi ran back and asked Xiaochu something important: "Is it really not good for Sister Xiangzhi to get married?"

"No, don't listen to people talk nonsense." Xiaochu's face sank, and he didn't get married yet, so he knew whether it was good or bad. These people are really capable, and it's good to care about their own affairs with such foresight.

With this anger and the anger of losing money, he returned to Chu Huaixian at night: "Is Mr. Wei that bad?" Chu Huaixian said silently, "You and I will care more about her in the future." Xiaochu was not and and argued, "Isn't the prince who married me at that time?" Only then did Chu Huaixian understand and smiled, "I just think it's good."

Xiaochu was bored for several days, because she felt that she had relied on Chu Huaixian. There are some places in the bottom of my heart, and Lin Xiaochu hopes to be his own. Like all modern women, one of the common problems of modern women is that when they are young, they are most important than anything else. This probability should be greater than half.

When Xiaochu encountered these things, she couldn't say that she didn't have a lesson. This time, she was not sure, couldn't think about it, and had no money in her hand, so she was bored at home.

Chu Huaixian found that Xiaochu didn't go out for several days, and he didn't like it at once. Xiaochu must be a little wrong. Looking at women from Chu Huaixian, they are either angry or awkward. Other than that, there is no other reason, and he doesn't ask.

It's been boring for four or five days, and you can't go out anymore. There is almost one post a day. If the owner doesn't go to the west, others will definitely say it behind their backs.

Besides, there are some places that Xiaochu still misses in his heart.

Mrs. Jin will invite you again. She will invite you every two or three days. Mrs. Chu put on her new clothes and went out on a sunny spring day.

Sun Erhai had already known the news from Gong Miaoer, and Sun Erhai knew that Xiaochu would not go out. After waiting for Xiaochu to get on the bus, Sun Erhai should also pay attention to it today. Because Gong Miaoer went home to meditate for several days, only one thought that he thought was impossible remained. That is: this fire has nothing to do with Mrs. Chu. Whoever puts her husband's family in power will put her in the wind.

The cars of Mrs. Qi Jin and others, a line of dozens of cars, walked vastly on the street. Pedestrians on the roadside pointed out: "It's so elegant! Which one is this?"

"It's the women who are willing to help." The person who replied is the person who knows.

The car stopped at the corner of the city, and several streets around here are full of poor people's alleys. When Xiaochu got out of the car, Mrs. Jin showed the same concern as before. Today, she smiled and said, "There may be sewage on the ground. Careful of your new skirt." Chunshui held things for the poor in his hand, and his eyes also looked at the skirt for the young lady.

The old wooden house has a broken basin, and there are also wild flowers and grass scattered in front of the door. Of course, there is sewage on the ground. Seeing their party coming, the old and weak women and children rushed out of the old house.

"Madams and grandmothers are here again. You are all kind-hearted people."

There are also people kneeling on the ground and chanting Buddha: "Great and compassionate Bodhisattvas, these are all bodhisattvas."

There are so many bodhisattvas in the world. Even if the government has relief, it can't save everyone. Mrs. Jin has a loud reputation, which is where she comes from. Scatter some money and buy a good face.

Several of them came to see Xiaochu last time, and they are particularly grateful to Mrs. Chu. The wives don't leave their names, and the poor have no way to ask. I only know that such a group of people have been sending money and medicine since the outbreak of the epidemic. Mrs. Chu has part of the money, which is how she spent it.

Chunshui scattered the food and old clothes in his hand to people. Seeing their gratitude, tears filled his eyes.