Spring flowers

Chapter 345, the habit of mandarin ducks,

Miss Lou scolded Chu Huaide for being heartless, and then brushed her sleeves and said, "In the future, it must be embarrassing to meet you in your eldest brother's room. Fortunately, only your eldest brother knows about you and me. There is no second person in your family who knows about it. In the future, you and I will meet, just don't know each other.

Chu Huaide picked up the bag of red beans from the ground and was very hurt. He only slept for an hour last night, picking up big and round one by one, and stringed them with pearl thread one by one. Now she has been abandoned by Miss Lou, and her words are also hurtful. Chu Huaide said glancholy, "Will my eldest brother be willing? He used to care about me and has loved me very much recently. What kind of woman does he want? Will he want you?

"What's wrong with me?" Miss Lou put down her sleeves, showed tears, and said angrily, "It's not yours. How can I be your concubine? Your eldest brother is clear about this matter. Only my three virgins and nine martyrs will keep the festival for you. If you don't want to keep it, you have to obey the orders of your parents.

Miss Lou coughed and cried: "You keep the orders of your parents, and I will keep the orders of my parents. You and I have been strangers since.

said that he took out what Chu Huaide had given before from his sleeve, threw it on Chu Huaide, and left.

Back in her room, the building girl called the girl urgently: "Come and I'll wash it. The pepper in this veil is too powerful today.

Chu Huaide was defeated and came to see Xiaochu. Xiaochuyi heard it and laughed: "Wide, you went to test her sincerity. What do you think of her sincerity?"

"Sister-in-law, she is the order of her parents. This is all bad for her family." Chu Huaide was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. Xiaochu was lazy: "It seems that she is useless. Of course, this is mainly because you are useless."

Chu Huaide turned pale: "Sister-in-law, you also said that to me." Xiaochu smiled and said to him, "I can't count on you now. I'm the only one."

"Sister-in-law, you can do it as soon as you go out," Chu Huaide said eagerly, "Do you want me to work with you inside and outside?" Xiaochu pondered for a moment: "I was originally for your good, afraid that you would become a resentful couple, and there should be a saying that inside and outside. Now that you say so, there should be nothing here."

Chu Huaide is pitiful. Xiaochu couldn't stand this poor appearance and said to him, "There is a sentence for me to pass on and tell Miss Lou that you have inquired in front of me and I don't know about taking a concubine. See what they say?" Chu Huaide said sadly, "Sister-in-law, they must have said that the eldest brother will agree to this matter. You have to figure it out and let the eldest brother say no."

Xiaochu wants to scold him very much, but you don't need to say that. Don't I want to move the fetus? Although the family is better for themselves this time, it is all for the children. The child in the belly is now a bodyguard. If there is anything wrong, the family will definitely change the wind immediately.

If there is no child, I would definitely do it with the prince. After getting angry, I left this time, but there is a reason for it. Brother Yu also got big and hugged him together.

Mrs Chu felt that she was not angry, but in fact she was still angry. She could even think of the words that Brother Yu took her away. In front of him, Chu Huaide was still depressed. Xiaochu also hated that he was in the ability. He should have scold the girl Lou, but the girl in the building scolded her. Xiaochu thought, no matter how powerful she was, could she be more powerful than Miss Zhuang in those years and Mrs. Sun now? The prince didn't want young lady Sun......

What is the reason? I'm afraid of my own fetal gas. Xiaochu said to Chu Huaide again, "You prepare something. From today on, don't go anywhere at home."

Chu Huaide asked urgently, "What is it?" Xiaochu whispered, and Chu Huaide was overjoyed: "Okay." Xiaochu couldn't help laughing: "You fool, this is for you." Take out a box of your own rouge and give it to him. Rouge is at hand. Xiaochu also thought that Chu Huaide may not be able to do things, so he always put it at hand and prepared to give it to him.

This rouge box is extremely exquisite, with white jade carved on the outside and exquisite patterns on it. It's nothing in the first room. Chu Huaide took it in his hand, looked at it again and again. He walked out of the door and thought that this was good for the sister of the Lou family.

Xiaochu in the room thought that this building was not a good thing. By taking advantage of this matter, it was just right to break up Wilder and her.

Chu Huaide went to Lou's house for a few days. Lou Da was a little guilty and came to see the Lou official: "Huide is not a good/good man. He should have cried for several times. Nothing will happen, right?"

The senior official Lou said, "I have something to talk to the eldest son tomorrow. Just ask."

The next day, he went to see Chu Huaixian. Duo Shou told him, "The young lady is not feeling well. The prince can't come out today." The senior official of Lou felt "Gerden" in his heart and vaguely felt bad.

On the third day, Chu Huaixian still didn't come out. For three or four days in a row, the senior officials did not see Chu Huaixian. On the fifth day, he sat at home sullenly, thinking about losing sesame seeds and missing watermelon.

Thinking about it, a family member came in and said, "Big official, bring food from the boring building." The official of Lou also knew that it was opened by Mrs. Chu and hurriedly said, "Please come in."

Two guys came in, one is Manager Zhuang and the other is Gong Miaoer. The senior official of the building went to the boring building and met the stew manager Zhuang. He quickly stood up to greet him and said, "Mr. Zhuang, you are here."

"The young lady said that there is one thing that has been done by the power of senior officials, and she has never been thanked. This is not a return to the prince. There are a few new dishes sent to your house for everyone to have a taste."

Gong Miaoer put down the dishes and opened them one by one. The steward Zhuang introduced one by one: "Fresh bamboo shoot soup, mandarin duck chicken nuggets, mandarin duck fish soup..."

The official's face turned pale when he heard it, and the last dish was opened, and it was a dumpling. The stewman Zhuang said, "This sweet dumplings are all stuffed with lotus seeds, and when you eat sweet dumplings, you know that you can't speak, so it's also called concentric soup, and it's called unspeakable."

When the two went back, there were only officials downstairs in the room, facing a table of mandarin duck dishes.

Lou Da smelled the fragrance and asked the Qi brothers to come over together: "uncle, if you don't eat, we will eat." The official Lou looked a little wrong and said first, "Call your father to come and let him eat together."

The five-mented man came over, and the Lou official reported the name of the dish to him: "All of them are mandarin duck dishes." The five officials thought about it and said with a smile, "Although it's strange, it sounds like a good omen."

"Think about what kind of bird the mandarin duck is?" The official Lou said this, and the facial features suddenly understood. He patted his head and blurted, "This is all done by the young lady. How did she know?"

The official Lou said, "Chu Huaide, this time I really used my heart. "Dayou," called Lou Dayou, who was eating comfortably, and the official said to him, "Didn't you say that Chu Huaide and the big room are not good?" Lou Da said, "I've asked him several times, but he said it's not good. His father has loved him recently and often gives him money. He doesn't have to abas the eldest son.

Chu Huaide used Chu Huaixian's money. He didn't say anything outside, so that he would feel ashamed when someone asked him how much he spent a month.

"Now it seems that you made a mistake." The official of Lou said to Lou, "This Chu Huaide, I didn't like him when you fell in like him. It's really not promising. It's all promising.

Lou Da chewed a chicken bone and asked his uncle, "Is it not good for mandarin ducks?" The official patted him on the head: "Stupid boy, a bird like mandarin duck has always been monogamous." Lou Da suddenly realized: "So that's what it means. Uncle, if I were you, I would go to talk to the prince again.

The officials and the five officials laughed together, and said, "I'm wrong." The official smiled and said, "It's not wrong, but the young lady left the eldest son in it first and didn't let him come out. She was already the first to step down," and then pouted at the table: "This is the second one," he smiled slightly: "Next, there should be a third one."

As soon as the words were said, someone outside the door replied: "The two officials of the Zheng family came to worship the senior officials." The official Lou smiled bitterly: "The young lady is working hard. Zheng Erlai is going to say something else." Zheng Erguan people stay on the boring upstairs every day. Ordinary people look like they think that Zheng Erguan people are also entangled in the boring building.

And the senior official of Lou asked Chu Huaixian. In order to calm his heart, Chu Huaixian said that he had no contact with Zheng Erguan. The only person in contact is Mrs. Chu.

When Mrs. Chu and the son of Zheng's family's house two years ago, some people still remember it clearly in Beijing that the official of the building is also.

Zheng Erguan is in Beijing, which is regarded as a bully in the business field on the ground; the senior official of the building is powerful in foreign countries, so he always has to go to the ground. When he came to see Zheng Erguan, he was extremely polite.

"Ha ha, Lou officials, you and I are all busy people. You know that there is a boring building in Beijing, right?" Zheng Erguan came in and came straight to the point: "You and I have met there. Do you remember?"

The official Lou just smelled Mrs. Chu's mandarin duck dishes and had a headache when he heard the three words of the boring building: "Say it clearly." If you say that a wise person doesn't say secret words, why do you need to go around again?

"Reasure! To be honest, Mrs. Chu said that you had the idea of this building. I took the lead in this building. You are not allowed to interfere. Zheng Erguan said that the official sneered: "I don't have such an idea." Zheng Erguan stared at him closely: "Really not? Mrs. Chu came out early this morning and asked me to persuade you that you had the idea of beating her. Isn't this boring building? If it's not this boring building, what else can it get into your eyes?"

The official of Lou closed his mouth and began to scold in his heart, jealous woman, shrew... Finally, he scolded a three-character classic.

Zheng Erguan is a crooked person, especially when he knows that others are thinking about boring buildings like him, Zheng Erguan is not easy to get along.

It's not easy for the senior official to deal with him, and he is already angry: "I'll go to Chu's house to wait for him. I don't believe I can't see the eldest son."

Chu Huaixian was still sitting ** at this time. He was neatly dressed, and he came to accompany Xiaochu after getting up. Xiaochu smiled greasly in his arms and seemed to be so sweet: "Next time you lose, will you stay with me for a few more days?"

"Say it directly if you want me to accompany you," Chu Huaixian lowered his head, biting a few times on Xiaochu's red lips, let go of her and then teased her, "Why leave me in a roundabout bet."

Xiaochu bit his lip: "Then you also bet with me." Chu Huaixian continued to joke: "I can see that you want me to accompany you, of course I have to let you go. No, I can't recite any book. Even this cooking book, I memorize better than you.

Xiaochu smiled and said, "Then let me come again in the evening." Chu Huaixian thought about it and said, "Mor tomorrow, my father hasn't been in the palace for a few days. It's not good tonight. If I don't come back, you can't miss me too much at home alone."

"Are you really going to the palace?" Xiaochu asked suspiciously. Chu Huaixian's worried expression on Xiaochu's worried expression opened his heart: "Of course, I'm going to the palace. I'll tell you when I go out. Why should I point to my father and tell her?" Looking out at the sky: "I have to go out. Even if my father doesn't enter the palace in the afternoon, I have to go there. I'm still a bodyguard."

Xiaochu twisted his handkerchief: "You bodyguard, you fished for three days and dried the net for two days." Chu Huaixian left her and came out. It happened that the senior official of the building came in. Seeing Chu Huaixian, the senior official of the building was excited and seemed to have seen the backbone.

Chu Huaixian didn't ask, just made an expression to listen. The official Lou suppressed his anger and told Chu Huaixian: "The mandarin duck dishes given by the young lady are all delicious. Every plate of dishes is called the name of mandarin duck. This dish is really good.

As soon as he said this, Duo Shou shouted outside, "The young lady is here." Chu Huaixian looked out. The official of Lou was a little busy. Xiaochu helped Chunshui enter the room and looked up with a smile: "You have a guest," his eyes turned around the Lou official and said with a smile, "Who is this?"