Spring flowers

Chapter 347, the relationship between husband and wife

When the snowflakes are close to night, they roll down. Chu Huaixian came out of the palace and fell a lot of snow on his snow clothes when he got home. When he dismounted, he shook the snow and threw the horse's reins to Jin Xier. Chu Huaixian strode in, and Chu Huaide flashed behind the shadow wall. He lowered his head and said in a sad voice: "Brother, I have something to say to you."

The two brothers went to a small hall closest to the door, where unfamiliar guests were waiting for them. At this time, no one was there, only the charcoal fire that was about to burn out in the hall emitted some temperature.

Chu Huaixian came first, and Chu Huaide followed up. When Chu Huaixian just stood and turned around, Chu Huaide's sad voice began: "I don't want the marriage of the Lou family. Please help me figure it out and retreat." It's not surprising that Chu Huaixian had heard that if someone had done this to him, he would have done so long ago. If he hadn't had business dealings with the Lou officials first and appreciated his talents, Chu Huaixian would have regarded the Lou family as a flatter villain and would have been rude.

"Then I'll talk to the Lou family, and you'd better read a book. Mr. will give you a holiday in the first month of the New Year. I will assign you homework and don't allow you to slack off. Chu Huaixian said, and Chu Huaide bowed his head and answered, "Yes." Turning around and walking outside, he shed two lines of tears in the snowflakes, and quickly wiped them away with his sleeves.

Seeing the fragrance coming from the front, I saw two red plums blooming. Chu Huaide was suddenly attracted and stroked Hongmei. Thinking about Miss Lou, she was distressed. Thinking about Miss Chen who had never met and the beautiful Chen Jiasanlang she had met, her brother-in-law must have been beautiful and beautiful.

Chu Huaide felt much more comfortable. I heard that his fiancee was not only beautiful, but also talented. I don't know if it's a hundred times better than the one in the Lou family.

Thinking about this, I hesitated again. The sister of the Lou family is charming. Is her fiancee so delicate? If you stamp your foot again, it will disperse. If you don't like me here, you have good people.

Under the heavy snow, the young Chu Huaide was provoked by his sister-in-law Lin Xiaochu, which made one heart and wanted to clean up the same building. If you want your sister, you won't go out these days, and you won't see Lou Da.

Chu Huaixian came to the room in the snow and waited for him to have dinner. After dinner, he showed Chu Huaixian the twelve pieces of jewelry he had prepared. He leaned in his arms and said with great virtuousness and concern, "If you don't feel good about this, I'll get it."

Xiaochu has a lot of jewelry, and Chu Huaixian bought a lot of jewelry for Xiaochu after getting married. At this time, seeing that Xiaochu took out everything well, Chu Huaixian hugged Xiaochu and kissed him: "You don't have to be so good for me. Let's see what you don't like most. Just prepare a square brocade handkerchief, four gold and jade rings, and four hairpins. Just ask someone to make a copy according to the rules.

"You gave me all my jewelry except for the silver hairpin I brought at the beginning. I like them all." Xiaochu Jiaodi: "What should I do? My silver hairpin is my previous thought. I don't want to give it to that, and I can't bear to give anything else.

Chu Huaixian held a ruby gold hairpin on Xiaochu's head with his hand and swung up to Xiaochu's face: "You keep it all. Wade came to see me in the evening and said that he didn't want to figure out this marriage." Xiaochu opened his eyes wide and pretended to be ten minutes: "Why?" He pouted again, "I told you that as soon as you left, I went to pick jewelry and picked it for a long time."

Chu Huaixian couldn't help touching Xiaochu's hair and praised, "What a good boy." Xiaochu hugged Chu Huaixian's body, and his face was full of curiosity: "He didn't want to. Didn't he fail to help him speak?" Chu Huaixian told the truth: "If you don't want it, don't do it. If you want it in the future, you can be worse than him."

Xiaochu smiled and said, "Is there any other concubine like this?" Chu Huaixian twisted Xiaochu's ear and scolded with a smile, "You can put this matter down and don't have to remember it in your heart."

In the candlelight halo, Xiaochu smiled in Chu Huaixian's arms and kept asking him: "When did you appoint a concubine for Huai De? Why didn't you tell me? Why did you set it for him?"

Chu Huaixian picked up what he could say and told Xiaochu. Xiaochu guessed all of it, and guessed that Chu Huaide didn't say anything, and he even despised the Lou family. I don't know Miss Lou yet. Maybe she is forced in the dark. Xiaochu only said that the senior official of Lou was not good: "This is not a business. It's a while. This is the girl's reputation. Doesn't he know?"

said that as he just said, he saw Chu Huaixian staring at himself like a torch. Xiaochu hugged him again and begged, "If they have it, if you turn over the old debts, I will have a stomachache everywhere."

Chu Huaixian shook Xiaochu as a comfort. After a while, he couldn't help asking, "I just want to know what you thought at that time. You also know the word reputation. Why did you leave at that time?"

In terms of the days after marriage, Xiaochu is not deeply in love with himself, and it can also be seen that he likes and is affectionate. It's just that the feeling is light. If Mr. Chu hadn't observed carefully, it wouldn't be easy to see it. Chu Huaixian has always been unable to figure out why Xiaochu left.

Seeing that Xiaochu can also say the word "reputation" today, Chu Huaixian couldn't help but want to ask.

Xiaochu said quietly to the candlelight on the table, "I don't want to share you with others. Either I leave or I want to monopolize you." She raised her face under the candlelight and was a little crazy about Chu Huaixian: "What about you? Do you think so?" Chu Huaixian was moved and didn't know what to say.

After holding the soft jade and fragrant body in his arms for a while, Chu Huaixian realized it again, slapped Xiaochu on the buttocks, gritted his teeth and scolded, "You won't tell me what to go!" Xiaochu rubbed her buttocks, and she also looked bitterly without much pain: "You don't listen to people."

Chu Huaixian was speechless and slapped Xiaochu's buttocks for a moment: "You almost left. If I see you again, I will definitely do it myself..." I can't think of the following words here. Xiaochu wrinkled his face, wrinkled his nose and breathed cold air, and asked carefully, "What should I do?"

Facing Xiaochu's eyes, Chu Huaixian smiled stunned, hugged Xiaochu tightly and whispered, "I don't know."

The room was warmer. Xiaochu pouted in Chu Huaixian's arms. Chu Huaixian hugged Xiaochu and patted her gently and saw that she was about to fall asleep. He picked her up and put her in **, and he also undressed and fell asleep.

After stopping for two days, Chu Huaixian called the official Lou, comforted him kindly, and asked Miss Lou to find her relatives again. The official wanted face, and of course he agreed.

Xiaochu was relieved, but he was not too relieved. There are not many people with external intentions who had the idea to go outside at the beginning. When there are many ** outside, there are many people who can't control it.

However, talking to Chu Huaixian like this is much more comfortable in the small original intention. She leaned on the couch and began to calculate Zheng Erguan's shop all day long, and when she got one in my hand.

Zhao came in to see Xiaochu. He now knows that he was abaluing Xiaochu. Last time Xiaochu asked about the new rice and old rice, he didn't reply well. He asked carefully outside, and he came back to Xiaochu again.

Standing under the window and replied, "The mystery here is like this. In this year's harvest, when the grain and rice was harvested, large households put part of the new rice into the warehouse and raised the price of other new rice slightly. A good year is done as a year that is not very bumpy. Xiaochu immediately sat up and asked, "Go on."

"A bucket of new rice is a few penny, and although the rest of the new rice has become Chenmi in the warehouse, for them, this is left for nothing. So in winter, Chen Mi raised the price, but the interest was high. Zhao Jin said. Xiaochu in the window scolded in his heart. This group of profiteers who raised prices said, "Does the government care?"

Zhao Jin also asked this clearly: "I can't see a catty of money floating in one or two articles." Xiaochu understood all about it. Even if Chen Mi sold at a reduced price, they would not lose money. Some years come down, like this year's harvest, and everyone has spare money in their hands, so it rises. This will not only hold money, but also look at the big market.

Mrs. Chu heard the admiration and let Chunshui reward Zhao Jinqian. She frowned and calculated that it would be better for me to have a baby.

Spring water comes in again, which is mysterious. Before arriving at the bed, he smiled at Xiaochu, and Xiaochu guessed: "Dongran and his couple quarreled again. You like laughing so much. You guessed it right again, didn't you?" The last time Dong Ran came in to quarrel with Chunshui, Chunshui said that she must also quarrel when she went home.

"No," Chunshui shook his head with a smile and whispered, "It's a happy event in the third master's room." Xiaochu frowned: "I like to listen to you chew other tongues, but I don't like to hear these words." The third master's concubine was indeed there. The third lady didn't like it, and Xiaochu didn't let Chunshui laugh: "In other people can't hear it well."

Chunshui smiled: "It's not this one, but another happy event." Xiaochu was confused: "Brother Liang and Brother Yu are over one year old. Brother Liang grabbed a book, and the third uncle likes to say that he looks like him; Brother Yu grabbed the official seal with his left hand and the sword with his right hand. The prince likes to say that he looks like him. What else is there to be happy about?"

When it comes to grabbing Zhou, Chunshui is the most proud. She shook her head and said, "I put the official seal near Brother Yu." Xiaochu said that she would despise Chunshui once: "There are also silver paintings," the girl beside the old lady also put the little sword in the nearest place to Brother Yu. Two things are colorful, and Brother Yu has the official seal in his left hand and the sword in his right hand.

It is said that the brother of the Chu family is powerful, but only Mrs. Chu, who gave birth to him, doesn't think so.

Insert this little thing in the middle and said that Chunshui had not forgotten what had happened just now and said directly to the young lady: "I have the third master's concubine. Cheng said that he would congratulate the third master. He was an old relative and worked as a steward at home for a lifetime. The third master went to eat too much wine and slept in Cheng's daughter's room for a night... ..."

Xiaochu listened and waved his hand and said, "Stop, is this a drum word? I don't want to hear it." Holding a handkerchief and vomiting, he came to pat Xiaochu on the spring water, and still gossiped with great interest: "I brought it in last night. I asked the third lady's girl why she didn't tell us, and told us to go to He Yihe, right? The third lady's maid said that the old lady was very angry about this, saying that the third master was disrespectful, punished the third master to kneel all night, and scolded the steward Cheng, so it was inconvenient to congratulate.

In this family, there are finally elders who are reasonable. When Xiaochu was more comfortable, he was worried that he would come up again. Thinking about it, he asked Chunshui again, "Has Wilder gone out recently? I asked you to inquire about this, did you?"

Chunshui was proud: "I will never forget what the young lady told me. Mr. De has been attacking books behind closed doors recently, and he hasn't come out yet.

The little original intention is more comfortable, and although the rest of the nonsense is in my mind, it still doesn't affect me. He was crooked and came in with many lives: "Son, let me send this." Xiaochu took over and smiled. This was a hairpin with plum blossoms and five blessings inlaid with gems, and the hairpin was engraved with Xuancao patterns.

In ancient times, Xuancao thought that Yinan was something that pregnant women often wore. Xiaochu didn't like it for one more hairpin, but was suspicious and worried. Seeing that Chu Huaixian could still think of himself, he liked it in his heart.

said to Duoshou, "Seeing that you said thank him and let him come back early at night, I asked someone to simmer the soup and wait for him to come back to drink." Since pregnancy, there has been a small kitchen in the yard, and Xiaochu has ordered what to do in the kitchen.

Duo Shou promised to go, and Xiaochu called Chunshui: "Get my clothes. The kitchen just said that the soup is ready. Let them serve a portion and let them come with me."

Chunshui looked out at the snow and said in surprise, "I just asked too much. The prince is not worth it today, and the master is also at home. The prince must come back for dinner in the evening. Why do you have to send him off?" Xiaochu said, "If you go, you don't have to ask." Chunshui was not as strong as Xiaochu, so she still added clothes and asked the girl to hold the soup. Looking at the place where Xiaochu went, it was Mrs. Chu's room.

Mrs. Chu thought about it and felt that it was not a bad thing to be abusing her mother-in-law. If the elders are willing to support, it is better than anything else.