Spring is as good as

Chapter 7 Cutting wheat causes disputes

After lunch, I went to the ground and collected the wheat twice. Boss Xu appeared on the ground and rubbed his hands and said, "I have something to do at home in the morning. I didn't get away for a while. Thank you for your hard work, brothers."

Ye Laoer was also too lazy to talk nonsense with him. He raised his hand and threw the sickle. He was not far from his toes. He went to the tree and drank a bowl of herbal tea. He sat down and said, "Brother Xu, brother tossed around early in the morning. I'm very sleepy now. Do you mind taking a little rest?"

"I don't mind, I don't mind." Boss Xu picked up the sickle and said that the other brothers were three, and he was already at a loss. He picked up the sickle and said, "Let the brothers suffer."

There were more people working, and the progress accelerated a lot. By the evening, the bells and wheat on more than ten acres of land were collected. Mrs. Ye did not stay for dinner. She only told Ye and Xing'er to take advantage of the dark to drive home before it was dark.

Early the next morning, Xu Xinger fed the chicken, cooked breakfast for Ye Shi and Tao'er, drank a few mouthfuls of porridge, carried a cake, carried a basket on his back, and prepared to go up the mountain to dig some wild vegetables or medicinal herbs. Chen's youngest daughter ran over and said, "Sister Xing'er, my mother asked you to go to the wheat farm to work."

Xu Xinger asked while tidying up the basket strap, "What's the work?"

"Let's play today." Two pairs of eyes turned over and left such a sentence and ran away.

Xu Xinger thought for a moment and walked to the wheat field with her back basket on her back.

For the convenience of playing the field, the villagers went to the village to choose an open land, loosened the surface soil layer, crushed it back and forth with stone, then sprinkled water and sprinkled wheat bran, and crushed it repeatedly when it was wet. Finally, the whole wheat field looked as flat as a mirror and hard as stone, becoming a fixed wheat field in the village. Several sheds have been built to put tools and shelter from the rain.

At this time, most families have already collected bells and wheat, so only two or three families in so large wheat farms are working.

Xu Xinger approached and saw that Boss Xu and Chen were doing wheat heads. Da Shuang squatted aside to pick out the slender wheat grass, pinched the head and tail, cleaned up the remnants of the leaves, put them aside neatly, and prepared to lay kangs and grass curtains in the future.

Two pairs were playing with the weeds. When Xu Xinger came over and rubbed the fine grass crumbs in their hands and threw them at her. Seeing her face, they couldn't stand up with a smile.

Xu Xinger was not in a hurry to shake off the things above her head and directly asked Chen, "Madam, what's wrong with you?"

Before Chen said anything, Dashuang was unhappy. He threw the wheat straw in his hand on the ground and got up and shouted, "Can't you see them all? I have to urge you three times and four times. How arrogant are you?

If Chen said this, Xu Xinger still wanted to respect her elder to give some face, but she had no such scruples about Dashuang. She said directly, "I don't quite understand what Sister Dashuang said. Although there is work at home that we should work together, at least it should be fair and reasonable. Yesterday, wheat was basically My uncle cut it. Why didn't the eldest sister ask someone to help me at that time, and now she is talking to me?

Da Shuang's voice was not small, and Xu Xinger didn't suppress her voice at all. She said a few words clearly, which almost spread all over the quiet wheat field. The villagers in the distance looked at this way, and some people were still whispering.

"You also said that the wheat your uncle cut yesterday was not cut by you. Since you didn't deal with it, you have to work today!" Big double hips.

"Sister Da Shuang, you are so unreasonable. My uncle came to help collect wheat because he loved my mother and me. Otherwise, wouldn't it be good for him to rest at home for a day? He came here and worked hard and was not pleasing. He was full!" Xu Xinger is also a master who doesn't let words fall into the ground at all. She is very has a hurry to say a big pair, so she can't speak, so she has to turn back to her parents for help.

As soon as Chen was about to speak, Boss Xu was already impatient and said, "It's just this little work. Our men will be more quickly. It will be done in a minute. You still have to ask Xing'er to do something."

"Since this is the only work, you can do it yourself. What do you want me to do?" Hearing this, Dashuang was so angry that he kicked the picked wheat grass a few times, making it fall to pieces, and then turned around and left.

Seeing that some villagers were looking at this side, Chen Shi knew that he was not doing well and couldn't hold his face. He coughed and said, "I didn't ask you to come to work. It must have been the girl of Ershuang who spread the wrong word."

Er Shuang stopped when he heard the words. He threw away the things in his hand and shouted, "Mom, you are talking nonsense..." He chased Da Shuang and ran home.

Xu Xinger was also too lazy to expose her. She reached out and hit the crumbs on her head and said, "If there is nothing else to do, I'll leave. My mother is going to mend herself now, and there is not much money at home. I want to go up the mountain to touch something to pay subsidies." After saying that, he walked to the foot of the mountain without waiting for Chen to speak.

Chen was so angry that he threw down the wheat in his hand and shouted to Boss Xu, "Look at your daughter Xu's family. They don't have a fuel-efficient lamp. How old is the oldest, but their temper is getting bigger and bigger. Sooner or later, I'm so angry that I'll pull them down."

Boss Xu said while working, "It's not that you don't know the temper of Xing'er. She has always been very hot. Whoever has flattered her in her hands, you always have to provoke her."

"I still don't believe in this evil." Chen got up and cleaned the debris on her body and wrapped the hair towel tightly. "You can do the rest by yourself. I want to talk to my mother about something."

In a blink of an eye, several people walked away, leaving only Boss Xu himself helplessly against the sun.

Chen did not go home directly after leaving the wheat farm, but went under the big locust tree in the east of the village. Under the tree, a group of old women in the village gathered all year round. What she likes to talk about most is Zhang's family and Li's family. Basically, 80% of the rumors in the village are spread from here. She chatted with her for a while before she went to the old yard with satisfaction.

Mrs Xu hasn't been very happy since she washed her chestnuts yesterday. She came back and complained a few words to Lingzi, but Lingzi never liked to listen to or talk about these. She couldn't say happy things, and her heart was always different.

She turned around in the yard and was upset to see everything. Seeing Chen slowly coming in from the outside, she said angrily, "Come back so early, have you finished the work in the wheat factory?"

Chen said unhurriedly, "The child's father is ending over there. I came here for a happy event to tell my mother, but I heard a lot of gossip on the way here just now... Alas, mother, you don't know what those people are talking about."

"What are you talking about?" Mrs. Lin was already full of anger, but now she was taken care of by her words, and her thoughts immediately followed.

"When the villagers saw the three sons of the Ye family go to work in our land, they all said that because the third son is not at home now, we don't care about the life or death of the third daughter-in-law and children, and even help the farm work in the field, so that the third daughter-in-law has to beg her family to collect wheat in her confinement..." Chen added oil and vinegar.

"Isn't that nonsense!" Mrs. Xu got up angrily and said, "Everyone lives in front of and behind the house. Who said these tongue-chewing nonsense?"

Chen sighed and said, "In fact, it's no wonder that people say that the sister-in-law's matter is not authentic in the first place, but the wheat was collected a few days late. Is it necessary to call all the mother's family? Isn't it obvious that there is no one in our family!"

"Bah! She has only three sons, and my four sons!" Mrs. Xu said an angry.

Chen stirred up a stir and said, "Mom, there are difficulties in our family, but outsiders don't know. They just feel that uncles and uncles let their daughter-in-law's family come to work at home. You also know how hard those people chew their tongues behind their backs can be said."

"I'm not afraid of the shadow slanting, even if they say what the flowers can do!" Mrs. Xu stammed her neck and said, "A group of old people who are full and have nothing to do."

"That's not what I said." Chen's eyes widened and continued to oil the fire, "We don't lose ourselves, and naturally we don't care about it. But these words have been said a lot and spread far away, and it is not guaranteed to be believed by anyone. If you are not afraid of others, you are afraid that it will affect the marriage of Lao Si and Xiao sister..."

Mrs Xu was really anxious and jumped and said, "What a death, death!"

"Mom, don't be angry." Chen pretended to care and comforted the ground, "My mother sent a letter saying that she has a nephew. She is a handsome descendant who lives a good life, and she is also a good person when to work. She is thinking about when to tell Lingzi!"

"That's good. When will you ask your mother to come home and sit down? I will calculate this matter with her. If it can be done, Xie Matchmaker will definitely miss her." Mrs. Xu suddenly became energetic when she heard this.

"My mother has been thinking about the marriage of the fourth and the little sister. If our Zhuangzi is about the same age, she always goes to see her, but she always looks down on us and says that the character of our fourth and the little sister can't be casually said that it's bad." Chen coaxed Mrs. Xu with a smile, but her eyes were erratic, and she didn't know what she was thinking. "This time, my nephew, the whole family, just moved back from the south. It happened that she didn't say anything about her. My mother looked at the same age, so she asked me to write to you."

The two were talking outside. Xu Lingzi picked up the curtain and came out of the room. Both of them suddenly stopped and looked at her together.

Xu Lingzi actually heard it in the room for a long time and glanced at Chen and said, "What are you talking about? You still have to carry me behind your back."

"Your sister-in-law is going to tell you about the marriage." Mrs. Xu said happily.

Xu Lingzi didn't like Chen. At this time, looking at her appearance, she felt more and more like a good thing. She turned her head and went back to the house and said, "Life is good, and she can work well. For such a character, my sister-in-law should remember her own sister first."

Chen didn't guard against the always gentle Lingzi's words. She couldn't get off the stage, her face turned red, and coughed twice, "I know what my sister is. She is far worse than you. How can she deserve it?"

"The little girl's face is thin and ashamed. Don't be like her." Mrs. Xu said quickly when she heard the words, "Come on, come in and tell me more about the posterity."