Spring is as good as

Chapter 19 It's difficult to raise a child

Xu Xinger wiped her tears, went to the stove to see the zongzi, lifted the white cloth covered with the basket, and was speechless. The two strings of zongzi sent by Li to her home were wrapped in different sizes. There were still several unwrapped, which had leaked a lot of rice and lay in the basket with open teeth, let alone giving away. I feel shabby when I eat at home.

Xu Xinger had no choice but to disassemble the two strings of zongzi, then picked out some larger and firmly wrapped ones, tied them into a string with a rope and hung them on the hook under the beam.

She counted 15 copper coins from her purse and turned her head and said to Xu Laosan, "Dad, I will send this to my mother's house tomorrow. I still have more than a dozen money here. You can cut a piece of meat and send it to her. Before, chestnuts were washed, and my mother's family brought a lot of things and helped our family collect wheat. Although the Dragon Boat Festival is at least a big festival, although She said that grandma doesn't care about these things, but we can't make it too shabby.

Xu Laosan was first confused by Xu Xinger's old-fashioned words, and then she stuffed more than a dozen money in her hand and quickly asked, "Where did you get the money?" Did your mother give it to you?

"I went to the mountains to sell things before. Don't tell my mother, or she will think about things." Xu Xinger put some dried mushrooms in the bag. "This mushroom was also picked up and dried before. Although it is not a rare thing, at least it is our wish to bring it."

Xu Laosan watched her arrange things in an orderly manner. He couldn't help rubbing his daughter's head and said in a low voice, "Dad hasn't been at home for two months. Have all three of you suffered?"

"What's the bitterness you're suffering at home..." Xu Xinger said. She was choke before she finished her words. She lowered her head and coughed twice. After clearing her throat, she said, "Dad will be fine when he comes back. He will love us more in the future. As long as our family's life gets better and better, it will be better than anything else."

She didn't wait for Xu Laosan to say anything more. She turned around to boil hot water, took the peach into the room, washed it, stuffed it into the quilt and said, "It's not early. Go to bed quickly. It's better to get up early tomorrow!"

Taoer grabbed Xu Xinger's sleeve and didn't dare to force her for fear of touching her. Her red and swollen eyes stared at her, pouted like a poor rabbit, and said hesitantly, "Sister, will you tell me a story tonight?"

Xu Xing'er nodded and said, "Speak." He raised his hand and patted her, thought about a story of coaxing the child, and talked about it upside down for a long time. He didn't know whether he was right or not. In the end, he pulled farther and farther, and he couldn't come back. Fortunately, he looked down and saw that Taoer had fallen asleep.

She gently pulled out her sleeves from Taoer's hand, took out the long-prepared colorful line, and let Ye pinch it at one end. Her palms worked hard in one direction, and soon rubbed the five threads into a force, cut them by size, tied them to Taoer's neck, wrists and ankles, and then gave them to the two children in the car. The children are also tied separately.

Ye also found long-embroidered savor bags. Several children have the same patterns, embroidered the five poisons of snakes, centipedes, scorpions, geckos and toads, mainly to suppress evil spirits and poisonous insects.

According to the rules, there should have been a variety of herbs such as Baizhi and Chuanqiong in the incense bag. The smell is good and can dispel diseases and strengthen the body, and avoid poisonous insects. However, people in the countryside are not so particular, and there is no spare money to buy these for their children, so the savor bags are only stuffed with herbs that Xu Xinger picked in the mountain before, and there are also poured after drying. The special aroma of the strands is sewn with a bag with a soft cloth with sparse warp and weft, stuff the dried vanilla into it, and finally put it into the incense bag. The final opening is sealed with needle and thread, and the joint of the wearing is also sewn in together, which looks strong and beautiful from the outside.

Xu Xinger stuffed the savory bag under three small pillows, touched the lock and chestnuts, and saw that it was still dry, so she safely covered the quilt.

Ye tied a colorful rope to Xu Xinger, took a semi-old savory bag and tied it to her skirt, stroked it, and sighed regretfully, "I originally embroidered three this year, but I didn't expect that there would be more locks. It was too late to do it at the moment, so I had to give you an old one, but the vanilla girl inside has been replaced with a new one. Yes, I hope you can be safe." With that, his nose began to sore again, "These colorful ropes and hanging savores are all my mother's business, and now I need you to help..."

"Mom, I'm so old. I should do something for you. You're still in confinement. Don't cry all the time. Be careful not to cry and break your eyes." Xu Xinger twisted a veil, wiped away Ye's tears, and let her rest quickly.

Xu Xinger and Yi slept beside the bed for more than half an hour, and confusedly heard the lock whispering in the car, which seemed to be very uncomfortable.

She got up in a hurry and took the lock out of the car. She thought it was wet. She reached out and touched it but it was still dry, but the boy still twisted his body, blushed and hummed.

Xu Xinger can't find any other reason. Shouldn't she want to pee? He tentatively held him to the edge of the urine bucket, dragged his calves with his hands apart, and made a "boo" sound in his mouth.

The lock urinated far away and almost sprayed it on the bucket. He felt comfortable after putting a large amount of urine clean. Now he did not hum. His little body twisted and twisted and rubbed it in Xu Xinger's arms, looking like he was fond of touching and praising.

Xu Xinger was really surprised. Locker is now less than two months old. It is not supposed to ask people to pee by herself. She remembers that she helped her aunt's house to take care of the children. The child was two years old and often wet the bed and pants. How could she have seen him so consciously take the initiative?

She stretched out her hand and pointed the tip of the lock's nose and whispered, "Is it possible that you are also a time traveler?"

Suoer naturally wouldn't understand what her words meant. After a large amount of urine, she felt empty, and began to twist her body to hum, and her saliva began to overflow. Her little mouth made a rustling sound, reminding Xu Xinger that it was time to feed.

Xu Xinger put the lock back in the car, brought the hot rice paste to the stove, tried the temperature, and felt that it was still a little hot, so she took a small bowl again, took two spoonfuls to cool it, and then slowly fed it to the lock.

Locker ate very happily, perhaps because he was hungry as soon as he was born. He was not as difficult to feed as ordinary children, and he was also very focused. In a short time, he was full, burped happily, and then closed his mouth to show that he was full.

Xu Xinger wiped the paste from the lock's mouth, stood up and walked slowly with him, patted him gently on the back, and waited for him to burp in a low voice, then safely put him back into the car, patted him to fall asleep, and then turned back to take the chestnut out.

Chestnut slept soundly and was picked out of the car without waking up. Xu Xinger reached out and touched it. The mattress had been soaked for a long time, but the girl still slept like a pig, and she didn't know who she followed.

There was still some hot water in the pot in front of the stove. Xu Xinger mixed a small bowl, washed the chestnut's little fart, and put on a clean butt. Then she woke up in a daze without crying. She only stuffed her finger into her mouth and sucked it.

"Okay, I know you're hungry, I'll feed you." Xu Xinger threw the mattress in the washing basin in the yard, washed her hands again, picked up the chestnuts and fed half a bowl of rice soup, and gently patted the hiccups, stuffed the person back into the car. Without waiting to pat her, the girl actually fell asleep by herself and made a soft cry.

After a lot of tossing, more than half an hour later, the moon outside had risen to the air. Xu Xinger washed herself and took off her coat and went to bed.

Before dawn the next day, Xu Xinger was woken up by Locker's humming again. She couldn't open her eyes in a daze. She raised her foot and kicked it gently, let the car slowly shake up and said vaguely, "Locker, hold it for a while, let me sleep for a while..."

The lock may be uncomfortable, and the humming voice became louder and louder. Ye was woken up by him and opened his eyes to prepare to get up.

Xu Xinger just got up and whispered, "Mom, go back to sleep, and I'll hold him and pee."

Ye said in surprise, "How old is it to pee?"

"This boy has a lot of things to do and refuses to pee casually. Last night, he hummed so much that I peed out." Xu Xinger said that she had dug out the lock from the quilt. The urine bucket was also placed by her last night, so she peed with her hand and smiled at Ye, "Mom, look!"

Ye's face was full of joy. She reached out and pinched the little feet of the lock and said, "Your mother used to say that the baby who can hold back the urine will have a great future. We will definitely have a good future."

"Yes, I will be promising in the future and grow up to be filial." Xu Xinger stuffed the lock into Ye's arms and asked softly, "Mom, if you don't want to tell my father, don't say it, but shall we leave the lock? He is so young and obedient now. Are you willing to send him back to his grandma to be angry?

Ye frowned and looked at the lock snuggled up in his arms. His expression became more and more complicated. He raised his eyes to look forward to his daughter and sighed, "Mom, think about it again."

Xu Xinger didn't ask more questions. This kind of thing can only be done. After all, she can't help Ye make a decision. She went to the stove to fry water with wormwood, mixed in a big basin to bathe the two little guys, and then changed a basin to wash the peaches and asked her to change into clean clothes. After eating, she touched two copper coins for her and sent her out to play with the children in the village.

Xu Laosan had breakfast and changed into 80% of his new clothes, which he was willing to wear during the Spring Festival. He carried the things Xu Xinger had prepared for a long time and went to Ye's mother's house to send gifts.

Xu Xinger cleaned up the house, sprinkled grass and wood ash on the eaves, wellheads and the edge of the tank, and ordered wormwood smoked mosquitoes in the courtyard, and hung wormwood and red paper-cut wormwood tigers at the door.