Spring is as good as

Chapter 53 Filial piety in the whole village

Xu Laosan didn't have to work on the ground. Xu Xinger saw that there was someone in her family who could take care of Ye, so she packed radish strips in a basket and went to Xishan Pass to send them to Shanzi's house.

Although it's really a little shabby to only send a bowl of radish strips from afar, Xu Xinger comforted herself. After all, she is still a child and does not give gifts on behalf of her family. This radish strips were made by herself, and the pepper was bought with Shanzi last time. He will certainly not dislike it.

And since I came home after visiting my teacher last time, I haven't seen Shanzi for so many days. I was so busy hitting the back of my head for Ye's illness, and I haven't noticed it. Now when I'm a little idle, I immediately think of why Shanzi hasn't come to me to go up the mountain recently, just lending radish strips to have a look.

What's more, I promised my master to learn how to recognize herbs before. I haven't seen him for so many days, and I even forgot to find someone to take a letter, which is really not very talkative.

Although it is summer, the trees block most of the sunlight, and occasionally the wind passes through the forest. The fragrance of vegetation makes people feel better.

Xu Xinger's foot journey was not slow, and she walked to Xishan Pass for more than an hour. Unexpectedly, as soon as she entered the village, she saw white cloth hanging all over the village, holding white flags...

Her heart suddenly thumped. Did something happen in the village? Although Xishan Pass is not big, there are hundreds of families. It is hard to guarantee that there is nothing wrong, but she has never seen this kind of mourning situation in the whole village for two lifetime.

Xu Xinger looked at the white cloth that could be seen everywhere. After walking into the village for so long, she didn't even see any figure. Her mind suddenly became chaotic. Words such as plague and village slaughter were circulating in her mind, and she felt that her legs were a little weak.

She forced herself to walk forward a few more steps. An uncle suddenly appeared in the oblique thorns and raised his hand to stop Xu Xinger and asked, "Woman, you are not from the village. Why are you here?"

"Ah!" Xu Xinger was shocked and took two steps back to stand firm. She looked up at the face-faced uncle and swallowed her saliva and said, "I, I'm coming to see my master... Oh, my master is the third uncle of the Wu family."

When the uncle heard that she came to find the third of the Wu family, he looked up and down at her and suddenly said, "Are you the female apprentice accepted by Wu Laosan?"

"Well, uncle, do you know me?" Xu Xinger calmed down, looked left and right, and then asked, "Uncle, what's wrong with this in the village? I was fine the other day. How can I..."

"Alas, since you are Wu Laosan's apprentice, there is no need to hide this from you. Something happened to the help of the people who went up the mountain this year. The old man Wu family choked on the mountain and sent a letter down the mountain. Now some of the children and grandchildren of the Wu family have gone up the mountain to welcome the old man."

The uncle sighed and continued: "Our original family in Xishan Pass came here to run the mountain with the ancestors of the Wu family. After so many years, from more than a dozen families at the beginning to more than 100 households today, they still followed Mr. Wu to run the mountain. Now that something happened to the old man, naturally It's the funeral of our whole village.

Xu Xinger didn't expect such a big thing to happen. She half opened her mouth and didn't know what to say. After a long time, she asked, "So, the Wu family has gone up the mountain now?" Did his mountain also follow him?

"I went. Now there are only old ladies and a few daughters-in-law left at home, and the men have gone up the mountain." The uncle said and walked forward, "I'll take you to his ancestral house. The people are all over there."

Xu Xinger clutched the basket tightly and looked at the radish strips in it. She was embarrassed again. The Wu family had such a big thing, did she have to come to the door with a bowl of radish strips?

I haven't figured out yet. The uncle in front of me has stopped and didn't ask Xu Xinger if he wanted to go in. He directly pushed the person into the door and said to a little girl in the courtyard, "Yaner, go and call your mother and say that your father's apprentice is here."

Before Xu Xinger figured out how to speak, a young daughter-in-law had come out of the room. She was dressed in linen and filial clothes. Her hair was neatly wrapped behind her head. Two white flowers were inserted in her temples, and only a silver hairpin was inserted in her hair bun. Her eyes were red. When she saw Xu Xing'er, she came forward and said, "Are you Xing'er, right? Sit in the first room. There is such a big deal at home. It's not a good greeting.

"Master, Madam..." Xu Xinger stammered, "I'm sorry, I, I don't know what happened to the old man. I'm sorry."

"Now that the old man's body has not been picked up, and he hasn't sent a letter outside. You don't know it and it's not your fault, but your master has also gone up the mountain. You're going to go for nothing today." Yao Erniang spoke very gently, with a little choking in her voice, but her expression and tone were very sincere.

Xu Xinger lowered her head and rubbed her hand in the basket for a few times. After all, she still gritted her teeth and handed the basket to the medicine mother and said, "Master, I made some radish strips and pickles myself. Originally, I wanted to come and give it to the master and Brother Shanzi to taste. No, I didn't expect such a big thing happened at home. If you, if you don't mind, Just stay. I, my second aunt, said that this pickle tastes good..."

She didn't know what she was talking about later. She simply bit her lower lip with her teeth, lowered her head and handed the basket to the medicine mother.

"It's hard for you to remember that you can do this at a young age. What a good boy." Yao'er took the basket with her left hand and held Xu Xing'er in her right hand and said, "After sitting in the room for a while, the old lady said that she wanted to see you a few days ago, saying that Lao San finally accepted a female apprentice, but she was still hiding it and didn't show it to her family."

Xu Xinger had no choice but to follow Yao's mother into the house.

The ancestral house of the Wu family seems to have been renovated in recent years. Although it is lower than the Wu Laosan family I went to before, it is not as dark and humid as an ordinary old house. Although it is old everywhere, everything is clean and neat, which makes people look very comfortable.

The old lady of the Wu family sat on the kang. At the age of 50, she sat very straight, with a plain forehead on her head, blocking most of her gray hair. She thought she heard the voice outside. When she saw Xu Xinger enter the room, she waved to her: "Come here and have a look."

Xu Xinger hurried forward a few steps and stood in front of the old lady.

Mrs. Wu reached out and took Xu Xinger's hand and looked around the back of her hand. Then she raised her eyes and looked at her appearance. There was no expression on her face. She just said lightly, "Mother Yaoer, the third brother is uncharacteristic and rough-looking. Why didn't he bring an apprentice before, but now she has accepted a female doll? Take more care of the baby and don't let the baby suffer.

"It's my blessing that Master is willing to teach me. Even if there are any grievances, I should suffer. What's more, Master has always been good to me. Don't worry, I'm not afraid of hardships. I will definitely learn from my master." Xu Xinger felt that there was dissatisfaction with herself in Mrs. Wu's words. Although she didn't quite understand why, she still said.

Old Mrs. Wu nodded without any possibility and let go of Xu Xing'er's hand.

Yao'er's mother came up to the round table, put the radish strips and pickles on the table, brought porridge, rolls and so on and said, "Xing'er is filial. She made radish strips and pickles herself. The old lady hasn't used much rice since yesterday, so let's eat some."

Xu Xinger stood aside and felt that she didn't know how to put her hands and feet, and felt uncomfortable all over her body. Seeing that Yao'er's mother brought up the radish strips, she said shyly, "Before I came, I didn't know that such a big thing happened at home. The thing was so inappropriate. I hope the old lady can forgive me."

Mrs Wu ate two mouthfuls of porridge with radish strips and didn't say whether it was good or not, but she did not immediately put down her chopsticks. Instead, she reached out and took a roll and continued to eat.

Yao's eyes lit up, and there was obvious joy in it. Since the news of the old man's death, the old lady has almost can't swallow and sleep. It's good to drink a few mouthfuls of porridge or soup every day. The next few daughters-in-law are so worried that they are about to lose their hair. Fortunately, the most indispensable thing at home is medicinal materials, changing patterns. The son made porridge and soup, which barely allowed the old lady to hold her spirits up. At this time, how could she not be overjoyed when she took the initiative to eat the staple food?

Xu Xinger saw that Mrs. Wu didn't say anything, but the chopsticks in her hand kept reaching towards the radish strips and hurriedly said, "If the old lady eats okay, I will send some more tomorrow."

After eating the paper in her hand, Mrs. Wu drank the last bit of porridge and then said, "It's not safe for a girl to walk back and forth on such a mountain road, but you are the third apprentice. After the old man picks it back, you also came to kowtow, which is your filial piety."

Xu Xinger quickly agreed and talked with her for a while. The old lady said that it was getting late and quickly went back to avoid being greedy and on the road, so that she came out as if she had been granted an amnesty.

Yao's mother took Xu Xing'er's basket and put a cover on it. She didn't know what she had put in, but it was actually heavy.

Xu Xinger was about to refuse, but her hand was pressed by Yao'er's mother and said, "Since you called me a teacher, I didn't see you last time, this time I always have to give you a gift."

After saying this, Xu Xinger had to take over the basket and said, "Thank you, Madam!"

It was not until she left the village that Xu Xinger lifted the cover and looked inside. The basket was actually full of medicinal herbs. She could recognize goji berries and five flavors. Although the remaining two looked a little strange, they seemed to have been seen in the medicine she had caught for Ye before.

She suddenly felt that her nose was a little sore. Although she recognized Wu Laosan as her master, she only gave a little teacher according to the rules before. Now the Wu family is not only so good to herself, but also cares about Ye's body.

She covered the cloth on the basket and quickly walked home along the mountain road. She didn't know what the rules are for doing white things. She had to go back to Xu Laosan and Ye to see if she had anything to help. If she really couldn't do it, she would take the remaining radish strips to Mrs. Wu. It would be good for her to eat more mouthfuls. .