Spring is as good as

Chapter 56 Everyone is selfish

Early the next morning, the old Ye set up the table at home, lit candles, and set up the tribute fruit plate. Mrs. Ye cooked eggs and duck eggs. Not long after, the razor came familiarly. He entered the door and said with a smile, "Brother Ye, congratulations on the addition of your grandson and granddaughter!"

Lao Yetou greeted him and said, "Lao Liu, come into the house and sit down, have a cup of tea and be busy again."

"Uncle Liu." Ye also came forward with a smile to say hello, and then greeted Xu Xinger and Taoer to call someone, "When you were two hours old, Grandpa Liu shaved your head."

"Oh, these are the two girls in your house? It has grown so big in a blink of an eye. Lao Liu put down the coat on his shoulder, touched the top of the two people's heads and said, "Now the hair is very good."

"It's not because you are good at it." Old Ye reached out to pack a bag of cigarettes for him, and the two of them smoked a bag of cigarettes while drinking tea, so they were ready to shave their two small heads.

Lao Liu took out a leather roll from his coat and spread it on the table. It was full of tools for shaving his head. He picked out what he wanted to use and put it in a convenient place. He washed his hands in the water that Mrs. Ye had prepared for a long time and was ready to start shaving his head.

Lao Ye held the lock, and Mrs. Ye sat at the table waiting to shave her fetus. Xing'er held a rattle drum to coax the two children for fear of crying and hurting later.

Lao Liu's craftsmanship was really good. His hand fell, and the fetal hair fell down. Most of the lock's head was soon shaved off. There was only a teapot cover on the top of his head, which was fastened to the position of the Tianling cover. His Xuaner was right here, and a pinch of hair half-upturned uneasily. As he turned his head and looked at the grid It's fun. Leave a small pinch on the back and tie out a small tail with a red rope to take the meaning of the future.

Lizi's attention was not as focused as the lock, and she was particularly sleepy. She nestled in Mrs. Ye's arms and looked at the rattle drum. She was warmed by the sun. After a while, she fell asleep drooling and couldn't even wake her by shaving her hair.

The girl's hair is different from that of a boy. What is left is not the heavenly cover and the back of the head, but the left and right sides behind the ears. When the hair grows longer, it will be tied into two small braids.

After shaving the fetal hair, roll over your head with boiled eggs and say a few auspicious words, the ceremony of shaving the fetus is complete.

The shaved fetal hair can't be disposed of casually. It is carefully collected and put in a well-prepared purse. The mouth of the purse is tied tightly with a red cloth with copper money and small copper bells, and handed over to Ye to collect it. After going back, it will be hung on the child's car.

After finishing the busy work, Mrs. Ye packed the boiled eggs, took out the red envelopes that had been prepared for a long time, and gave them to Lao Liu as a reward, and then Lao Ye sent him out.

At noon, Mrs. Ye opened another table full of dishes, which were still meaty and vegetarian. She also quietly slaughtered an old hen, saying that now she could drink it at night and use it to mend Ye's body.

Ye sat down and couldn't stand still. Looking at the busyness of his mother and two sister-in-law, he felt uncomfortable and said repeatedly, "Mom, don't make so many dishes. Look at the busyness of my sister-in-law and second sister-in-law, I'm not an outsider."

The second daughter-in-law quickly pulled out a smiling face and said, "It's rare for my aunt to come back. Besides, there are children here. Now it's not a long time, it's rare to cook a few hard dishes, and we will follow suit."

Xu Xinger felt that her tone was a little strange. She looked up at her and saw that she looked as usual. She put aside as if she had too much heart and reached out to pick vegetables for Taoer.

Mr. Ye's eyes almost stuck to Ye's body. Seeing that she seemed to be much thinner than the clothes she saw last time, which were originally suitable, were a little shaky. As soon as she raised her arms a little, her sleeves slid down, revealing her pale and thin wrists, and the blue veins were clearly visible, which made the old lady's heart for a while. Sour.

She raised her hand to pick up Ye's vegetables and said, "Look at your thinness. You can't mend your body when you come home. You have done a lot of money this month, and you will have to recuperate in the future." Then he suddenly asked, "What medicine have you taken every day these two days? To mend the body?"

Ye didn't want to tell the real situation to worry his parents, so he nodded randomly and said, "Yes, it's just to recuperate my body. This time, the chestnuts bleed heavily. The doctor said that I lost my foundation and it's better to make up for it."

When the second daughter-in-law heard this, she looked up at Ye's look. There were complex emotions in her eyes. Her lips moved first, but she hesitated before making a sound. In the end, she didn't say anything.

After lunch, Xu Xinger went out to help clean up the dishes and chopsticks. When she returned to the house, she saw that Ye had coaxed Taoer and the two little ones to sleep. She was leaning against the quilt and closed her eyes to refresh herself. Then she gently closed the door and went out for a walk by herself.

When she went out, she saw two aunts going home together. As soon as she wanted to come forward to say hello, she heard her second daughter-in-law say, "In the past, I didn't see that my aunt was really good at acting. Usually, she lived a difficult life, and the children in the family were also dressed shabbyly. Her parents also helped her from time to time. Now she just gave birth to a child, and she still wanted to Can her family afford to eat ginseng and Salvia miltiorrhiza if she doesn't have money?

The eldest daughter-in-law was more honest. After listening to this, she said hesitantly, "I don't think so. My aunt has always been a real person. Usually, we also saw it when we went to her house. If we were really rich, we wouldn't live so hard. Those herbs and so on were almost dry. You wouldn't be wrong. Right?

"My ancestors went to the mountains to collect medicine. Although I don't understand the nature of medicine, I can still recognize a lot." The second daughter-in-law curled her lips and said, "If you don't believe anything else, I always recognize ginseng as good. My brother has followed me to help Fangshan over the years. I don't even know any personal ginseng. Besides, I broke a small piece and chewed it. The taste is definitely not wrong."

When the eldest daughter-in-law heard her affirmation, she couldn't help muttering in her heart, but after thinking about it, she still said, "The three sons in the family are just such a daughter. It's normal for the old lady to feel more pain. Why bother to think so much?"

"I'm not fighting for anything for myself. I have food and clothing. How can I live a life? But my sister-in-law's stone is not an ordinary child. People who study well are also smart. In the future, they will get ahead. If you want to study and go to school in the future, you will spend more money. Your sister-in-law has to be prepared early. It doesn't matter what we do, but we must not delay the child. The second daughter-in-law has a sharp mouth and is very good at poking where people care most. A few words changed the eldest daughter-in-law's face.

"This..." The eldest daughter-in-law stopped talking and hesitated for a moment, "After all, the daughter she married threw out water, but her mother only occasionally received some help. She was always measured. Is it possible to put all her money in?"

"Oh, sister-in-law, you think too much, but I just talk to you casually." The second daughter-in-law picked up the thorn in other people's hearts. Instead, she pushed three or six or five. She smiled as if nothing had happened. She looked up at her door and said with a smile, "Sister-in-law, go home quickly. She has been busy at noon. My aunt may have to stay for a few days. If you have time, you can rest quickly."

Relying on her thinness, Xu Xinger hid her body behind the stick, listened to their words and couldn't help sighing. She thought that the Ye family was still a little different from the Xu family, but now looking at it, as long as she was a person, she would have her own selfishness and calculation. At least the two aunts were still okay. There is nothing to complain about. In the final analysis, it's not because I don't have money.

Thinking of this, she sighed again and walked back in a complicated mood. Now that Xu Laosan is going to work, Ye herself needs to be taken care of, let alone serve the two children. Now she is completely tied to family affairs, and it is more and more difficult to do something than going to the sky.

Xu Xinger thought about it all the way. She had walked back to the courtyard. When she entered the house, she found that Xu Laosan was sitting in the room talking to Lao Ye. She came forward and asked, "Dad, why are you here? Will you take us back?"

"How can I leave after living in confinement for such a two days? When I look back, it makes people laugh and say that we don't love our daughter." Mrs. Ye took the washed plums and put them on the table and asked Xu Laosan to take them to eat by herself. "Your father came to deliver the newly caught medicinal herbs. I didn't know that your mother was taking medicine before. I suddenly left in a hurry and asked your father to grab the medicine and send them over."

Lao Ye suddenly interrupted and asked, "Xing'er Niang is taking medicine every day now. She should have spent a lot of money. Is the family enough money? Now there is a lock and a mouth. The young and weak family can't be treated badly. He turned his head and said to Mrs. Ye, "Go and get some money for the child to take it back."

Before Xu Laosan refused, Xu Xinger had already shouted out, "No!"

"What are you doing, you are shocked..." Ye was shocked by her coldly, raised her hand and stroked her chest.

Xu Xinger lowered her head and lowered her voice and said, "Grandpa and grandma have helped us a lot. There are also uncles and second uncles here. The third uncle hasn't got married yet, and there are brothers and brothers..."

As soon as this was said, several adults in the room were stunned. Mrs. Ye first reacted, hugged Xu Xinger into her arms, touched her hair and said, "Who told you these words?"

Xu Xinger rubbed the corners of her clothes and lowered her head without saying anything.

"When she was at home, her second aunt often said these words. It must be that the child heard them every day, so she went to heart." Ye looked at his daughter with some distressedness and turned her head with a smile and said, "Dad, mother, you don't have to worry. I'm fine with this medicine. I can feel that my spirit has been stronger day by day. I guess I should stop taking it for a few days. I'm not a medicine jar, but it hurts my vitality by giving birth to a child. How can I lie down every day? The reason for taking medicine on the kang.