Spring is as good as

Chapter 58 hurdles in the heart

The two walked all the way under a big tree by the river. Xu Xinger lifted her skirt and knotted it, climbed up quickly, then sat on the tree branch and waved down, "Brother Shanzi, come up and talk."

The mountain climbed up and found that the place where Xu Xinger sat was a fork in the middle of the big tree. The thick branches formed a small platform. There was a green cover above her head to cover the sun, and there was the sound of gurgling water in her ear. In an instant, the whole world became cool and quiet.

"Well, isn't it a good place? I usually come here." Xu Xinger motioned Shanzi to relax and lean on the trunk behind her, and then said, "Brother Shanzi, you have lost a lot of weight. I wanted to go, but my mother said that my fortune-telling said that my soul was unstable and could not participate in white things. I'm afraid there will be a collision..."

"It's okay." Shanzi shook his head, crossed his hands behind his head and lay on the branches. Looking at the occasionally shaking leaves above his head, he sighed and said, "In fact, releasing the mountain was originally a matter of hanging his head on his belt, but grandpa's mountain has been too smooth all his life, and his family has forgotten the danger here."

"In fact, Grandpa's old man should not have gone up the mountain for a long time, but he is still strong and always refuses to accept the old man..." Shanzi said in silence for a moment and said, "It's all because we are too obedient to him. If we can stop him from going, maybe nothing will happen."

Xu Xinger still doesn't know why Mr. Wu died, but she knew that what Shanzi needed to talk at this time, so she sat on her knees and listened to him quietly.

"In fact, grandpa still likes to release the mountain. He always said that although the mountain is bitter, he is happy, and he always stays at home and feels uncomfortable..." Shanzi's voice was a little choked. "My father said that many of his ancestors died on the mountain, and some of them couldn't even find the corpses. He said that this was all fate. The mountain god wanted to No one can change who is left behind. Even if you can avoid it this time, you can't avoid the next time..."

Shanzi's eyes were very contradictory. He looked at the leaves above his head confusedly. He tried to convince himself that there were not too many regrets about his grandfather's death. He wanted to convince himself that this was the fate of a gang leader, but the regret in his heart that he still can't explain now is entangled all the time. He made him unable to be as open as other adults.

Xu Xinger sighed. In fact, everyone will say the truth, but the emotional barrier of the death of a loved one may be too difficult for a child to overcome.

She saw that Shanzi had been silent and hadn't spoken for a long time, so she slowly said, "Brother Shanzi, in fact... It is inevitable that you will be sad about the death of the old man, especially if you still have regrets for the old man in your heart. Naturally, it is more difficult to let it go. I won't say anything big truth, and I won't advise you. Look, I think if a person who loves me very much suddenly leaves, I don't even know that the last meeting was the last time, and I will be very sad.

Hearing this, Shanzi suddenly closed his eyes and raised his hand to cover his eyes.

Xu Xinger's voice is very low, only covering the sound of leaves and running water, but it seems to flow into people's hearts.

Shanzi felt that his mood was slowly calming down. In the past few days, everyone was advising him not to be sad. Only Xu Xinger could understand his feelings. He could not remember what he said to his grandfather on the day he left for the help. From the moment he learned of the news of the old man's death, He has been trying to recall it, but he can't remember it at all. It seems that he has said a few flattering words like many times before.

He has always felt that the last side should be more cautious and formal, but because of this accident, he became so scribbled and became an untie knot in his heart.

Xu Xinger continued to whisper: "This kind of regret and sadness may accompany you for a long time. Maybe it will be a pity in your life, but as time passes, as long as you keep working hard in the direction the old man hopes and make yourself live a good and happy life, this regret should gradually fade. , the old man will also feel gratified when he has a spirit in heaven.

Shanzi nodded silently. The two of them had not spoken for a long time. The summer wind gently brushed the treetops, bringing some slightly fishy smell of the river, but it was not unpleasant.

A bird fell on a branch, turned its head and took care of its feathers with its beak, preparing for the next flight.

Shanzi stared at the bird until it took off from sight again. Then he said, "Actually, Grandpa should want me to inherit the family business. Although he almost broke the roots of his ancestral business, I think he really liked to release the mountain later. Since he was a child, he told me the story of helping to release the mountain and sing those for me. A little tune sung by the mountain men..."

"Feed with a small pickaxe in hand, with a small red cloth pinned in our waist. Let's come to the deep mountains and don't make a sound when we see good ginseng. Slowly dig. Don't hurt the reed head. Don't destroy the roots. This is Baowa. I bought sorghum for money and feed my little grandson with a sweet mouth..." Shanzi sang a small song, obviously like coaxing the little one. The child's ballad was sung to the back of his mouth, but his eyes were full of tears.

Xu Xinger buried her head between the walls and did not look at the mountains, leaving room for him to recover.

Shanzi raised his hand and wiped his tears and said with a wry smile, "Actually, it's not so easy to release the mountain. I have long known that this was just coaxed me to play blindly when I was a child." Speaking of this, he suddenly sang another desolate tune with his voice, "Let the mountain be bitter, let the mountain be bitter, the clothes are broken and no one can make up for it. There is no oil to cook vegetables, or it's hard to whiten..."

The sad tone with the immature voice of the mountain should have been extremely uncoordinated, but the sadness in his voice unexpectedly matched this tone, which seemed particularly desolate under the sinking sun.

Xu Xinger sat up straight, gently covered the back of Shanzi's hand, and silently appeased Shanzi's mood.

Shanzi came to his senses, looked at Xu Xinger with apologies in his eyes, and said shyly, "Have I said a lot of strange things today?" He raised his hand and pressed his heart. "It's uncomfortable to stay at home these days."

"Are you in a better mood now?" Xu Xinger stood up, looked down at the mountain, and stretched out her hand to wait for his response.

Shanzi grabbed Xu Xinger's hand and stood up, and finally showed a sincere smile, revealing his little white teeth. Although his expression was still haggard, his eyes had flashed again.

He suddenly remembered something and said to Xu Xinger, "I asked me to bring you the dried spicy radish you sent by your father."

Xu Xinger just climbed down the tree and looked up and said, "Have you eaten yet? Do you think it's delicious?"

"I think it's delicious. It's much better than what we made ourselves, and it's also better than what we ate at the city stalls. In the past few days, my family can't eat, and most of the dishes on the noodles are greasy. When I see them, I feel that my stomach is blocked. On the contrary, this spicy radish strips are particularly appetizing, so I can eat a large bowl of rice, and my family is rushing to eat them. Shanzi nodded repeatedly, "But your radish strips should be sold for money, right? As a result, they all gave me home.

"I was trying to do it, but you all said it was delicious, but it made me feel much better..." Xu Xinger suddenly looked at Shanzi strangely and raised her eyebrows and asked, "Brother Shanzi, I don't seem to have said that I want to sell spicy radish strips, right?"

"Well, I guessed it myself." Shanzi's answer was also straightforward.

"What medicine did my mother use? Did you guess it?" Xu Xinger continued to ask.

Shanzi smiled and said, "You think I'm a fairy, and you can even know what medicine my aunt is taking, but the doctor has a good relationship with my family. That day, when I went up to the mountain to pick medicine, I asked a few more words."

"Thank you anyway." Xu Xinger said sincerely.

Shanzi saw Xu Xinger's hidden worries and comforted her: "My aunt's illness looks serious, but as long as she insists on taking medicine and will raise her, there should be no problem." Seeing that it was getting late, he was ready to say goodbye and said, "It's too late today. I'll go back first. In a few days, there will be another big episode. I'm going to go up the mountain to pick medicine and sell them. I'll come to you then?"

"Okay, I'm just going to the market to buy peppers." Anyway, Shanzi has guessed it, and Xu Xinger will no longer hide it. "I also want to buy some jars and jars. I want to make spicy radish strips to sell in the city."

"If you make it so delicious, business will definitely be good." Shanzi narrowed his eyes and said, "I'll support you then."

"If you want to eat, I'll mix it and give it to you. You still need to support it." Xu Xing'er said anxiously.

Shanzi touched his nose and said, "People think I'm delicious, so they must have come to buy it."

"Then I'll take you there and let you sit there and eat all day until I sell all the radish strips." Xu Xinger jumped forward a few steps and turned back to smile at the mountain.

"Then you have lost a lot. Can you believe that I can eat a jar by myself?" Shanzi patted his stomach, "I'm thin, but my appetite is very big!"

"Then I'll put more peppers. It's so spicy that you can't eat it." Xu Xinger looked at the sky and said, "It's so late if you don't pay attention. It's going to be dark. Go to my house and tie a torch before you leave, otherwise you won't be able to see the road until you get home."

The number of people by the river gradually increased. Before the sun went down, the children in the village jumped into the river to play with water and take a bath. Suddenly, their voices became boiling. I don't know where the water splashed on their faces. Fortunately, they were all tiny drops of water. The two looked at each other awkwardly and smiled at Xu Xing. Go in the direction of my son's house.