Spring is as good as

Chapter 61 Hot Sauce

Ye frowned and thought for a long time, looked at the firewood on the ground, shook his head and said, "This definitely won't work. If you can make a flat shuttle-shaped wooden piece, it's almost."

Xu Laosan was looked at by his mother for a long time and was completely confused. He simply put down the axe in his hand and came over to see what Ye and Xu Xinger were thinking about.

When it comes to needlework, Ye's family is absolutely authoritative, but men are more knowledgeable about wood and other things. Xu Laosan looked at it a few times and already had a score in his heart. He found a wooden board, saw it at about the same size, and then compared the thickness and curvature, leaving a sentence about what you should do. Well, I'll get this ready."

Xu Laosan was busy in the yard for more than half an hour. Xu Xinger cleaned up the stove and the room and didn't see him enter the house, so she went out and said, "Dad, it's so dark. Don't work outside. Your eyes are tired."

"Well, that's all right..." Xu Laosan seemed to be immersed in his own thinking. Although he had probably had a score in his heart, after all, he was not a carpenter, and his men were not accurate. The first two were damaged by his subordinates. In the end, he was repeatedly careful and finally made it look like a piece. Well, he went into the room and handed it to Ye, "Let's see how this is. If it works, I'll polish it."

Ye took the wood chips and pressed them at Xu Xinger's waist and asked, "How about this?"

Xu Xinger twisted her body and felt it and said, "It would be better if both sides were a little thinner."

Xu Laosan took back the wood chips and did not dare to toss around with an axe or hand saw. He found a grinding wheel and slowly polished them. In this way, he tossed them until the evening. Xu Xinger lay down, and Xu Laosan was still polishing the wood chips with an oil lamp in the stove.

"Dad, go to bed early. This thing is not urgent on this day." Xu Xinger did not dare to shout, for fear of waking up several children who had just been sleeping, and went down to the ground and pulled her shoes to the kitchen.

Xu Laosan answered softly, but his body did not move at all, and his work did not stop.

The next day, as soon as Xu Xinger opened her eyes, she saw a piece of polished wood beside the pillow, which was about the width of her back. The middle bulged and the two sides became flatter and flatter. On the side, it looked like a symmetrical shuttle.

Xu Xinger got up and grabbed the wood chips and went to the stove to find Ye and said, "Mom, look at the wood chips my father ground for me."

Ye was preparing to make breakfast. Seeing this, he smiled and said, "I've seen it earlier. I'll give you cotton later to see if it works."

"Mom, you can go to cotton now." Xu Xinger remembered that she had to go up the mountain today, so she pulled Ye back to her house, "What to eat in the morning? I'll do it."

"I soaked some rice bales a few days ago, and today I grinded it out to make sour soup. Let me do it. Anyway, you don't go up the mountain today. What's the hurry?" Ye is still worried about letting Xu Xinger do it. Although sour soup is a home-cooked food, it still needs some skills when sour soup is put into the pot, that is, to clenched the soup.

"I'll grind the balm and noodles first, and call you later when I hold the soup. It just so happens that the hot sauce I made last time is almost edible." Xu Xinger stuffed the wood chips and needles into Ye's arms, and then ran to the stove for fear that she would regret it and began to prepare breakfast.

She has also done it before. Although she dare not say how good the technique is, it is not bad, but now she is too young. Is there any iron soup set now? It is rolled into a tapered with corn leaves to squeeze out the soup noodles. She can't hold it with one hand, let alone squeeze it out. The thick and uniform noodles are not to blame Ye's restlessness.

The corn balone has been soaked for more than ten days. After draining the water, grind it slowly with a small shake, and then put it in a cloth bag to control the water. The soup noodles left in the bag are more delicate than the directly ground corn flour, and it tastes better to make noodles.

Xu Xinger hung the cloth bag under the eaves to control the water, and then set the fire and began to boil water. The first water was taken out and poured into the basin. After a little cooling, she just washed a few small faces and added water again. The soup noodles outside were almost controlled.

She brought the cloth bag in, took it out with her hands, just dug out the soup noodles, rubbed it a few times on the panel, and pinched it into a circle, and made six in a row. It seemed that the weight was almost the same. The water in the pot also burned to the edge of the sound. She threw the two balls down and cooked them. She didn't dare to leave for a moment and saw the outer layer. If the noodles are boiled yellow, you have to fish it up quickly. You can't overcook it.

The two balls pulled out were mixed with the previous four and kneaded into a ball. At this time, the water in the pot had rolled away and rumbling.

"Mom, come out to sip the soup." Xu Xinger poked her head into the room and called.

"Here it comes." Ye put down his hand and did half of the work, came out to wash his hands and tie his apron, rolled up the rice leaves, put the soup noodles in it, and then hung his hand on the rolling water and squeezed out a soup strip with a little force.

With the strength of the palm, the hand moves back and forth on the surface of the water. In a short time, a pot of thick and even soup strips will be clenched.

Xu Xinger took out the jar of garlic chili sauce, opened the wax seal on it, and as soon as she opened the lid bowl, the fragrance of the chili sauce floated out. After a month of fermentation and fusion, the garlic and chili were gone without the raw flavor of chopped vegetables, emitting a slightly spicy sauce flavor.

At this time, the sour soup was also ready. Xu Laosan was working in the yard. He smelled the rake in his hand and came back and asked, "Do you want to eat sour soup today? Is it all right?"

"It will be ready soon." Ye took out the sour soup, brushed the pot, fried some egg sauce, Xu Xinger put out a small bowl of hot sauce, took the bowl with chopsticks, and quickly set the table.

Xu Laosan sat down at the table. Xu Xinger poured him a cup of wine and then filled a large bowl of sour soup.

"My daughter is still considerate." Xu Laosan took a sip of wine, picked up his chopsticks and picked out some egg sauce and mixed it into the sour soup.

Xu Xinger held the bowl of hot sauce in front of Xu Laosan and said expectantly, "Dad, can you try the hot sauce I made?"

"Okay, try it." Xu Laosan happily picked up a chopstick and stuffed it directly into his mouth, and his face suddenly turned red. He quickly lowered his head and ate two mouthfuls of sour soup. Finally, he pressed down the spiciness in his mouth and coughed twice, "What did you make? Why is it spicy?"

"It's the pepper I bought at the last market. I felt very spicy when I mixed radish strips before." Xu Xinger saw that Xu Laosan's lips were red and couldn't help sticking out her tongue. Fortunately, she didn't taste it first, otherwise she would definitely be spicy.

Xu Laosan squeaked his mouth. He ate too much just now. He didn't taste anything except spicy, and he was brought down by the sour soup, but the aftertaste in his mouth didn't seem to be bad. He put his chopsticks to dip it a little less, put it in his mouth to taste, and nodded: " It tastes good, but it's too spicy. I'm afraid your mother doesn't dare to eat it.

Xu Xinger dipped a little bit in her chopsticks, put it in her mouth, and quickly stuck out her tongue. This was a little too spicy, much more spicy than the last radish strips. She squeezed her mouth withstarily. She always felt that it was still a little bad, but for a moment, she couldn't remember what was worse.

Ye Shi pinched a small handful of green onions and water radish in. Seeing that Xu Xinger was in a daze, he said, "Why don't you eat and stand stupidly?" With that, he directly filled Xu Xinger with a bowl of sour soup, scooped a spoonful of egg sauce, added some hot sauce, stirred the chopsticks and put it in front of Xu Xinger.

Xu Xinger thought about whether she had forgotten something in the recipe of the hot sauce. She took a random bite and stuffed it into her mouth. As soon as she ate the soup strip, she was stunned and even forgot to chew it. Her heart suddenly lit up. It turned out that this was the missing.

"Cough..." Xu Xinger swallowed the sour soup without chewing. The direct result was that she was choked half dead. After coughing for a long time, she still felt uncomfortable in her trachea and was choked by the hot sauce.

Ye hurriedly poured out a bowl of water and handed it to her. She couldn't help saying annoidly, "I don't know what I'm thinking about after having a meal. Fortunately, I haven't eaten my nose yet."

"It's almost like eating my nose. It's choking me to death." Xu Xinger covered her nose and hummed.

Seeing Xu Xing'er's funny appearance, Taoer laughed directly.

"You have no conscience, are you so happy to see me choking you?" Xu Xinger stretched out her hand to pinch Taoer's nose, and the two of them laughed and made a mess.

"Stop it and eat quickly." Ye also put some sour soup for Taoer, only added egg sauce, and didn't dare to put spicy sauce for her.

Xu Xinger pushed the hot sauce in front of Ye and said, "Mom, you should put less hot sauce and eat it with egg sauce. It's better than eating hot sauce or egg sauce directly." Just now, because she took a bite, she remembered that something was missing when she made chili sauce, but she forgot to add soybean paste. This is also a private recipe she learned from her neighbor's aunt. If she can still buy this kind of red pepper at the market in a few days, she will try to make it again.

Hearing this, Xu Laosan and Ye Shi tried it in their bowls. After eating it, they even nodded: "It's better than eating spicy sauce directly, and it's not as spicy as before."

Xu Xinger nodded and said, "The next time you make spicy sauce, add less sauce, it should be better."

"Where did you come up with these names?" Ye asked while eating.

"I... just thought about it myself." Xu Xinger was speechless, said vaguely, and then immediately changed the topic and asked, "Mom, have you sewn that cushion for me?"

"What's your hurry? I'm sure it will be sewn for you before noon." Ye ate deliciously and took another bite of spicy sauce and mixed it into the noodles. The sour and spicy taste was really enjoyable, and his forehead was spicy and sweaty.