Spring is as good as

Chapter 63 Adventure Rescue

Xu Xinger lay on the branch at this time. Although there were some branches and leaves around her, she could not stop her whole body at all. As long as the man looked back, he would definitely see himself.

Is this the rhythm of dying before success? Xu Xinger scolded Rong Haoxuan in her heart, while trying to shrink herself up and try to hide herself as much as possible.

Rong Haoxuan was not a fool. As soon as he showed surprise, he found that he was wrong, but suddenly saw Xu Xinger in this strange way, which really made his mind not turn around.

In particular, Xu Xinger still lay on such a tall tree with a thoughtful look on her face. At first, he thought it was an illusion. It was not until he was connected with Xu Xinger's four eyes that he found that it was not an illusion.

The inexplicable hot girl is really not far above her head. Maybe she has been watching herself being beaten and scolded... The more he thinks about it, the worse he looks, and she is completely out of his control.

The man's mood fluctuated greatly, so he just found that Rong Haoxuan looked wrong. He looked back warily, but didn't find anything. Just as he was about to look up, Rong Haoxuan suddenly shouted "ah--"

"What's your name? Let me tell you, this is a deep mountain forest. Usually no one comes, and today is June 6th, and no one will come to such a far mountain. Just accept my fate honestly!" The man's attention was attracted by Rong Haoxuan. He temporarily forgot what he had seen before, kicked him down, pulled out a machete from his back waist, drew back and forth in front of Rong Haoxuan, and asked with a ferociously, "You choose your own choice. Where should I start to start the knife?"

When Xu Xinger saw that the knife had been taken out, the situation had become more and more critical. She was anxious and didn't think of any good way. She was so anxious that she almost scratched her ears and cheeks. Suddenly, she saw a light brown vegetable snake coiled on a bird's nest not far from her, as if it had stolen bird's eggs, and then left it lazily in the nest. Bask in the sun

She knew that the vegetable snake was a non-toxic snake, and looking at the round drums in the snake's belly, she knew that the snake must have just swallowed the bird's eggs. Shanzi once said that the snakes after eating are lazy, not so easy to be disturbed and escape, and their activities will be much slower than usual, so this time is the most Easy to catch.

Xu Xinger didn't bring any tools, and there was only a machete at hand that didn't work. She had to gritt her teeth, went out, reached out to catch the bird's nest, aimed at the top of the man below, and quickly smashed it down.

Although Rong Haoxuan did not dare to see Xu Xinger directly below, he still couldn't help paying attention to it, but because it was a little too high and looked against the light from his direction, he only saw a dark thing falling from the tree.

The bird's nest turned over in the air, and the vegetable snake also fell out of it.

The black bird's nest was on the man's head, and the vegetable snake was so immortal that it accurately fell on Rong Haoxuan's face.

Rong Haoxuan only felt that his face was whipped by something. After the hot pain, he had a strange slippery feeling, coldly sticking to his face, as if he was still squirming and shrinking.

"Ah--" Rong Haoxuan's scream this time was real, and his voice with unspeakable fear aroused an echo on the opposite hillside.

Xu Xinger didn't expect the result to be like this, but... I really can't blame her. The branch is too high, and it is difficult to predict the target head thrown down. She found a reason for herself first in her heart.

But listening to Rong Haoxuan scream so tragically, it was even more frightening than when the man used a knife at him just now. Xu Xinger couldn't help but feel a little guilty. After all, the snake was left by herself, but on second thought, it was a non-toxic vegetable snake. Even if it was bitten a few times, it should be fine...

Taking advantage of this, Xu Xinger has climbed down for a while, hiding behind a thick branch and quietly looking at the situation below.

The man was first shocked, then grabbed the bird's nest on top of his head, fell to the ground hard, looked up at the tree, and saw nothing. Only the treetops gently swayed with the forest wind.

Rong Haoxuan was still screaming. His hands and feet were tied. The upper body of the snake fell on his face, and most of his tail twisted around his neck. The snake also seemed to be a little dizzy, swayed but refused to climb away.

In fact, as long as Rong Haoxuan shakes his body, he can throw the snake down, but he does not dare to move at all for fear that he will be bitten as soon as he moves.

"Bulls!" The man was annoyed by his quarrel. For the last time, he looked around and found nothing wrong. He thought that the bird's nest was crushed down by the snake and no longer delve into it. Instead, he looked at Rong Haoxuan's pale face and seemed to have found a new way to torture him. He smiled and picked up the tail of the snake and let the snake's head sway in front of him from time to time. Close to his eyes, ears, nose or lips, and deliberately rubbed his neck with the snake's body to stuff the snake into his skirt.

Rong Haoxuan's face became more and more ugly, flowing down his forehead and neck like cold sweat, and his whole body trembled like a sieve, as if he was about to faint to fall to the ground.

Xu Xinger was on the tree and was relieved to see the man torture Rong Haoxuan with a snake. Anyway, at least it was not a knife. At most, scaring people with snakes would leave a psychological shadow. Shouldn't she be scared to death? While thinking nonsense, she climbed down the tree gently.

Leaving Rong Haoxuan and leaving, Xu Xinger can't do this kind of thing. Not to mention a person who has a relationship with one side, even if she is a strange child, she can't save her death.

The terrain nearby is really not conducive to sneak attack, but looking at Rong Haoxuan's appearance that he is almost unable to hold on and has no time to make any plans, Xu Xinger thought that she can only try hard now.

After coming down from the tree, Xu Xinger touched back to the basket and pulled out the cloth bag in the basket. This was originally intended to catch snakes in the mountains, but now it can be used for other purposes.

She touched a round stone under the tree, weighed its weight, and felt that she could pick it up more freely, put it in a cloth bag, and quietly walked behind the man.

A man may be too sad because of his wife's death, and his mind seems to be a little abnormal. He has regarded the people of the Rong family as his enemies, so the more afraid Rong Haoxuan is, the more happy he is. He is in a state of abnormal excitement, and his body has Some unconsciously trembled slightly.

Xu Xinger quietly gave herself courage and walked gently behind the man.

Rong Haoxuan could no longer cover her at this time. Fortunately, his screams were too sad and horrible, which well covered up the small sounds around her and provided Xu Xinger with an excellent opportunity.

Xu Xinger walked lightly but not slowly. She quickly approached the crazy man, suddenly waved the cloth bag and hit the man's right temple.

Somehow, at the moment Xu Xinger took action, the man seemed to be aware of it and suddenly turned around and looked behind him.

The cloth bag containing stones roared and did not hit the temple as Xu Xinger planned, but directly hit the man's left eye, making a muffled sound.

Although the process was a little different, fortunately, the result was not far from what was expected. The man fainted without saying a word and almost hit Rong Haoxuan, who was still lying on the ground.

Xu Xinger was afraid that she didn't have enough strength this time, so she wanted to go up and knock it again, but she was afraid that thousands of people would be killed. For a moment, she hesitated to put down the stone, cut the rope bound Rong Haoxuan with a machete, and pushed his shoulder and asked, "Hey, can you stand up?"

Rong Haoxuan stared at Xu Xinger fiercely. If he hadn't had red eyes and tears on his face, he might have been a little more deterrent. Now it looks like a frightened cat after being bullied.

Xu Xinger's heart softened, and her voice softened a lot. She asked again, "Can you still stand up and walk?"

Rong Haoxuan gritted his teeth and stood up tremblingly. His legs trembled uncontrollably and almost fell to the ground as soon as he stepped.

"Be careful!" Xu Xinger reached out and held it at the moment, and she was also staggered. She thought, what can she do? She couldn't run away even if she wanted to run away.

Rong Haoxuan blushed. As soon as he stood firmly, he shook off Xu Xinger's hand and said, "You don't have to pretend to be kind. Are you very happy to watch the play just now?"

Xu Xinger frowned when she heard the words, and there were some small flames in her heart, but looking at the poor way he lowered his eyes and bit his lips, she suddenly couldn't say any unpleasant words. After all, he was still a child. He was born and grew up like stars holding the moon. Now he has suffered such a great grievance and has been seen by herself. It's awkward and embarrassing. It's reasonable.

Thinking of this, Xu Xinger's anger calmed down a lot. He struggled to walk and ignored it. He squatted down and picked up the hemp rope that had just been cut, reconnected it into a whole rope, and then separated his hands to tighten the rope to see if it was strong.

"What are you going to do?" Rong Haoxuan saw Xu Xinger's face white. He couldn't help taking two steps back and then fell to the ground. He was really scared by these things, and he didn't want to risk his life to save him just now.

Xu Xinger glanced at him with the eyes of the fool, then tied the man who fainted to the ground with his hands and feet firmly, then reached out to search in his sleeve bag and arms, put the found fire folds and dagger capital into her purse at her waist, and finally picked up the firewood on the ground. Knife, don't be behind your waist.