Spring is as good as

Chapter 72 Leaving the government

After Master Rong entered the county office, Xu Laosan waited anxiously outside. Before Master Rong came out, he saw a man who looked like an official came out.

Wu Laosan looked at the man and quickly greeted him and said, "Brother Li, how's it going inside?"

The person who came was Li Cheng, the catcher of the government. He had a kind face. When he saw Wu Laosan, he suddenly smiled and patted him on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, I took care of him. Naturally, the little girl didn't suffer anything. In addition, Master Rong came to make it clear, the county magistrate will naturally not let go, but not It's just a formal. I'm afraid you're in a hurry, so I'll come out and tell you first.

"Thank you for taking care of Brother Li." Wu Laosan thanked him repeatedly.

"It's not a big deal, but just say hello and raise your hand. Besides, since it's your apprentice, how can I not take care of it?" Li Cheng laughed again, "I have to judge Hong Xiang today. I'm busy. I wanted to have a few drinks with you, but I really can't leave. Let's get together next time we go to the city."

"I won't delay Brother Li's official business. I'll treat you to a drink next time." Wu Laosan was not too polite to Li Cheng, and the two exchanged a few words.

Not long after Li Cheng went in, the master who went to take the lead in the morning came out with Xu Xinger and said to Wu Laosan, "Master Wu, I brought the little girl in in the morning. Now I will return it to you intact. The brothers are also obeding to their orders. Please forgive me."

"We don't dare to say that to cause you trouble." Wu Laosan naturally knew that people's politeness to him was just for the face of Master Rong and Li. Naturally, he would not push it. He quickly said a few words politely and took the opportunity to stuff a piece of silver.

Master clasped the silver in his palm for a moment, smiled deeper, arched his hand and said, "The little girl must be tired after tossing for most of the day, so I won't delay you."

Xu Laosan hugged Xu Xinger for a long time and checked what was the damage. Seeing that her face was normal and her clothes were neat and clean, he was a little relieved. After the master entered, he asked in a pile of voices, "Xing'er, have you been beaten? Scared, right? You are so anxious about Dad."

"Dad, I'm fine." Xu Xinger was calm and didn't look frightened at all. Instead, she comforted Xu Laosan repeatedly, "It's just that the master asked something about what happened that day, and asked me to see if Hong Xiang was the murderer that day."

"Is that it?" Shanzi asked with a little disbelief, why did he have to delay for so long?

"Yes, the government is busy interrogating Hong Xiang, and it seems that there are still his parents, so often no one can care about me. Just asking about the situation of the day has been interrupted several times." Xu Xinger nodded and said, "Forbid that those people's attitude is not bad, and they didn't put me in prison. It should be thanks to Master's acquaintance with Li Catcher."

Wu Laosan also came over now. Seeing that Xu Xinger was in good spirits and state, his long-hanging heart also fell to the ground. He rubbed the top of her head and said, "As long as she is safe, nothing else matters."

Rong Haoxuan had been standing by the carriage. When he saw Xu Xinger come out, he was secretly relieved, but when he saw that Xu Laosan and Shanzi were surrounded, he moved his feet, but he was slightly hesitant and finally took his feet back.

Xu Xinger had seen Rong Haoxuan behind for a long time, but she had no time to talk to him. When the three people around her were almost long and short, she took a few steps forward and walked to him and said, "Thank you very much. I'm really sorry to bother your father."

Rong Haoxuan's face turned red, thinking that Xu Xinger was sarcastic, and he said, "I... I'm sorry, I... you saved me, but the result was still... I meant to thank you when I recovered, but I didn't expect..."

When Xu Xinger saw him like this, she knew that he should have misunderstood, but if she had to explain it at this time, it might be even more embarrassing, so she said, "Thank you very much. I would have saved anyone. If you encounter such a situation, you will definitely not die."

Rong Haoxuan coughed and saw that although Xu Xinger was not injured or anything, she was a little depressed. Anyway, she walked into the government gate. Whether physically or mentally, she must be particularly tired. He coughed and said, "You are also suffering today. Go home first. I will be there in two days. When you are well, come to thank you again.

"I don't dare to thank you. It's serious for you to take good care of yourself." Xu Xinger turned around and walked towards Xu Laosan.

Rong Haoxuan stopped the person again and said, "I'll ask someone to take you back."

"My father must have driven a car here. Don't worry!" Xu Xinger turned around and smiled, took a few steps to the mountain, and walked side by side towards the city gate while talking to him.

"You haven't suffered in it, have you? Have you been scolded? Shanzi asked in a low voice.

"No, those masters are quite polite to me. They should all be for the master's face." Xu Xinger bent her mouth and said, "And Hong Xiang quickly pleaded guilty. I told him what happened that day, and then sat in that room for half an hour, and the master took me out."

"Did Hong Xiang see you when you were asked to recognize someone?" This is the issue that Shanzi is most concerned about at present. Just now, he didn't have time to ask in front of Xu Laosan and his third uncle.

Xu Xinger was stunned for a moment, and then reacted. With a wry smile on her face, she shook her head and said, "He saw me in the mountains that day. What's the use of covering it up now? At that time, she didn't expect it would be a village..." Speaking of this, she suddenly remembered that she didn't know anyone in the village, and seemed to say no. In the past, he quickly explained, "I was a little scared and too nervous to recognize him that day."

"You live in a village, and I'm afraid you will be in trouble in the future." Shanzi frowned.

"There's nothing we can do." Xu Xinger sighed, "Anyway, it's already like this. His parents are still in the government, and now there is only one child in the family, and I don't know if there is anyone to take care of them..."

Shanzi raised his hand and rubbed Xu Xinger's head and said, "There are always relatives in his family, and someone will take care of him."

Xu Xinger thought of what Brother Cheng said to Ye that day and said with a little worry, "I'm afraid there are no relatives, and the old couple were taken away by officials. I'm afraid the neighbors dare not go."

"You'd better not come up. Bringing you here today originally doubted whether you and Hong Xiang are together. Now that you have something to do with his family as soon as you go back, won't it be even more suspicious?" Shanzi saw Xu Xinger's worry and didn't want her to get into trouble again, so he said, "When I get to your village, I'll bring some food to his house, so don't come up."

"Brother Shanzi, you are so kind." Xu Xinger smiled when she heard the words, "Also, thank you very much today. I just heard from my master that it was you who went to Rong's family to find someone before I could be released so quickly."

"Thank you. Don't get into such trouble in the future. I'll be Amitabha." Shanzi said with a slightly pale face, "Do you know how worried I was when I went to my third uncle's house this morning and heard that you were taken away by an official? Your father is scared today, and we are still hiding it from your mother!"

When Xu Xinger heard that Ye didn't know, she was immediately relieved. Ye's heart was not good. If she knew these things again, she must be afraid to worry. If something goes wrong with her at that time, it will be a big deal.

"Brother Shanzi, I really know I'm wrong. Didn't you teach me a lesson that day? I will definitely not run around by myself in the future." Seeing that Shanzi's face was unswerving, she quickly flattered the good boy, but said strangely, "But how did the official know that I was at my master's house? And I know it so quickly."

"Brother Cheng was heard when talking to Uncle Xu, and then the officials asked him, and he recruited all of them." After saying that, Shanzi muttered in a low voice, "You are a loser!"

Xu Xinger didn't seem to have any reaction, but suddenly said, "So that's what happened. Cheng Ge'er must have been scared."

Shanzi looked at Xu Xinger with a complicated face and asked tentatively, "Aren't you angry?"

"What are you angry about?" Xu Xinger asked strangely.

Shanzi's cheeks bulged, and he felt a little ashamed to keep asking questions, but he really wanted to know. After all, he still said, "Brother Cheng can't do such a little thing. As soon as the official asked him, he will do everything."

Xu Xinger suddenly realized that Brother Cheng'er was a little cowardly, so in his heart, he always regarded him as a child. When such a thing happened, the first thing he thought of was whether he would be scared by the official, and there was no anger of normal children.

"In fact, he is not to be blamed for this matter. He didn't know why the official came to me that day, so he came to report the letter and helped me send the letter to his family. He must be afraid." Xu Xinger smiled comfortably at Shanzi and continued, "And what those officials have done is to arrest people and judge people. It's not easy to deal with such a child as Brother Cheng. I guess a few words will scare everything out."

After listening to Xu Xinger's words, Shanzi was still a little angry, but it was much calmer, and there was no idea of beating Brother Cheng to vent his anger.

When Xu Laosan saw that the two children were walking slower and slower, he stopped and said, "Xing'er, you are almost at your feet. Eat something in front of you and then go home. Have you been tossing all morning. Are you hungry?"

Xu Xinger didn't feel it. When Xu Laosan said this, she felt hungry and her stomach was also grunting. Suddenly, her face turned red. She looked at Shanzi with some embarrassment and pointed to the front and said, "Brother Shanzi, I bought some dried radishes there last time. I don't think so. I made it delicious, but it's not bad. You can also go and try it.