Spring is as good as

Chapter 90 Ye's thoughts

Brother Cheng's mother came here and had nothing to do, but after dinner, she had nothing to do at home. She came to talk to Ye, with the work of the soles in her hand. The two sat opposite each other on the kang of the west room, taking advantage of the dim light of the oil lamp, while doing some work while gossiping.

Xu Xinger fed the two little ones, played with them for a while, put them to sleep, went out to boil water to wash Taoer's face and feet, cleaned them up and stuffed them into the quilt.

Because there was someone at home, Taoer has been unwilling to lie down obediently and listen to Ye's two people talking. Xu Xinger also went to her. She went to the backyard and counted more than 20 jars of radishes left. She rolled over the altar one by one and counted the days. In two days, she should start making another batch.

After washing his hands and feet in the stove, he returned to the room and heard Ye tell Brother Cheng about Xu Laoshi's daughter-in-law.

Brother Cheng is an outright person and has been friends with Ye, so she has no scruples when talking. She said directly, "I have already said that your old lady is too angry, not to mention that the Xu family has never been a scholar in her life, but in our small rural area, your family is such a family. Jing, it's not so easy to stand out. Looking at people who stand out, do you know if there is help from others behind them?

Although this can't be said to be completely right, Xu Xinger still agrees. Even if she is a really talented person, if she wants to go to an official career, she must be helped or supported by others in addition to opportunities.

And people with bright eyes can also see that Xu Laosi can only be regarded as a diligent person, not to mention talented, I'm afraid that even his talent is mediocre.

However, Mrs. Xu has refused to let go on this matter, so she has delayed Xu Laosi's marriage until now.

Brother Cheng suddenly remembered something and said, "by the way, why hasn't your Lingzi said anything about kissing until now? If you are not young, even if you don't get married for the time being, you should be anxious to say that you are married, right?

"Two years ago, someone came to mention a descendant, which was also good to say, but when I first asked someone to change the straw post, the later student suddenly had an accident. My mother was a little worried and found someone to tell Lingzi's fate, saying that she would wait for 16 years before kissing, otherwise something would happen, so this would be delayed." Ye wore a thimble to clip the sole of the needle, and then clipped it out with a needle clip. The thick thread passed through the thick sole, making a prickling sound.

Most of Taoer's body is in her quilt, and her upper body lies on Xu Xinger's pillow. At this time, she has fallen asleep.

Xu Xinger moved her back to the quilt and covered her with a thin quilt. Although it is still in the dog days, the temperature difference in the northeast is large, and it will still be a little cold in the morning and evening.

Brother Cheng's mother looked at Xu Xing'er's behavior and felt more and more satisfied. She felt that although her son was a little superficial, his vision was really good. Although the Xu family was a little poor, Xu Laosan's family was excellent. Xing'er, who became more and more sensible and capable, was really a good choice to be a daughter-in-law.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help pulling out the needle at hand, putting down her work and asking, "Your second uncle's daughter is also the age of marriage, right? Why is there no movement?"

Ye was not clear about the situation of Xu's second family. He shook his head and couldn't say why. He only said, "I haven't heard it mentioned it. I don't know what the second brother and second sister-in-in-law are planning."

Brother Cheng's mother thought about the usual life of Xu Lao and his wife. She curled her lips and said, "I'm afraid I'm counting on making money by marrying my daughter!"

"Can't you?" Ye was stunned when she heard the words, and then said, "Yingzi's girl is good-looking. It's normal to find a good family."

"You are too good-hearted, but that's too good." Brother Cheng said in a pun.

Ye didn't quite understand what she meant and looked at Brother Cheng's mother doubtfully.

Brother Cheng didn't mean to continue to elaborate. Seeing that the two children had already lay down, she took something down and said, "Okay, it's getting late. It's not good for you to rest early. I also remember your fourth marriage. Go back to inquire about it. If there is anything good, I will tell you."

"That's good. You know a lot of people, and you will definitely find the right one." Ye got up to give away and thanked him repeatedly.

"I just see that the four people in your family are good..." Brother Cheng's voice gradually faded away, and I don't know if the words behind can't be heard, or they didn't say it.

Xu Xinger leaned over and blew the lamp and reached out to pat the peach beside her who was sleeping dishonestly. After being tired for a day, she soon fell asleep.

The next day, she got up before dawn and went up the mountain with her back basket and went straight to the fallen old elm tree, but the elm yellow mushroom on it had been cut off, leaving only a little old roots sticking unevenly to the bark.

It seems that someone should have been here yesterday. Xu Xinger has been psychologically prepared for a long time. After all, this place is not too far from the village. She can see it and ensure that others can find it.

But what surprised her was that she was cut so clean. Since she followed the mountain, she knew that the mountain people also had some conventional rules. No matter what she encountered, she had to take seven or three, especially for seedlings or tender buds, hunters would not beat pregnant female beasts, and would generally let small beasts go.

Although there was no concept of environmental protection in ancient times, people who lived on the mountain had a simple value passed down from generation to generation, and rarely did so.

However, Xu Xinger didn't have so much time to think about it. There were no mushrooms here, so she simply continued to go deep and picked up more than half a basket of hazel mushrooms before going down the mountain.

It's a cloudy day, so it's a little uncertain just by looking at the sky. When she went down the mountain and came home, Ye had already prepared breakfast and put it on the table. Seeing her back with wet dew, he just wanted to say something, but he didn't know what she thought of and swallowed it silently.

He took the back basket on his daughter's shoulder, rubbed her hair and said, "Hurry up and change your clothes. Be careful of getting sick when you are wet."

Xu Xinger answered, entered the room and changed her clothes and came out and said, "Mom, don't be in a hurry to go to grandma's house. In two days, I want to go to the market to buy things. I have to ask my father to drive a car. Let's go together. When we come back, we will go to grandma's house. I miss grandma's house too."

Ye thought for a moment that it was not too urgent to find a daughter-in-law for Lao Si, and it didn't matter a few days later. Moreover, the cow is used by the family. Xu Laosan just drove to the city yesterday. If he uses the ox cart again today and uses it again in a few days, his sister-in-law and second sister-in-law will have to complain.

So she nodded and said, "That's fine. Your grandma must miss you too. It's best to go together."

Xu Xinger took a bite and said in a vague voice, "Just buy snacks or something on the day of the market. After all, the things in the village are still a little worse."

"Oc, it's up to you." Perhaps because there are many children in the family, Ye has recently seen that his eldest daughter is more stable than before, and he is only very gratified. However, he was told a few words by Brother Cheng yesterday. Thinking of his eldest daughter's recent actions, he couldn't help but feel sad. It was all because the family was too poor, so he forced the child to worry about making a living at a young age.

"Will it be too hard for you to sell pickles in the city every day? Let's take a rest for a few days." Ye added a chopstick and put it in Xu Xing'er's bowl. "Don't wear yourself out to make money."

"Well, it's okay." Xu Xinger said casually, "I'm young and tired. It's okay to sleep. Besides, I went to the city to sell pickles. The heavy things are carried by Brother Shanzi. I'm light. Mom, don't worry."

Ye's heart was moved when he heard the words and said, "Shanzi is indeed very good. He takes care of you..."

"At least I'm his sister!" Xu Xinger said this with a little guilty. Although she worshipped her master, she didn't seem to have learned anything from now. Originally, she could learn some skills by following the mountain, but now she has devoted all her energy to making money and seems to be more and more unpromising.

"Anyway, our family has received favors." Ye looked at her daughter's increasingly rosy face recently. Although she was not born very well, she was also clean and beautiful. If she could really get married with Shanzi, she couldn't find it in a lantern.

However, the two children are still young. Ye only thought about these things and did not reveal half a sentence in front of Xu Laosan. After all, her daughter is still at an ignorant age, and she only has a good relationship with Shanzi as a playmate.

If you make it clear that the child has an idea in his heart, it will be fine if it can be done in the future. If it can't be done, won't it add obstacles to the child's heart?

Xu Xinger didn't pay attention to Ye's thoughtful look. She remembered that she didn't know how the pickles on the other side of the noodle restaurant were selling. If the business there was good, there would be an additional way to sell in the future. She could also ask in other shops in the city, and maybe she could sell a lot more.

In her heart, she has been looking forward to a bright future, so when Shanzi came, Xu Xinger did not find that Ye's attitude was slightly different from usual. She only pulled Shanzi to talk about her plan and talked about going to the market in a few days.

"There should be many small shops like noodle restaurants in the city, and there must be many pickles, but most people are estimated to pickle them at home, so I'm afraid there are not many pickles to buy. Shanzi thought for a moment, "Shopkeeper Chen's pickles are also pickled by himself, but the radish strips are selling well in Qijing Hutong. With some fame, he asked him to come to us to buy and try. If there are other shops, it may still be difficult to open the situation."

Xu Xinger was splashed with some cold water, but after all, she is not the child's mind and understands that Shanzi is right, but she still said more optimistically, "That's right, but it's man-made. In the future, after selling pickles every day, we will walk around the city and come back. Maybe we can find some way!"