Spring is as good as

Chapter 96 Exercise at the Market

"Mom, just agree." Taoer's whole body wrapped around Ye's body and couldn't wait to rub herself into her heart to act coquettishly and do everything.

Ye stretched out his hand helplessly and grabbed Taoer and said, "Don't grind tofu on me, grind your father."

Xu Laosan surrendered directly and said, "It's just to go to the city to play. Shanzi and Xing'er lead it. Even if you can't trust Xing'er, Shanzi is a stable and clever good child. I can rest assured to follow him."

"Dad, why can't I believe what you said?" Xu Xing'er suddenly didn't follow the way.

"Okay, okay, I'm wrong, you can rely on it." Xu Laosan was hugged by Taoer and swinging around his neck. He said happily, "That night of Qixi Festival is the most fun. There are juggling and lanterns to see, and there are lotus lanterns in the river."

"Dad, do you mean that we can stay until the evening?" Xu Xinger's eyes lit up when she heard the words.

Ye immediately objected, "No, it's not safe enough to let your children play by themselves. How can you stay in the city so late? How can you go home then? What if something happens all the way?

Xu Xinger's eyes turned around and said tentatively, "Why don't we stay in the city for one night?" The next day, I sold pickles and came back..."

Ye Shi said with a straight face, "You girl, you are getting more and more inch."

Xu Xinger spit out her tongue, made a grimace at Ye, and honestly held a bowl to eat.

Seeing this, Taoer also climbed down from Xu Laosan and sat obediently beside Xu Xinger. She picked up the bowl but did not eat. She blinked her eyes, looked at Ye and Xu Laosan, and finally turned her head to Xu Xinger and called softly: "Sister..."

"If I can go, I will definitely take you there. If I can't go, then you don't think of good things." Xu Xinger curled her lips and said, "Let's have a good meal!"

Taoer bit the cake fiercely and was choked in an instant. Her eyes turned red. The tears that had not been squeezed out just now suddenly gushed out. Her little face turned red, and the sound of "ho ho" in her throat was very scary.

Xu Xinger reacted the fastest, hurriedly got up and hugged Taoer from behind, wrapped her fists around her upper abdomen, and squeezed it hard.

Taoer also opened her mouth wide and squirmed up and down her throat, as if she was trying to expel foreign bodies in the airway.

Xu Xinger exerted another force, and Tao'er clicked and coughed out the cake that had just been stuck, and then there was a series of heartbreaking coughs, as if there were still cake residues in the trachea.

"Don't cough hard. Look at the cough and break your throat." Xu Xinger brought a glass of water and handed it to her. "Drink slowly and send it down."

Taoer finally stopped coughing. After this, she was so scared that she didn't even have an appetite for dinner and drooped her head.

Xu Xinger rubbed Taoer's head and comforted her, "You have a good performance these days and help your mother work more. As long as you make your mother happy, what good things at home can be missing you."

"Good!" Taoer immediately regained her full energy and ate well. "Mom, eat quickly. I'll wash the dishes."

"There is no one who chases the diners to wash the dishes." Ye said anly, "Don't make trouble for me here. I have to pack some things. I have to go to the market tomorrow morning and then go to your grandma's house."

Taoer suddenly opened her eyes and looked at Ye and asked, "Mother, will you take me there?"

"We will all go and leave you at home to watch the door." Ye deliberately babbled her.

"Ah?" Taoer's face collapsed in an instant. She thought about it for a long time and broke her fingers and said, "My father is going to drive the car, and my mother is going to see my grandfather and grandma. My brother and sister are too young to take care of them. The eldest sister is working every day, and it's time to take a day off..."

Hearing her say this, the other three people in the room were stunned. Xu Xinger even held her breath for fear of missing a word.

Taoer counted it like this and felt that these people had to go. She couldn't help but feel a little distressed. She held her chin in her little hand and sighed for a long time and said, "It seems that I'm the only one left to watch the door."

Xu Xinger's eyes were red but she couldn't speak for a long time. Taoer was only five years old and less than six years old. Such a young child is so sensible that she can't help feeling sad.

Ye stretched out her hand and hugged Taoer in her arms and said in a slightly nasal voice, "Mother will coax you to play. Let's all go to grandma's house. Grandma misses you too!"

Peach raised her head when she heard the words and saw that Ye's look was not a joke. She immediately said happily, "I miss grandma too!"

Early the next morning, Xu Xinger got up and did not go up the mountain. Instead, she moved the pickled vegetables jars in the backyard to the house one by one and placed them against the wall.

Ye looked at it and said puzzledly, "You have nowhere to use your strength?" What are you going to do with a good jar?

Xu Xinger did not explain. She only thought that it would be better to put it in the house. She turned around and went out to loosen the soil under the root of the wall a little and covered it with some floating soil, so that as long as you don't look carefully, you can't see it.

When all this was done, Xu Xinger went back to the stove to help Zhang Luo have breakfast.

After breakfast, Ye Shi changed into clean clothes for the two small ones, made a mattress on the flat car, put the child on it, and let Xu Xinger and Taoer get on the car quickly.

I checked whether there was any fire in the stove pit, then closed the front and rear windows, locked the front and rear doors, finally came out to lock the door, hung a string of keys on the belt, and turned around and sat on the car.

Seeing that his wife and children were all seated, Xu Laosan shook off the whip and shouted. The old cow mowed his ground and walked towards the market.

Lizi got into the car and began to sleep. Xu Xinger had to hold the lock and tease her, regardless of whether he could understand or not. She pointed to people one by one and taught him, "This is my father, this is my mother, I am the eldest sister, this is the second sister, and Sister Chestnut. Sister Chestnut is a little pig that can eat and sleep. Don't learn from her. Locker will have a good future. In the future, she will live in a high-rise building, eat delicacies, marry a beautiful daughter-in-law, and have a big fat son..."

Ye began to listen with a smile on his face. The more he heard it, the more ridiculous it became. He couldn't help interrupting, "How far has it been? It's full of nonsense."

"Didn't I educate him since he was a child? He will be promising when he grows up." Xu Xinger said nonsense with a smile.

When the sun rose in mid-air, the ox cart also came to the entrance of the market. Xu Laosan went to pay two penny, bought three penny grass, and tied the cow outside the entrance.

Ye said that he was too lazy to go in, so he looked at the two small ones in the car and asked Xu Laosan to take Xing'er and Tao'er in by himself.

Peach didn't go out much. At most, she was as happy as the New Year when she didn't go to her mother's house. When she came back to the market, she was even more happy, and the girl wanted to run to a lively place.

asked Xu Xinger to be quick-eyed, grab Taoer, pull it back and scold her, "Don't run around. What if there are so many people who run and lose it? At that time, as soon as you look up, you will be left. There are people you don't know around you. At that time, if you meet someone with teeth or patting flowers, you will be abducted directly, and you will not be able to go home in your life.

Peach was so scared that she almost grinned and cried.

"What did I tell you before I went to bed last night?" Xu Xinger did not show any softness and asked with a straight face.

"The eldest sister said that no matter where you go, you should hold on to your parents or sister tightly and can't run around by yourself." Tao'er's voice became lower and lower.

"Did you promise well last night? I didn't say anything. What if you don't listen? Xu Xinger continued to keep a straight face and wanted Taoer to learn a lesson at once, and such a thing would never happen again.

"If you don't obey... you won't take me out to play in the future..." Taoer finally couldn't help talking here. She hugged Xu Xinger's leg and cried, "Sister, I dare not. Don't take me to play..."

Xu Laosan had just placed Ye's side. When he came back, he saw this situation and hurriedly asked, "What's the matter? Why did I wipe the cat urine after walking away for a while?"

Xu Xinger's forehead said, "Do you remember this time?"

"Remember, remember!" Taoer looked up at a crying little face and said sobly, "Sister, I will never run around again."

Xu Laosan also understood what was going on at this time. Seeing that Taoer had been scared and cried pitifully, he immediately went to the ground and coaxed, "Okay, just remember it in the future. Don't cry, your eyes are red."

Taoer stood still and did not move, allowing Xu Laosan to wipe his face with a veil, but her eyes kept staring at Xu Xinger's face.

"Oc, it's normal for you to come to the market for the first time. This time, that's it. If you dare to be reprimanded in the future, it won't be so easy!" Xu Xinger said a few more harsh words. Seeing that Tao'er had come over with a smile, she gradually softened her voice and gently pinched the tip of her nose and said, "crying and laughing, the puppy peeing."

Taoer squeezed her mouth shyly, then grabbed the handkerchief in Xu Laosan's hand, wiped her face randomly, threw it back into Xu Laosan's hand, and then pulled Xu Xinger hard to the market.

After all, he was still a child, and he forgot what had just been scolded in an instant. Looking at all kinds of snacks and things, his eyes were shining, and his saliva almost flowed out.

Xu Xinger counted ten penny from her purse, put it in the small purse tied to her chest, patted and said, "There are only ten cents in total today. You can decide what you want to buy. If you spend it all, it will be gone. If you want anything else, you won't buy it for you. You can't ask your parents for money, understand?"

Taoer has never received such a "huge money". In an instant, her face lit up happily and covered her purse tightly for fear of accidentally losing money.

After the initial joy, she looked at the snacks and things in the market. She looked not curious and greedy at the beginning. She had a little more careful consideration and tried to ask a few food prices, but she just asked and was not prepared to buy them.

Xu Xinger did not participate in the opinion or help. She just led her with a smile and watched what she did.