Spring is as good as

Chapter 107 Qi and blood deficiency?

Rong Haoxuan looked at his eyes and was confused, but when he saw that Xu Xinger didn't notice it, he didn't say it on the spot. He only said, "The ginseng shopkeeper weighed four or three yuan in total. According to the year, the ginseng must be at least one taels and one liang silver, but it's not as fine as you. You give four taels of silver. That's it."

Xu Xinger turned her head to look at Shanzi. Seeing that he nodded that there was no problem with the price, she immediately agreed.

Rong Haoxuan frowned and quickly covered it up and said to Xu Xinger, "This is a favor for you. The shopkeeper still has to pay the bill in the store, so I can't let you take it away directly. At least you can pay some fixed money."

Xu Xinger took out copper coins from the back basket and asked the shopkeeper about the number of silver exchanged for copper plates today. It was 1,100 copper coins for one taels of silver, counted the money in her hand, and just enough to make up the price of two taels of silver, gave it to the shopkeeper and pressed a fingerprint on the account, which was regarded as the finalization of the deal.

"I have to trouble the shopkeeper one more thing. Can I leave the ginseng in the store for a few days? Can I collect enough money in a few days?" Xu Xinger said this with a little lack of confidence. After all, she has taken a lot of advantage. Now she still has to make various demands. She can only make excuses, "I shouldn't have caused you any more trouble, but the two of us are young and dare not take such valuable things home. We are afraid that something will happen on the road. After a few days, my father will go to the city to catch medicine, and I will Can you come and take the ginseng back?

Rong Haoxuan was reasonable when he heard this. Although he felt that the thief would definitely not think that there would be valuable things on the two rural children, as the saying goes, he was not afraid of ten thousand just in case, so he nodded and said, "Naturally, there is no problem. Just come and pick it up whenever it is convenient for you."

After Xu Xinger and Shanzi left, Rong Haoxuan went to the sitting doctor and asked, "Sir, the student has been looking at Miss Xu's face just now. I don't know if there is anything wrong?"

The doctor thought that Rong Haoxuan was just diligent and inquisitive, and he didn't think much about it. Instead, he felt that he was observant and could really be taught, so he took a sip of tea and moistened his throat and said, "I just saw that this girl's face was a little yellow, but it was not serious. It may be caused by blood deficiency, or it may be just a recent work. To. So I looked at her a few more times and saw that her lips were pale and her face was less gorgeous, which seemed to be a symptom of qi and blood deficiency, but this was only shown and could not be accurate. If you want to confirm the diagnosis, you still need to ask for details before diagnosing the pulse.

Rong Haoxuan frowned slightly after hearing this, thought a little and asked, "If it's really a deficiency of qi and blood, what will happen to the pulse?"

"There is insufficient qi and blood, and it is difficult to beat the arteries. The pulse of people with qi and blood should be virtual pulses, and the three parts of the inch ruler are powerless, and the emptiness is pressed again." Dr. Liu, who sits in the hall, has worked in Rongjia Pharmacy for most of his life. He also knows that there is only such a young master in the Rong family. He must be the heir of Xiang Rongtang in the future, so he naturally has questions and answers to him.

It is rare for Dr. Liu to meet Master Rong who is so diligent and inquisitive. He can't wait to teach him. He put on the posture of having a long talk with him and continued: "But it is also a lack of qi and blood, and the situation is also different, for example..."

Rong Haoxuan didn't intend to know so much about it at all. He interrupted and asked, "What if he is really a person with both qi and blood?"

"Most of the deficiency of qi and blood are due to overwork and poor eating, so as long as there are no other symptoms, you just need to slowly recuperate, but if..."

"Thank you very much!" Rong Haoxuan got the information he wanted to know. Naturally, he didn't have the patience to listen to Dr. Liu in detail, and immediately oiled his feet.

Xu Xinger settled the matter of ginseng and was in a good mood, but she walked home from the city every day. She didn't feel anything before, but today she felt very tired.

I usually get home, and sometimes I can go up the mountain to walk around. No matter how bad it is, I can help Ye do some work outside the house, but today I feel that I can't walk before I get home. When I get home, I put down the basket on my back, and I can't wait to lie on the kang at once, and I don't want to move at all.

"Big sister!" When Taoer saw her lying down, she immediately came over.

Only then did Xu Xinger find that there was only Taoer at home today and asked, "What did my mother do?" Why did you take the lock and chestnuts out?

"My mother went to the old house. The lock and chestnuts were left at my aunt's house next door. My mother asked me to watch the door and wait for you to come back from the city." Taoer stood underground, but twisted her body from a strange angle, rubbed into Xu Xinger's arms, hummed and continued, "I heard from my mother that aunt also has a baby now, so I can't take care of the milk, so I can only go there to take care of it."

"Ah?" Xu Xinger was a little surprised to hear the words. After all, Chen is a little older, and according to her memory, she can no longer conceive a child after giving birth to Xiaoshuang. Even Mrs. Xu has no hope for her. Who would have thought that she would be pregnant so inadvertently.

However, in this way, Chen's recent temperament has changed, which happened to be reasonably explained. At the beginning of pregnancy, the hormone changes were obvious, especially since she has not been pregnant for many years, and there is some fierce emotional reaction, which is understandable.

However, these are other people's affairs. Xu Xinger immediately thought of Ye's family. There are three daughters-in-law in the family. Now two of them are pregnant. I'm afraid she will feel uncomfortable when she looks aside. What's more, how could old Mrs. Xu give up such an opportunity to teach her?

Now Ye just went to take care of Mrs. Xu, and at least she would be scolded again.

When Xu Xinger heard this, she couldn't lie down at that time. Ye Shi was not an open-minded person, and she would not find a way to vent her emotions when she encountered things, so Xu Xinger could only attract her to focus on three small bodies. Now it still looks a little effective. Locker and Chestnut are very worry-free and just right. It's the most fun time for children, so Ye's mood has been much better recently, and even his body has improved a lot.

But in case Mrs. Xu says something else, if Ye shrinks back into the previous shell, it will not be easy to knock on the shell again.

Xu Xinger got up and asked Taoer to take good care of the house. She quickly went to the old house to check the situation.

After entering the old house, Xu Xinger found that the atmosphere in the room was unusually good.

Chen sat on the kang with a happy face. He had not yet reached the month of pregnancy, but his hands were still carefully wrapped around his stomach for fear of bumping.

Mrs. Xu's mental state is also much better than in the morning. She can already sit up against the quilt and whisper to Chen: "This day is a coincidence. It's Qixi Festival tomorrow. Let the boss buy some snacks and wine. Visit the Moon Palace tomorrow night to bless your life. A son."

Hearing the old lady mention Boss Xu, Chen's face obviously sank. She reached out and rubbed her right arm, which had been pulled out yesterday, and lowered her head without saying a word.

Old Mrs. Xu naturally saw what was going on. Although she also knew what happened yesterday, she couldn't say to her son at this time. She could only say to Chen, "The boss is a rough man. Don't be angry with him. Don't be angry with him. Be careful that you are angry with yourself. What does he have? If you don't do it right, just come and tell your mother that she will deal with him.

Hearing this, Chen's face softened a little. He bypassed Boss Xu and didn't mention it. He only said, "Mom, now that the child is only has more than a month. I don't want to make everyone know. People say that the fetus needs to sit firmly before it can be said, otherwise it is easy to keep it. Although I don't know whether this statement is credible, I think it's better to believe it. Of."

This seems to be out of trouble, but Chen's idea is not like this. She mainly has some scruples about the Li family. Now that Lao San has happened, Li will definitely not give up. Her anger and talk is first-class, and she doesn't want to be involved in this inexplicable conflict.

Among other things, I am pregnant now, and everything should be thought of the little one in my stomach.

Ye Shi answered and said, "I seem to have heard this. Anyway, it's for the child to be smooth. Now that the family knows it, just don't say it anymore."

"The old three families are reasonable, but they are pregnant. When they gave birth to Xiaoshuang in the early years, they didn't always work in the field. How can they have such a rich body and it is worth showing off to others." Chen's words are obviously talking about Li's.

When Li was pregnant, she stood up and leaned around in the village. If anyone asked her a word, she could pull others to say more than half an hour, from how difficult it was to say that she had a child to stay for the Xu family, and then from the sadness of her son's death in those years to now she is pregnant again. , it is said to be a son...

At first, it was possible to stop a few people who couldn't lose face. Later, the whole village knew that she was just idle and had nothing to do. Naturally, no one would accommodate her. When the villagers saw her coming from afar, they couldn't wait to hide as far away as possible.

When she thought of Li, Mrs. Xu's face was full of smiles, and now she was also a little confused. She looked up and saw that Ye and Xu Xinger were both and told them, "Ok, there were no outsiders in the room. The third daughter-in-law and the second daughter-in-law are different. She is a strict-mouthed, so don't worry!"

Ye nodded quickly and said, "Sister-in-law, don't worry, we will definitely not talk nonsense." After saying that, Xing'er also made a statement together.

"Well, anyway, this is also a great thing. Now the eldest and second families are pregnant, which is finally blessed by their ancestors. In July and a half, they must be born to burn paper to worship their ancestors." Mrs. Xu said a few words, and then remembered something and quickly told him, "You are not allowed to mention the second daughter-in-law. The second daughter-in-law is very angry. You can't let her know about this for the time being..."

Xu Xinger's position was facing the door, watching Li step in from outside the door, and asked strangely, "Mom, what can't you let me know?"