Spring is as good as

Chapter 134 So vicious

Guo Li was roughly talking about today's incident, and then said, "I'm still with the doctor. I don't know if I can save it."

As he was talking, the youngest son of the Guo family came back, greeted several old men, and then said, "Hong Yun is fine now. The doctor said that he will be fine after taking medicine for a few more days to clear the poison in his body."

"Old Hong's little girl?" When Old Feng heard Hong Yun's name, he raised his eyebrows slightly and turned his head to look at Xu Xinger. He remembered the previous contradiction between the two families, but he felt that Hong Yun's methods were too insidious.

Mr. Kong was anxious and got up and said, "Let's go and see. It's so vicious at such a young age!"

Hong Yun did wake up at this time, lying on the couch with a blank face, and refused to open his mouth no matter how he asked.

"Did you do the five poisons? Who did you learn from? Mr. Feng was patient and asked similar questions several times, but still didn't get any response.

Xu Xinger sneered and said, "Since you dare to do it, why don't you dare to do it?"

"Who said I dare not do it? I just have nothing to say to you!" Hong Yun and Xu Xing'er immediately blew up and almost jumped up from the couch.

"It's just a half-baked five poisons, and how dare you take it out to harm people?" Xu Xinger continued to be furious, "You said that you secretly ran to my house in the middle of the night and sneaked by the well. Do you want to poison the well water?"

Hearing this, Hong Yun suddenly grinned and said in a particularly strange voice, "Haha, I've been in your well for a long time, otherwise why do you think you will be sick? Seeing you faint today, I don't feel relieved. Unfortunately, I don't know when you got a broken dog..."

"Anyway, since I was caught by you, there is nothing to say. Just leave it to you." Hong Yun looked like a broken jar, and his face didn't care at all. He didn't know whether it was pretending or whether it really didn't matter except to revenge on the Xu family.

"Do you want to go to my well?" When Xu Xinger heard this, she kept responding, but she didn't show it on her face. Instead, she said with a smile, "My family never drinks raw water. I fainted today just because of heatstroke, which has nothing to do with you. The only result of what a messy thing you have made is that I was bitten. The spider was also caught by us. What else can you say?

"Impossible, impossible!" Hong Yun shook his head first, and then his lips began to tremize. He clenched his teeth before restraining. While everyone was unprepared, he rushed to Xu Xinger, "I'm going to die with you today..."

Xu Xinger has been prepared for a long time, but she didn't show it on her face, so she dodged and hid behind Xu Laosan. She is not strong enough now and doesn't want to fight with this madman.

Xu Laosan stopped Hong Yun, and his face was ugly. He also forgot that Hong Yun was still a child. He threw her back on the couch and turned to Guo Lizheng and said, "Mr. Li Zheng, you must give our family an explanation about this matter."

Guo Lizheng nodded and said, "Don't worry, I know."

At this time, Mr. Feng suddenly asked, "Did you throw all these things into the jar, and finally only spiders are alive, and they are much bigger than when they were caught, so you feel that the witch has been made? Then throw the excrement of the insects into the Xu family's well?"

Hong Yun heard this and her eyes suddenly opened wide. She didn't know how Mr. Feng knew so clearly. She hadn't seen any obvious changes in Xu Xinger for many days. So when she saw Xu Xinger fainted today, she was simply very happy and thought that her poison had worked, so At night, he sneaked into Xu Xinger's house and planned to continue to poison the well.

Xu Xinger heard Mr. Feng talking about excreta, and her stomach rummaged again, but in order not to make a fool of Hong Yun, she endured it. She turned her head and saw that Xu Laosan's face was also particularly distorted. No matter who knew that there were these messy things in the water she had drunk, she would not look good. Fortunately, Xu Xinger has the habit of precipitation and boiling before drinking water, so the two are barely calm.

Hong Yun still did not answer, but he did not hide his eyes and expressions, so that people could see at a glance that everything was just like what Mr. Feng said.

"In fact, in addition to the correct steps and methods, the production of the five poisons also need the assistance of drugs. For example, you also mess up by yourself. At most, it only makes the poisonous spiders more poisonous, and the rest are of no use at all." Mr. Feng continued to say slowly, "But in any case, I'm afraid the village can't tolerate you with such a vicious heart at such a young age."

When the other old men heard this, they even nodded.

Mr. Kong suddenly said, "Go to her house and search to see if there are any other messy things."

"Yes, it should be!" Mr. Feng also nodded and agreed, "She doesn't know how to control gird at all. This thing certainly hasn't been successful for the first time. Maybe she has made some other messy things and found them and destroyed them together, so as not to harm others in the future."

"One person works alone, what are you going to do to my house!" As soon as Hong Yun heard that he was going to go to his home, he immediately said urgently, "I made all these things on the mountain. My father's milk is at home. How can I get these things at home? This spider is the only one who survived, and the rest is dead and I threw them away, really!"

Hong Yun said very sincerely and eagerly, but it doesn't matter what she thinks at this time.

Guo Li was leading someone to knock on the Hong family. The old couple were much older in a short period of time because their son was in prison. They got up in the middle of the night and opened the door in a daze. Seeing that there were several people, men and women, came in with torches and light. For a moment, they couldn't figure out for a moment.

Lao Hongtou asked carefully, "Guo Lizheng, in the middle of the night, you are..."

"I also know it's in the middle of the night. I also want to sleep on my bed in the middle of the night, but your granddaughter is restless, and I can't sleep even if I want to!" Guo Lizheng said angrily, "You two are really good. The children in the middle of the night don't know that they go out and sleep like this?"

The old couple were shocked when they heard that the child had gone out. Mrs. Hong quickly went to the west house to have a look. The quilt on the bed was still spread out, but the person was not inside at all. She reached out and touched it in the quilt. It was already cold. It seemed that she had been out for a long time.

She stepped out tremblingly and asked, "Guo Lizheng, where is my Yun'er now? Is there something wrong? Now that my daughter-in-law has died of illness and my son has been arrested, I have this granddaughter left. Don't let anything happen!"

"Your granddaughter is still fine now. Let's talk about this later!" Guo Li was waving his hand, "Go in and search!"

Several people who followed filed in and turned the Hong family's small yard upside down. Brother Cheng soon found a doll from the West House kang, which also wrote Xu Xinger's name and the date of birth.

"Oh, Hong Yun, looking at the thin girl, has such a vicious mind. It's really..." Brother Cheng was also shocked. There were more than a dozen bright needles on the doll's body. She quickly took out the things and gave it to Guo Lizheng in front of the old couple of the Hong family. "Look, Ju However, there are such things, but really... I have never seen such things. I have only heard people of my mother's generation occasionally talk about it. How many children now know this..."

Brother Cheng's mother spoke and kept looking at the old couple of the Hong family. Obviously, she was doubting the two of them. In her mind, the child's heart is not too bad, at most it's just naughty. These vicious and sinister methods must have been deliberately taught by someone.

The old couple of the Hong family saw the doll and almost collapsed to the ground. The two barely stood firm after helping each other. They opened their mouths and shouted unjustly, "Mr. We really don't know. Yun'er is still a child. There must be some misunderstanding about this matter. Please be sure to find out and give us justice."

"Is it fair?" Guo Li was sneering and said, "What do you think is justice? Hong Yun secretly made five poisons behind her back and went to the Xu family's well in the middle of the night. And this is not the first time. She has admitted that now there is such a thing in her room. What other misunderstanding do you say? What else hasn't been found out?"

"What? Did Yun'er admit it? Mrs. Hong staggered under her feet, and her legs were weak. She grasped the weeds under her body tightly and trembled all over. After a long time, she cried out, "What did I do in my last life..."

Old Hong didn't have time to help the old woman and reluctantly said, "Where is Yun'er now? Can we meet her? I, I will ask her, and I won't believe it until I hear her say it myself.

"Even if you don't say it, I will take you there." Guo Lizheng turned around and went out.

"She was bitten by the worm she made. Now she is at the doctor's house. She has nothing to do for the time being, but after that... it's hard to say." Brother Cheng's mother left a sentence and followed Guo Lizheng.

In the end, Boss Guo and the youngest son of the Guo family waited for the old couple of the Hong family to stand up and go to the doctor's house together.

When Hong Yun saw his master's milk, he was very excited for a moment. He surged up and almost fainted directly.

Fortunately, the doctor was always by his side and quickly pricked her with a few injections to stabilize her situation again.

"Master, milk, Yun'er, I'm sorry for you. Yun'er is useless. She can't avenge her parents and let you worry about suffering with me." Hong Yun went to the ground, knelt in front of the old couple of the Hong family, and said with red eyes.

"Silly child, why are you suffering..." Mrs. Hong hugged her granddaughter and cried heartbrokenly. "We just want you to be good. How can learn revenge from your father... If you have a long story, how can I live with your grandfather..."

After figuring out the matter, Guo Li was discussing with several old men for a moment and decided to temporarily lock Hong Yun in the firewood room of the Buddhist hall in the village, and the five poisons and witchcraft dolls were too yin to be burned directly on the spot.

Guo Li was sending away several old men and told several people involved in this matter: "What is the nature of this matter? I'm sure you all understand. When you go back, keep your mouth shut and don't talk nonsense."

Finally, Guo Lizheng said to Xu Laosan and Xu Xinger, "Thanks to the early discovery of this matter, but this is not a good thing. As few people as possible know it. As for how Hong Yun will deal with it, it will not be decided until I discuss with a few old men. At that time, I will definitely tell you that if there is any problem, we can discuss it again. After so long in the middle of the night today, it is about to dawn, you should go back to rest early.