Spring is as good as

Chapter 139 Life will always go on

Xu Laosan and Xu Xinger reached a tacit understanding in private. The inside story of this matter was not mentioned to Ye, but the tooth marks on his arm could not be concealed.

"My God, why did you bite so deeply?" Ye held Xu Laosan's arm and gasped with heartache, "Who bit this?" What a hatred?"

"I quarreled with Hong Yun at Lizheng's house. She rushed up and bit me. My father stood in front of me and was bitten hard by her." There have been too many things in the past two days. Xu Xinger is already uncomfortable. At this time, she is already a little depressed and leaned lazily on the kang.

When Ye heard that this bite almost bit Xu Xinger, he was scared into a cold sweat and patted his chest and said repeatedly, "Fortunately, what should I do if such a bite is on your little arm?"

"Mom, look at what you said. What's lucky?" Xu Xinger was amused by her, and then wrinkled her nose and said, "If she bites my arm, the bones will directly break her teeth!"

"Ok, stop talking nonsense. It's not good for girls to leave scars on their bodies." Ye patted Xu Xinger's head and didn't let her continue to talk nonsense, "If you have to bite someone, you'd better bite your father."

After hearing this, Xu Laosan nodded repeatedly and said with a simple smile, "It's okay not to bite you. This minor injury is nothing to me. Don't worry about it."

Xu Xinger's eyes turned red when she heard the words, moved her body and leaned against Xu Laosan. She said rarely and said, "Dad, don't say that. I'm also very distressed to bite you!"

"It doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt..." Xu Laosan has never been so close to his daughter, and he couldn't say anything for a while.

Xu Xinger sighed in her heart that after coming to this world, maybe the mother and son were connected. Maybe the person she first saw when she was sick was Ye, so she soon had a sense of identity with Ye. However, for Xu Laosan, who she saw later, she always felt that there was a gap and often held an attitude of review and judgment. I don't agree with many of his practices.

But today, at Lizheng's home, Xu Laosan overcame the soft-hearted problem and demanded to severely punish Hong Yun. Later, he was severely bitten by Hong Yun for Xu Xinger, which made Xu Xinger finally realize this kind of fatherly love, which was not obvious at ordinary times, but very solid and reliable at the critical time, which finally gave her strong recognition of Xu Laosan. Sense.

Xu Xinger pinched her sore nose, quickly diverted her attention from crying, and gave the medicine given by the doctor to Ye. "Mother, the doctor said that this medicine should be changed every night. The outer straps should not be too thick and too tight, and never be stained with water."

"Okay, I remember." Seeing that his daughter was so sleepy that she couldn't open her eyes, Ye quickly paved the bedding for her. "It's been ruined these two days. Take a break."

When the couple returned to the east room, Ye took Xu Laosan and asked, "What did Hong Yun do in the middle of the night?" What did you do later?"

"That girl had a change in her family, and then she didn't figure it out for a moment. She hated our apricot. She came last night to throw the spider into our house, but she didn't expect to be found by the steamed bun and hurt herself instead." Xu Laosan told Ye according to the statement discussed with Xu Xinger in advance, "Lili was looking at her young and didn't deal with her. He asked the family to take her back and teach her well."

Ye listened and curled her lips and said, "Although that child is indeed a poor person, this treatment is too light. That big spider is scared to death. Now I think about it, I feel cold all over my body. She actually wants to throw it into our house, Amitabha, fortunately, old God bless you."

"Yes, so no matter what, it's life!" Xu Laosan thought about Hong Yun's final end, and he couldn't help sighing.

"Thanks to the steamed bun this time, if it hadn't been smart, maybe it would have been our child bitten by the spider..." Ye said and took a cold breath. "If the spider is really thrown into our house, maybe it won't be too tight to bite us or apricots and peaches. If it bites two small ones, it may be What's wrong? Why is Hong Yun's daughter so vicious!"

"This matter has been dealt with, so don't talk about it any more. It's not good for people to hear it." Xu Laosan changed the topic and said, "Baozi is so small that he knows how to take care of the house. When he grows up, it will definitely be more useful. Go and cut some meat back, shock Xing'er, mend my body, and reward Baozi so that it can grow up quickly."

"I think you are greedy for meat, right?" Ye looked at Xu Laosan with a smile, and then got up and said, "That's all. Now that the autumn harvest is about to come, it's time to make you some delicious food, so as not to have the strength to work."

Sure enough, Ye went out to cut a piece of pork belly in the afternoon. After coming back, he stewed a pot of cabbage, pork stewed vermicelli, and stir-fried a plate of streaky pork and stir-fried mushrooms. The whole family ate very happily, and the steamed buns also borrowed the light. They ate a small pot of meat soup and grain noodles porridge. After eating enough, they were so delicious that they leaned against Xu Xinger'er's round belly. The foot fell asleep snoring in a moment.

The next day, the old couple of the Hong family said on the pretext that they were not in good health and sent their children to relatives in other places, and then basically closed their doors.

Because the farm is about to be busy, and each family is preparing for work, so there is not so much energy to take care of other people's affairs. Therefore, Hong Yun's death in the village has not caused any ripples, and life will continue.

Xu Xinger was forced by Ye to stay at home to rest, and she was not allowed to go to the city to sell pickles. Xu Xinger remembered the previous appointment with Tian Chenggui. On the morning of July 17, she still came to the entrance of the village with a pickled vegetable jar on her back.

After waiting for a while, he saw Tian Chenggui rushing over and waved to him, "Uncle Chenggui."

"Oh, Xing'er!" Tian Chenggui stopped the car and looked behind Xu Xinger, "Why are you alone today? Where's the mountain?"

"We haven't been to the city to sell pickles recently. I was thinking about what you said you wanted to buy pickles, so I came over this morning to see if I could meet you." Xu Xinger stood for a while and felt a little weak under her feet. She raised her hand and wiped her sweat.

"Okay, my family likes it very much. My daughter-in-law asked me to buy a jar to go back." Tian Chenggui spoke and took out a jar from behind, "Look, I even brought an empty jar."

Xu Xinger took over the jar and said, "Uncle Cheng Gui, when will you come back from the city? I'll send it to you when I go home and pack it, otherwise it will be inconvenient for you to bring a large jar of pickles into the city."

"You're still thoughtful. Well, I'll probably pass by your village when the sun goes down today. Just give it to me then." Tian Chenggui was very cheerful. He had to pay for the delivery of the package. "How much is it? Why don't I set you some money first?"

"I can't say it now. Let's wait until I go back and install it to see how much it can be installed." Xu Xinger smiled and brushed her broken hair behind her ear, "I took your jar and didn't give a deposit. It's said that the money is uncertain. If you don't pay at night, I will also deduct your jar."

"Haha, you little girl are very happy." Tian Chenggui laughed and drove the car into the city.

Xu Xinger carried pickles on her back and walked home with a jar in front of her. On the way, she met Shanzi, who was also walking towards her home. She quietly followed him all the way to her door of her home, and then suddenly came out to scare him.

"Isn't it tiring to follow all the way?" Shanzi reached out to take over the jar and opened the door of the courtyard to let Xu Xinger advance.

When Baozi heard the sound of footsteps, he ran out quickly and wagged his tail at Xu Xinger.

Shanzi put down the jar, bent down and picked up the steamed bun and weighed it and said, "It's only been a few days, and you've actually gained weight?"

Xu Xinger reached out and touched the bulging belly of the steamed bun. Seeing its happy face, she rubbed it twice and said with a smile, "This is just full. Look at this round stomach. My mother hurts it very much now. It's better for it than us!"

"Yamako, come into the house quickly." Ye came out to greet him and stretched out his hand to put Xu Xinger's back basket. "You should also go into the room quickly and stay. Be careful that you will feel dizzy in the sun."

"Isn't Xing'er's body well yet?" Shanzi asked worriedly, "What did the doctor in the village say?" Why don't you go to the city and find a doctor to have a look?"

"Mom, I'm really fine!" Xu Xinger dragged her long voice and said coquettishly, "Don't you think I'm alive now!"

Ye Shi complained to Shanzi: "Shanzi, look at her. She didn't listen to me. She just fainted once the day before yesterday. It was not easy to stay at home for two days. I couldn't stand it, so she found her own work."

"Dined again? What on earth did the doctor say? When Shanzi heard that Xu Xinger fainted again, he suddenly became worried, "Didn't the doctor let you rest well? Why did you faint again?"

"It's not her. She didn't tell me that she fainted before. On the morning of July half, she went to the altar to help. As a result, she didn't know whether it was a heatstroke or something else, and suddenly fainted." The more Ye said, the more angry he became. He reached out and poked Xu Xinger's forehead, but did not dare to use too much force. He only nodded a few times on his forehead.

"Okay, mother, don't I stay at home!" Xu Xinger coaxed Ye away coquettishly and assuredly, and then said apologetically to Shanzi, "I can't go to the city to sell pickles recently, but I don't want to break the business on Mr. Chen's side like this. After all, it's not easy to make such a start. I don't have any new business now, so I have to continue to stick to it. Just go down."

"Don't worry, I'll go to the city every few days. It's not a big deal." Shanzi understood Xu Xinger's meaning, "Since we are working together to make pickles, you can tell me directly. If there is anything I can do it well. If we can't do it, we need to be so polite to discuss it together?"

"It's not polite to you, but I'm used to talking like this. If you don't like me, just want to change it in the future." Xu Xinger said a few soft words, and then said positively, "Actually, I have nothing to do these two days. I've been thinking about one thing. Let's try to grow herbs to make money in the future. What do you think?"

"Growing herbs?" Shanzi tilted his head and thought about it. He was a little puzzled. He also had a medicine garden at home and planted some ordinary herbs, which were not worth much, just for the convenience of his own use. "There are herbs and so on the mountain. Isn't it enough to go up the mountain to pick them? If you grow it yourself, you still have to wait for it. Can it make money?"

This idea has come out of Xu Xinger's mind a long time ago, but she has never had time to elaborate it. In the past two days, she has been thinking about it for a long time while taking advantage of her illness. Although she has never planted herbs, there were still many people in the village in her previous life, most of them. They are not valuable medicinal materials, but the yield and quality are stable. In today's era when medicinal herbs are basically harvested and harvested basically depends on heaven, if ordinary medicinal herbs with large amounts of use can be planted, the profit is actually relatively large.

"I'm still just an idea. The pros and cons are mixed. I have to think carefully about how to do it." Xu Xinger also has a little in her mind. After all, there were pesticides, fertilizers and various drugs in modern times. Now there is nothing, and I don't know if it can work.

"My second uncle and third uncle are back. If you really want to grow herbs, you can find them to refer to them for details at that time, it's better than what you think about at home."

"Master is back?" Xu Xinger's eyes lit up, "I haven't seen Master for a long time."

"He asked about you yesterday. Just go to see him when you get better." Shanzi didn't take it seriously and said, "Anyway, he has nothing to do at home."

"Okay, then go back and tell the master that I will see him when I get better." Xu Xinger was not polite anymore, because she did feel that her body was not very strong recently, and it was easy to be tired. Occasionally, she would feel panicked and sweating when doing some work, so she stayed at home very obediently these two days. After all, she also knew that her body was the capital of the revolution, not to mention that she was even sick now. I can't afford it.

Seeing that Xu Xinger responded so quickly, Shanzi couldn't help but tighten his eyebrows. He knew Xu Xinger's nature, but if she could hold on, she would definitely not postpone meeting Wu Laosan.

"You are good at taking good care of yourself. Recently, my second and third uncle have come back, and my family is also in a hurry. I can't come first these days. I have also sent a few jars of pickles in the city, which is enough for a few days. I'll come back in a few days." Shanzi got up and said goodbye, "You should take good care of yourself at home. Don't worry."

"Don't worry, I'm not a child anymore." Xu Xinger squeezed her lips.

Shanzi was a little stunned. Because Xu Xinger was ill, her hair was not pulled up. She was scattered behind her and tied casually. Her face was paler than usual, and her lips were only light pink. With a slight purse, she looked more bloody. The pear vortex loomed at the corners of her mouth, and there was no such thing as the yellow-haired girl when she first saw it.

"Brother Shanzi, Brother Shanzi, do you hear me?" Xu Xinger raised her voice and called out.

Shanzi suddenly came to his senses, touched his nose awkwardly and said, "Ah? What did you say?"

"I mean, the previous pears have been cooked, but now I can't go to the city to sell them. Do you like the medicine? Why don't you take some more home?" Xu Xinger repeated it again.

"If you don't tell me, I will forget." Shanzi calculated, "It's still early today. I'll go to the city to sell it."

"Now?" Xu Xinger looked at the height of the sun outside and said, "It's hot now. What's wrong with heatstroke?"

"Do you think I'm you?" Shanzi joked with her, "I have been running mountains since I was a child. The sun is nothing, not to mention that this has passed the beginning of autumn."

"Haven't you heard that the autumn tiger is more poisonous?" Xu Xinger was teased and unwilling to laugh at each other.

"Oi, take a good rest. I'm leaving." Shanzi got up and rubbed Xu Xinger's head, then bent down to rub the top of the steamed bun's head, turned around and went out.

"You man..." Xu Xinger lay on the edge of the kang, stared at the steamed buns, and deliberately puffed up her cheeks to scare the steamed buns.

Baozi thought that Xu Xinger was playing with her. She put her front legs on the edge of the kang, stretched out her tongue, and licked her cheeks.

"Go and make my mouth water." Xu Xinger pushed away the dog's head of the steamed bun, "Really, you both bullied me, right?"

Baozi tilted his head and looked at Xu Xinger with his tongue out, with an innocent and stupid face.

"Hey, steamed buns, do you know that it's against the law?" Xu Xinger said solemnly to the steamed bun, and then rolled down on the kang with a smile.