Spring is as good as

Chapter 142 Particle Return to Warehouse

In the early morning of July 28, the three brothers of the Ye family drove to Xingyuan Village, tied the cattle in Xu Laosan's house, sat down and went directly to the old house. Everyone greeted a few words politely, and no longer wasted time. They carried tools to collect sorghum.

The young man worked hard to cut the sorghum in the field. Xu Laoer and Xu Laosan collected the cut sorghum, tied them into bundles, carried them to the pier and handed them to Ye and Xu Lingzi.

Ye and Xu Lingzi sat on the rip, took a bundle of sorghum, put their right hand against the rolled blade of the carved knife, pushed it out at the ear pole, cut off the ear pole, and then put the cocoon upside down on his left arm, piled it on the cocoon next to him, and piled a few crotch together, about 30 catties of bales. In a bundle, neatly stacked around, waiting to be transported to the drying field to dry.

Speaking of simple work, it's really a whole day in the field, but it's not just as simple as being tired, but the results of this day are also gratifying. Most of the sorghum at home have been collected. Mr. Xu looked at the early weather and waved, "Let's go home for dinner."

The three brothers of the Ye family stayed overnight and helped cut the sorghum for another day. After dinner, they left and went back.

At dinner, old man Xu was very happy. He drank two more wine than usual and praised repeatedly: "The third daughter-in-law, the three brothers of your mother's family are all good at work. The in-laws are really blessed with such good three sons."

Xu Laosi deliberately joked, "Dad, you have four sons here. What are you doing just staring at other people's sons!"

"What am I looking at, look at you?" Old man Xu deliberately stared and said, "If you let me see it, the four sons can't stand one of them."

"Why can't you stand it!" Mrs. Xu was not willing to say first, "Looking at other people's son, you can go there."

"Mom, isn't my father teasing us?" Xu Lingzi quickly made a bowl of soup for the old lady. "Drink some soup, the mushroom soup is bright!"

"Your mother has always been like this, and she will pour cold water on people." Old man Xu snorted and continued to drink wine.

Mrs Xu broke the plate and got up and left. The people in the room were not interested and buried themselves in eating.

At night, they went home and had a good sleep. The next day, Dashuang and Yingzi were sent to the drying field to watch the seedlings. Xu Xinger led Taoer and Xiaoshuang to look for the sorghum ears confiscated yesterday. The rest of the adults carried their back baskets and broke the bracts in the bracts.

The people in the village, which are small or have many people, have also begun to harvest sorghum. They are busy everywhere. From time to time, some people raise their voices and make jokes and make people laugh, which adds a lot of fun to the heavy work.

After the bracts were broken down, they were piled up in the yard of the old house. Mrs. Xu led her daughter-in-law and daughter to pick up the bracts at home. The outer old skin was pulled out, leaving only a few inner leaves. After turning them over and rolling them to the end, they were braided into corn braids, a long string, hanging them under the eaves for ventilation and drying. They had to wait for almost dry before It can be put in the valley building.

The tilia on the field has been basking for five or six days. Old man Xu went over to look at it, picked up a spike and pinched it, nodded and said, "Almost, you can play tomorrow."

The next morning, Boss Xu put stone for the cow and crushed it back and forth on the head. Xu Laosan followed behind him, turned over the place he had just pressed from time to time, and then crushed it again, so circularly.

Old man Xu saw that his son was doing a decent job, so he did not make up. He wandered around the grain field with his back to see how other people's harvest was, and then compared with his own. No matter how he won or lost, he continued to walk peacefully.

Turning around, old man Xu came back with a smile and said, "I took a look around. Our family's harvest this year is good. Although I dare not say that it is the best, it is always relatively forward. They all cheer up, finish these days, return the famine outside, and have a time to rest in winter."

In the cool autumn weather, the sun is still still very hot. The sun makes people sweat and their shoulders and hair perm. They are busy until the sun is west before they can end.

Xu Laoer and Xu Laosan guarded the beaten ears aside with wooden forks,ma them into temporary round stacks, braided them with braids, and pressed them with stones. Then collect the beaten sorghum together with a wooden shovel.

Old Xu checked carefully before he was relieved. Although it looks sunny now, he can't be careless.

The next day, it was still early. Old man Xu stood in the yard, felt the wind today, and said happily, "This year is really smooth. The sun, playing and lifting the field have been connected, and there is no delay for a moment."

People are still drying the field, and the Xu family has begun to raise the field. Boss Xu picked up sorghum with a wooden shovel to raise it. Xu Laosi cooperated with a big broom. After a while, the raised grass and bran skin swept aside. The two cooperated tacitly and changed their positions for a period of time and took turns to rest for a while.

Xu Laoer and Xu Laosan scattered yesterday's round stacks and continued to play two games. Finally, they had to gather all the ears, bran skins and so on together, crush them all over again, and put away all the sorghum as much as possible.

The remaining grass stalks can also be used. They can be put away and used with grass mud or laying grass. The bran skin can be kept to feed cattle or fertilizer. If it really doesn't work, it can be burned to fill the stove, and it can't be wasted at all.

The finished sorghum was put into a cloth bag, temporarily tied up in a pocket and transported home. Xu Lingzi and Ye Shi finally finished, carefully cleaned the drying field and the surrounding ground, collected some scattered pieces with leather, crushed them again with stone words, and finally screened out a small handful of sorghum.

There are also many sorghum blown out in the field, which fall into the soil at the edge of the field. They should also sweep them all together, sift out the soil and sand, take them home and put them in the water, fish them several times with hedges, wash out all the sand, and finally spread the washed sorghum in the dustpan to dry.

After Qiu received it, the work of a large amount of labor has ended. In the next few days, as long as the grain is spread on the field to dry, it can be pulled to the grain shop in the city and sold. And this year's harvest is also very good, about a little better than the previous estimate, so the whole family is very happy.

Old man Xu calculated and said, "This year, keep more bracts, so that the sorghum can be sold at a good price. Pull more than half of them to sell them, and take some of the rest to exchange beans to squeeze oil, and keep less to eat at home."

"Just do as you say, and return the famine first." It is rare for Mrs. Xu not to object this time, and the rest of the family naturally have no objection.

drying grain is a relatively light and economical job, so there is no need for adults. Several children in the family take turns to watch it. From time to time, it's almost enough to turn over, and adults are basically freed from heavy labor.

In addition to the autumn harvest season, autumn is also the time to enrich the mountains. After the autumn harvest, women continue to dry vegetables and pickle vegetables at home, and the cabbage and radishes in the field are almost harvest season.

Men are more diligent and go up the mountain with baskets on their backs. From the beginning of August, the hazel mushrooms, hazelnuts, pine nuts, walnuts and frozen mushrooms on the mountain can be picked up almost until it snows.

Take the mushrooms back to dry and put them in a cloth bag. When the snow is heavy in winter, they stew a large pot of chicken and stewed mushrooms at home, which is the best reward for farmers after a year of busy year.

Hazelnuts, pine nuts, walnuts and other dry goods can be carried to the city for sale, or kept for children's tooth sacrifices during the Spring Festival.

Old man Xu was old and was unwilling to run to the mountain. He went to the drying field every day to check whether the sorghum was exposed to the sun. The rest of the time was spent picking up the cellar at home. Later, he also repaired the cellar of his sons, replaced the wood that was a little bad, and reinforced it. It's quite simple, but it took several days to clean it all up.

The sorghum has also been sunned at this time. Old man Xu picked up a few teeth and bit them, nodded, "Okay, pack bags, and tomorrow I will go to the city to sell grain."

The Xu family only left more than three bags of grain, and the old man Xu left more than one bag. Boss Xu and the three brothers took out two bags to change soybean oil. The rest were put on the flatbed car and ready to go to the city to sell the grain store tomorrow.

Mrs. Xu wanted to fight for Xu's second, but she was blocked by the old man Xu's words.

"If he goes back to his hometown so far away, can he still carry a bag of grain back? Then give him a bag of grain, and then go there to buy grain by yourself!"

Old Mrs. Xu also made sense, and she didn't say anything more.

The next morning, Boss Xu drove the car and took Mr. Xu to the city to sell grain, and changed the soybean oil by the way.

Maybe this year's grain was harvested earlier than other people's. In addition, this year's old Xu's sorghum is indeed big and full, and it looks really sells well. A total of fifteen and a half have been sold, three more than last year.

This made old man Xu very happy. He took the boss to drink a little wine in the city, and then slowly drove the ox cart home.

On the night he went back, old man Xu returned all the money borrowed by each family in the village, took more than two more money to Xu Xinger's house, entered the door and put the money on the kang table and said, "Lao San, take this money. Two pieces of money will be returned to your father-in-law, leaving 200 yuan to buy something for your father-in-law and mother-in-law.

"Dad, two pieces of money is enough. You don't need to buy anything." Ye was very happy to see his father-in-law's goodwill to his mother's family, but he still refused, "This year, the family is tight, and Lao Si has to talk about his daughter-in-law. Let's keep this money at home!"

"Your mother's family not only borrowed money, but also helped with the autumn harvest. Before, the family had no money, and I had nothing to say. Now that you have money, don't mean it. What do they think of me, an old man? Don't you want to say that I don't know etiquette? Old man Xu didn't listen to others at all. He had brought the money, so naturally there was no reason to take it back. After saying that, he left behind his back.

"Since Dad brought it, you can keep it. I'll accompany you back to your mother's house in a couple of days!" Xu Laosan was also very happy, and there was a light on his face when he said this.