Spring is as good as

Chapter 147 Gifting

Xu Xinger left this big move on the pretext that brother and mother wanted to go home to cook and dragged Ye home. As for how they solved it later, it had nothing to do with her.

Later, I only heard that Mrs. Xu had exerted extraordinary combat effectiveness. Instead of giving anything to the Li family, she returned a lot of money from the Li family, and the two families finally pressed their fingerprints on the documents.

This made Mrs. Xu have a happy return of victory for several days.

These Xu Xing'er don't care. As long as Mrs. Xu doesn't come to trouble her own, she will feel Amitabha.

The date had been agreed with Shanzi, so on August 13, Xu Laosan drove to take Xu Xinger, as well as his own mushrooms, dried mountain vegetables, dried spicy radish and hot sauce, and prepared to go to Xishan Pass to give Wu Laosan a gift.

Xu Laosan has been muttering since he went out: "Xing'er, are these gifts too few? And they are all our own things, and they are not worth much money. Now that we have just harvested in autumn, we can at least buy some snacks to carry, otherwise it will make people look too bad.

Xu Xinger carefully put the jar and separated it with a straw mat in the middle. She was afraid that it would break because of the collision on the road. After hearing this, she said without raising her words, "Master's family is not short of things, just some of his own things. If you buy something to take with you, you will be scolded by him."

Xu Laosan was skeptical when he heard this and muttered while he set up the car.

Xu Xinger had no way to say, "Just buy it on the road later."

You can't drive a bus to Xishan Pass all the way. If you have to bypass the road at the foot of the mountain, you will pass a relatively large village. It is also convenient to buy things.

"That's right! They just sent so many medicinal materials!" Xu Laosan nodded after hearing this and went back to the house to get some money from Ye. He was ready to buy some snacks on the road and buy two jars of wine to carry over together.

The two went out early, so although they took a long detour, they only went up three poles a day when they arrived at Xishan Pass.

The two of them went straight to Wu Laosan's house. Unexpectedly, Shanzi was already waiting at the door. They saw two people greeted them and smiled: "I guess they should be there soon."

"You're just right here. Hurry up and help me move things." Since Xu Xinger figured it out, her attitude towards Shanzi has become more and more natural.

"You child, how can you call the mountain!" Xu Laosan tied up the cow and quickly came to grab something.

"Uncle Xu, it's okay. I also have my share in this spicy radish and hot sauce. I should give some strength." Shanzi smiled cheerfully and carried a jar into the room with one hand.

"The one with hemp rope on the jar is hot sauce, and the other is radish strips." Xu Xinger followed in and told him, "It takes half a month to open the jar, and the hot sauce for a month. Just put it in a cool place on your back. I also brought a small jar of pickled radish strips."

Wu Laosan heard the sound coming out of the room, stood at the door of the house and smiled, "Xing'er is here! In the past few months, I have always wanted to eat your pickled radish strips. Unfortunately, I went to several places and bought several kinds of radish strips, but they didn't taste good enough.

"Third brother, you are here too!" Before Wu Laosan finished his words, he saw Xu Laosan coming in with a wine jar and snacks. He quickly greeted him and couldn't help complaining, "Come here. Why do you spend this money? It's not an outsider."

Xu Xinger walked out and said, "Master, I also brought you the mushrooms I picked and dried wild vegetables. I said you would like these. My father thought there were too few things, so he bought some on the way."

"It's still Xing'er, third brother, you can't be so polite in the future." Wu Laosan was really more angry with Xu Xinger. He was more interested in his pickled vegetables and mountain goods. He came forward to help that thing and then welcomed Xu Laosan into the house.

"I have to go to the city for business, so I won't stay and come back to pick up Xing'er in the evening." Xu Laosan sat down and drank tea for a while, and then got up and was in a hurry to leave.

"I'll call my second uncle." Shanzi has long known that Xu Laosan was going to go to the city. First, he had to send pickles to the noodle shop, and second, he seemed to go to buy something, so he discussed with Xu Xinger before and asked Xu Laosan to take his second uncle into the city to see Xiaomei's grandmother's legs by the way, and he could come back together at night.

After sending Xu Laosan away, Wu Laosan went back to the house and sat down. He raised his hand to greet Xu Xinger and said, "Come here and I'll check your pulse."

Xu Xinger obediently sat down and put her right hand on the pulse pillow.

Wu Laosan changed his hands for a while, then put away his pulse and said, "Ok, it's not a big deal. It's been well raised recently. No matter what you do in the future, you have to do it according to your ability. You are still young now, and it's time to grow your body. You can't blindly overdraw."

"I know, I will definitely be careful in the future." Xu Xinger nodded repeatedly to show that she remembered it.

Wu Laosan then turned to the topic and said, "Shanzi said you want to grow herbs?"

"Yes, but I don't know if it will work." Xu Xinger nodded and said humbly, "Actually, I just thought about it myself, so I came to ask the master."

"You girl has a good vision!" Wu Laosan smiled and nodded to express his approval, "I have been thinking about this issue for the past two years, but I have been embarrassed by the land and the weather. This time I went out to get some news. Starting next year, the court began to encourage the opening of wasteland in the north, as long as the land is open to the individual within the scope stipulated by the court, and the first year will be exempted. Tax, this solves the problem of land, as for the weather problem..."

Xu Xinger answered, "The weather here is not hot. When it's cold, we can build a shed to keep warm. If it's colder, we can make a fire in the shed or build a mud house, just like some people in the city grow vegetables in winter."

Wu Laosan shook his head when he heard this and said, "I have also thought about this method, but it doesn't work. Herbs are different from crops. In addition to water, soil, cold and warm, wind and rain are also necessary. You can't put it in the room like planting garlic seedlings and water some water to grow by yourself."

Xu Xinger touched her chin and said, "That means that we can only grow local medicinal herbs?"

"Yes, and the most important thing is to produce seedlings and transplant. Whether you can survive is the most important thing." Xu Laosan said, "The herbs in our mountain are very skinned. As long as we can live, there should be no big problem in the future."

"In that case, let's raise seedlings first!" Xu Xinger blurted out.

"Ming?" Wu Laosan looked at Xu Xinger with great interest and said, "Treathe details, what is the seedling method?"

"I don't know if I can do it, but I just fantasize." Xu Xinger touched the tip of her nose and said, "We can make a wooden box with a living bottom and fill it with soil. If it is a seeded medicinal herb, we can plant it in a fixed position in the box, and then we can move it outside or put it in the house. After the seeds sprout and grow into tender seedlings, we can transplant them together with the soil and seedlings to the ground. If you go to the mountain to dig it back, the small one can also use this method. The big one can be dug directly from the mountain with the roots and soil, tie the roots together with a hemp rope, or put it in a basket, and then transport it back to the house for a few days, and then plant it in the ground. I think it will be easier to hurt the roots. Survive some."

"Yes, this is a good way!" Wu Laosan patted her thigh and said, "I've seen you as a clever girl for a long time. It's really good! At the beginning of spring next year, I will try it at home first. If it can work, when the land reclamation is implemented, we will take the opportunity to come out more.

Xu Xinger blinked her eyes cunningly and tilted her head and said, "Master, let's work together then!"

"Don't worry!" Wu Laosan laughed and reached out to pat Xu Xinger's head. "I know you are a money fan. How can you make money!"

"Who is obsessed with money!" Xu Xinger turned her head and looked at Shanzi, "You must have said bad things about me in front of your master, didn't you?"

Shanzi raised his hands and repeatedly said that he was innocent.

"Do you still need someone else to say this!" Wu Laosan got up with a smile and went back to his room to get two thin books and asked Xu Xinger, "Can you read?"

Xu Xinger said cautiously, "I know a few, but I don't know much."

"I remember that you also asked Shanzi to take a book before, and I think you should know some." Wu Laosan did not doubt and handed the two brochures to Xu Xinger and said, "These are the two books I went out to find this time. There are some methods of ancestors to grow herbs. I have read them. Take them back and have a look. If there is anything you don't understand, ask your fourth uncle or ask me together."