Spring is as good as

Chapter 151 Can't afford to lose this person

Ye can't refute what Mrs. Xu decided, but she really doesn't want the two children to gossip.

She was anxious and couldn't do the work in her hand. She explained a few words to Xu Lingzi and left her hand to go home to discuss with Xu Laosan.

Entering the door, I saw Xu Xinger coaxing two small games on the kang. The lock babbling to grab Xu Xing'er's fingers. Chestnut's small belly lay round on the quilt of the kang, looking lazy.

"Xinger, where's your father?" Ye asked.

"Dad went up the mountain, brought cakes, and said that he would not come back until evening." Xu Xinger gently hit the two small fans.

Ye's face was entangled and sat on the edge of the kang. His eyes were straight and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Mom, what's going on?" Xu Xinger saw that she didn't mention it, so she asked.

Ye's heart was not strong, so she told Xu Xinger about the reasons before and after.

"Grandma is really confused. Even if she calculates like this, can I listen to her?" Xu Xinger said, "Now that the second uncle has left, grandma is uncomfortable in her heart. She always wants to find something to do, and she is not thorough, but I am a person who wants face, and she will definitely not respond. Mom, don't worry."

Ye thought that Xing'er's words were reasonable, and his heart suddenly relaxed a little. Then he remembered that he didn't see Xu Laosi when he came home, and asked, "Where's your fourth uncle?"

"He has been tired of being asked by me every day. Recently, he went out with people." Seeing that Ye Shi still wanted to go back to work, looking at the sky outside, Xu Xinger turned over and said, "Mom, I have something to do when I go out. You watch the two little ones at home."

"Where are you going again?" Ye didn't finish her words, and she saw that Xu Xinger had run away and had to stay at home by herself.

Xu Xinger ran to the road that must go up and down the mountain, and soon waited until old Xu and his two sons came down the mountain.

"Master, Dad, uncle." Xu Xinger ran up and said, "What have you done today?"

"Why are you waiting here?" Xu Laosan pulled his daughter, "But what's the matter at home?"

"It's okay. I've been watching Xiaoxiao at home for a day. Just now, my mother came home, so I had to go out for a stroll. There's nothing interesting and I don't want to go back. I just come and wait for Grandpa and Dad to go down the mountain."

Old man Xu grabbed a barked hazelnut and handed it to Xu Xinger: "This year, I collected hazelnuts and pine nuts. Now I'm almost there. I can go into the mountain to get more in a few days."

The outside of the hazelnut is a layer of green skin with white hair. Freshly picked, there is one of them, and several of them are hung upside down like a small lantern. It's just fluffy and cute, but they don't dare to scratch it randomly. Otherwise, although the burrs are soft and painless, they are easy to hang on the oily skin, which makes people feel uncomfortable. .

Xu Xinger took over the stalk and peeled it off. The three round hazelnuts filled the gap inside.

"Dad, you can get more tomorrow. Go home and fire it for entertaining guests." Xu Xinger deliberately led the words to where she wanted.

"This hazelnut looks round, but in fact, it still has a lot of moisture. It will shrish a lot when it dries, and it will take a few more days to get better."

Xu Laosan explained a few words, and then remembered to ask, "What's the good hospitality at home?"

"I don't know. I just heard from my mother that grandma is going to set up a banquet for dinner and make a hundred days for the lock and chestnuts."

Boss Xu and Laosan were stunned when they heard the words.

"Xing'er, maybe you heard it wrong. The 100 days of my younger brother and sister have passed. There is no reason to make up for it."

Old Xu walked in front of him without looking back, but his ears were already swollen.

"How can I know? I just heard it." Xu Xinger pretended to be ignorant and blinked and asked, "Isn't it good to do 100 days for her brother and sister? I saw that other families in the village also set up wine. Many people outside the village went to eat, which was very lively.

"They eat it on the right day, and there is no reason to make up for it." Xu Laosan coaxed his daughter and said, "If you want to see the bustle, when the lock is one year old, we will also set up a few tables and invite relatives, friends, and villagers to have a drink."

Xu Xinger showed a disappointed look and took a few steps to pull Mr. Xu's sleeve and said, "Master, can't you really drink this time? But the milk is said to be put!"

"You are so stupid!" Old man Xu didn't know the reason, just as if Mrs. Xu was sick now.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she got home and put down her basket, she heard Mrs. Xu in the room quarreling with Lingzi.

"Mom, it's not that we don't follow you, and the third sister-in-law is not dependent on you. It's just that you are sick and can't bear to go against you. You are also old. What haven't you seen? What don't you know? The picture of setting up wine for the children is the bustle of his own house. He invited people everywhere to collect money, and he didn't know how to be talked about it behind his back. It's not that you haven't complained about yourself, but now you still have to do such a thing. You still have to let go of it, and you have to make up for it. This is not a blessing, it's not for two small "What's the disaster!"

"You unfilial thing, I just said a few words, but you have such a big car to say to me, for fear that I won't die early!" Mrs. Xu was shameless and was directly annoyed. She grabbed the broom and threw it over, but it was hitting the old man Xu who had just entered the door.

"At least you have a while!" Old man Xu kicked away the broom angrily and said angrily, "I think you are living a good life now, and you feel uncomfortable every day! In the past, when you were not free all year round, I didn't see you have so many problems!"

"I knew that you only disliked me. I'm old and useless now. The old people in my family don't like me. I can't wait for me to die of illness. If you find a good one to come in, everyone will be comfortable." Mrs. Xu lay on the kang and cried loudly, and almost breathed back for a moment.

After all, Xu Lingzi was her own daughter. Looking at it, she was angry, anxious and distressed. She quickly climbed up to the kang and patted her back and rubbed her breasts, so that she easily eased her breath.

Old man Xu was upset by her crying. He sighed several times, took a cigarette bag and pot, took a cigarette purse and prepared to go out to hide quietly.

Before he left, he said, "You don't have to make trouble with me. I only want to make it clear to you today. Whether you are crying or dying, this 100-day wine is not allowed. Our old Xu family can't afford to lose this person. If you are determined to do it, or you can go out of the Xu family by yourself!"

Old man Xu's words were so harsh that he scared Mrs. Xu for a moment and choked and dared not distinguish anything.

Xu Lingzi quickly made a round of things, said a few good words to persuade old man Xu to go out to smoke, and then went back to the house to wash Mrs. Xu's face, which was a good way to comfort her.