Spring is as good as

Chapter 156 This daughter-in-law can't

Mrs-in-law Guo was afraid that Xu Xinger would bring up the matter of entering the house again, so she quickly smiled and said, "It's not early now. Why don't you stay and have lunch!"

Without waiting for Mrs. Xu to reply, she said to Guo Lian, "Xiaolian, why are you so ignorant? Why don't you make a fire and cook?"

Seeing this, Mrs. Xu immediately got up and waved her hand and said, "No, no, don't be busy. We're going back now."

"How can you leave like this? At least you can leave after lunch, right? Otherwise, people will say that I am not well served. Sister-in-law Guo continued to stay.

Aunt Huang also waved her hand and said, "Sister Guo, you are so polite. My family is ready, and my family is alone at home. If I don't go back to cook, he will have to drink the northwest wind."

Hearing this, Sister-in-law Guo stopped holding them, exchanged a few words and sent them out of the yard with a smile.

Out of Guo's yard, Aunt Huang saw that Mrs. Xu's eyes were narrowed with laughter, so she came over and asked with a smile, "How's it going? I didn't lie to my old sister. These two girls are the best!"

When Mrs. Xu saw the two girls, she was better than the one who proposed marriage before. She suddenly felt better and nodded repeatedly and said, "It's really good. Sister-in-law Huang is bothered."

"What's your politeness? Let's go home after dinner and just go to Sister Lin's place to see the law!"

When Mrs. Xu heard the story, she couldn't stop her curiosity and muttered in a low voice while pulling Aunt Huang as she walked.

Xu Xinger followed for this. She wanted to know whether this so-called Wan Zen sect was the kind of cheating thing she imagined.

However, at this time, she was still thinking about what had happened in the Guo family just now. Seeing that Aunt Huang and Mrs. Xu were talking far away, she pulled Xu Lingzi's hand.

Xu Lingzi was a little distracted. She was pulled by her and almost fell at her feet. Fortunately, no one saw her before and after, but she still blushed in embarrassment.

She bowed her head and said anxiously, "Xinger, what did you do? It scared me."

"Sister, do you also think there is something wrong with Guo Lian?" Xu Xinger blinked her eyes and stared straight at Xu Lingzi and asked.

Xu Lingzi squeezed her lips, squatted down and whispered in her ear, "Didn't I go up to see the curtain just now?"

Huh? The embroidery is very beautiful. What's the problem? Xu Xinger naturally saw it a long time ago, but deliberately said so.

When Xu Lingzi heard this, her face was even more entangled.

"Because it's been a long time, I sat in the hall and glanced at it. I was not sure, but when I went up and took a closer look..." Xu Lingzi snorted coldly, "That curtain must not be embroidered by Guo Lian!"

Hearing this, Xu Xinger suddenly cheered up. She put her arms around Xu Lingzi's neck and looked straight at Xu Lingzi: "Suntie, what's going on?"

"I embroidered the curtain last year. At that time, your father brought it to the town and sold it. Although it has been a while, I can't recognize what I embroidered?"

"You mean... Guo Lian is pretending? She can't embroider at all? Xu Xinger said excitedly, "I just went to take her hand and found that there was no cocoon on her fingers. It was slippery, which was different from my sister-in-law's hand."

"I don't know if she will embroider, but since she pretends to be with the things she bought, her character must not be good." Xu Lingzi curled her lips.

Xu Xinger thought about what had just happened and whispered, "I thought it should have been done by her mother. When Miss Guo came out, her face turned red, and her milk thought she was thin-skinned and embarrassed. Now I think that she must have been blown by her mother."

"You mean..." Xu Lingzi said hesitantly, "Do you also think this Miss Guo is good?"

Xu Xinger shook her head quickly: "You must not let your uncle marry this girl from the Guo family!"

The Guo family's facade is well done, and Guo Lianniang will come again. Just looking at Mrs. Xu's performance just now, she knows that she is more satisfied with Guo Lian.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but be a little worried. This uncle's marriage must not be ruined by the Guo family. Even if Guo Lian is a good person, with such a mother, life will not be much better in the future.

Xu Xinger lay on Xu Lingzi's shoulder and said in her ear, " Even the embroidery work is fake. Who knows whether the cleverness she just showed is true or false? Even if her mother asked her to do this, it can only show that her mother is not a good person. Although she will live with her in the future, if her mother-in-law is not good and makes trouble from time to time, can the family still live a good life?

Xu Lingzi looked at Xu Xinger and said doubtfully, "Xing'er, how old are you? Who did you learn these words from?"

"Brother Cheng often comes to my house to talk to my mother. Dong's family is short, so I listened to it." Xu Xing'er quickly made up for it.

Xu Lingzi didn't think much about it when she heard this. She thought to herself that Mrs. Xu was too impatient. If she directly told her that Guo Lian's embroidery work was fake, she might be angry with Aunt Huang.

And Aunt Huang was introduced by Brother Cheng. At that time, if there is a disturbance, at least it will offend the two families, which will make it difficult for Ye to do.

Xu Xinger also thought of these questions and pulled Xu Lingzi and said, "Let's not mention it for the time being. Let's go back and talk to the fourth uncle directly. The fourth uncle won't be confused about choosing Guo Lian."

"I'm afraid of my mother..." Xu Lingzi was afraid of Mrs. Xu in those days and really couldn't find her temper.

"Don't worry, sister-in-law, the fake is always fake. If the milk really wants to force the fourth uncle to marry Guo Lian, we will expose her!" Xu Xinger also made the worst plan, "If you risk to make a scene, you can't push the fourth uncle into the fire pit."

When Xu Lingzi heard this, she felt that it could only be like this for the time being, so she nodded and responded.

When Xu Xinger was excited, her voice was a little loud, which made Mrs. Xu look back.

"What are you two doing? Why don't you follow quickly and squat over there and muttering about something!" Mrs. Xu raised her voice and turned around and said to Aunt Huang, "Look, these two children, they insisted on following them, and when they came, they made trouble again."

"Nothing, what a good two daughters!" Aunt Huang smiled and said, "Old sister is so blessed!"

"What a blessing!" Mrs. Xu sighed, "There are a lot of maids at home. When can I add a grandson? Alas, I don't know if I can see it before I close my eyes."

"Don't say that, old sister. Although some things are destined, they are not unchangeable." Aunt Huang said mysteriously, "Let's go home for dinner first. After going to see the law in the afternoon, you will understand."

Xu Xinger caught up and heard the last two words, and then pulled Xu Lingzi to bite her ear and said, "Sister, did you hear milk mention this ten thousand Zen Buddhism before?"

"I haven't done it before. I occasionally heard her say a word or two in the past two days, which seems to be quite effective." Xu Lingzi didn't care too much. "She seemed to have talked to your fourth uncle for a long time that day, but your fourth uncle was too lazy to listen, and the two of them quarreled a few words."

"Don't be a magic stick to cheat money!" Xu Xinger said worriedly.

"The man who cares about money is so important. How can he be cheated so easily?" Xu Lingzi laughed when she heard this.

Xu Xinger didn't answer again and said to herself, if she was really brainwashed, she would have no reason.

Back to Aunt Huang's house, Xu Lingzi quickly helped cook together.

Aunt Huang looked so much that she liked it and kept saying to Mrs. Xu, "Sister, I'll make a deal with you. I'll come to your Lingzi after the Spring Festival to kiss you. You must not respond to other people's marriages."

"Then you have to tell us something good." Mrs. Xu said with a smile.

Xu Lingzi came in with the vegetables. Her face turned red when she heard the words and whispered, "Mom, what are you talking about?"

Aunt Huang tasted the dish and praised it: "Oh, the cooking is so delicious. I heard from your mother that the embroidery work is also good? Tut, such a good daughter, who can't be scrambled for it?

Xu Lingzi was so ashamed that she couldn't listen and was about to leave.

Aunt Huang quickly stopped and said, "Don't be disgrined. I won't talk about it. Eat, eat."

After lunch, the three grandparents followed Aunt Huang to the Lin family in the same village. Today, his family invited the master of Wan Zen Sect to do it.

When several people arrived, there were already many people standing in the yard of the Lin family, all of whom came to watch the law.

Aunt Huang took Mrs. Xu and the others through the road and went straight to the inner circle. She put her hands together and made a gift before saying to Mrs. Xu, "I told you last time that Master Zen Deng has been doing nothing in recent years. It's all his four personal disciples are everywhere to save hardships. Come here today. The practice is that there is no master.

Old Mrs. Xu looked up and saw a man in a Taoist robe sitting upright, looking at her in his early thirties.

"This empty master is the fourth disciple of the Zen lamp mage. He also has three masters, emptiness, bright heart and bright blue." Aunt Huang continued to introduce, "For so many years, the Zen Lantern Mage has only accepted these four disciples. I don't know how many people still want to worship under his door, but he did not accept it again. Many people said that this empty master is a closed disciple."

When Mrs. Xu saw that the empty master looked young, her eyebrows were also kind. Now she was saying something to the owner of the Lin family, and the other party nodded.

She couldn't help being a little curious and asked in a low voice, "This master looks young and really that powerful?"

"Shh, don't talk nonsense." Aunt Huang quickly made a silent gesture to her, "The depth of this magic has little to do with age. It mainly depends on people's merits. Now I'm afraid you don't understand this. You watch it first, and I'll tell you slowly in the future."

"Then what's the matter with the Lin family? Do you want to let the empty master do it?" When Mrs. Xu saw more and more people in the yard, she asked with a little more awe.