Chunyang Medical Road

Chapter 258 It's none of your business

"You...I..." Seeing such an ambiguous and intimate scene in front of him, he had regarded Meng Yao as his forbidden master in his heart, and almost suffocated it out of breath.

"How can it be!!! This boy is not handsome, and he is not a rich man in appearance. But... How can Meng Yao be so soft in his arms?!"

Master Shixin only felt that his eyes were red and hot. He was an experienced person, and I don't know how many women he had played with. He knows very well the appearance of Meng Yao and Song Kai. It is definitely not the first time to be so close. It already smells like an old husband and wife.

Like him, Song Kai was also very angry. After dinner, he couldn't help but be distracted when he thought about opening a room with Meng Yao later.

So he brazenly ran to Meng Yao and sat down. In a few words, he began to move his hands and feet, although Meng Yao was still a little shy. It's just that the two of them couldn't be familiar with it anymore, so they let it go. As a result... they were teased by Song Kai, so there was such a scene that Master Shixin saw.

But it's terrible that no man will want to do such a thing. Such a soft side of his woman will be seen by other men... Even a monk can't do it!

"Hey, what are you doing?" Song Kai asked angrily and stretched out his hand to close the door curtain.

To mention this Zhiweixuan, for the unique design, there is no private room or hall, all of which are such small compartments. If you get a door, it means the same as a private room, so the compartments of Zhiweixuan are all made of door curtains, but they are not ordinary cloth, but bamboo curtains made of good Xiangfei bamboo.

Song Kai was so angry that the two people opened the curtain for no reason, which made Meng Yao very embarrassed. She scolded and pulled the curtain back.

After pulling the door curtain, Song Kai smiled at Mengyao and said, "It's okay. I don't know where the bastards came from. Don't worry about them. Let's continue..."

"Continue..." Meng Yao blushed and spat. Although she knew that Song Kai was a little rogue, she was seen by others, and she actually wanted to continue...

"You guy, who is Meng Yao?!"

Suddenly, the curtain was opened again, and a voice more annoyed than Song Kai roared.

Hearing this, Song Kai didn't even have time to be angry. He was stunned directly. How could this guy know Meng Yao?

At this time, Meng Yao also saw the people outside clearly, couldn't help but be shocked, and then said indifferently, "It turned out to be Master Shixin, Song Kai, this is the first master of Shixin in the Prajna Hall of Shaolin Temple."

"The first seat of Prajna Hall?" Song Kai frowned. He didn't care what kind of Prajna Hall or Pineapple Hall he was. Damn it, he dared to ask who Meng Yao was?

As a person with countless beauties around him and a body of the most yang, Song Kai very well understood what the eyes of this master Shixin represented when he saw Meng Yao.

Damn, a monk, how dare you think like this to my woman?

Although Song Kaicai is too lazy to care about the first place of the Prajna Hall in a Shaolin Temple, after all, the Su family and the door-to-door and the gods have provoked forces. How can he care about this bullshit master?

But after all, it seems that he really knows Meng Yao, and Song Kai is still unwilling to recite Meng Yao's thoughts. With a cold smile, Song Kai didn't pay attention to the letter, but the curtain was not closed.

"Meng Yao, who is this guy?" Shi Xin didn't realize at all that he was the one who destroyed the couple. He was full of anger. All he thought was why Meng Yao, who was like a fairy in the world, was in Song Kai's arms? Isn't that something that only you can have?

"Does this have anything to do with you?"

Song Kai wanted to say this very much, but he didn't wait for him to speak, but Meng Yao already spoke.

But this was said by Meng Yao, which made him more comfortable than what Song Kai said himself. It was like the hot summer suddenly filled with a mouthful of iced Sprite, which was really like the advertising slogan - 'cold heart, heart flying'!

It's cool, haha. For men, there is nothing more comfortable than letting other men eat their own women.

When the letter was heard, he was stunned at first, and then his face changed greatly.

He suddenly understood that he didn't seem to have the right to ask Meng Yao about things. They are with whoever they like to be with. Meng Yao's words are more polite. In other words, it's... none of your business?

Song Kaixin was already so happy that he was about to laugh out, but this was not a sign of politeness. Just as a manifestation of happiness, Song Kai proudly hugged Meng Yao in his arms again and even kissed her.

It's just this kind of move, which undoubtedly hits people more than any words. Of course, it's a master of interpretation.

"You...I..." When Master Shixin saw such a scene in front of him, he only felt uncomfortable in his heart, just like swallowing a huge green-headed fly, but he couldn't spit it out!

Seeing the master standing at the door of the compartment and saying the same thing twice, it can be seen that the aggrievedness in his heart has reached the point of not vomiting.

However, to Song Kai's surprise, after Master Shixin's face changed for a while, he smiled and said, "Ha ha, I forgot the etiquette. This gentleman also seems to have been to the Shaolin Temple. Why, after you left a few days ago, do you want to find your master now?

"Yes." Meng Yao's tone was very indifferent, as if talking to someone she knew but was not familiar at all. And this is indeed true. This is the relationship between Master Shixin and Meng Yao.

But Master Shixin obviously does not think so. He has always thought that Meng Yao can only be his own. Although Meng Yao's woman's coming path is not small, in the past, Meng Yao was like a little princess of the Yin and Yang Gate, and although the Yin and Yang Gate has fallen for thousands of years, the thin camels are bigger than horses, which is not something that she dares to provoke.

However, the Yin and Yang Gate was destroyed by the gods overnight. After weighing it, Shi Xin even thought that if he could marry Meng Yao, even if he abandoned the current ones, the abbot would be happy, right? After all, there is also a master in Yin and Yangmen, and that... is a strong man who has stepped into the innate 60 years, maybe... it is not impossible to take a step forward, right?

But all this was destroyed by the appearance of Song Kai. He... He actually cheated Meng Yao!

In the heart of Shixin, he hates Song Kai to the point that he can't be added, but these can't be shown.

As a selfish and arrogant person, he will not think that his ideas are wrong. He didn't think about it. Can Meng Yao only choose him as a monk?

"Ah, hehe, maybe you don't know that Master has gone out of the customs. I heard that you have left. He misses you very much. Why don't you go up the mountain with me immediately? Master Shi Xin was not angry. He actually smiled and invited Meng Yao to go up the mountain together.

"No, I'm staying in a hotel today." Meng Yao's answer is also very simple.

"Oh... Well, it's also a surprise to meet you. Why don't we have dinner together?" He looked very polite and easy-going.

"I'm sorry, we've finished eating. If you want to treat, remember to pay the bill." This time, it was Song Kai's answer. For a man who peeps at his own woman, and his mother is a monk, Song Kai can bear to slap this bastard to death, which is already very cultivated.

"Cough... That's right. After all, you two are guests. Ha ha, in this case, I won't disturb you." Master Shixin smiled kindly, waved his hand and retreated.

He really doesn't want to stay any longer, otherwise, Shi Xin feels that he will be pissed off to death.

"Well, the fly has finally left. Come on, kiss your wife, and let your husband Xiang..." Seeing Shi Xin leave, Song Kai said to Meng Yao with a smile, but the voice was a little louder, so that Shi Xin, who had not yet gone far outside, suddenly coughed dryly, and his face had become extremely ferocious.

"I... I want him to die! He must die! I will definitely kill him with my own hands!" This sentence kept echoing in the heart of Shixin.

"Boss, what's wrong with you?" Zhuang Liu next to him was not very clear about Shi Xin's idea. The only thing he knew was that the boss wanted to get Meng Yao to bed. Looking at the current situation, the one named Song Kai seemed to be one step ahead!

For such a thing, the release must be in anger, so there must be action next. With Zhuang Liu's understanding of the letter, he must be eager to kill Song Kai at this time.

In Shaoshi Mountain, it's too simple for Shixin to kill someone. At this time, Zhuang Liu wants to take this task into his own hands. As long as he solves Song Kai for Shixin, he will definitely be more appreciated by Shixin!

"Find someone right away and find out where they live tonight. Then, no matter what method you use, whether you take medicine or find your men to forcibly arrest people, take both of them to the villa in my villa. Remember, both of them have to live, that Song Kai, I'm going to chop him myself!!!"

Zhuang Liu trembled all over. From the words of the letter, he could hear how angry it should be. The two people in the cubicle this time are afraid that the end will be miserable... However, Zhuang Liu immediately became excited again. Shi Xin has never been so angry, so as long as he can do this for him, there are absolutely a lot of benefits he can get!

"Yes, boss, don't worry, I will do this thing well..." Zhuang Liu quickly agreed, but he had begun to figure out how to catch Song Kai and Meng Yao and give them to the boss...

And behind Zhiweixuan, the boss Yang Susu frowned and said secretly, "Do you want to take action against that couple? Well, although I may not feel clear, those two guys are not simple. Forget it. Now that you have met, it's better to sell your feelings. I'll tell them.