Chunyang Medical Road

Chapter 305 Pharmaceutical Factory Renaming

Song Kai was originally a joke, but Yi Shuirou listened to him, but her face turned red in an suddent, and she didn't even dare to look at Song Kai.

What Song Kai said was indeed the main reason why Yi Shuirou lost her temper at that time. Just because he was inexplicably jealous, his sister was almost defiled, and almost made the Yi family fall into the disaster of destroying the family.

Yi Shuirou's performance immediately stunned Song Kai for a while. Is it impossible... Did he get it right? Doesn't that mean that this iceberg beauty is thinking about herself?

Thinking of this, Song Kai couldn't help but be a little embarrassed, but he was more self-conceited. See, the iceberg beauty that strangers can't enter, for the sake of melting for herself!

"Cough, that... Let's go quickly, or we'll run out of tea." Song Kai said without saying anything, softening the atmosphere a little, and the two walked in silently.

In the Yi family, Song Kai was regarded as a distinguished guest of his ancestors. The whole family carefully entertained him. After lunch, after learning that Yi Ting was awake and recovered good news, Song Kai left.

Because this morning when he was a guest at Yijia, Song Kai received the news that the bank had unfrozen his account, and the departments that had been in trouble with Guangtai Pharmaceutical Factory also disappeared quickly like a low tide.

Now that everything is on the right track, Song Kai began to think about going to the coastal area to find the whereabouts of the pure yang secret.

But before that, let's finish the matter of Guangtai Pharmaceutical Factory.

He called Cao Feng, called Professor Jin and Sun Dan from the research department, and then called Liu Dachun. Finally, he asked Tang Ran to help find a lawyer, and then gathered together in a teahouse.

Song Kai was the first to arrive. After not long after sitting, Professor Jin and Sun Dan arrived. Then Cao Feng and Liu Dachun also came. When Tang Ran came with a lawyer surnamed Wang, everyone also found that things were a little serious.

Cao Feng knew the reason for the matter and could still keep calm, but Liu Dachun and Professor Jin were a little unyed.

Because Song Kai did not inform them in advance, he could only whisper in his heart that he didn't know what Song Kai was going to do.

"Ha ha, everyone has never been together. Let me introduce it briefly." Song Kai smiled and pointed to Professor Jin and said, "This is Professor Jin, the head of the elixir research department of my Guangtai Pharmaceutical Factory. Sun Dan next to him is his assistant.

"This is Liu Dachun, the general manager of Guangtai Pharmaceutical Factory."

"This is my good friend, Cao Feng, a top student in the Department of Financial Management of Harvard University."

At this point, Song Kai said to the lawyer Wang again, "Lawyer Wang, I invite you to come today. I hope you can do a notarization, because my pharmaceutical factory is about to make some changes."

"Yes, Mr. Song, don't worry, I will record it well and ensure fairness and legality." Lawyer Wang nodded and took out a notebook ready to record at any time.

Song Kai was about to speak, but when he saw Tang Ran's resentful eyes, he couldn't help feeling very guilty. He had something to deal with. As a result, he went out and brought back two women, which were left behind with her, and then went to work again. Tang Ran didn't lose his temper with him. It was really rare.

As soon as Sun Dan's words came out, it immediately made the people in the room laugh. Of course, Liu Dachun couldn't laugh at all.

Song Kai laughed and said, "You are also my friend, and you are still young. I expect you to work for me for a few more years! Thinking that a talented student of traditional Chinese medicine like you may not be able to keep it on salary alone, just give you some shares and tie you up.

"In fact, I prefer you to give me shares because you want me to be your little wife." Sun Dan said with a smile, which seemed to be joking, but only Song Kai knew that what Sun Dan said was right... That's what she really thought.

In this regard, Song Kai could only laugh twice and dare not look at Sun Dan and Tang Ran's eyes.

Then, Song Kai looked at Cao Feng again and said, "Cao Feng is also my friend. From today on, he will be the general manager of Guangtai Pharmaceutical Factory and manage all the affairs of the pharmaceutical factory."

This is an important appointment, which is generally the transfer of shares, and Lawyer Wang quickly reached an agreement.

At this time, Liu Dachun couldn't speak. He was embarrassed for a long time and muttered, "Well, Mr. Song, what about me?"

"Oh, Director Liu used to work hard and make a lot of achievements. I don't think you are so tired. So, go back and hand over some things this time and have a good rest. Anyway, these days, Director Liu should have more than 10 million in his hand, and he can live a rich life for the rest of his life. Song Kai said casually. As soon as he said this, Liu Dachun suddenly looked dirty and said nothing at all.

Song Kai's words showed that Liu Dachun used power for personal gain, and Liu Dachun's silence was acquiescence. Others, especially Professor Jin, were too lazy to look at Liu Dachun.

Liu Dachun felt that he would stay any longer, which was undoubtedly like sitting on needles and needles, and he had no face to stay any longer. I found an excuse and left in a hurry.

Walking out of the teahouse, Liu Dachun not only sighed with emotion, but also generously gave 1% of the shares of Song Kaidu, who was engaged in research. You should know, 1% of the shares of Guangtai Pharmaceutical Factory, which represents countless Jinshan! Although there are few shares, I'm afraid that 100 million will be small if they are distributed every year. If Liu Dachun is single-minded to the pharmaceutical factory, then there will definitely be his share in this share distribution.

But it's too late to say anything now. He can't blame Song Kai. He can only blame himself for not being able to stand **...

In the teahouse, the rest of the people signed their names one after lawyer Wang dealt with the agreement documents. However, when Song Kai announced his dissolution, Cao Feng knocked on the table and said, "Brother Kai, I think the name of Guangtai Pharmaceutical Factory is not loud enough. It sounds like a local atmosphere, and it feels like a third-rate pharmaceutical factory that makes cold medicine. I think the pharmaceutical factory needs to change its name!"

"Oh? So what's the better name to change? Song Kai was also a little moved. Although he didn't think there was anything wrong with the name of Guangtai Pharmaceutical Factory, the name was made by Liu Dachun in the past. Now Liu Dachun has been invited out of the pharmaceutical factory, and it is a little inappropriate to use his name.

"Well, Lingdan Pavilion, what do you think? This name is high-end enough. As soon as I hear it, I know that it is the place where the elixir is produced!" Cao Feng said proudly.

Not to mention, this boy's proposal was actually supported by everyone, and finally passed with a high vote... Song Kai doesn't care about the name. Anyway, the pharmaceutical factory is already Tang Ran's. Since Tang Ran is also satisfied with the name, let's change it!