Chunyang Medical Road

Chapter 369 Ji Lin's Mind

She is packing up happily, but she lives alone. Except for some clothes and the money she has saved over the years, she has nothing to take away.

"Alas, it's a pity that I'm in a hurry to leave, and I can't get out of this place. If it comes to spring and summer, the business here is booming, and you can make a lot of money in a day!" Looking at the hotel happily, he said sadly.

"Let's keep it. We will really have leisure time in the future. It's also a good choice for our family to come here for a holiday!" Song Kai laughed and said that he naturally doesn't care about this money now. Leaving this place is also a memory.

"This is the place where I have been working for eight years. I must miss it, right?" Xinran was very satisfied with Song Kai's arrangement, but after eight years here, he was really reluctant.

Song Kai laughed and said, "It's not so much waiting for your first love here, it's better to fall in love with this place!"

"Ah, ah, don't mention that guy again!" She happily covered her ears and didn't want to listen, because she also found that her impression of that person was a little vague. It seemed that she really fell in love with this beach, rather than someone who had stopped on this beach.

Song Kai no longer made fun of her. After helping her pack up, he threw it into several cars next to her.

This is the car of the Qilu Military Region. Naturally, it was sent by Commander Xing. Ji Lin had some tricks. After going there, he talked to Commander Xing. Now there is a submarine on standby in Lianyungang, waiting for Song Kai to go.

Song Kai was naturally very satisfied with this. He asked Yi Shuirou and others to take the little white mouse, and it was all up to her to go to the water to find treasure.

Finally, he happily stared at the beach for a long time and wiped away a tear from the corners of his eyes. Now, she will say goodbye to the past and embark on a new journey of life!

"People abandon their families and businesses just to go with you. You can't let me down!" In invisible places such as Yi Shuirou, he said happily to Song Kai.

Song Kai knew that this guy was now a time of separation and sorrow. He hugged her tightly with a smile and said, "I'm going to fail you? How can I fail you? As a person, I have lived up to the habits of others! You see, all the women I like have been put by me, and I can't bear to let them down!"

"Flower heart radish!" He said happily, is this also worthy of complacency?

"Ha ha, some people like such a flowery radish..." Song Kai deliberately made fun of him.

However, he was found by Yi Shuirou over there. He poked out the window and shouted, "Don't you want to leave?" If you don't leave, you two will stay here to have babies!"

"What a good idea!" Song Kai laughed loudly.

"Hurry up and get in the car!!!" He blushed and quickly pushed Song into the car.

They went directly to Lianyungang. Commander Xing sent two off-road vehicles, both of which were military goods. The license plate of the military region was hanging, and it was simply unimpeded along the way.

More than three hours later, they arrived at Lianyungang City. It was almost dark, and then they found Commander Xing, Ji Lin and others.

Ji Lin and Commander Xing seemed to have a good talk. After finding that Song Kai was coming, the two got up to greet each other. They didn't say anything about another woman around Song Kai. I didn't even look at it, but ordered an officer who seemed to be on the submarine to follow Song Kai. If you need anything, just tell the officer.

So he didn't want to bother Ji Lin and said, "No, they still have the ability to protect themselves. Besides, who knows that the people you sent are unreliable, and the coming of some brave realms is meaningless, and the innate realm... It seems that there is no one else here except you. Huh, do you want to protect my woman in person, Ji Lin, you have unnatural intentions!"

"Don't, don't... Don't talk nonsense!" Ji Lin was shocked and quickly waved his hand to deny that if he was a little suspected, he would really jump to the Yellow River and couldn't wash it! What a fuck, I don't want to take away your woman, but I want to add one to you!"

After saying this, Ji Lin seemed to be a little angry. He turned around and left to catch up with Commander Xing in his car.

Song Kai was inexplicably made by him. Is it possible that Ji Lin is going to give himself a woman? However, this doesn't make sense! Why? Why is that? Is it the country that takes a favor of itself and plans to arrange for a woman to come by its side? But isn't it a joke to place people next to a innate strong man?

After thinking for a long time, Song Kai didn't understand it. Finally, he could only shake his head and went to find Yi Shuirou and others, intending to let them stay in a hotel by the harbor and wait for him for a few days.

I don't know how long Song Kai will go to sea, but I don't expect it to be a day or two. Fortunately, Yi Shuirou and Meng Yao's strength also made Song open-minded. He doesn't think he will meet innate masters here.

Here, what Song Kai didn't know was that as soon as Ji Lin got into Commander Xing's car, the angry expression on his face became more solemn.

"What's the matter, Minister Ji?" Commander Xing asked in a surprised way, did Song Kai put forward any unacceptable conditions?

"Alas! It's all my fault, Commander Xing. This time it's really a big trouble. Song Kai is now completely threatening us!" Ji Lin said angrily.

Commander Xing smiled bitterly and said, "There's nothing we can do. We can't get to do with this matter. His current request is acceptable. Don't worry about it."

"Yes, his current request is acceptable, but just now, he made another request, which is simply too deceptive!" Ji Lin roared, and he seemed to be furious.

Commander Xing was surprised and said, "What's wrong with him?"

"Well, this boy actually said that he needed to find someone he knew well and also knew the army to accompany him to sea. After thinking about it, it seems that except for Commander Xing, only Xing Ya is eligible. But Commander Xing, if you want to sit in the headquarters of the military region, where can you run around? I have to find Xing Ya!" Ji Lin said angrily.

When Commander Xing was stunned, he didn't expect such a thing at all.

To be honest, it was very happy for Commander Xing to let Xing Ya come to Song Kai, because he knew that his granddaughter, who had always been a tough girl, did turn into a tender little woman in front of Song Kai this time. I'm afraid she completely moved her heart. Song Kai is indeed very good to Xing Ya. He definitely really likes it. Before he reaches the innate level, he dares to risk his life and smuggle to Japan to save Xing Ya, which has already explained everything.

However, there are too many women around Song Kai now... This can't be covered. After all, his woman also has the daughter of the Tang family, and even the lady of the Yi family, and the identity of such people can't be hidden.

Now, is it really good to let Xing Ya come?

Ji Lin looked sad and indignant, but sighed in his heart: "Xiaoya, being a brother can only help you here!"