Chunyang Medical Road

Chapter 384 Jinshan

"Oh, my God, this... so much, how much does it cost?"

"I sent it, I really sent it this time..."

"Coat captain, I made great efforts to move gold bricks. Can you add more than one piece?"

A group of people gathered around the warehouse and piled up mountains of gold bricks, which made the eyes of these soldiers straight.

"Cough, what are you shouting about? Go back to your own position, this is ours, and it must be distributed fairly! We protect our family and the country. Although we have a salary, we are not rich. I promise that you can afford to buy a house and drive a car and get married this time!" Wang Dachui showed the prestige of the deputy captain and drove all these guys out.

"Oh, oh..."

"Haha, it's worth it this time!"

A group of soldiers laughed and returned to their posts with high fighting spirit.

"Brother Song, this... you really don't want it? In fact, our whole submarine is only a few dozen people. I estimate that there are at least a few hundred million. It's good for you to leave us tens of millions, and each person can get more than one million. Wang Dachui was just happy at first, and he and others must have made a fortune. But when all the gold bricks were taken out and piled up together, the whole warehouse was illuminated by the golden light. Looking at the mountain-like gold bricks, Wang Dachui finally realized that this was not just a fortune, but a fortune!

Such a huge wealth, if it is really distributed to dozens of them, it will be absolutely amazing. One hundred million people divided into one person is 10 million, and the gold bricks worth hundreds of millions of yuan is estimated to be enough for each of them to get 10 million.

Not to mention, there are also some jade next to it. Ancient jade is very important and much more expensive than gold. On this kind of altar, there are relatively few jades, but rare things are expensive. The value of this less jade is estimated to be extraordinary!

At this time, Wang Dachui found that this was really a huge sum of money, which really made him at a loss.

If everyone is divided into tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands, at most more than one million, Wang Dachui can still understand and accept it in his heart. But now everyone is divided into tens of millions, and Wang Dachui is drumming in his heart.

I have to say that if this matter is stabbed out, they will definitely have no good fruit to eat.

Song Kai was a little stunned and said with a smile, "What's the matter? Didn't you say that these are all yours?"

"But... but this is too much, Brother Song, I know you don't care about the money. However, if it is known by the superiors, our brothers actually discovered the treasure and swallowed it when they went on a mission. This matter can't be big or small. If we are old, our brothers can't bear it!" Wang Dachui was a little anxious, and his voice trembled.

Song Kai also figured it out. If this matter is really poked out, it is indeed big or small. However, according to Chinese tradition, it is estimated that these soldiers can't please the fruit. Not to mention the money you get, you don't know where to spend the rest of your life.

In the end, Song Kai clapped his hands and said with a smile, "Actually, this matter is easy to solve. You think it's good. These gold bricks are my personal property. After all, I found them, and you just helped. After I sell these gold bricks, I will change them into money and hand them over to you in my name. In this way, there will be no problem, right?

"What do you want to do, don't mess around..." Xing Ya was shocked and said quickly.

"I believe that most officials are good officials, and at least they are capable of doing things, but if there are some moths of vegetarian meals, I won't be soft." Song Kai waved his hand and didn't want to talk about it anymore. He hopes that everything can be done as he wants. If someone really dares to be greedy, Song Kai will definitely explode.

Xing Ya sighed. She knew that she could not stop Song Kai. At this moment, Xing Ya was a sincere hope that no one would bump into Song Kai without knowing it.

"Okay, Xiaobai, look at these gold bricks. They are just ordinary goods. It's useless for you to have them, right?" Song Kai smiled and said to Xiaobai that this guy had something to say first. She wanted to take some of these things. It seemed that the miser had no resistance to the shining treasure. However, these are all ordinary gold bricks. Xiaobai should not have the desire to want. These things are everywhere. How can they enter the magic eye of the little white mouse?

Sure enough, the little white mouse sighed and said, "Well, it's true, it's all gold. Although this thing can also be used for refining, it must be refined from countless gold. Such a little gold is estimated that it can't be refined with a larger grain of rice."

"Well, it makes sense. Well, don't worry about it. I'll find other treasures later. If there are more, I'll share them with you." Song Kai said generously.

However, Xiaobai hesitated for a moment and said, "Alas, it's a pity that I don't take some when I see the baby. It's really not my nature. I think this gold is enough for those mortals. Those pieces of jade are nothing. Give them to me.

Song Kai thought so. The value of gold has exceeded the estimate, and it is even more troublesome to take out these pieces of jade. And he is not short of such a little money. After all, even the ancient jade that has been handed down for thousands of years is worth tens of millions of dollars, which is just a dime for Song Kai.

He picked up those pieces of jade and found that the jade was quite special, crystal clear, very different from the jade Song Kai had seen in the past.

"Xiao Bai likes shiny things, hehe, it seems that every miser is like this... Huh? No, absolutely not right!" Song Kai picked up the pieces of jade and was about to hand them to Xiaobai, and Xiaobai also stretched out his claws to take them. Her little eyes flashed with excitement and happiness.

"This guy is known as a treasure hunter. He must be moved when he sees treasures. In her storage space, the breath is strong and terrible, and it is definitely the most precious. But she actually wants such a few ordinary pieces of jade. Is this jade... really ordinary jade?" Song was so happy that he felt very strange in it.

"Although what this strange little guy said also makes sense, I don't believe it very much! You know, the treasure hunter must collect only the treasures he likes. These pieces of jade... Will she actually want it? Song Kai suddenly withdrew his hand and put a few pieces of jade in his hand to observe it carefully.

Xiaobai had already stretched out his claws and was ready to take over with a happy face. Unexpectedly, Song Kai took it back at the last moment.

She immediately let out a scream. When she saw Song Kai looking at the pieces of jade, Xiaobai immediately pretended to be careless but very angry and said, "Song Kai, I have helped you find so much gold. Can't you bear to let me take a few pieces of jade? It's so stingy!"

"Is it really just a few ordinary pieces of jade?" Song Kai suddenly smiled and said, "Xiao Bai, I haven't heard of it. Treasure hunters will also be moved by ordinary things and want to collect them!"