Chunyang Medical Road

Chapter 441 Teenager Ten Thousand Years Ago

The dragon realm here can only stay for ten days every time it is opened.

If ten days have arrived, and the people who entered the Shenglong Realm did not die, or fell into an extremely powerful prohibition, they would be transmitted out in an instant. In fact, it seems that they were not recognized by the Shenglong Realm and squeezed out.

In short, there are only ten days. If you want to gain something, you have to take advantage of these ten days to seize every opportunity to find the baby.

Although Song Kai has gained something, the treasures here are not available on the earth, and it is unknown what kind of situation it will be when you go to the upper bound in the future, so you can find as much as you want. Naturally, the more the better.

Now with Xiaobai, a powerful treasure hunter, and Qingyi, a leader, everything seems to be beautiful.

However, after leaving the Tianxiao School, they met several former Taoist places again on the road. They could see many ruins. In those years, it should have been a powerful sect, but unfortunately, it has disappeared in the years. For tens of thousands of years, stones may turn into flying ashes, not to mention the traces left by human beings?

"Yes, the reason why some things have been preserved by the Tianxiao School is that the Tianxiao School is strong enough and the prohibition is very powerful, and on the other hand, it is the credit of the Tianxiao Sword. There are fairy weapons to live in, and the general number of disasters will not fall. Xiao Bai was a little stunned at first, and finally seemed to figure it out. He shook his head and said that the reason why he had gained in the Tianxiao School was because of the Tianxiao Sword.

A fairy weapon can avoid many crises.

And next, it seems to confirm Xiaobai's guess. They found several ancient places, some of which were obviously the mountain gates of super factions. Unfortunately, not every big sect has fairy weapons to suppress, and these places have long been dilapidated.

Even, they took a special detour and came to a place called Fengming Mountain. It is said that tens of thousands of years ago, it was also a super faction's residence, not much weaker than the Tianxiao faction. However, the fairy weapon of this sect was lost, because Fengming School is a sect with all women, but it is said that tens of thousands of years ago, one of its ancestors fell in love with someone, but unfortunately the ending did not seem to be very good.

The man was also extremely powerful, but unfortunately, in a fight with others, his soul was injured and completely awake, just like a living dead man.

The ancestor of Fengming was heartbroken. He took the fairy weapon of the town school out of the mountain and robbed his lover's body back. He seemed to find a way to treat his lover, but he did not return. As a result, the Fengming faction lost its fairy weapon. Although it was still extremely powerful, it had a little less background than before.

In the great changes in the world tens of thousands of years ago, the Fengming faction was also robbed, and the place was so desolate that even a good building could not be found. Obviously, it was ruthlessly worn out in the years.

In the Fengming faction, they have also gained, but they are basically some insufficient things, which can't be compared with the gains of the Tianxiao faction.

It seems that the great harvest of Tianxiao School cannot be copied. That place, because of the prohibition and the fairy weapon, is well preserved. And they also had Xiaobai, so they found a place to hide treasure. However, in the Fengming School, Xiaobai also put on a shaking array, but there was no induction at all.

"I guess it's either left by predecessors or corruption in the years." Xiao Bai shook his head, a little unwilling. I thought I had gained a lot from the Fengming faction, which is also a super big brand, but I didn't get anything, even the spiritual stone was less than a hundred yuan.

Moreover, when they passed by a small valley, they found that there were some buildings in the valley, which seemed to be a seclusion of the sect.

Unfortunately, when they went down to look for it, they found that the valley was well preserved. However, it was clear that there were traces of outsiders coming here, and even some walls or holes were dug on the ground. Obviously, some people searched for treasure here and may have gained something and directly dug three feet of the ground...

"This... someone came in front of us..." Song Kai was speechless. He shook his head to look at the traces that had been excavated and asked, "What do you think was searched by someone here? Is it the person who came to Shenglong Realm from the earth like us? Or, in the realm of ascending dragons, it is sealed by divine liquid like Qingyi. After tens of thousands of years, it broke the divine liquid and came out of it. And this person is obviously very familiar with this valley, so there are those traces of excavation?

"I think it should be an outsider." Xiaobai analyzed and said, "After all, if you wake up from the divine stone like Qingyi, such a person is absolutely horrible, and it is impossible to have no movement. But I took a look and found that there is no powerful energy fluctuation here at all.

Xiaobai must have a lot of secrets. Song Kai and others didn't find anything, but she seems to have detected it through some kind of secret art. There are no powerful people in this valley.

"No, you guessed wrong." But Qingyi shook her head. She said, "The divine liquid can be encountered but not sought. You know, even the divine stone turned into after the solidification of the divine liquid is of great value! Not to mention the divine liquid in the original ecology? That kind of thing is either owned by people with strong strength, or people with deep blessings.

"And my father, for example, belongs to the latter, and he gave me the opportunity." Qing Yi continued, but when it came to her father, she was obviously a little disappointed. What is sealed in the divine liquid is not necessarily the descendants of those powerful people. Maybe... It's just the descendants they love very much, and the strength is not necessarily very powerful.

After listening to Qing Yi's words, Song Kai and others nodded and roughly understood. Tsing Yi is equivalent to show-up and solve Song Kai's misunderstanding.

At the beginning, everyone knew the preciousness of divine liquid. They thought that anyone who used such means to live until now was probably extremely powerful characters, or the the descents of those powerful masters. These people must not be too bad. Maybe they were all out of the disaster period, because above the disaster period, they could not use God. Liquid.

"So, maybe... the person sealed in the divine liquid is just a foundation period or a golden elixir period?" Xiao Bai said in surprise. Although she is only in the innate realm, that is, the foundation period, she can't use common sense, because the divine liquid may be precious to others, but this guy can definitely find it, and he survived like this at the beginning.

"In fact, it may be worse." Qing Yi replied faintly, and also told them that someone had excavated a divine stone in the ruins ten thousand years ago, which was a solidified divine liquid, in which a girl was sealed.

Originally, I thought it was a peerless strong man, but I didn't expect that the girl didn't have any cultivation at all, not even the refining period!

That is to say, the girl is just a mortal, but she was sealed with the treasure liquid, which allowed her to avoid a catastrophe and live for ten thousand years.

"This..." Everyone was a little speechless. Unexpectedly, some mortals could be sealed by divine liquid, and they lived for ten thousand years and came to the next life.

However, Liu Xiao smiled indifferently and said, "What's the matter? I think this is normal. For people's feelings, it has nothing to do with whether they practice or not, whether they are strong or not. I believe that if Song Kai has a child, although he has not practiced yet, if he encounters a crisis, you will definitely choose to give the divine liquid to your child and protect him. As for what will happen in the future, you don't know, but at least, you have no regrets when you die in your life. After all, there is a hope.

Song Kai's face changed when he heard the words, but he had to nod and admit that Liu Xiao was right.

The feelings between people will not change because of whether they are strong or not.

It can't be said that your child can't practice, so it doesn't count as your own child, right?

Everyone sighed for a moment, but Xiaobai didn't care much about his feelings for human beings. He squeaked twice and said, "So, those who are sealed up are not all powerful practicers. Maybe they are just similar to our existence?"

"That's right." Tsing Yi's answer is simple.

Xiao Bai exclaimed and hurriedly explored with secret skills. Finally, she shouted: "Oh, my God, it's a fifteen or sixteen-year-old young man. He came here to search for a lot of treasures, and then left directly! This teenager only has the cultivation of Jindan period!"

"What? Can you see this?" Song Kai was shocked. What kind of spell does this guy know?

"It's just a way to chase the source. This is not important. The important thing is that I think this little guy has the same purpose as ours. It's searching for treasures everywhere in this dragon realm!" Xiaobai touched his chin and thought about it like a detective: "Look at his appearance. I know this very well. This will never be a person from the outside world. Even the clothes look like ancient times."

"So, he is still in Shenglong Realm?" Song Kai was surprised and said that if so, it would be worth thinking about. Is it possible that there are not a few such people in the realm of Shenglong?

"It's very possible!" Xiao Bai looked serious and said, "My secretary can only detect what has happened in the past hundred years. This teenager appeared here within a hundred years. Although he is only a golden elixir, he will definitely be able to live until now. And... I'm afraid that his cultivation now is more than the Jindan period. If there is a large unmanned relic, waiting for him to go to the treasure hunt. With these treasures, I don't know how much he can cultivate now. It can be said that this guy's chance is no worse than ours!"

Qing Yi is a little indifferent. You know, she also had such an opportunity. However, she didn't do this, because she didn't want to stay in Shenglongjing. She would feel sad here, so she left.