Chunyang Medical Road

Chapter 46 Tough Woman

Song Kai took a look. There were three men and two women in it, both young.

"Sister Hua?" Song Kai asked.

A woman sitting in the innermost raised her head. She crossed her legs, and the black stockings were full of charm. The so-called Sister Hua was actually just in her early twenties.

"What's the matter?" Sister Hua raised her head and looked at Song Kai. Her eyes fell on Wang Yuan behind Song Kai. "Such a beautiful little sister, your girlfriend?"

Song Kai frowned, "Let me ask you something."

"I know what you want to ask. The people who come here to find me are either selling their sisters or girlfriends. Your girlfriends are good-looking and in figure. **, guarantee a minimum of 10,000 yuan a month. My sister Hua never cheats people." Sister Hua smoked in her mouth and said with great enjoyment.

Song Kai sighed, shook his hand, brushed, a flying knife flashed by, and the cigarette in Sister Hua's hand was directly broken in half.

Sister Hua's movements were stunned. She stared at Song Kai and did not dare to move. She was afraid that with a slight movement, the flying knife in Song Kai's hand fell on her face.

"I'll just ask once. You'd better listen to it clearly." Song Kai said word by word, "Where is Qinglong? You only have one chance to answer."

Sister Hua swallowed her saliva, and the cigarette in her hand fell from her hand. She trembled and said, "In their old nest, Room 202, Unit 2, Building 2, Garden Community."

Song Kai nodded, "You'd better stay here honestly. If I can't find him there, you flower sister, call me flower-faced sister in the future!"

With that, Song Kai's hand shook again. This time, a cold light wiped Sister Hua's nose and flew over.

"Ah!" Sister Hua screamed and then fainted.

The other two men and two women have been stunned. They all came here to look for excitement and buy some low-content white powder. I haven't seen this situation. For a while, the four people huddled on the sofa and didn't move.

Song Kai walked over, pulled out two flying knives, and walked out.

Wang Yuanyuan followed Song Kai, very worried but very excited. She found that in addition to liking men, Song Kai was simply the prince charming in her heart. If only Song Kai didn't like men. In that case, she would definitely be his woman.

Song Kai didn't know that Wang Yuan had thought so much. He walked out of the dance hall and thought about it. After thinking about it, he took out his mobile phone and called Xing Ya.

"What are you doing! If you have something to say, say it quickly, and let it go!" Xing Ya's delicate voice came from the opposite side.

Song Kai sweated coldly. This woman is too tough.

"Officer Xing, I want to report that someone has kidnapped and blackmailed me." Song Kai said.

"Kidnapping and blackmail? Is it dead? Is it a big case?" Xing Ya asked quickly.

The black line on Song Kai's forehead is even thicker. "It's a big case. It must be. Officer Xing, come quickly, Room 202, Unit 2, Building 2, Garden Community."

"Okood! When I finish this game of League of Legends, I'll rush there. Hang up!" After saying that, Xing Ya hung up the phone.

Song Kai was at a loss with his mobile phone. He suddenly found how bad it was to make this call to Xing Ya. Is Xing Ya really a policeman?

No matter what, rush over first. Don't really kill people. Besides, the longer you drag on, the more unfavorable it will be on your side. I don't know what that group of people in the Qinglong Gang are going to do.

After getting on the Buick business car, Song Kai drove quickly towards the garden community.

As soon as I stopped the car, I saw a motorcycle running like flying. The motorcycle's wheel was very thick, like a professional sports car.

The motorcycle stopped, and Xing Ya stretched out and jumped off the motorcycle.

Song opened the door and looked at Xing Ya in surprise, "Didn't you say you wanted to play games?"

Xing Ya looked at Song Kai contemptuously, "My aunt, dressed in a divine costume, single-handedly, killed their house in minutes. After five kills, she demolished their hometown and came over."

Song Kai didn't quite understand, but with Xing Ya by his side, he was much more at ease and said, "It's on it. My friend was kidnapped."


Xing Ya waved her hand and ran towards 202. Her little buttocks in jeans were very upturned.

Song Kai asked Wang Yuanyuan and Sanpi to stay in the car, and he and Xing Ya ran upstairs together.

When she got upstairs, Xing Ya didn't look at it. She kicked the door with a bang.

The wooden door was kicked open by her.

"What's going on!" There was a shout from inside.

Song Kai and Xing Ya walked over and saw more than a dozen people living in this room. At this moment, some of these people were playing mahjong, some were smoking, and some were watching Japanese love action movies around the computer.

Song Kai's eyes flashed quickly and immediately saw Wang Zhen tied to the corner.

"Wang Zhen!" Song Kai strode over and was relieved. As long as he found Wang Zhen, everything was fine.

Xing Ya waved her hand. She was very unhappy, not only because of the smell of smoke all over the house, but also because all the men were only wearing briefs at this moment.

"Who are you!"

Several men who were watching love action movies turned their heads impatiently. After seeing Xing Ya, these people immediately surged up in the fire. I just watched the fire, and a beautiful girl came to the door. This is God's blessing.

Several people immediately surrounded Xing Ya, and their lower body was still strong and hard, like a small tent.

"Yo! Beauty, it's a little violent." A man with a beard looked at Xing Ya and smiled.

A man next to him simply put his hand into his trousers and stood up at Xing Yalu.

Xing Ya had a hot temper. At this moment, she couldn't stand it. Without asking, she flew up and kicked the man's lower body.

"Wow!" Lu Guan's man bent down, his face was pale, and he rolled back and forth on the ground under his arms.

"Put on your fucking clothes!" Xing Ya shouted, "A minute later, I kicked your balls without clothes!"

Everyone in the room was stunned, and then a strong man of more than 1.8 meters came out. The strong man was bare and tattooed with a green dragon on his upper body. Needless to say, this person was the boss of the Qinglong Gang, Qinglong.

Qinglong saw Xing Ya, licked his lips, and laughed, "There are also those who sent it to the door by himself. Well, I wanted to get hands on Wang Zhen's sister. When I see you, tut, I think you are more delicious than his sister!"

Xing Ya also smiled, slapped her palm and said, "Kidnapping, buying and selling drugs, gathering people to gamble, **1 chaos, well, it's okay. It's also a medium case."

With that, Xing Ya suddenly flew up and kicked at Qinglong.

"Puff!" With a sound, Qinglong spit out a mouthful of blood and fainted directly.

The people in the room finally woke up. Everyone took a step back and looked at Xing Ya as if they were looking at a female monster.

Xing Ya took out her mobile phone and called the police station, "Hey, Director, I'm Xing Ya."

"Xing Ya? It's so late, what's the matter?" Liu Shaoyang was a little afraid that Xing Ya would make trouble for himself again.

"Well, Director, I just cracked a major kidnapping, drug abuse, gambling, **1 disorder case. The address is in Building 2 of Garden Community. Let the police force come here quickly!" Xing Ya and Liu Shaoyang were not polite at all.

Liu Shaoyang had a headache, but fortunately, Xing Ya didn't make any trouble this time. He quickly called the people of the criminal police...

When Wang Zhen and Song Kai walked out of Room 202, the criminal police of the brigade had arrived.

Xing Ya enjoyed the feeling of being a conductor very much. She kept pointing at it with her hand, "You, go over there to ask questions, you make a record, you, you, you buckle up all these scum, and the guy who was kicked by me, send him to the hospital quickly, or he will die."

Qinglong, who fell to the ground and spit blood in the criminal police team, sighed fiercely. This time, he was busy again. He was not busy handling the case, but to wipe the woman's buttocks! Kicking the injured suspect and breaking into the house without a search warrant, these loopholes have to be blocked by themselves!

Outside the building, Song Kai patted Xing Ya on the shoulder, "Thanks to you this time!"

Xing Ya waved his hand and said, "It's okay. You must tell me if you encounter any major cases in the future."

After talking, Song Kai sent Wang Zhen and Wang Yuan home.

Wang Zhen was injured. He said the reason. The main reason was that a member of the Qinglong Gang blackmailed a junior high school student last time. Wang Zhen saw him and chopped off a finger, so the Qinglong Gang was furious and kidnapped Wang Zhen after following him.

Tied Wang Zhen, Qinglong wanted to blackmail some money. If he was lucky, he could still get Wang Yuanyuan, but he didn't want to meet Song Kai and Xing Ya, but he was taken over.

Wang Zhen naturally couldn't help thanking Song Kai, not only because Song Kai saved him, but also because from then on, without the Qinglong Gang, his scope of influence could be doubled.

Of course, the Qinglong Gang is not many, but in fact, it is quite rich. If Tiexuetang can take over the industry of Qinglong Office, its strength will increase immediately.

When I got home, it was past eleven o'clock in the middle of the night.

Cheng Xing was already asleep, and only Meng Yue dozed off while watching TV.

"Meng Yue, why don't you go to sleep in the room?" Song Kai came over and touched Meng Yue's face sadly.

Meng Yue looked at Song Kai and smiled, "I promised you to go to your room at night."

With that, Meng Yue raised his eyebrows at Song Kai.

Song Kai immediately aroused interest. He nodded, "I'm going to take a shower first."

He rushed into the bathroom and took a shower. When he came out, Meng Yue was wearing fishing net silk stockings and pajamas, lying in Song Kai's **, holding his head in his hand, and his body was S-shaped, looking at Song Kai.

Song Kai rushed over and directly grabbed Meng Yue's chest with both hands.

Meng Yue also tried his best to cooperate, stretched out his tongue, and turned around Song Kai's ears and neck, provoking Song Kai's bath.

The two people were rolling in **. Song Kai felt that his body was getting hotter and hotter, and the pure yang in his body was getting thicker and thicker. He gasped and suddenly buried his head between Meng Yue's legs.

Meng Yue screamed "Uh-huh" and rolled her eyes...

After more than two hours, Song Kai was still in high spirits, but Meng Yue was already soft and sour all over. Although she was still there, although Song Kai's fingers and bottom could not be reached in, Meng Yue was still touched by Song Kai. After three times, the sheets were half wet, and she could only beg for mercy and could not continue. .

Song Kai opened his legs to practice and run the pure yang formula. Now the second turn of the pure yang formula has completed the seventh star, and there is still two and a half stars left. Song Kai can break through the second turn and enter the third turn of the pure yang formula to the pure yang skeleton!

It's just that the pure yang formula after the third turn is still not settled...