Chunyang Medical Road

Chapter 472 Arrival

After the arrangement, Song Kai has nothing to worry about. Although Lingdan Pavilion is important, even if it is really lost, Song Kai doesn't mean much distress.

For him now, money is nothing at all.

However, here, Song Kai still went to Wang Zhen and asked him to take care of him.

Nowadays, the underground forces in Gusu City are naturally in the hands of Wang Zhen, and Song Kai is very relieved. Moreover, with the unlimited supply of elixirs in Lingdan Pavilion, now Wang Zhen's strength has made rapid progress, which is completely amazing.

Of course, Wang Zhen, the body of the immortal root, naturally makes the fastest progress. He is already half a step innate!

Seeing his cultivation, Song Kai took out a foundation-building elixir without saying a word and said, "Your talent is not suitable for staying stuck at a low level for too long. Take this elixir directly. After you reach the innate state, it is easier to control your subordinates, and you can also help me protect my friends."

"Thank you, Master!" Now, Wang Zhen is very clear about calling Song Kai his master and never calling him the eldest brother again.

As for his companions, they have also made rapid progress now. They are basically brave. The two spiritual roots are about to break through the innate realm.

But the foundation elixir is too precious. When Professor Jin did not develop the formula, there were only a few Song Kai. Moreover, now he has only two foundation elixirs in his hand, one is given to Wang Zhen, and the remaining one is Song Kai's place with Professor Jin.

After Wang Zhen saw the elixir, he was extremely happy, and the others were only envious.

"Don't be envious. Nowadays, the number of this elixir is too small, only a few, but the elixir pavilion has begun to study. Don't worry, after the first batch of elixir comes out, it will be sent to you, so that you can immediately break through to the innate realm!" Song Kai said, comforting these people.

Sometimes, the gap is caused by some small misunderstandings. Now, Song Kai is deeply aware of the role of a powerful force. If he had a power like the gods, would he still worry about this and that?

Although Kaishanzong has just started, the future is very bright. Song Kai is very looking forward to it. After Wang Zhen breaks through the innate realm, he will definitely develop more rapidly.

Even now, the power of Kaishanzong has spread out of Gusu City and began to spread in the Yangtze River Delta.

After all, today's Wang Zhen and others are all brave, and such martial artists are for ordinary black. In terms of Taoism, it is the existence of a god. They expanded their power, which was like a broken bamboo.

Of course, it is not without other martial artists to compete, but naturally, they do not have martial artists innate realm. Even if there are forces supported by the three major families, they dare not stop Wang Zhen. Everyone knows... Wang Zhen is Song Kai's person.

Nowadays, when Kaishanzong absorbs new members, he pays special attention to cultivation talent.

In fact, those big families are too limited in thinking. They only trust the people of their own families, which can certainly improve cohesion and purity. However, in the world, among those children born in ordinary life, it is likely that there will be cultivation geniuses!

For example, Wang Zhen is such a person.

After such a thing, Song Kai told Wang Zhen and others to always pay attention to finding good cultivation seedlings. Such people are their future.

Kaishanzong is originally an emerging strength. Song Kai himself is only 20 years old. Although he has a lot of wives, he doesn't have any children. Where did he go to find his family?

The Yi family can be regarded as a force of their own, but the Yi family also has limitations. Song Kai asked the Yi family to test it. There were not many people with cultivation talents in the descendants, and the quality was not high.

In this way, he can only count on Wang Zhen and others.

Fortunately, Wang Zhen and others did not disappoint Song Kai.

After giving Wang Zhen a foundation elixir, Song Kai also saw a group of subordinates they had found recently, all of whom had a talent for cultivation. Although they did not have the fairy root body of Wang Zhen, they had spiritual roots.

After reading it, Song Kai nodded and said, "Yes, it's good, but in the future, as long as the body of the spiritual root and the body of the fairy root. If you have a poor physique, you don't want it.

"Ha ha, Master, don't worry about this." Wang Zhen smiled shyly and said, "We have been looking for the body of Linggen and Xiangen, and after finding it, after investigating its birth, it was absorbed into Kaishan Zongli, which is an official disciple. As for those ordinary cultivation physique, we naturally can't let it go, but they are sent to various places to manage our business. Although their physique is not as good as Linggen and Xiangen, they are also much stronger than ordinary people. Some of them, even in the early stage, showed a faster cultivation speed than the body of Linggen!"

After listening to it, Song Kai was very satisfied and said, "That's it. Keep it. I think that one day in the future, we will be invincible to the earth and laugh at the world!"

"Open the mountain sect, invincible earth, laugh proudly in the world!" Wang Zhen roared excitedly. Those newcomers to Kaishanzong were also enthusiastic and excited. Looking at Song Kai in front of them, they were indeed extremely excited. This was undoubtedly their idol and goal!

"Haha, all right, go ahead with your busy schedule. Remember to protect Xinran and Chengcheng. That's your mother! Hahaha, if you need elixir, go to Cao Feng directly. Song Kai laughed and patted his buttocks and walked away.

"Master is really lucky. There are so many beautiful mothers like flowers!" A disciple said with a smile.

"Don't you see who it is? That's our master. Can it be bad?" Someone refuted.

Wang Zhen's face darkened and said, "Master is easy-going. That's the master's indifferent nature, but we can't mess up the rules. Can we talk about the master and mother casually? You two, go and destroy the Tianlong Gang in Boning City.

"Hahaha, there is work to do, it's cool." The two guys laughed and obviously didn't think such a thing was a punishment.

But Wang Zhen's face remained unchanged and he slowly said, "After coming back, everyone will accompany me to train for three days. I'm ready to break through recently. I need to accumulate some will to fight, and I will be more sure when I break through!"

"What, boss, Brother Zhen... Don't..." The two guys immediately cried and joked that Wang Zhen had almost stepped on the innate realm. In fact, he did not build a foundation elixir, and he could also promise to break through in the near future. These two guys were the first brothers to follow Wang Zhen, but now they are only in the middle of the brave situation, facing Wang Zhen... That's undoubtedly looking for abuse!

At that time, where is the training? It's simply Wang Zhen's unilateral beating of the two of them...

But if they talk about it, the water spilled out, they can only admit it with a sad face. Who will let themselves speak without blocking...

Song Kai settled down here. After thinking about it for a long time, he didn't go to Xiaocheng in the end. He thought that Xiaocheng should have his own life, or don't disturb him.

I just want to be happy. Although Xinran is not unhappy, it is obvious that she shares her lover with so many people. She is not used to it and doesn't like it.

Song Kai has a little understanding of Xiaocheng's person, but I'm afraid she will be the same as Xinran, very helpless.

I sighed and returned home. It was too scary for a group of women to go out. Moreover, they all know where they want to go, which is a paradise and isolated place. It is estimated that there are not many modern things there.

So, the luggage this time was particularly huge, which eventually... Song Kai had to give up his plan to take a plane, because most of the luggage could not pass the security check, because there was everything in it...

Fortunately, he is not short of money. Several Volkswagen Touareg are very domineering and have enough space. They are all installed. Yao Xi will lead the way and go to the door.

"I said... it's so far away, are you really going to drive there?" Yao Xi is a little speechless. What's the matter?

"Of course, how else can I get there? Please, we are going to travel. Of course, we have a lot of luggage. Song Kai said with a smile.

"Is this a tour? You are moving!" Yao Xi despised it very much, but it was useless to deal with Song Kai's face.

And now Yao Xi also understands that it sounds good about travel, but it doesn't sound good. Song Kai asked his women to take refuge.

God's religion is unpredictable, and no one knows what they are planning to do. Naturally, Song Kai didn't want to take such a risk and keep all the women by his side.

Yao Xi had no choice but to drive and lead the way. To be honest, the road is indeed very far.

As early as when Ji Lin talked about the door, he said that the door seemed to be abroad. And that's true. They have been clamoring in the north and have not stopped at all.

Naturally, there will be a few days off along the way. No one wants to stay in the car all day long. Long journeys are the most tiring.

As a result, every time a few women go to a place, they have to shop well, which makes them have more and more luggage...

Yao Xi was angry, but Song Kai didn't care at all. Instead, he was very happy. This is the real enjoyment of life! This time I went out for a trip, so don't do it really like going to take refuge.

In the end, it took them almost a month to leave the country from Black Dragon Province, and actually went to Siberia.

After a day of walking in this uninhabited wilderness, in front of a bare low mountain, Yao Xi stopped and said, "Here you are, come down?"

"What are you doing down? You open the door, and we can just drive in directly.

Song Kai said carelessly.

Yao Xi was angry and anxious. This is the door. Who came here was not like a pilgrimage, but this Song Kai really seemed to be traveling. When she came to the door, it was like a hotel. Even her door-to-door saint was like a receptionist!

"Hmm, I hope you will still be so chic after you go in!" Yao Xi muttered. She was very clear. At the door, many people hated Song Kai very much and were waiting to trouble him!