Chunyang Medical Road

Chapter 510 Tavern in distress

The next morning, Song Kai got up and began to practice. At present, he is also the cultivation of the Jindan period, which is really not enough.

The surface above the Liu Mansion looks calm, but the discerning people understand that this is just the calm before the storm.

In the eventful autumn, there is another dragon hunter, but Liu Ruyan of Liufu holds the title of the most beautiful woman in Qingzhou City. This title will definitely bring disaster to Liufu.

This is not the key. What's more important is that Liufu had a deep resentment with the Huangyun School before, but in the past, the owner of Qingzhou City was still there. At that time, Liu Pianshan was the owner of Qingzhou City after all. The Huangyun School did not dare to come to Liufu, but now, without the care of the city owner, the Huangyun School most wanted to destroy it. It's Liu Pianshan.

It is said that the suzerain of Huangyun School and Liu Pianshan once had a triangular relationship. At that time, Liu Pianshan and the suzerain of Huangyun School were competing for Liu Ruyan's mother. At that time, the suzerain of Huangyun School was just the cultivation of the Jindan period, and the same was Liu Pianshan, so there was not much difference between the two in force, but Liu Pian Shan is bold, and he is quite scheming. If he knows how to please women, he will naturally hug the beauty.

However, the suzerain of the Huang Yun School was defeated because he was ugly and his mind was not right.

After the defeat, the patriarch of the Huangyun School was furious and closed for ten years. Unexpectedly, he realized the method of cutting love, so that he became the peak of the Jindan period and became the suzerain of the Huangyun School in one fell swoop, while Liu Pianshan enjoyed the joy of his wife and children, and his cultivation naturally progressed very slowly. Until now, it is only in the Jindan period. It's just a step.

Song Kai didn't care much about these news. What he wanted to do was to restore his strength quickly.

Although it is the cultivation of the Jindan period, Song Kai's consciousness is still strong. The consciousness at the time of battle and the super induction ability are naturally not comparable to people of the same level.

I spent about a week in Liufu. During this week, in addition to practice, Song Kai looked for books from the royal palace to read every day. Here, Song Kai finally had a general understanding of this upper world.

According to the description in the book, this upper world is called the eternal continent, which is actually divided into three levels. What Song Kai is in now is actually the lowest interface. After the disaster period, people are all active in the middle and high interfaces. After all, there are too few resources in the lower plane, and the aura is even less pitiful. It is impossible for a master to exist at all.

Song Kai patted his forehead, and he finally understood what the problem was. You know, according to the description of old man Meng and Qingyi, in fact, after crossing the disaster, it should be relatively glorious. After all, it is enough to be able to cultivate successfully from the earth plane and successfully cross the disaster, which is enough to show that a person's qualifications are very good. Because the aura on earth is too poor, ordinary qualifications are impossible to survive the disaster at all.

However, after the disaster, Song Kai was directly seriously injured and almost died. It turned out that the problem was here. Song Kaidu chose the wrong position. Unexpectedly, after crossing the disaster, he fell to the lowest level. After crossing the disaster, the people on other interfaces landed directly on the middle or high level.

After thinking about this, Song Kai was relieved. Although he was not very lucky, after all, he figured out the cause and effect. In this way, he didn't have to worry about whether he could practice in the future.

You don't have to take any responsibility. Although you didn't do anything, Song Kai finally did something like touching it, and it was quite enjoyable.

It should be Liu Ruyan who is ashamed to talk about this kind of thing!

Song Kai sighed depressedly and stared at Liu Ruyan.

Liu Ruyan was very proud, and then her right hand patted her chest and said, "Oh, it hurts a little here. It seems that I was pressed by something yesterday and I couldn't breathe."

Song Kai immediately smiled and said, "What's the matter? How can it hurt? Let's go to the temple fair. I'll accompany you to whatever you want to see."

Liu Ruyan smiled proudly.

Song Kai felt that he really had no place to reason, but who let him do those things? Oh, it's been a long time.

Three people left the royal palace and walked towards the temple fair street in Qingzhou City.

This is the low-level plane of the Eternal Continent. The can here is very low, and all kinds of cultivation systems are also relatively low. Therefore, generally speaking, there are still very few people's life and entertainment activities here, and visiting temple fairs is naturally one of the big one.

Naturally, there are no rules for men and women to defend the Canglong Empire. Although women are also more restricted, they are much better than the ancient China on earth.

Liu Ruyan had a good time. She is a beautiful woman and will be valued wherever she goes, and those who perform the program will also perform more hard when they see Liu Ruyan.

Liu Ruyan took Song Kai's hand and said, "Look, Song Kai, look at the front, there is a sugar seller, let's pinch one, okay?"

Song Kai waved his hand, "What's so good about that? We have a lot of time to play. It's time to go back."

"No, it's only half a day." Liu Ruyan curled her lips and didn't rely on it.

"Then I'll go back by myself!" Song Kai really felt that these entertainment activities were very boring. When he was on earth, although an entertainment was much more fun than this temple fair.

Seeing that Song Kai insisted on leaving, Liu Ruyan had to say, "Well, let's eat over there and go back, okay?"

Song Kai nodded.

Xiaoqing followed the two people and saw Song Kai and Liu Ruyan holding hands. Xiaoqing was very angry, or he was very jealous. Of course, what he was jealous of was not that Song Kai could hold Liu Ruyan's hand, but that Liu Ruyan continued to talk and laugh with Song Kai. Xiaoqing found that he had fallen in love with Song.

Xiao Qing followed the two people sullenly.

Then the three of them entered a restaurant. In the middle of the restaurant is a storyteller. The food provided around is a kind of barbecue, which should be roast wild boar. Anyway, there is no shortage of beasts here. Barbecue is very common, but each family has its own taste. Generally speaking, the taste is not good. Song Kai strongly felt that he The barbecue is better than that of these people.

However, Song Kai can't have a barbecue now, because he can't open the secret place of Shenglong now, so he can't get the stored things. In fact, there are still many unique cumin and other materials on the earth.

Of course, Song Kai won't care about such a small thing now. The key now is to restore his strength and find Qingyi and Xiaobai.

Sitting down in the restaurant, Song Kai ordered some barbecue.