Chunyang Medical Road

Chapter 70 Old Classmate

Song Kai doesn't know what the competition is. In fact, even if he knows, Song Kai won't care. He is thinking about the treasure of the archaeological site now.

There is also a Hummer in front of him. The Hummer is running fast on the curve, and there are bursts of dust under the wheels.

Song Kai drove Xia Li, emitting black smoke, and kept approaching the Hummer at a steady speed.

The driver in the Hummer is called Cai Ying, who is the highest level of these racers. He saw Xia Li in the rearview mirror, gritted his teeth and muttered, "Where did you kill the dark horse?" His grandmother's, in this three-acre land in Gusu City, no one is my opponent!"

Thinking of this, the vegetable eagle accelerated again, and the Hummer ran along the mountain road. Suddenly, there was a sharp turn in front of it. The vegetable eagle did not pay attention. The car slid to the roadside and almost turned into the hillside.

Taking advantage of this gap, Song Kai drove the Xia Li car and leisurely crossed the Hummer and ran all the way to the mountain.

"Damn it!" Cai Ying cursed, and then looked decadent.

Song Kai drove Xia Li all the way to the top of the mountain. When he reached the top of the mountain, he got out of the bus. He carried the hoe and went to the ancient tomb site with Professor Jin Tian.

The explosion yesterday shocked the mountain a lot, and many places were shattered.

Seeing Professor Jin Tian coming, several students gathered around.

"Classroom, look, what have we found?" A student was holding a broken piece of soil in his hand.

Professor Jin Tian took it over, looked at it in detail with glasses, and said excitedly, "Yes! Yes! It is indeed a Xiangfeng gold brick, which is enough to prove that this is indeed the palace of Xishi, and it should also be a very important palace. I will report it immediately, and the large-scale excavation should be able to be declared.

Song Kai stood still depressedly and looked at Jin Tian, "Professor Jin Tian, this is... This is the evidence?"

"Yes, this is the best evidence. Do you know that this kind of brick, in the Warring States Period, only the husband's subordinates could burn it, and all this kind of brick was used..." Professor Jin Tian kept holding the broken brick.

Song Kai waved his hand, and the mobile phone rang. Song Kai apologized to Professor Jin Tian and answered the phone.

The other end of the phone is Tang Ran.

"Where is the handsome boy? The mobile phone is often turned off these days. What's going on? Tang Ran asked over there.

"Hey hey, you miss me, don't you? I'm traveling to Hong Kong. How have you been recently? I'll treat you to lunch. Song Kai said with a smile.

"Do you invite me? Are you sure you can afford it? I heard that you have been absent from work for many days. How can you get the money if you don't dig up the earth? Tang Ran laughed at Song Kai on the other end of the phone.

Song Kai was depressed and felt very despised, "Tang Ran, I'll show you today. I'm not a local bun! I'm also half rich! Wait for me in the hospital.

Tang Ran giggled, "Don't be angry. You even take your underwear."

Song Kaipa hung up the phone. This woman became more and more unscrupulous.

Installing his mobile phone, Song Kai walked to Professor Jin Tian with a smile: "Professor Jin, I have to go down the mountain. I have something to do. I'm afraid I can't dig earth here."

Jin Tian waved his hand, "It's okay, Song Kai. Thank you for sending me up the mountain. Go down the mountain quickly. By the way, drive that Xia Li down. I'll take their jeep down the mountain in the evening."

Sure enough, Xiao Wei laughed, then hooked her finger behind her and said, "Qin Yan, come here!"

The man in the suit came over.

"Look, this is my boyfriend, Qin Yan. His father is engaged in real estate. After I met him, I resigned. How tired it is to be a doctor, tired and dirty, and the monthly salary is only a little." Xiao Wei muttered.

When Qin Yan saw Tang Ran, a stunning look flashed in his eyes. He laughed and said, "Weiwei, is this your classmate?"

"Yes, college classmate, Tang Ran, beautiful. I don't have a boyfriend yet. Tang Ran has always been strong. You see, I'm still working in this hospital." Xiao Wei did not know Tang Ran's family and thought that Tang Ran was just a child of an ordinary family.

Qin Yan's eyes lit up and said, "Old classmates get together. Let's go to dinner together later."

"Yes, Tang Ran, let's go to dinner together. Let's treat Qin Yan. Let's go to have a good meal. How about it? Oh, forget it. Let's go to dinner now. Anyway, it doesn't matter if my pregnancy check-up is one day early or one day later." Xiao Wei said.

Tang Ran shook his head, "No, I'm waiting for a friend."

"Friends? Man's?" Xiao Wei was stunned and looked at Tang Ran, "Tang Ran, you just said you didn't have a boyfriend."

Tang Ran just smiled and did not continue to explain.

Xiao Wei's heart was a little hanging. She was afraid that Tang Ran found a better boyfriend than Qin Yan. The comparison psychology between women was always very serious, compared with appearance, family background, and clothing. Later, the greatest pleasure was to compare with boyfriend, husband, and children.

While talking, a Xiali car came to the inside of the hospital. Then Song Kai got out of Xiali's car and waved to Tang Ran. "I've been waiting for a long time. This car is a little broken and can't get up."

When Tang Ran saw Song Kai driving a tattered Xia Li into the hospital, she frowned. Of course, she did not dislike Song Kai's poverty, but because Xiao Wei was next to her at this time. In this way, I'm afraid Xiao Wei would laugh at herself even more.

Sure enough, Xiao Wei saw Song Kai and looked at Xia Liche behind Song Kai. Suddenly, she covered her mouth and smiled. She smiled back and back, and couldn't close it for a long time. She was so happy that she worked for a long time. The class flower, Miss Tang Ran, the goddess in everyone's heart, found such a boyfriend and continued to work in the hospital.

This is retribution! It's not good to repay! Who let her be so arrogant in college and shut all the boys out at that time?

Song Kai frowned and looked at Xiao Wei and asked, "Is this?"

"Oh, my college classmate, Xiao Wei, this is Xiao Wei's boyfriend, Qin Yan." Tang Ran gave a brief introduction.

Xiao Wei pointed to Song Kai, looked at Song Kai in rustic sportswear, and covered her mouth. "You are Tang Ran's boyfriend. I have been looking forward to it for a long time. Tang Ran is a flower in our college, but you are lucky to pick it. Oh, this is my boyfriend, Qin Yan, who is a real estate business. Let's have dinner together at noon today. It's our treat.

When Song Kai heard these words, he understood. He grinned and said, "Well, Tang Ran and I are also going to Huanghui Manor for dinner, so let's go together."

"Cough...where to go?" Qin Yan's face changed and he asked quickly.

"Go to Huanghui Manor." Song Kai said very seriously.

"Okay, just go there." Xiao Wei didn't know the level of Huang Hui Manor. She thought it was just a restaurant at most. How expensive it could be? 8,000 yuan per meal was enough.

Qin Yan quickly pulled Xiao Wei and said with a smile, "That place is a little far away. It's better to forget it..."

"Oh, how can I forget it? Their old classmates finally got together. You don't have no money, do you? It's okay. It's my treat. Song Kai waved his hand generously.

Xiao Wei's face changed and she looked at Qin Yan.

Qin Yan could only say bluntly, "Why... How can it be like this? It was agreed that I would treat you, so let's go and take my car?"

Song Kai pointed to Xia Li, "No, we have a car."

Xiao Wei laughed again, "Your car... Haha, can it really call a car?"