Chunyang Medical Road

Chapter 87 Dachengqi Soup

"Director Chao, what do you mean? If you want to fire me, just put it bluntly, I also entered the hospital with my ability at that time. If there are no patients in the hospital, it's not my fault. Your hospital doesn't pay attention to traditional Chinese medicine at all." Lin Hai turned around, held his head high, and said to Director Chiao, although his legs were still trembling, the arrogance of the college student had not been polished.

"Huh?" Director Chao was stunned and then said angrily, "Lin Hai, what are you talking about? I'm going to show you this patient. What are you talking about!"

Lin Hai said, "You push this psychopath to me, in public, let me make a fool of myself, you..."

Song Kai frowned, interrupted Lin Hai, and said, "Enough! You didn't even look at the patient. What are you afraid of?"

Lin Hai took a look at Song Kai and didn't understand what this young man who was younger than himself did.

Song Kai pointed to Liu Dachun in the operating car and said, "Recite the original text of Article 98 of Typhoid Fen."

Lin Hai was even more stunned, but his mouth was inertial. "Yangming disease, sweating, full of pain in the stomach, if you are in a hurry, it's better to take the gas soup." The Treatise on Typhoid Fever is written by Zhang Zhongjing. It is the first book of traditional Chinese medicine. Everyone who studies traditional Chinese medicine will recite this book of more than 10,000 words.

Song Kai nodded and said again, "I'll ask you again, what are the symptoms of Dachengqi soup?"

Lin Hai answered without thinking this time: "The stomach is solid, the day is hot, the day is hot, the six or seven days are not defecated, the slander, the hands and feet are sweating, the abdomen is full of pain and refuses to press, the pulse is big and solid, and even climb high and sing, abandon clothes and leave, beat people and destroy things, do not avoid relatives and estrangement..."

Song Kai pointed to Liu Dachun, who pointed to the disease**, and said, "Now come and see this patient now."

Lin Hai nodded, walked to the hospital bed, and reached out to press Liu Dachun's lower abdomen. Before he could press it, Liu Dachun had cursed, and a smell came to his nose. Lin Hai stretched out his hand, squeezed Lin Dachun's lips, and looked at his tongue.

"Ah! I know!" Lin Hai suddenly shouted, "This patient is Yang Ming's empirical evidence, and it is a great Chengqi soup certificate. He hasn't defecate for many days. His abdomen is painful and refuses to press. This is a dry feces in his abdomen. His tongue is yellow and black, his tone is very heavy, his lips are sore, and he is thirsty and irritable. It is the real heat. Well, this patient is Dachengqi soup certificate, which needs to be treated with Dachengqi soup!"

At this moment, Lin Hai was extremely determined and said loudly.

The patients around were stunned.

Lin Hai took a closer look at Liu Dachun and said, "Now this patient's condition is not too serious, but if he delays it for another day or two, he will be dizzy, and it will be difficult to treat at that time!"

Hearing this, Liu's mother hurriedly said, "Then ask the little doctor to prescribe a prescription and ask the little doctor to save my son."

Lin Hai was stunned for a moment, and then remembered that there were dozens of people around. He turned his head to Director Chao and said, "Director, look..."

Director Chao blushed, snorted and said, "Xiao Lin, you can see clearly. This is a severely manic mental patient. Are you sure you can cure him? And I heard that Dachengqi soup is highly toxic. If the patient dies after taking it, you... have to take responsibility.

Lin Hai was afraid again, and he looked at Song Kai.

Song Kai patted Lin Hai on the shoulder and said, "Quickly, you are the attending doctor. Remember, you studied traditional Chinese medicine, and what you hold in your hand is the life of the patient. If you don't even have the courage to cure diseases and save people, you might as well take off your clothes and sell sweet potatoes outside.

Lin Hai lowered his head in shame. He studied traditional Chinese medicine for five years, but he has never treated a patient. He likes traditional Chinese medicine, and he is also arrogant. He is a good student of traditional Chinese medicine. He has been in college for five years and won a scholarship every year. However, how can he become a fool now? Where did the pride of graduation go? Why did the spirit of revitalizing traditional Chinese medicine disappear?

"Okood! I'll open it!" Lin Hai suddenly raised his head and said, "If something happens, I will be responsible!"

After saying that, Lin Hai took out a pen and prescription paper from his white coat pocket and wrote down four drugs. "Twenty grams of rhubarb, forty grams of thick plain, ten grams of tenthir, and ten grams of mang salt."

Only four drugs, less than ten yuan.

After writing, Lin Hai gave the prescription to the round-faced little nurse and asked her to immediately go to the medicine decoction. After decoction, the medicine was sent directly to the ward.

"Pund the patient into the ward!" Lin Hai waved his hand and strode towards the ward.

The onlookers were even more looking forward to it. They followed the operating car and entered a ward. Soon, there was only one director chao left at the top of the stairs, with a pale face.

Before long, the Dachengqi soup was fried. Lin Hai asked Liu's mother to pour the soup, and then told them to put a basin under the bed so that Liu Dachun could solve it directly in the ward.

Less than ten minutes after the soup was poured down, he heard a cooing in Liu Dachun's stomach, and then "poof" let out two stinky farts. The two farts made the onlookers burst into tears and went out of the ward one after another. Then they heard the iron basin in the ward ring a few times. It turned out that Liu Dachun pulled out a few black stones. The dung ball...

Seeing success, Lin Hai clenched his fist and his face was full of a proud smile.

Song Kai nodded. This Lin Hai is not bad. He has a solid foundation in traditional Chinese medicine, but because he was born in a medical school and had less contact with clinic. Even during the internship period, the following doctor mostly used Western medicine, so he did not have much confidence in traditional Chinese medicine. But judging from his prescription dose, he is a bold and careful doctor.

The people outside the ward had not yet dispersed and muttered one after another that they wanted to go into the ward to see Liu Dachun's situation, but it was too smelly inside. The smell not only smoked the brain, but also spicy to the eyes, and the tears were full of tears.

After more than ten minutes, the door of the ward opened and Liu's mother came out.

Lin Hai hurriedly greeted him and asked, "How is the patient?"

Liu's mother's tears fell down. She took Lin Hai's hand, choked and couldn't speak, so she almost bent her legs and knelt down. She is Liu Dachun's son. If Liu Dachun is really crazy, then Liu's mother will die.

"Okay... It's really good, I'm back to my mind!" Liu's mother choked and said these words with difficulty, holding Lin Hai's hand in both hands and not letting go.

"How is it possible? Can mental illness also be cured?

"That's right, isn't it manic psychosis? Why did it suddenly get better?"

"Is this old woman talking nonsense for fear of pulling her son into a mental hospital?"

People around are talking a lot.

At this time, six people in white coats came up at the top of the stairs. These people were also pushing a hospital bed car and rushed to the door of the ward under the leadership of Director Chao.

"The mentally ill person is here," Director Chao said.

"Where are the mentally ill! Get out of here!" Liu's mother's anger in her heart finally broke out, and her good son was convicted of mental illness, which no one could stand.

"Sister, your son is very dangerous. Going to a mental hospital is the best choice for him. This is not only responsible for your family, but also for the relatives of the neighbors around him," Director Cho held down his glasses and said with a blank face.

"I'm fine," a weak voice came from the ward, pushed the door open, and Liu Dachun came out with a pale face.

When the people around him saw Liu Dachun, they retreated one after another, but Liu Dachun just smiled and said, "I'm sorry, everyone. I'm really fine now."

"It's amazing."

"It's incredible."

"What the hell is going on?"

Everyone around can't believe it.

The doctor in the mental hospital who led the team was also stunned, and then said to Director Chao, "Dr. Chao, don't make such a joke next time, or we will inform the leaders of your hospital. Humph!"

Several doctors pushed the hospital bed car and left, and the rest of Director Chao stood still in a daze, looking at Liu Dachun incredulously.

Lin Hai coughed and said, "Director Chao, you see, our traditional Chinese medicine is still a little useful."

"How is this... possible?" Although Director Chao can't bear the face, he is also a doctor, and he wants to know what's going on.

Lin Hai explained: "Just now I carefully analyzed the condition. It's like this. Director Chao, as you know, cough medicine has the effect of inhibiting the bronchi**, and their side effects include insufficient stomach power, insufficient intestinal power, that is, the so-called anorexia, constipation, etc. If people can't defecate normally, toxins will accumulate in the intestine. The initial reaction is excessive internal heat, acne on the face, can't sleep at night, thirst, etc. However, when the situation is serious, the toxin will affect the brain nerve. Well, today's manic symptoms will appear. Although it is manic, the root cause is still the dry excrement of the intestine. So after letting the patient defecate with Dachengqi soup, the patient wakes up.

Director Chao opened his mouth, then patted Lin Hai on the shoulder, and then strode away. He had no face to stay where he was.

The little nurses around Lin Hai surrounded him, pulling Lin Hai's arms and asking questions.

Lin Hai tasted the feeling of being a hero for the first time and couldn't help grinning. Then he suddenly remembered Song Kai and hurriedly looked around.

At this time, Song Kaizheng and Tang Ran stood by the window in the distance, looking at the beautiful scenery of Jinji Lake outside.

Lin Hai pushed away the crowd, strode to Song Kai, and bowed respectfully, "Thank you, teacher!"

Song Kai took a look at Lin Hai, smiled gently, and said, "The foundation is good, study hard, more clinical, you will have some achievements."

When Lin Hai heard this, his face flushed with excitement, "Well, I'll try my best!"

At this time, Liu's mother and Liu Dachun crowded over and came to Song Kai's side and said, "Mr. Song, thank you very much this time. Aren't you going to talk about the acquisition contract of Guangtai Pharmaceutical Factory? Go, go, I'm sorry, I really neglect you.

People suddenly realized that Song Kai didn't seem to be a doctor, but a... salesman?

Lin Hai looked at Song Kai and clenched his fists with both hands. For the first time, he felt that as a traditional Chinese medicine doctor, he was so proud, proud and promising!