Chunyang Medical Road

Chapter 97 Desert Night

Everyone sighed a little after hearing this, but even if they couldn't go out, even if they spent a few days in this place, it was a very cool thing. In addition to Xiao Han, these people lived in the water township in the south of the Yangtze River all year round and had never been to the desert. This time, their hearts were greatly impacted.

Song Kai was different. When he heard the old man say this, he was anxious and quickly asked, "Sir, when the hail comes, is the rotten grass gone?"

"Rotten bone grass?" The old man looked at Song Kai.

"It's camel poison, uncle. I need that plant. I need it urgently." Song Kai said seriously.

"Oh, it's camel poison." The old man blew his eyes and said, "If you come a few days earlier, you will definitely be able to dig up the grass, but if you come now, I'm afraid it won't work. The camel poison I know is also a night's journey away from here. I'm afraid I can't make it.

Song Kai listened and said anxiously, "Grandpa, help me. Maybe you can take a car or ride a camel."

The old man sighed and said, "The camels were rushed to the other side of the mountain yesterday. They couldn't find the camels for a while. The car must not work. The sand is too thick to run."

Seeing that Song Kai was so eager, Xiao Han said, "Sir, if we set out now, can we catch up?"

"Let's go now? Are you crazy?" Momo beside him patted Xiao Han on the shoulder, "Not to mention that your journey is tiring. You will be exhausted if you can't walk long tonight. The dragon whirlwind outside alone can't let you go. Besides, the temperature has dropped sharply now. You don't know the weather in the desert. Although it's autumn, it's still freezing to death at night.

Momo's mouth was sharp, and he spit out three reasons in one breath.

Song Kai took a look at Momo, and then said to the old man, "Don't worry, I'm in good physique. In this way, you can tell me how to find the camel poison. I can go by myself."

"Well, why don't you listen to the advice? Is camel poison important or your life important?" Momo criticized Song Kai.

Xiao Han took a look at Song Kai and said, "You don't have desert travel experience. I'll go with you."

After saying that, Xiao Han turned his head and looked at the old man, "Sir, camel poison is really important. We need it to save people. If the wind and snow pass and the camel poison dies, then it will be too late.

Momo looked at Xiao Han doubtfully. She lowered her body and whispered in Xiao Han's ear, "There is a problem, Xiao Han. What's the relationship between that young man and you? Why do you protect him like this? Oh, you don't want an old cow to eat tender grass, do you? He is just a child. Gah..."

Xiao Han reached out and pinched Momo's waist.

Seeing that the two people were so persistent, the old man knocked cigarette bags, extinguished the fireworks, and said, "Does it have to be poisoned by camels?"

Xiao Han and Song Kai nodded at the same time.

"Well, since it's a matter of human life, old man, I'll help you see if I can find them before the hail comes." The old man stood up and said to the old woman, "Old lady, pack up for me. I'll take these children out for a few days."

The old lady is not very worried. Although the desert is described very horrible on TV, for people who live in the desert all year round, there is indeed no danger in short-distance trek. Even if they encounter sandstorms, as long as it is not a once-in-a-century sandstorm, there will be no danger. What's more, the communication conditions are good now, and there are also desert rescue teams patrolling nearby. As long as you bring enough water, there will be no big problems.

Tang Ran walked on the side of Song Kai. The bright full moon in the sky is not a trace of haze. It is surrounded by an endless desert plain, and nearby, there is a winding river, and the faint trees around it decorate this desert map under the moon as beautiful as a fairyland.

"It's so beautiful!" Tang Ran praised in a low voice. She didn't feel that she looked at Song Kai sideways, and her face turned hot.

Song Kai carried his and Tang Ran's big bag on his back, and he didn't notice much weight.

The old man Bart in front of him is still muttering about the scene of the desert. Now the temperature is a little cold, but the danger is much lower, because the poisonous rattlesnakes, desert scorpions, etc. are all free from this area, so when walking and camping, you don't have to worry about the invasion of these poisons.

Several men picked up the camera, turned on the luminous mode, and took photos from time to time.

Ding Jie also took the opportunity to surround Xiao Han and Momo, laughed, and took the opportunity to hook up with two divorced beautiful young women. Although Xiao Han was very cold, Momo's words were a lot.

The journey is also a joy.

After walking for about four hours and resting three times, Old Bart raised his hand and said, "Okay, I'll rest here today. I'll leave on time at seven o'clock tomorrow. Let's set up a tent."

Everyone set up tents one after another. Xiao Han and Momo naturally lived together, while Song Kai and Tang Ran were together.

Ding Jie sighed and was very depressed. If he had known that these women were so difficult to hook up, he would have brought a woman here. How happy it would be to have a female companion to warm the bed on this cold night.

Unfortunately, I can only have sex with my friends now.

Oh, life is hard!

Ding Jie watched Song Kai and Tang Ran get into the tent with envy.

The old man Bart squinted, made a bonfire, and sat by the bonfire to smoke bags. He likes to live with young people. With them, he can feel the meaning of life more.

In the tent, Tang Ran blushed. Although the two were very close and had always been very close, it was the first time to sleep in a tent at night.

"You have to be honest at night." Tang Ran whispered.

Song Kai curled his lips and said, "I'm afraid you won't be honest and eat me."

"The virtue!" Tang Ran laughed, then took off his coat, wore only close-fitting autumn clothes and trousers, and got into the sleeping bag.

is a double sleeping bag.

Song Kai also got into it, but Song Kai only had a pair of trousers left.

"Why are you so clean!" Tang Ran muttered.

"In this way, I can warm you." Song Kai smiled, and then hugged Tang Ran, and naturally put his palm on Tang Ran's towering soft chest.

Tang Ran was very depressed. She felt that Song Kai's action was extremely familiar. The key was that she couldn't refuse him every time.

Then just don't refuse.

Tang Ran pressed against Song Kai's chest, which was really warm.

"Sleep, I have to rush early tomorrow morning." Song Kaidao, the palm of his hand turned on Tang Ran's chest, but he did not inspire the spirit of pure yang.

"Yes, but can you take your hand away first?" Tang Ran blushed.

"Hey hey." Song opened up to Tang Ran.

It didn't take long for Tang Ran to fall asleep. She never knew that she could sleep so peacefully in a man's arms. She was not worried at all and rejected at all. On the contrary, the full sense of security made Tang Ran feel very happy.

At this time, in another small tent, Xiao Han and Momo were wearing narrow pajamas, and the two women hugged each other.

"Xiao Han, tell me the truth, do you like Song Kai's little white face?" Momo said with a low smile.

"Don't talk nonsense!" Xiao Han immediately said, "How can I fall in mind with him, not to mention that he has a girlfriend."

"Oh, look at you, your face is red and your chest is straight. It must be..." Momo's hand was on Xiao Han's chest.

"Isn't that touched by you, you little man." Xiao Han also stretched out his hand, and the two divorced young women fought together for a while, and the spring was infinite...