Pure Yang Zhenxian

Chapter 084 Three Martial Arts

Chapter 084 Three Martial Arts [Second Update]

"What an arrogant boy." After Liu Huayuan and others came out of sight, the elder waved his clothes and said fiercely.

"Well, I'll learn martial arts later. I'm sure I'll beat him all over the ground to find his teeth." Gu Tai said angrily, and his voice was full of resentment.

He was the first of three generations of the ancient family. In the clan test last year, he lost to the dark horse Gu Chen in confusion. He had a grudge in his heart and vomited blood on the spot.

After four months, Gu Tai has recovered from the failure of the clan's test, and because he has the goal of defeating Gu Chen in his heart, he has been practicing hard in the past few months, and his cultivation has improved a lot.

I thought that he would be the core of the family in the three martial arts, but from the beginning of the ancient family, anyone present could see that Gu Xian placed the hope of the three martial arts in Gu Chen, who was already excluded from the core of the family.

What made him most resentful was that Liu Baisheng didn't pay attention to him at all. When he entered the living room, he didn't even look at him. He went forward to talk to Liu Baisheng. Liu Baisheng didn't even shake it, and he didn't look back and only said three words: You don't deserve...

Gu Tai was short of breath, and the resentment in his heart was like a giant * rolling. He stared at Gu Chen, and his eyes were more hateful than the enemy who killed his father. Liu Baisheng regarded him as a grass mustard, but regarded Gu Chen as his opponent. Now that Liu Baisheng is not here, his full of resent

Although Gu Chen didn't look at Gu Tai, he also felt the resentful eyes. A smile floated at the corners of his mouth and didn't care about Gu Tai's eyes.


Not long after, the Liu family sent fruit and refreshments. Gu Chen and others waited in the living room for the luncheon to begin. At noon, in a burst of festive sound of gongs and drums, the birthday party officially began.

In Leshui City, all the forces on the table are basically represented. They came to wish the elders of the Liu family a happy birthday. It was very lively. The Liu family also held a flowing banquet in Beicheng. Although ordinary people can't go to Liufu, they can also have a big meal at the Liushui banquet.

The whole birthday banquet is divided into three parts. The largest number of people is the flowing water banquet outside Liufu. Secondly, it is the representative of the major forces of Leshui City. The birthday banquet is placed on the square of the Liu family.

In the main hall of the Liu family, there are also several birthday banquets, and the birthday banquets here are the most abundant. Except for the three Xiuzhen families in Leshui City, there are only official forces representing the imperial court.

After an hour, the birthday banquet in Liu's house was finally over. The guests in the Liu family square left one after another. The servants of the Liu family evacuated the tables and chairs in the square, cleaned the debris, and soon returned to their original state.

Then, a large ring of three feet high, more than ten feet long and ten feet wide was set up.

Then, the three families in the main hall, as well as the imperial court government and the people of the four major forces, all came to the square. After the birthday banquet, the three martial arts about the distribution of benefits in Leshui City officially began.

The rules of the three families are very simple. Each family sends four three generations of children. From the winner of the last martial arts meeting, the first son is sent to the stage to become the ring leader. Then, the other two families sent personnel to the stage one after another to challenge, the winner becomes the ring master, and the loser is directly eliminated.

The three generations of children are all four people. In this way, which of the four children are the first to be eliminated, that is, the loss, in the third place, and then the remaining two children continue to fight. The winner is still the master of the ring, the loser is eliminated, and the family where all four children are The final winner is naturally the winner.

The distribution of benefits is quite simple. It is not to redistribute all the benefits, but to distribute them on the basis of the original interests of the three companies.

The third family must unconditionally hand over two-tenths of the family business to the first family.

The second family must unconditionally hand over one-tenth of the family business to the first family.

Therefore, the three families can only win or lose. There is no middle. Even if it is in the second place, you have to lose one-tenth of the family business. Only the first is the winner. The second and third are both losers, but the degree of loss is different.

The three families will fight, which is witnessed by the government. Although the government represents the imperial court and manages the order of the real world for the imperial court, the tearing between monks, even if it is as strong as the imperial court, cannot be forcibly restrained.

Therefore, the government will basically not intervene in the struggle between the monks, but will only be a witness. No matter who wins the final victory, it must cooperate with the government in the end. The government is always the profiteer.

For example, the interests of Leshui City, whether they are jointly distributed by Gu, Liu and Yun, or which one is exclusive, the benefits obtained must be handed over to the government in proportion every year, and then handed over to the imperial court.

A stand was built around the ring, and the government, as well as the three main members of Gu, Liu and Yun, sat on the stands.

Although the strength of the government is not as good as that of the three major families, the strength behind it is too great. Naturally, it is located in the stands to the east of the ring. There are four people sitting in the stands, two old people and two middle-aged people.

These four people, Gu Chen, know that the first middle-aged person on the right, who is nearly 50 years old, is the city owner of Leshui City, named Gong Changyi, with five levels of cultivation innate land.

The second person on the right is a middle-aged man who is about 40 years old. He is the city patrol envoy of Leshui City. His name is Gong Changli. He also has five-level cultivation in the innate realm.

The third old man is the deputy owner of Leshui City. He has four layers of cultivation innate, and Gu Chen doesn't know much about it.

The last one is the master of the auction, Gu Wengxian.

The Liu family is located in the north, the ancient family is located in the south, the Yun family is located in the west, and the three family leaders and the main characters are sitting down one after another.

Gu Chen, Gu Tai, Gu Heng and Gu Kun also followed the stands in the south and stood behind Gu Xian and others.

After everyone sat down, a young man of the Liu family fell on the ring with his sword. He hugged his fist and turned around and shouted, "In Liu Changsheng, on behalf of the Liu family in the first battle, friends of the Gu and Yun families, who dares to fight with me?"

Twenty years ago, the Liu family won the first place, the second place in the ancient family, and the third place in the Yun family.

In addition to stipulating that the winning party must play in the first game, there are no requirements in the rules of the three martial arts. Which one must play first, the second and the third, depending on their own preferences. After all, both families are losers, but the degree of failure is different.

The three martial arts competition, obviously, the first two, compared with the later one, suffered a little. Previously, no matter who won or lost, the two experienced a battle, and the essence was lost. At this time, the last one naturally had an advantage.

As soon as Liu Changsheng finished speaking, the sword light flashed on the Gu family's stand and shot at the ring. Then, Gu Tai's figure appeared on the ring and said, "Gu Tai, come and teach you a lesson, Liu family boy."

Gu Tai's resentment was hard to dissipate, and he has been aggrieved all the time. At the beginning of the three families, how can he stand it? As soon as Liu Changsheng opened his mouth, he naturally rushed up.

Gu Cangyue's lips moved and he wanted to stop it. It was too late.

Seeing this, Gu Xian and others shook their heads helplessly.

These three families know martial arts, each of which is four people. They carry out continuous wheel battles. The strongest children usually don't appear until the end. In order to avoid going out too early, they were unexpectedly defeated because of the excessive loss of wheel war essence.

Like Liu Baisheng and Yunxuan of the Liu family, they are all characters who have to appear in the end. Only Gu Tai has the cultivation of the second level of the innate realm. On the surface, his cultivation is the highest. Who would have I never thought that he rushed to the ring at the beginning of these three families?

Liu Changsheng looked at Gu Tai, smiled contemptuously, and said, "Are you the Gu Tai of the Gu family, who claims to be the first of the children of three generations? It is said that you have the cultivation of the second level of the innate realm, but you are defeated by the monks of the first layer of the innate realm. You are really a waste.

A monk in the innate realm actually called him a waste? Or the best waste?

Gu Tai suddenly became furious and said angrily, "Kid, you are just a layer of cultivation in heaven. You are the waste, the waste of the waste."

Liu Changsheng was not angry. He smiled and said, "I'm the worst of the four people in the war, so the first to fight is naturally a waste. You are also the first to fight. It can be seen that you are also the worst of the four people in the Gu family's war. We are waste to waste, so don't

"You fart, I'm the first of the three generations of children of the ancient family. How can you be compared with this waste? Let's see if I don't repair you well, look at the knife..."

Gu Tai shouted angrily and suddenly pointed to Liu Changsheng. A flying knife rose to the sky from the storage bag, and immediately shot out a long knife and cut Liu Changsheng.

Liu Changsheng smiled and drew circles with his hands. Five golden lights flew out of the storage bag, but there were five gold rings. The flying knife cut down greeted him. He saw that the five gold rings were set on the flying knife. Suddenly, the knife was dim, and the knife immediately disappeared.

Gu Tai was shocked. He raised his hand and made a move. The flying knife fell into his hand. It was a pure black long knife, which was a jade-drinking knife.

Liu Changsheng also raised his hands, and the five gold rings flew back, two on his right wrist, two on his left wrist, and one under the hood around his neck.

"Hardware wheel ring?" In the stands, several people said Liu Changsheng's magic weapon, and their voices were slightly shocked.

This hardware wheel ring is a defensive magic weapon of the Liu family. It is a Chinese magic weapon. The three martial arts are related to the interests of the family for 20 years. The three families, Gu, Yun and Liu families have temporarily lent the Chinese magic weapons to the children who participated in the martial arts.

Gu Tai frowned. He didn't expect that the other party's cultivation of only one layer of heaven could easily block his attack. After being shocked, what followed was a huge anger.

The naiveness in the body was driven crazily, and the jade knife came out again. This time, the knife was more prosperous, and Gu Tai used all his strength.

Liu Changsheng's face was solemn, and his eyes paid attention to the knife Gang. With both hands raised, the five gold rings came out of his body, and he set the jade knife straight. Just now, the vigorous knife was set by the metal wheel ring, and the knife immediately dissipated.

Gu Tai controlled the naiveness of the first time. He struggled to pull the jade knife out of the hardware ring and turned the arc in the air. The knife swelled, and another knife came across Liu Changsheng's neck.

Liu Changsheng stroked his hands, and the five golden rings were like maggots attached to the bones. Just as Liu Changsheng was three feet away, the jade knife was covered by five golden lights, and the sword powder dissipated.

Gu Tai was furious. He raised his hand and withdrew the jade knife in his hand. Suddenly, he shot a knife of nearly three feet. With his legs kicked, the innocence rolled like waves, forming several round ripples in the air and dissipating in all directions.

At the same time, Gu Chen's body was like a cannonball, suddenly ejected at Liu Changsheng, and the knife in his hand was like a light curtain, suddenly cutting down Liu Changsheng.

Gu Tai, it broke out again.


Special thanks to [memory * like water years] 10,000 yuan reward, thank you for surprising me