Pure Yang Zhenxian

Chapter 099 The Beginning of Fighting

Chapter 099 Begins the Fight

Time is quiet, and the days have passed day by day. Since Gu Chen returned home, whether it is the Gu family, the Liu family or the Wan family, it is very calm and feels like a prelude to the storm.

Gu Chen takes Xiao Bai to Lingfu Mountain to practice every day. There is no change in his daily life. The only change is Gu Chen's cultivation, which is still growing rapidly every day.

The temporary situation has not changed from the previous life. I believe that there is no big change before the patriarch competition conference at the end of the year. The key is after the patriarch competition conference.

Even if Gu Chen has experience in his previous life, he can't guess how his father will react when he is the head of the ancient family. Does it mean obedience? Or resolutely resist?

Ap obedience? Gu Cangyue is arrogant and has always regarded the ancient sky as a waste. If the ancient sky becomes the patriarch, it is impossible for Gu Cangyue to really obey.

Resistance? Gu Cangyue is not reckless. He knows how harmful the family is to the family. He is a member of the ancient family, and he is also responsible to the Gu family. If the ancient family is in civil strife, only the Yun and Liu families will benefit.

It's good to say that the Yun family is powerful. If the strength of the Gu family is damaged and becomes the same as that of the Yun family, it will be difficult for the two families to stop the development of the Liu family.

Gu Chen can't accurately judge what kind of reaction Gu Cangyue has to, but Gu Chen can be sure that if Gu Cangyue ignores the future of the family and does something that harms the family, Gu Chen will also be ruthless and eliminate all unstable factors.

Gu Chen's cultivation is rapidly progressing every day. Four months later, Gu Chen finally felt the barrier of the five layers of the innate realm. This time, he did not experience a fierce battle. It took Gu Chen half a month to finally break through the five layers of barriers and step into the six levels of the cultivation of the innate realm.

The sixth floor of the innate realm is already the peak of the middle of the innate realm. Further, it is the realm of the later stage of the innate realm. The difficulty of cultivation is much greater than that of the previous one.

From the fifth floor to the sixth floor of the innate realm, it took four and a half months, from the sixth floor to the seventh floor. The time required will be longer. Even if there is a constant consumption of elixirs and spiritual stones, it will take at least five and six months.

At present, it is only half a month before the end of the year, and it is impossible to make a breakthrough in cultivation. Gu Chen put the focus of cultivation on the Tiang quenching method. The six layers of the innate realm can practice the fourth Tiang quenching body.

It has been refined into the fourth weight of Tiangong quenching body. After the physical body of Gu Chen is strengthened, it is almost comparable to the nine-layer monks of the Congenital Realm. Coupled with the acceleration of the feather cloak, the speed goes straight to the Shenhai Land monks, which is much faster than the Congenital

With Gu Chen's current strength, the monks of the seventh floor of the Congenital Realm are not his opponents. In the state of physical strengthening and speeding up, the monks of the eighth floor of the Congenital Realm should also temporarily avoid the edge.

With such strength, no one in the whole Leshui City can no longer threaten him. If it hadn't been for the nine-level monks of the innate realm, otherwise he would not have taken advantage of Gu Chen.

There is still more than a month left before the end of the year. With the familiar experience of Tianang quenching method, it should be able to be refined into the fourth level at the end of the year. For Gu Cangyue, Gu Chen has no worries at all.

If he can rest assured, his cultivation is not easy to come by. It's better for him to contribute to the Gu family. If he has any crooked ideas, Gu Chen doesn't mind wiping him...

With the growth of strength, Gu Chen is no longer the stupid boy last year. The feeling of a big monk in his previous life gradually returned to Gu Chen.

In the previous life, Gu Chen was burdened with deep hatred and blood, but he had no good temper. In a word, the person who annoyed him was in danger. It was too easy for Gu Chen to erase a monk. With the identity of an elixir master, he didn't even have to take action by himself. He just had to release a sentence .

Of course, this is just some young people. The real big opponent, the ancient Chen in the previous life can't be dealt with, such as the hidden sky. Even if Gu Chen wants to hide the sky to die, no one dares to provoke the hidden sky. When they meet the monks who hide the sky, let alone provoke the hidden sky, if you Good luck.

Near the end of the year, the ancient sky also spread a good news. After more than half a year of cultivation, under the catalysis of the residual medicine of the dust-washing elixir, he continued to take the top-grade primary elixir. The cultivation of the ancient sky finally stepped into the seventh floor of the innate realm a year

Gu Chen also did as he wished. Before the New Year, he successfully refined the Tianang quenching method to the fourth weight.

In the cultivation of Tiangang quenching Dafa, the ancient sky is a little slower than that of Gu Chen. Although it has been cultivated in the seven layers of the natural realm, Tiangang quenching body has just been refined into the third level.

However, it is also possible that the seven-level monks of the innate realm will defeat a monk of the eight levels of the innate realm after the strengthening of the three heavenly realms. For this patriarchal competition, the ancient sky can be said to be without pressure.

As soon as the end of the year arrived, the whole Leshui City became lively again, and the ancient family was no exception. Now Gu Chen is already 12 years old, but he is much stronger and taller than the twelve-year-old teenager. He looks like a fifteen or six-year-old youth.

There is no exception. In this year's clan test, Gu Chen easily won the first place in the clan. The four layers of cultivation of the innate realm revealed made Gu Tai, who was still innate in the second layer, frustrated.

However, the most lively thing this year is not the annual clan competition, but the patriarchal competition.

Gu Xian is old and has reached the age of 70 this year. According to the order of his ancestors, he must give up the position of patriarch.

Originally, the father and son of the patriarch were passed down from generation to generation. After the patriarch was 70 years old, he could pass on the position of patriarch to his son, but Gu Cangqiong was not an idle parent and son. Because of this, he was opposed by the elder and the second elder. Therefore, the position of patriarch became an open

All the second-generation direct children can participate after being elected by the elders. After the clan test, there will be a big fight. The winner will be the patriarch of the ancient family in the future.

Gu Cangyue is the first person of the second generation of children, and his cultivation has reached the seventh floor of the innate realm. In order to determine the position of patriarch, he almost sat in the position of the lord of the city.

Today, Gu Cangyue is very happy, and he has a smile on his face. Naturally, no one will compete with him for the second generation of the eldest elder and the second generation of the first lineage. The strongest of the second generation of the ancient leisure and the three elders is only the fifth floor of the innate realm. Compared with the seventh floor of

The ancient sky is the biggest competitor of the ancient Cangyue to seize the position of patriarch, but now the cultivation is still only five layers of the innate realm. In this regard, the ancient Cangyue has no pressure. He knows that the more difficult the practice is, the more difficult it will be. Although the ancient sky is first It is difficult to catch up with him in this life.

Most monks, the peak of their cultivation is about 40-50 years old, after which it is impossible to make progress. After the age of 50, their bodies begin to age. If they persist in practicing every day, they can only maintain their cultivation without retreating. If they stop practicing, their cultivation will regress.

After the clan test, all the people did not leave. After Gu Qianshan announced the results of the clan test, Gu Xian came to the ring and said, "Everyone of the same clan, I have been the head of the ancient family for more than 20 years. This year, I am over 70 years old. According to the order of my ancestors, I will withdraw Jie, take over the position of patriarch, lead the ancient clan to a better future..."

After a pause, Gu Xian continued: "The ancient family is listed as one of the three Xiuzhen families in Leshui City. This is the foundation laid for us by generations of ancestors. Each patriarch regards the family's interests as beneficial. Gu Xian is fortunate to not disgrace his life. He has been in charge of the ancient family for more than 20 years. There is also a face to face the ancestors of the ancient family. No matter who becomes the next patriarch, they should develop the ancient family better like their ancestors and find a better future for the ancient family..."

"As monks, we are above mortals, have stronger power than mortals, have more resources than mortals, and have a better life than mortals... However, than mortals, monks also have to bear greater risks. The world of cultivation is a world of the law of the jungle, a cruel world, without strength, just Unable to survive, therefore, as a patriarch, you should not only have a good character, but also have a cultivation beyond everyone.

"At the decision of the elders, in this patriarchal competition, the elders will recommend the second generation of children with good character, and then the second generation of children who are elected to compete. Who is the first and who is the next patriarch..."


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