Pure Yang Zhenxian

Chapter 106 Prelude

Chapter 106 Prelude

In the dark night, if there is a huge curtain, it will cover the whole earth.

Today's night is a little special. There are no stars in the sky. It's dark and gloomy.

Gu Chen was not at home, but in the Gu family hall with his father.

The ancient sky invited several elders. Every elder at the level came to the hall, only the eldest elder and the second elder had not arrived.

Everyone talked about it, and many elders who used to be elders and two elders criticized and expressed their current position.

"The elder and the second elder are too presumptuous. The patriarch's invitation didn't come. Do they still have a patriarch in their eyes?"

"The elder and the second elder don't know the rules. They are obviously looking at the patriarch's face"

"That's right, this is disrespectful to the patriarch. They are too rampant."


"Everyone, please be quiet." Gu Cangqiong raised his hand and signaled to the crowd. Soon, the hall was quiet.

Gu Cangqiong said, "Elders, please come over tonight. I just want to tell you that from now on, everyone must be vigilant, especially tonight, the Gu family is facing a crisis."

The crisis of the Gu family is naturally what Gu Chen said to his father. Based on his guess, Gu Cangyue has contact with the Wan family. Today, he went to the Liu family and the Yun family respectively. There will definitely be a big move recently, and the biggest possibility is tonight.

Although Gu Cangyue was defeated by the ancient sky, after all, he has occupied the title of the first person of the ancient family for more than ten years. He is very prestigious in the clan, and with the support of the great elders and the second elders, the power is still not small.

Naturally, it is impossible to rely on Gu Chen's guess alone. Gu Cangqiong did Gu Cangyue. Even if he had bad intentions, he did not do bad things to the Gu family. Gu Cangqiong could not make trouble on Gu Cangyue on unwarranted charges.

In this way, it will only make the ancient family think that the patriarch is narrow-minded and can't tolerate others.

Therefore, the best way is to make everyone more vigilant. When Gu Cangyue reveals his true face, no matter how he is dealt with at this time, there will be no objection in the clan, and it will not affect the reputation of the ancient sky.

Any person who is wrong to the family, regardless of his previous status, will inevitably be rejected by the whole family members.

"The patriarch, you have just succeeded to the position of patriarch. The ancient family is jubilant, and all the forces in the whole Leshui City come together to celebrate. How can there be any crisis?" After listening to what the ancient sky said, some people questioned.

Gu Cangqiong knew that it would not make them nervous. It didn't work just to talk about it. He said, "According to the exact news, the Liu family will be unfavorable to our family in the near future, especially tonight."

"What? Does the Liu family dare? He thought he was the first family, and it was going to turn upside down? The Gu family is not afraid of him. If the Liu family dares to invade, they can't eat it.

"Teach them a lesson..."

"Let them see the power of the ancient family..."


Everyone said one after another.

Gu Cangqiong said, "The strength of the Liu family cannot be underestimated. It is our strong enemy. Therefore, from tonight on, everyone will sleep in harmony and be vigilant. When the bell of invasion rings, it must come out as soon as possible."

"Yes, patriarch..." Everyone said in unison.

After a turn, everyone went home one after another. Now that Gu Cangqiong is the patriarch, their father and son naturally lived in the patriarch's residence near the hall, while Gu Xian moved elsewhere.

Going home to live, Gu Chen said, "Dad, I have a hunch that tonight must be unusual. Don't go to bed."

"Then our father and son are waiting in this courtyard. If Gu Cangyue really ignores the rules of the clan and invades his own clan, he will not let him go this time. If the Liu family dares to attack, they will definitely be taught a lesson." The ancient sky proposed.

Gu Chen nodded, but said in his heart, "It's better for the Liu family to go out. I will kill all of them today."


Leshui City, the North City is next to the East City. It is a three-storey high-rise building. Under the night sky, there are two people sitting on the roof. They are the two masters of the Wan family, Wan Tianrui and Wan Tianfeng.

This is the private house of Wan Jiuhai, the first magic merchant in Leshui City. Wan Jiuhai is actually a collateral son of Wan family in Taiyang City. He is assigned to Leshui City. On the one hand, he does business, and on the other hand, he monitors the situation of the three Xiuzhen families in Leshui City at any time.

Hundreds of years ago, each of the three major families in Leshui City was as strong as that of the Wan family. Later, the strength of the three major families weakened, and the patriarchs of the Wan family wanted to expel the three major families and occupy Leshui City by Wanjia.

However, the three families are working together, and the strength is not weak. The Wan family has fought with the three families several times, and has also damaged many innate monks. The plan to annex Leshui City has come to an end. Until now, the Wan family has made a Wan Tianrui, and their cultivation has actually stepped into the peak of the innate

And there were problems within the three Xiuzhen families in Leshui City. Wan Tianfeng naturally remembered the wishes of the ancestors of all dynasties and designed the three Xiuzhen families in Leshui City to fight with each other. In the end, thousands of families came out to eradicate the remnants. This is simply a hopeless plan.

Originally, this plan was difficult to achieve, but when the breakthrough of Wan Cangyue was found, the matter was completed.

In Wan Tianfeng's view, it is very likely that the ancient sky has been innate with nine layers of cultivation, so that the Liu Yun families can fight with him. Even if the ancient family wins, its vitality will be greatly damaged, and the Liu and Yun families will be defeated, which is not a concern at all. At that time, the Wan family will

However, there was also a little accident. As a metaphor, Yun Jinghong didn't know whether he was confused or smart this time. He actually hugged the thigh of the ancient sky and did not participate in the war. In this way, the Wan family had to block the Yun family first, deal with the Gu and Liu family first, and then deal with the Yun family

Sitting on the roof of the third floor, you can clearly see the income of most areas of Dongcheng and Beicheng. Although it is night at this moment, the whole Leshui City is still brightly lit.

Wan Tianrui glanced at the whole Dongcheng on the roof and said, "The three families of Gu, Liu and Yun have the best geographical location. Although the mountain behind is weak in aura, it is also a blessed place. If you live here for a long time, you can also have good luck. Hey hey... Tianfeng, in terms of the overall plan Just wait for the war between the two families of Gu Liu, and we will just sit and reap the benefits of the fisherman.

Wan Tianfeng smiled dryly for a while, glanced at Leshui City and said, "My calculation is useful for these stupid monks. In the face of the absolute strength of the eldest brother, it is useless. No matter how rigorous the calculation is, I still have to rely on the eldest brother's magic power in the end."

Wan Tianrui nodded with a smile and said, "The most important thing to be a man is to do your job and abide by the rules. As soon as you are delusional, things will be messed up. Gu Cangyue, if you work together with Gu Cangqiong, do your job well, and focus on It can be regarded as a heavy enemy, but because of his uneasiness, the Gu family's good situation is all in chaos. Liu Huayuan is also uneasy and sent the Liu family to death. Therefore, whether you are a mortal or a monk, you must do a good job. Mortals have the duty of mortals, monks have the duty, and everyone What he should do, Tianfeng, you have to remember it.

Wan Tianfeng looked like he was being taught and said, "Big brother is right. Tianfeng keeps it in mind."

Wan Tianrui is warning Wan Tianfeng not to think that he is a little clever, so he is restless. Wan Tianrui is the real boss of the Wan family. Wan Tianfeng, don't be delusional. How dare Wan Tianfeng not be taught?

Now the two leaders of the ten thousand families, the six elders, and many second-generation children with profound cultivation have come to Leshui City and stay in this building for the time being. They only wait for the Liu and the ancient families to fight together to be clams and cranes. The people of the ten thousand families will be a profitable fisherman. When the Yes.

I don't know how long it took, Wan Tianrui glanced at the dark sky and said, "Finally, it's about to start..."

Dozens of escapes rose from the Liu family and went straight to the ancient family in the east city. Soon, they reached the sky over the ancient family. Several escapes rose from the ancient family, opposite the people of the Liu family. Finally, all the people fell on the ancient family square.

The rapid bell suddenly rang, cut through the night, and fell into the ears of every ancient family.

Everyone knows what kind of bell it is. There is a bell that has invaded the ancient house by a foreign enemy. I don't know how many years it has not rung. However, today, the ancient sky reminded everyone. Although many people don't take it seriously, most of the members still remember the words of the ancient sky, sleep with their clothes, and Above the square.

Soon, there were dozens of monks in the ancient family who rushed to the square. At this time, the monks in the mortal world would not come out to die.

The lights of the Gu family were not out, and the whole square was clearly illuminated. When the Gu family saw the personnel of the Liu family, they were secretly surprised.

The patriarch Liu Huayuan, the elder Liu Xinghen, the two seven-level strong men in the innate realm, several elders in the six-layer in the innate realm, dozens of monks in the in the innate realm, and almost 90% of the strength of the Liu family are all here.

It seems that Liu Huayuan has also made a great determination to defeat the Gu family in one fell swoop.

Kill the ancient sky. Although the ancient Cangyue is also the cultivation of the seven levels of the innate realm, what strength does the ancient family have after infighting? Finally, Leshui City is not the Liu family who said that the east is the east and the west is the west.

Therefore, Liu Huayuan decided to bring out all the elites of the family, which also won the support of Liu Xinghen.

Looking at the people of the Liu family, Gu Chen was overjoyed. Just in time, he caught all of them. The innate monks left behind by the Liu family were less than ten, and they were still weakly powerful first- and second-level monks in the innate realm.

All the members of the Liu family have been wiped out, and the remaining strength is not as strong as that of some small forces in Leshui City. From then on, there will be no Xiuzhen family as the Liu family in Leshui City.


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I went to learn driving today. I hope I can see a miracle when I come back