Pure Yang Zhenxian

Chapter 04 distraction

Volume 2 Chapter 04 distraction

Gu Chen's seven-story cultivation in the innate world now, coupled with the acceleration of the feather cloak, the speed of escape is no worse than that of the monks in the conception period of the divine sea. The speed is so fast that he can run with all his strength, and he can travel thousands of miles a day.

After just a few breaths, Gu Chen looked back and chased the sun from Shennan City. The speed was so fast that it was not under Gu Chen.

The two chased and fled, and the speed was so fast. After more than ten breaths, they had left Shennan City thousands of feet away, and the distance between the two was still more than a hundred feet away.

Through the speed of hiding and chasing the sun, Gu Chen judged that his cultivation should be around the fetal period in Shenhai Realm, which made Gu Chen secretly relieved. If it was a monk above the soul-inducing period, then Gu Chen had almost no possibility of escape.

However, this hidden pursuit of the sun is also the best among the monks in the gestation period. Gu Chen relies on the feather cloak to accelerate his flight with all his strength, but he can't pull the distance at all. If he is a monk in the gestation period for the first time, his escape speed should be slightly weaker than that of Gu Chen

After all, when Gu Chen was born with six layers of cultivation in the heavenly realm, he used a feather cloak, and his escape speed was approaching the monks who had just entered the gestation period.

"This is a hidden pursuit of the sun, and the cultivation may have reached the later stage of fetal construction. It's a little tricky to dump him..." Gu Chen thought to himself.

Zang Chasing the sun chased behind Gu Chen, and the shock in his heart was like a wave hitting the shore. At the age of 16, he stepped into the divine sea to build a fetus. Now he is 25 years old. After nine years, he has just stepped into the late stage of fetal construction.

Even ordinary fertility monks have the confidence to catch up with the sun. However, the teenager in front of him, but the seven levels of cultivation of the innate realm, has been chasing for so long that he has not made the distance closer?

In the later stage of fetal construction, it seems that there are only a few levels away from the seven layers of the innate realm, but in fact, it is the difference between heaven and the earth. Even the monks on the ninth floor of the congenital realm are the difference between heaven and the earth in front of the monks of the divine sea realm.

The monks in the divine sea have formed a sea of gods and condensed into a Taoist fetus in the body. The true qi in the body no longer has to rely on the qi of the outside world. The divine sea in the body runs, and the circulation does not stop. It has become a self-contained heaven and earth. The na

With great magic power, not only is his strength more than ten times higher than that of the innate realm, but he can also use magic weapons to drive magic weapons to fly with mana, and the speed is greatly increased. Therefore, as soon as the monks step into the divine sea realm, his escape speed is more than twice as fast as when he was on the

In theory, even the monks on the ninth floor of the innate realm can catch the sun and catch them back in minutes.

However, the current situation of hiding and chasing the sun is completely shocking. The previous teenager is only the cultivation of the seven layers of the innate realm, but the speed of escape can be comparable to his late monk.

This phenomenon is abnormal, very abnormal...

Zang Zhuyang's eyes condensed and said secretly, "It seems that this person must have a treasure to speed up. It must be a treasure that can lift the escape speed of the seven-story monks in the innate world to the later stage of the construction of the fetus..."

Thinking of this, Zang chased Yang suddenly felt happy and killed Gu Chen. The baby belongs to him. If he has such a treasure, the escape speed will definitely exceed that of the monk in the soul-inducing period, which is close to the Peiyuan period.

The monks in the innate realm, through the bridge of heaven and earth, the true qi in the body merges with the qi of the heaven and earth outside the body to form the naive qi. Every time they use one point, the naive qi in the body is one less, and they need to practice to continue to produce new naive

And the monks in the realm of the divine sea form a sea of gods in their bodies, which are self-contained. The mana runs, and the circulation does not stop. There is no need to deliberately practice. If you consume a bit of mana, it will automatically guise out a bit of mana and never

Therefore, the monks in the innate realm fly away with all their strength. When the natural gas consumption in the body is almost finished, they must stop flying away and recover through practice. If the natural gas is consumed first, and then continue to fly away, it will consume the essence, the essence will be consumed too much, and the monks will collapse, or

An hour later, Gu Chen and Zang Zhuiyang have flown north for hundreds of miles. Every time Zang Zhuiyang tries their best to speed up and chase some distances, Gu Chen will also fly desperately and open the distance a little.

The distance between the two is sometimes closer, sometimes farther, but it is always about a hundred feet. It seems that the speed of escape between the two seems to be the same. If they continue to chase like this, it seems that there will never be a possibility of catching up.

Despite this, he was not half depressed on his face. On the contrary, his lips were slightly upturned and his eyes were smiling. At such a speed of escape, he could continue to fly for a few days and nights, and the teenager in front of him, but the cultivation of the seven layers of the innate realm, such escape speed can be maintained for a As soon as the essence is lost, the speed of escape will naturally slow down.

At that time, he will be able to capture the teenager in front of him without any effort, and the baby that can greatly improve the speed of escape will fall into his hands.

Moreover, if you go forward for another half an hour, there will be a new city. When the city is forbidden, there are air patrols patrolling in the air at night. Gu Chen will be blocked by air patrols all the way north. The young man in front of him can't escape from the palm of his hand.

Being chased by the sun, Gu Chen can't get rid of it no matter how he accelerates. He can't help but feel depressed. Although he is very unhappy with the tail behind it,... The strength of this tail is too strong. He can't stop and solve the tail before moving forward. Now he can only run wildly.

Although there is also a top-grade flame flaming charm in the Qiankun bracelet, Gu Chen doesn't want to waste it until he has to, and a top-grade flame flaming charm is not enough to kill a monk in the later stage of fetal construction.

After flying forward for nearly half an hour, suddenly there was a shout in front of him: "Who is it? Stop..."

The voice came from thousands of feet in front of him, and a flash of escape flashed. A monk appeared in front of Gu Chen and flew to Gu Chen.

The dark medieval Chen can't really see the appearance of this monk, but from the breath, it can be judged that it is an eight-story monk in the innate world. Gu Chen's eyes are far away, thousands of feet ahead, there is a outline of the city in the hazy.

Gu Chen was shocked and couldn't say it well. The monk in front of him was obviously an air patrol envoy in this city. At present, there was an air patrol in the forbidden city at night. He flew away from Shennan City for nearly a thousand miles away and came to the vicinity of another city.

At this moment, the voice of hiding and chasing the sun sounded far away: "Stop him, it's the fugitive of the imperial court..."

After the air patrol heard this, the light flashed, and a sword of more than ten feet long cut over to Gu Chen and said, "Where to escape..."

The two came towards each other, thousands of feet away, and two or three breaths had already met. Now there was a stop, and then there was a pursuer. Even if Gu Chen went to both sides, the two people could stop him from the oblique place. Obviously, there was nowhere to escape...

Facing the sun alone, there is still a little hope of escape. At the same time, facing the two people, it is basically a dead end, so you can't escape to both sides...

Gu Chen's eyes stared, and suddenly the murderous intention surged up. The sword was soaring, and the Tiang quenching method was used. The speed did not decrease. A ten-foot-long sword was fiercely patrolled forward.

At the same time, Gu Chen shouted fiercely: "Xiao Bai, distracted..."

In an instant, Gu Chen and the air patrolman were close in front of him, and the two swords were chopping out of each other. At this time, the white shadow of Gu Chen's shoulder flashed, and a white fox with a foot longer suddenly appeared on Gu Chen's shoulder.

Xiao Bai looked at the air patrolling, and suddenly flashed a strange look. The air patrolman suddenly felt empty in front of him and did not notice it at all. Gu Chen's body had turned aside and dodged his sword.

And Gu Chen's sword, which immediately changed its trajectory, did not intersect with the air patrol's sword, and directly cut the neck of the air patrol...

It was not until his neck was cold that the air patrolman woke up from his distraction, but it was too late. His head had flown out of his body, and his body suddenly fell from the air.

Gu Chen's escape speed was not blocked at all. He continued to fly forward quickly, turned half a direction to the east, bypassed the city in front of him, and went to the northeast. Now without the obstruction of the air patrol, the northeast side was unimpeded.

Zang Zhuiyang stared at all this. A monk on the eighth floor of the innate realm, one in the face, was actually cut by Gu Chen under the sword, and did not stop Gu Chen for a moment.

Zang chased the sun in the rear, and did not see Xiaobai's strange eyes. He only said that Gu Chen had any treasures to improve his strength. He was more murderous and continued to chase...

Flying to the north, you will meet some cities on the road. Only one air patrol is fine. If you meet two, even with Xiaobai's magic help, Gu Chen can't kill two monks in an instant. The best way is to avoid these cities.

Constantly flying forward, Gu Chen constantly adjusts his direction to the east. Finally, he completely turned to the east, ran to the eastern wilderness demon realm, and entered the eastern wilderness. It is impossible to have the city of the human race. He chased the sun and chased after him. After fleeing the Shen family for a long time, it was not good

After more than an hour, the sky was already bright, and there was a forest in front of him that could not be seen at a glance. It had flown into the eastern wasteland. Gu Chen looked back, and the sun still remained a hundred feet behind him and continued to catch up.

"Kon, let's see how long you can last... Escape to the ends of the earth, and you can't escape from the palm of my hand." The sun chased the sun and sneered.

Sure enough, he ran wildly for more than three hours in a row and maintained the fastest speed. Gu Chen had already been exhausted. He was naive in his body and consumed most of it. He was still chasing after him. Obviously, he had no intention to stop. This will be a long-lasting chase.

As soon as Gu Chen raised his hand, a best Yuanling elixir appeared in his hand. He patted it in his mouth and swallowed it. There was also a large number of best Yuanling elixir in the universe bracelet. For the consumption of naiveness, Gu Chen had no pressure...

Seeing that Gu Chen swallowed something, the speed of the slight decline increased again. Zang Zhuiyang's eyes tightened: "Is there still an elixir on this boy?"

In such a change of thought, the murderous chance of chasing the sun is even worse.


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