Pure Yang Zhenxian

[Second place in the total membership click list]

I'm going to learn to drive today. I'm very excited to get up early in the morning

unexpectedly rushed to the second place on the member click list, haha, that is to say, except for the pervert potato, this book won the first place in the member point.

Haha, I'm glad and a little worried

How to put it, the higher you climb, the more miserable you fall. It inevitably makes people's self-confidence a little inflated. If it is blown up**, the blow to people will be very serious

So please click more. Please try your best to log in to read books and membership points. Only the logged-in account can be calculated, and strive to keep the second glory of the week

Compared with clicking, the recommendation ticket is a little out of order. Click the second place in the list, but the recommendation list ranks 26th, which is a little ugly. According to the name of the click list, it is very possible to rush to the recommendation list.

Dear book lovers, please sponsor me a recommendation ticket and rush to the general list. It's time to push it. This is the only opportunity.

It is certain that the three chapters will break out today. If the recommendation ticket exceeds 2000, it will explode four times today. If it is always on the general recommendation list, it will explode five times today

I'm asking for a recommendation ticket


I went to learn driving. I hope there will be a surprise when I come back ^_^

Recommend a novel:
