Pure Yang Zhenxian

Chapter 07 Chaos Yin and Yang

Throughout the whole alchemy room, this mysterious scroll is most consistent with the yin and yang array.

The purpose of the ancient Chenlai underground palace site is to find the pure yang elixir. Throughout the whole alchemy room, there is only this mysterious scroll, which is most consistent with the pure yang elixir.

For this mysterious scroll, Gu Chen, Yang Jinan and Huā Lianyin are bound to win.

Standing at the door, the virtual purple mandarin duck, Yun Xue, saw that suddenly two monks in the late stage of the soul appeared, and his eyes were shocked. "Yun Xue was about to go out and was pulled by the virtual purple mandarin duck.

Just now, Lu Yinxiong was also a cultivation in the later stage of soul-inducing, but he died in the hands of Gu Chen. For the monks in the later stage of soul-inducing, she and Yun Xue could not help at all, so they could only not hold him back.

In Xu Ziyang's opinion, don't rush into the alchemy room at this moment to disturb Gu Chen's distraction, that is, it won't hold him back.

Judging from the battle process between Gu Chen and Lu Yinxiong, even if it is not the opponent of these two people, it should not be a problem. I don't know when Xu Ziyuan's confidence in Gu Chen has become more and more swollen.

Yang Jinan and Huā Lianyin are all the cultivations of the late stage of soul attraction, while Gu Chen, on the surface, only the cultivation of the late stage of fetal construction.

Although Yang Jinan and Huā Lianyin are not arrogant people, looking at Gu Chen, there is no intention to pay attention to it in their eyes. Some of them are just accidents.

To their surprise, "someone was not in the hall to fight for the divine order of war, but ran to the alchemy room behind." Moreover, there was an ice door between the alchemy room and the hall. "If it weren't for the monks of the evil ice sect" It was very difficult to open the ice door. Even the monk

Yang Jinan and Huā Lian looked at Gu Chen in their hearts and thought, "Is this man a genetic disciple of the Evil Ice Sect?"

Thousands of years ago, although the Evil Ice Sect was destroyed by the three clans of people, witches and demons, there were still some monks who escaped, but these monks were not too important. Moreover, the number was also very small. After escaping, it disappeared and never appeared on the ancient wilderness continent.

Now Gu Chen suddenly appeared in front of the two of them. Yang Jinan and Huā Lianyin naturally regarded him as a descendant of the evil ice monk who escaped his life thousands of years ago.

huā Lianyin twisted his waist like a water snake." He giggled and said, "The step-nan, I'm lucky." I can meet a more handsome young man here." After saying that, huā Lianyin threw a charming eye at Gu Chen. He added bright red lips with his tongue and said, "Little brother. Have you ever tried the happiness of women's lips?" Gu Chen pretended to be naive and shook his head, but he was thinking how to attack the two people to death as quickly as possible. There are so many people outside to grab the God of War Order. "Someone will grab it. If someone finds that the God of War Order is just a fake," he will definitely Come on.

huā Lianyin smiled" He stared at Gu Chen, twisted the twisted and exquisite body, and said, "Brother, do you like my sister?"

Gu Chen nodded confusedly.

Seeing that Gu Chen was actually attracted by the charming woman's **, Xu Ziyuan and Gu Chen snorted angrily.

However, at this time, "a red sword suddenly appeared and split down to Gu Chen" was the Yang's stepson, who suddenly took action.

"Yang Jinan shouted at the same time: "Lianyin" He was not charmed by you, kill him..."

Gu Chen frowned, and his eyes were clear in an instant. Unexpectedly, he was seen by Yang's second son. Suddenly, the cold seal blocked in front of him, and a loud sound blocked Yang's red sword.

Since sneak attack is useless, there is only one battle.

Gu Chen's body retreated back, and his left palm knotted a magic seal. The purple flame ice flame spit out from the palm of his hand and immediately soared into a huge palm that was several feet long, and Xiangyang's stepman grabbed it.

At the same time, when the left hand is raised, a flame rises from the palm of the hand, rising higher and higher, turning into a blazing flame.

Gu Chen shouted, "The fire dragon changed..."

With the sound of a dragon, a flaming fire dragon rushed out of the flames and circled in the air.

Yin and Yang Sect monks, a man and a woman, a man specializes in Gangyang, a woman specializes in extreme yin, Gu Chen uses Xuanjue to determine the purple flame, to deal with Yang Jinan's masculine body, to control the fire to burn the sky, to deal with the extreme yin body

Seeing that Gu Chen was not charmed by the witch, Xu Ziyang breathed a sigh of relief, and Yun Xue's face was also happy. The gloomy pity was a frost on his face. He said angrily, "How dare you play with me? Boy, whether you like it or not, I will suck up your yang essence later... Hey hey, be sucked by my little mouth to ensure that your yang essence will erupt like a volcanic eruption.

For Gu Chen's attack, although Yang Jinan and Huā Lianyin did not despise or pay attention to it, they only kept a little caution. In fact, they still did not take Gu Chen, a monk in the late stage of pregnancy, too seriously.

Looking at the ice palm, the red sword in Yang Jinan's hand burst into light, and the sword was split out, and the sword was like the scaling sun, biting down to the ice palm.

With a bang, Yang Jinan's face changed greatly, and his whole body was shocked. The ice palm was chopped out of a long ditch as deep as his sword. However, the ice palm was not directly broken. Gu Chen's mana urged "Soon, the ice palms condensed together again, and Xiang Yang Jinan patted it." It

In the face of the fire dragon condensed by Gu Chen's mana, Huā Lianyin's eyebrows suddenly flew out a white magic weapon flying sword and cut the fire dragon.

At the same time, "huā Lianyin twisted her body and danced." At the same time, her red lips opened slightly, and the characters of ** came out of her mouth.

The magic sound of the sea of desire...

The magic sound came into his ears, and Gu Chen's brain suddenly felt like a heavy blow." His brain buzzed and turned into a blank, and countless ** Huā Lianyin with his body rushed to him.

When Gu Chen entered the eastern wilderness in front of Wan Renqi and others, he tried the power of the magic sound of the sea on Wan Renqi.

However, Wan Renqi is just the cultivation of the innate realm, and huā Lianyin is the cultivation of the divine sea realm. The magic sound of the sea is used by huā Lianyin, so the meaning of ** desire is more than a hundred times stronger?

Even the virtual purple mandarin duck and cloud snow on the evening of the alchemy room, after listening to the magic sound of the sea of desire, there was a burst of rezardment in the heart, hurriedly stabilized the mind, and used a mana mask to protect it outside the body.

However, why is the ancient Chen at this time, and the original ancient Chen, a hundred times stronger? Although the desire sea magic sound is ** incomparable, Gu Chen's heart has always been clear" is not confused by the appearance of huā pity sound naked ** in his mind.

However, most of the mana resistance to the sea magic sound "Gu Chen's ice palm, the power was suddenly much smaller" was split in half by Yang Xinan's sword, which was shattered.

"Squeak..." A loud cry sounded in Gu Chen's ear, and Xiao Bai suddenly got out of his collar." He looked up and shouted.

Suddenly, the ** image in Gu Chen's brain was gone, the left palm seal was sealed, and the ice palm condensed again to block Yang Jinan's red sword.

huā Lianyin's face turned white, and the magic sound of the sea of desire was broken, which immediately made her suffer, and a trace of ** flashed in her eyes, light, and she touched herself.

Xiaobai is a fan fox. After his cultivation, the illusion has no effect on her anymore. Any illusion is easily broken in front of Xiaobai's eyes.

"lianhuā..." Yang Jinan was shocked when he saw this.

Both of them are monks in the late stage of soul-inducing. Working together, they actually suffered a secret loss in the hands of a late-stage monk?

Yang Jinan's body shook, then came to the side of Huā Lianyin, pointed to the eyebrows of Huā Lianyin, and shouted, "Chaotic Yin and Yang Array."

huā Lianyin immediately returned to Tomb-sweeping Day.

I only saw the red sword in Yang's hand, pointing to the sky, drawing a circle and shouting, "The beginning of one yuan is too empty..."

The white sword fell into the hands of huā Lianyin. She also drew a circle and shouted, "Open the chaos between the two instruments..."

The swords drawn by the two people collided with each other and instantly merged "one side is red, one side is white" to form a Taiji-like pattern. However, the Taoist Taiji map is one black and one white, while the pattern composed of two swords is one red and one white, representing yin and yang.

Gu Chen looked at the Taiji map and took a look. "I was very surprised. Yang Jinan and Huā Lianyin read it. Jue, it is very similar to Ding Tian Jue. The beginning of Ding Tian Jue is: the beginning of one yuan is too virtual, and the chaos is divided into two instruments.

I saw that the Yang's stepson suddenly split two swords in a row, and two swords were entangled with each other, like two lingering lovers." He shouted: "The universe is full of joy..."

The two lingering swords were suddenly integrated into the Taiji pattern. Suddenly, the Taiji pattern changed, and suddenly produced a strange light.

Although the

pattern is still similar to the Taiji diagram, it feels the same as the yin and yang mark.

Huā Lianyin saw this, his body was empty, and a sword came out of his head and feet, and he shouted, "Inverting Kunwu's yin and yang..."


With this sword being integrated into the illusory graphics in the air, the light suddenly rose sharply, covering almost the whole alchemy room. A huge yin and yang mark appeared on the head of Yang Jinan and huā Lianyin. The yin and yang mark shot the red light and white light, and integrated into the body of Yang Jinan

Suddenly, the cultivation emitted by the two increased another block, and Gu Chen felt the dangerous feeling when Lu Yinxiong turned his silver corpse into corpse water.

"Chaotic yin and yang array" Yang stepson and huā Lianyin shouted together, and the two split a sword at the same time. The red sword awn and the white sword awn are fused together. In the yin and yang mark, two huge red and white awns are shot out at the same time, completely integrated with

In an instant, the sword suddenly glowed brilliantly. It made an eye that could not be seen by the naked eye. The volume of the sword did not become larger, and it was only more than ten feet in size. However, the power contained was far more than the blow of the monk in the late stage of the soul.

The power is strong, directly chasing the attack of the monks in the early stage of Peiyuan.

This sword was as fast as lightning, and in an instant, it split in front of Gu Chen.