Pure Yang Zhenxian

18 chapters of thoughts into souls

After listening to Wu Xing's words, Gu Chen's eyes carefully looked at the yin and yang array map. Sure enough, there were some small handwriting in a blank place on the right side of the yin and yang array map.

These handwritings are too small. If you observe them carefully with the naked eye, you can only see some outlines, but you can't see the glyphs clearly.

Gu Chen was very experienced in this. He immediately explored the divine consciousness. With the naked eye, the handwriting was as big as the tip of a needle. When he was seen by the divine consciousness, it was as big as a basket.

The words in the first line are slightly larger than other handwriting. After reading it, Gu Chen said in a shocked voice, "Chaos yin and yang true decision? Is it really the supreme decision of the Yin and Yang Demon Sect?

Wu Xing smiled slightly and said, "The chaotic yin and yang true decision is the same as the Taoist supreme law. This is the true work of the chaotic yin and yang true decision, which is much more precious than the oral decision of the yin and yang sect."

Gu Chen frowned slightly and said, "Unfortunately, the legal decisions of the Book Yang Demon Sect are all for men and women to practice. This chaotic yin and yang is the same. Although it is wonderful, it is of little use to me." Wu Xing glanced at Gu Chen and said, "Look at such a smart person, how

Gu Chen asked, "What's wrong?"

Wu Xing said, "The real value of a set of supreme legal decisions does not lie in its practice method, but in its cultivation concept and principles. Although there are not many, there are not many. It is not impossible for a monk to get several sets of supreme legal decisions in his life. However, a monk can only specialize in one of them. And not every set of magic decisions will be practiced, because practicing several sets of magic decisions at the same time is much slower than specializing in one set of magic decisions." "You major in a set of magic decisions, and other legal decisions, you only need to understand the truth in it." If you can understand all of them, it doesn't matter whether you practice or not. The In essence, in fact, there is not much difference. Integrating the truth you understand into the major's legal decision will produce twice the result with half the effort.

"The most important condition for monks" is not qualification, but understanding. Qualification can only make you go faster in the early stage of the road of cultivation, and "you can use spiritual stones, elixir and other cultivation resources to make up for the defects of qualification." "When you really step into the road, you will understand how far the road of cultivation is. Far away, at that time, the role of qualification will become negligible. How far can you go on the road of cultivation depends on how much you can understand the Tao? Your understanding is rare in my life. Although the road of cultivation is extremely difficult, as long as you practice wholeheartedly, one day "you will have the opportunity" to step into the road." This is the sentence that Wu Xing has said the most to Gu Chen since Gu Chen met Wu Xing. Gu Chen listened carefully.

In the past, Gu Chen stepped into the spring of life, relying on his own penance. "There has never been another monk to guide him." What he saw in his heart was limited to what he saw in his eyes. Today, Wu Xing said this. After listening to this, Gu Chen immediately had a feeling of opening up.

It seems that an unprecedented door opened in front of him. Through the door, he came closer to the essence of the road to cultivation.

"Listening to Brother Wu Xing's words is better than ten years of hard practice. What I said today, Gu Chen kept in mind." Gu Chen said respectfully.

Wu Xing nodded and said, "When practicing, I can feel the things around me, the truth of existence and occurrence, which has a great effect on the practice. The more you understand the truth, the closer you are to the essence of the Tao. You will go faster and farther on the road of cultivation... ..."

Gu Chen nodded and said, "I'm being taught."

Wu Xing smiled and said, "I've told you so much, how much you can listen to. It all depends on your own understanding. Your kindness has been returned. I have nothing to do in my heart. Give her to me and turn her thoughts into a soul. After safely crossing into reincarnation, I will travel around the world. I haven't been What has it become like now?

He gave Yunxue's body to Wu Xing. Gu Chen said, "Big brother, I have something else to ask for advice." "Speaking..." After taking Yun Xue's frozen body, Wu Xing raised his head.

Gu Chen said, "You taught me to turn the dragon. After I transform, every time I kill a person, I have a comfortable feeling of [xing]. I am not a murderous person. Why do I feel so?" Wu Xing smiled and said, "After you transform, your feelings will expand, but it will not change. Your mind, since you have a sense of pleasure every time you kill someone, it means that the people you kill are the people you want to kill. Have you ever killed the people you don't want to kill?

Are all the people you want to kill?

Gu Chen thought that it was true. The only accident that happened was to attack Yun Xue, but at that time, he also hesitated and did not kill Yun Xue on the spot.

Gu Chen nodded and said, "So that's it?" Wu Xing said, "You haven't completely transformed the dragon into a real dragon yet. Your feeling will be expanded, and you will easily get angry. After you can completely transform the dragon and deform, you will no longer have this feeling. It's the same as usual. "In this case, before the dragon can be completely transformed, I'd better use it less against the dragon." Gu Chen Dao.

Wu Xing said: "Long is born strong and extremely belligerent. It is certain to be warlike after practicing the dragon's fate. But how a person's mind is still depends on his heart. As long as you keep your heart clear, you will not be affected. If you don't use the dragon's fate, how to choose depends on yourself It's over, my heart is knotted, and then I'm gone..." Gu Chen said, "I've been taught." As soon as Wu Xing's voice fell, his body disappeared in a flash, and his voice came from the sky: "Brother Gu Chen, I'm very close to you. In the future, I will continue to pay attention to the

Gu Chen looked respectfully and sincerely looked at the direction of the voice. He hugged his fist and said, "Thank you, brother." Wu Xing had gone. Gu Chen immediately swallowed a Yirong pill, found an unmanned cave in the nearby forest, and began to retreat.

When he is with Wu Xing, no one dares to provoke and no one dares to track him. However, now that Wu Xing has left, everything is hard to say. In the underground palace, he has offended almost all the forces except the Xutian Sect. As long as there is his news, there must be many people who want to kill him.

The secret land of the Li family is still in the northwest of the big win. Gu Chen is now in the north of the big win, and the two are more than 100,000 miles apart.

Even if Gu Chen keeps flying, it will take ten days.

Gu Chen is now wandering alone. There is plenty of time. It doesn't matter if he goes later. Now he vaguely feels that his cultivation has reached the peak of the later stage of fetal construction. He is about to touch the barrier of the later stage of fetal construction.

Now the ancient immortal root has reached the super grade, and there is the experience of the previous life, as well as countless spiritual stones and elixirs for him to consume. It won't take long to break through to the early stage of the soul.

If you go to the secret place of the Li family, you may meet the powerful monks of the Tibetan family. If you improve your cultivation by one point, you will have one more guarantee, and the risk factor will be reduced by one point.

It hasn't been long since he stepped into the late stage of fetal construction. Even he himself feels strange about the growth rate of his cultivation.

is in several consecutive battles in the underground palace. "His cultivation is like sitting on a rocket. Every time he kills a person, he will have a sense of comfort in his heart." The idea in the Taoist fetus is as cool as a thirsty traveler suddenly drinks sweet wine. At the same time, the intensity of the idea also grows instantly.

After sealing the entrance of the cave, Gu Chen immediately began to practice Ding Tianjue. This time, it seemed that there was a hungry spirit-eating beast in his body. Countless aura of heaven and earth gathered crazily in him, and the speed of absorption of spiritual stones and fetal elixir was also greatly increased.

Gu Chen's body seems to be a bottomless hole, devouring all the aura crazily. Gu Chen's thoughts are growing rapidly at a terrible speed.

Reiki is an illusory thing. It is invisible to the naked eye, and the divine consciousness cannot be explored. Only the feeling of the monk can touch that if the aura can be seen clearly with the naked eye at this moment, you will find that with Gu Chen as the center, the aura within a thousand miles slowly begins to flow to the center, especially The speed was so fast that it rushed to the cave where Gu Chen was.

Gu Chen's body seems to be a reiki devouring machine, crazily devouring the aura of the world around him. His thoughts are constantly growing... growing...

One day...two days...three days "...

After only three days, Gu Chen's idea had a feeling of being full, which was strong to a critical point. Compared with three days ago, the intensity of the idea was several times stronger.

At this time, the aura around thousands of miles surged, and finally calmed back.

At this moment, Gu Chen finally touched the barrier in the later stage of fetal construction, and he could transform his soul at any time.

Time is like water, flowing quietly. In a blink of an eye, ten days have passed... Twenty days have passed... A whole month has passed...

Gu Chen, who was closed in the cave, suddenly opened his eyes. In his eyes, two shots were like essence, which were bright.

At the same time, in the Dantian field in Guchen [body], the invisible thoughts have disappeared, but a transparent small figure appeared.

This small figure, bare body, if it is enlarged, exactly the same as Gu Chen, this is Gu Chen's good soul.

After a month of Shuying, Gu Chen finally succeeded in turning his mind into a soul, and his cultivation broke through to the early stage of soul attraction.

From the ninth floor of the innate world to the early stage of the fetus, Gu Chenhuā lost ten hours.

From the beginning of the fetal construction to the middle of the fetal construction, Guchen huā lost eight months.

From the middle stage to the late stage of fetal construction, Gu Chen huā lost more than five months.

From the late stage of fetal construction to the early stage of soul attraction, Gu Chen only lost more than a month.

After stepping into the divine sea, it takes longer and longer for other monks to practice. However, under a series of encounters, Gu Chen's time to break through each time is getting shorter and shorter!