Pure Yang Zhenxian

Chapter 35 The fragrance of the sea of blood

To offend the dragon clan is death, and to offend the wind and thunder eagle clan is also death!

Qianyu's thoughts suddenly turned, and the left and right were dead, but "Gu Chen was only the cultivation in the early stage of the soul. Although he could give full play to the strength of the middle period of Peiyuan, the Canglang clan had thousands of demons, tens of thousands of monsters came to chase and kill, and the Qianye Wolf King personally

If Gu Chen can be killed.? As long as the news is not revealed, how can the dragon clan know this news?

Qian Yu thought about it and suddenly felt that killing Gu Chen was a solution to the problem. What about the dragon? There are hundreds of thousands of miles nearby, and there is no trace of the dragon clan. Who knows that the corpse has been killed and destroyed?

With a turn of his eyes, Qian Yu looked at the red gull and said to himself, "We must pull the red Falconsquirer together, otherwise they will release the news, and the wolves will be over."

His mind has been determined, and Qianyu looked at Gu Chen. The fear was gone, and the murderous intention was gradually emerging. He said, "Brother Red-nosed, do you know? Rumors of the dragon clan? The dragon clan is extremely belligerent. If any ethnic group that offends them does not have the strength to protect itself, it will almost be destroyed. Hey hey, your Red Falcon clan has offended this golden dragon. "Aren't you afraid that he will hold a grudge" and destroy your whole clan in the future?"

Qianyu's words made the red waal's eyes change slightly. "However, asking him to deal with a golden dragon really made him tremble.

The dragon is a mythical beast, a super huge group. There are many kinds of dragons in the clan, such as golden dragon, silver dragon, fire dragon, ice dragon, salon, etc. Depending on the region, there are different spheres of influence. The golden dragon is the strongest dragon in the king of the dragon clan.

Seeing that the red vulture was a little moving, Qian Yu continued: "This golden dragon killed the young master of our Canglang clan. It has a different hatred from our Canglang clan. The King of the Thousand Nights Wolf has personally set out to kill this golden dragon. "At most one day." The King of Thousand Nights A golden dragon killed, hey hey... A golden dragon, but the whole body is full of treasures. How to solve his body is decided by you, "How about it?" Gu Chen killed the young master of the wolf clan, only Qian Yu knew, "At this moment, the demons of the wolf clan were all shocked." Looking at Gu Chen's eyes, he was angry It is said that if you want to kill this golden dragon, then the demons of the wolf clan will naturally obey the order.

The management of ethnic groups in the demon realm is quite strict, which is tighter than the families of human cultivation.

"Are you serious about this?", the red wren's eyes flashed, showing a trace of greed, [Xing] asked excitedly.

Qianyu nodded and said, "In front of all the brothers, how can I talk about it? As long as you kill the golden dragon and "handle of his body", this matter is related to the survival of our two races. Not to mention that although the dragon clan is powerful, how can we know where the golden dragon died?"

The red gull smiled and said, "Well, I'm the red Falcon, I'm willing to help the wolf clan."

Gu Chen's face turned cold," he shouted, "Red gull, you're going to kill the Red Falcon!"

The red sulture looked at Gu Chen, and his face was slightly stiff. "But, the body of a golden dragon? In the end, greed overcame fear. After a moment, there was only coldness on the red vulture's face. He pointed to Gu Chen and shouted, "The red Falcons listen to the order, slaughter the golden dragon in front of you, and kill it!" Under the order of the red vulture, the demon cultivation of the Red Falcon clan turned They all flew into the air and stood with the wolf demon Xiu who stopped in the air.

The thousands of demon cultivation of the Canglang clan and the Red Falcon clan are like an inverted jar, surrounding Gu Chen.

Gu Chen's eyes suddenly shot a red light. Since the battle is inevitable, let's fight!

"The beginning of one yuan is too empty, and there are chaotic points in the two instruments: the universe is full of ups and downs and happy, and the top of Kunwu's yin and yang is turned into..." The two swords of Lieyang and Jiyin immediately appeared in Gu Chen's hands, and the words were determined. Every time The "big array" has been completed.

A yin and yang mark as big as ten feet appeared on the top of Gu Chen's head, red is yang, white is yin "yin and yang exchange" yin and yang mark keeps turning. A light curtain falls from the array, as big as ten feet, covering the ancient Chen in it.

Gu Chen's blood-red eyes stared at Qian Yu and shouted, "Since you're looking for death, I'll give you a ride."

After saying that, the two swords of Lieyang and Jiyin moved, and two swords were split out in an instant. The two demon cultivations in the early stage of the introduction of the soul had just attacked Gu Chen. The two swords broke through the air and cut out two broken marks in the space...

In an instant, the two swords were cut in front of the two demon practitioners in the early stage of the soul attraction. In full view of the public, the two demons in the early stage of the soul attraction, together with the lower magic weapons in their hands, were all cut into two pieces and died immediately.

The demons were shocked. With such strength, even the monks in the middle of the Yuan Dynasty were slightly inferior to the attack power, which was comparable to the demon well in the later period of Peiyuan.

After Gu Chenhualong, the strength soared again. Although it was not as good as the demon cultivation in the later stage of Peiyuan, no one could compare with it in the later stage of Peiyuan.

Qianyu's eyes are also full of horror. Gu Chen's first fight has shocked him enough. Unexpectedly, Gu Chen's strength can still be improved?

For the first time, Qianyu still has the confidence to draw with Gu Chen, but at this moment, if he fights with Gu Chen one-on-one, he will definitely lose.

Seeing that Gu Chen was relaxed, he waving his hand and killed two demon practitioners in the middle of the soul-inducing period. The red gull's face was also full of shock. He looked at Qian Yu and shouted in unison: "Kill, all of them, kill him..."

After Gu Chen killed the two demons, he did not stop. In the chaotic yin and yang array, in an instant, the two swords moved again and split the same two swords. The swords flew out of the yin and yang mark and cut through the air. In an instant, two screams sounded, and two demons in the fetal

The red light in Gu Chen's eyes was even better, and he shouted: ... Those who block me will die..."

While speaking, Gu Chen's double swords kept splitting out, and one red and white two-color swords flew out of the mark of yin and yang, and the speed was extremely fast. The demon cultivation below the soul-inducing period could not be stopped at all, and it could not be dodged. As soon as the sword was

At the same time, Gu Chen's eyebrows flashed with a flash of light. "The five spirits splitting cones suddenly flew out and turned into five milligrams of light to shoot at a demon cultivation in the fetal period. The speed of the five milligraphy lights was extremely fast, killing the demon cultivation during the fetal construction period" was like

Then, Gu Chen's magic power urged the five spirits to fly out of the demon cultivation corpse and attack another demon cultivation again.

said late, "At that time, all this was only between the electric fire and flints. Gu Chen chopped out several swords in a row and killed several demon practitioners, and the five spirits and gods also killed at least three demon practitioners.

Boom Boom...

The continuous explosion sounded, and the demons released the boat magic weapon, all of which were bombarded on the light curtain formed by the chaotic yin and yang array. The chaotic yin and yang array has strong attack power. The defense is also strong. Even if the demon cultivation in the middle of Peiyuan, it is difficult to destroy the magic light curtain

Although there are thousands of demon cultivations around Guchen, there are few demon cultivations in the Peiyuan period, only about 20, about 400 demon cultivations in the soul introduction period, and most of the rest "nearly a thousand" are demon cultivation in the fetal period.

Therefore, although there are many magic weapons on the mana light curtain, after the mana light curtain shakes for a while, "it has not been directly destroyed." Gu Chen stood behind the mana light curtain and "does not have to be distracted to block the attack." Suddenly, the two swords of yang and Jiyin quickly split, and the endless ......

Around Gu Chen, air cracks kept appearing. Where each air crack appeared, a sword was cut out, and a demon cultivation was beheaded under the sword.

After only more than ten flicks of time, Gu Chen has chopped out hundreds of swords in a row. Hundreds of demons have been cut into two sections, together with magic weapons. The five spirits have divided the cone, and at least harvested the lives of dozens of demons.

For a moment, a burst of blood quickly permeated.

The chaotic yin and yang array is really extraordinary. Under the attack of so many demons, although the "power light curtain" is shaking, it has not been broken. It seems that Gu Chen is surrounded by thousands of demons. In fact, it is the demons who are being slaughtered by Gu Chen.

Gu Chen pedalled, and the ground with a radius of dozens of feet suddenly cracked layer by layer, and cracks appeared one after another, like cobwebs. Gu Chen's body, with the help of the power of this pedal, flashed forward more than 20 feet away and suddenly appeared in front of Qianyu.

Shoot the horse first, catch the thief and catch the king first...

With so many demon cultivation, Gu Chen is also difficult to kill. After more than a dozen flicks of time, "Gu Chen has only killed more than a hundred demon cultivation." Although the ground has long been covered with corpses and blood flowing into a river", the number of attacking demon cultivation is not small. If it goes on like this, the magic light curtain of To be broken.

Only by killing the two demon Xiu in the middle of Peiyuan, Qianyu and Chijiu, to make the demons leaderless, will they escape under the slaughter of Gu Chen. Otherwise, someone will organize that even if there is only one demon Xiu left, he will not retreat.

Before the person arrived, the two swords had already broken through the air. Qianyu wolf waved his head and hit the two swords. Qianyu was shocked and was immediately shaken back ten steps away.

At this time, Gu Chen threw the polar yin sword in his left hand, and his left palm patted the ice palm on the white part of the yin and yang mark.

Suddenly, within a hundred feet around, the temperature dropped sharply, especially around Gu Chen's body ten feet. Ice crystals formed on the ground in an instant, and an ice palm suddenly split out of the yin and yang mark, as big as dozens of feet, and suddenly patted Qianyu.

At the same time, suddenly, a faint fragrance floated over and "covered the smell of blood all over the ground." Originally, he looked at Gu Chen in surprise at Qian Yu and patted out a huge ice palm of the demons, and immediately turned his head together. He looked to the east, and his eyes were full of excitement and joy.