Pure Yang Zhenxian

Chapter 91 Breaking the Hidden Machine

The law of understanding is the monk who crosses the virtual world. Only with the magical power, Gu Chen can only seize the realm of the later period. If he can't be cultivated, he can't understand the law. But. The first floor of Ruyi Linglong Pagoda. The tower of gold in the five elements still contains the law of gold. This golden light does not come out of the hands of the ancient Chen, but the attack method of the first floor of the Ruyi Linglong pagoda. Even if the ancient Chen's cultivation has not reached the virtual realm, the golden light is shot from the first floor of the pagoda. There is also a trace of the law of gold. Gold, wood, water, fire, earth.

In the five elements, the gold master kills, the law of gold, the attack power is extremely strong, and the destructive power is extremely strong.

Even if he is a top monk in the Yuanshen and Mingqiao period, he has no resistance to the law of gold.

Gu Chen's cultivation is not enough to give full play to the full power of the Ruyi Linglong Pagoda. However, only the golden light contains a trace of gold law, and it is not what the golden-winged Tianpeng and the three-headed black-crowned snake can resist.

Therefore. Although the golden-winged Tianpeng is a divine bird, it is full of golden weapons. Compared with the top-grade magic weapons, thousands of golden wings are shot, just like thousands of top-quality magic weapons, which is very powerful. Compared with a best magic weapon, it is three points better than a stone. It was shot by the golden light on the first floor of the pagoda, but it was instantly turned into nothingness. I can't resist at all.

Three black-headed snakes, her cultivation is one level higher than the golden-winged Tianpeng, but she spit out the black light. But there is nothing better than the golden Ling of the golden-winged Tianpeng. The thick black light, nearly a thousand feet long, was illuminated by the golden light on the first floor of the pagoda. Just as the light dispels the darkness, it also turns into nothingness.

The golden light shines, instantly breaking the killing moves of the golden-winged Tianpeng and the three black-lined snakes, and the golden light is not reduced at all. It was taken on two people at the same time.

The golden light falls. The golden law immediately launched a devastating attack on the two. The golden-winged Tianpeng made a sad cry. "The wings vibrated repeatedly, and the body flashed thousands of feet away in an instant." However, the feathers flying all over the sky fell and were shot into poison by the golden light.

The golden-winged Tianpeng, which appeared thousands of feet away, has lost most of its golden feathers and almost turned into a big broiler with plucked hair. At this time, the golden-winged Tianpeng was far away from the golden light, but he still screamed repeatedly. The wings kept flapping and fleeing to the distance. Along the way, Jinling flew around, waiting for the golden-winged Tianpeng to escape from a thousand feet away. It's really a meat chicken that has been plucked.

It will take him at least ten or twenty years to grow up again and never dare to stay again. Slapping a pair of wings that saw only meat wings and no feathers, fled far away and never dared to look back. The golden-winged Tianpeng was originally a great demon king who crossed the virtual world. The result came out of the seal. His heart was almost split in half by Gu Chen's sword, which seriously injured him, and his strength only recovered to the early stage of Yuanshen.

At present, Jin Ling, who is proud of him, is even more like an exquisite pagoda by Gu Chen. It destroyed seven or eight out of ten, and the rest of the feathers were destroyed. Like weeds, it grows sparsely in all the depressions of his body, which is really worse than a hairy chicken.

The whole body of the three black-crowned snakes has a layer of dark and shiny black scales, all the size of a washbasin, the thickness of a punch, and its hardness is more than ten times stronger than the golden wings of Tianpeng's whole body.

Previously, the ground was smashed to pieces by Xian, and the hundreds of feet of small mountains were smashed to pieces. The three black-crowned snakes only suffered a little minor injury, which shows the strength of their skin and flesh! But. In front of this golden law that represents killing. The black scales of three black-crowned snakes. It didn't seem to have much defense ability. As soon as the golden light shone, it immediately made a series of thuds. The ten-foot golden light shot from the first floor of the pagoda seemed to have turned into countless sharp blades, leaving countless wounds on the three black-crowned snakes in an instant.

Blood is like a fountain, spewing out of the [body] of the three black-crowned snakes. Her eyes were full of surprise, and she didn't expect that the Ruyi Linglong Pagoda, a supreme fairy treasure from ancient times. How can it be so powerful?

Just opening the tower door on the first floor, it has such a powerful attack power!

Three black-crowned snakes suddenly regretted that they should not listen to the hidden treasure to deal with a monk with the exquisite pagoda. Now the hidden sky is under the pagoda. Life and death are unknown, golden-winged Tianpeng. As soon as the wings were patted, they flashed thousands of feet away. The three black-crowned snakes suddenly turned around and fled to the distance. With the Ruyi Linglong Pagoda, she was not Gu Chen's opponent at all.

The speed of the three black-crowned snakes is slightly slower than that of the golden-winged Tianpeng. With a wave of his hand, three golden blades suddenly appeared in the golden light. Up to a hundred feet, cut off the black crown of the three black-crowned snakes.

The three black-crowned snakes had just escaped from a distance of seven or eight hundred feet. With a flash of golden light, it crossed the three root crowns above her head. Three dark shadows were thrown high, and the three black crowns were all cut off.

It's too late. At that time, from Gu Chen to the Ruyi Linglong Pagoda, to the feathers of the golden-winged Tianpeng, the black crown of the three black-crowned snakes were cut off. The time has passed, but it's just a flick of a finger.

The three black-crowned snakes kept twisting their bodies and fled to the distance as quickly as sharp arrows. It flashed a wind wing. It was about to catch up and hit the killer in pain. At this time, the sudden shock of the Ruyi Linglong pagoda was raised by a corner, and a green light drilled out from the bottom A giant tripod of ancient mulberry, the Ruyi Linglong pagoda weighs tens of millions of catties, and it was suddenly smashed down, as if there was no too virtual fairy tripod to protect the body. The Tibetan machine has been smashed into meat pulp for a long time.

Taixu Fairy Tripod is the ancient immortal "Tai, the fairy treasure left by Ruyi Linglong Pagoda. It is the fairy treasures left by the king of the ancient pagoda, all of which are supreme fairy treasures. The cultivation of Gu Chen and Zang Tianji. The difference is not too far away. Naturally, it is impossible to use the Ruyi Linglong Pagoda to break the defense of the Taixu Fairy Tripod.

What's more, Gu Chen doesn't want to destroy the Taixu fairy tripod, and the next "Battlefield" is still above the Taixu fairy tripod. In any case, you have to take the Taixu fairy tripod from the Tibetan sky machine safely.

As soon as the hidden sky machine came out, it turned into a blue light and quickly fled to the distance. This Ruyi exquisite pagoda is too powerful, like a thousand-foot giant peak, the hidden sky machine was smashed. Even if there was a Taixu fairy tripod to protect the body, it was dizzy, his eyes were full of stars

Suddenly, Gu Chen's eyes turned to the body of Zang Tianji. The three black-crowned snakes were left to her for the time being.

Among these three people, Gu Chen hates the most. Of course, it is the Tibetan Tianji. At first, the Tibetan Tianji had a Taixu fairy tripod, although Gu Chen could suppress it. But it is extremely difficult to defeat him. It is also difficult to slap him when he is unprepared. When the Tibetan Tianji is prepared and then slap him in the face, it will be difficult.

On the contrary, the Tibetan Heavenly Machine has a Taixu fairy tripod to protect the body, and there is an immortal body. Although Gu Chen's body is strong, it is still a bloody body. If you really want to fight for it, the Tibetan Heavenly Machine will be slapped a few more times, but in the end, it is still

Now it's different. Gu Chen has a Ruyi Linglong pagoda, which is enough to deal with the Taixu fairy tripod.

Although the ancient immortal "Tai, who created one of the three holy places, is famous and still above the king of the pagoda, but. After all, the Taixu fairy tripod is just a magic weapon used for alchemy, and the Ruyi Linglong pagoda is the magic weapon used to fight in the life of the king of the pagoda. [Zhen] Over countless unworldly demons, demons and giants...

Taixu Xianding is made of nine heavens and nine earth supreme iron. It has an extremely strong defense. But the combat effectiveness is better than the Ruyi Linglong Pagoda. Obviously, something is worse.

The ancient Chen flashed in the sky and the wind wings flashed, and immediately chased after the hidden sky machine. The exquisite pagoda of thousands of feet instantly became small. Appeared in the palm of Gu Chen's hand.

The flashing wind wings rose up to a hundred feet, with a sudden pat, in an instant. Gu Chen appeared thousands of feet away, blocking in front of the Tibetan sky machine. With a hand, the exquisite pagoda instantly turned into a thousand feet, appeared on the top of the head of the Tibetan sky machine, and suddenly fell down.

Taixu Xianding can only protect the hidden treasure from being killed by Linglong Pagoda, but it can't stop the downward pressure of Linglong Pagoda.


The mountain shook the ground, the exquisite pagoda, and the fierce town was on the ground. The hidden machine was pressed at the bottom of the tower again.

Although he was protected in the tripod by the Taixu immortal tripod, with such a fierce impact force, the Tibetan sky machine was also shocked to the point of gold. He took a deep breath, and the surrounding area was full of mud and sucked his mouth.

After a long time, Zang Tianji came to his senses and released the magic weapon to the front. The ground was bombarded out of a huge hole, and Zang Tianji suddenly rushed out of the hole.

Now when the Tibetan sky machine sees Gu Chen, like seeing the god of plague, he dares not look at Gu Chen. Turned into a blue light and fled into the distance.

Gu Chen sneered, flashed the wind wings, and reached the front of the Tibetan sky machine again. Without saying a word, the pagoda of thousands of feet was suppressed again.

Starting from...

Zang Tianji was pressed to the bottom of the tower by [Town] again!

so over and over again. It didn't take long. Zang Tianji was pressed by Gu Chen with the Ruyi Linglong Pagoda for more than ten times. How could Zang Tianji have the prestige of winning the prince? His face was full of dirt, like a beggar. His head was pressed by Gu Chen with a thousand-foot pagoda [Zhen] for more than ten times in a row, and

At the beginning, the hidden sky machine was underground, after a long time. Then it will blow out a hole and rush out quickly.

After being pressed by the Linglong Pagoda [Zhen] once, the hidden Tianji's eyes were full of Venus, and the escape was one point slower.

After being suppressed more than ten times in a row, the magic power inside the [body] was so shocked that it could no longer blast out a hole to the ground at one time, and it needed to be divided into many times and run out of the hole. It is no longer fleeting, and the speed is much slower.

After Gu Chen suppressed Zang Tianji more than 30 times in a row, Zang Tianji escaped from the bottom of the tower and no longer flew away. He almost climbed out, tired like a dead dog.

Gu Chen threw the Linglong pagoda for the 40th time.


There is no way to hide the sky, the first time. He was pressed to the bottom of the tower by the Linglong Pagoda [Town].

With the protection of the Taixu immortal tripod, he will not die no matter how many times he is suppressed. However, the mental torture he suffers is the Taixu immortal tripod, which can't resist it in any case.

After abolishing the power of nine cows and two tigers, Zang Tianji only bombarded out a hole, and just drilled a head out of the hole. Gu Chen stepped down with one foot. Step on the face of Zang Tianji.