Pure Yang Zhenxian

Chapter 097 The second floor of the pagoda

In the alarm of everyone, Gu Chen rose to the sky, and the flashing wind wings crossed a shining electric light and rushed into the triple thunderstorm from the dark vortex of the sky.

The triple thunderstorm has the great power of killing the early monks. Compared with the double thunderstorm, although it is only one more thunderstorm, it is more than ten times more powerful.

Ordinary monks step into the early stage of the seizure. If there is no way to improve their strength, they will almost die in the disaster. Even if they successfully survive the thunderstorm, they will be extremely weak.

A more powerful monk, stepping into the cultivation of the early stage of the seizing house, but has the strength of the middle stage of seizing the seizing house. There is no problem in dealing with the thunderstorm and keeping his life. However, after crossing the disaster, he can avoid being seriously injured, temporarily losing the ability to fight, and crossing the disaster alone,

A more powerful monk, stepping into the early stage of seizing, already has the strength in the later stage of seizing. Such a monk, practiced is a supreme secret method, or has a peerless talent, special physique, can easily face the thunderstorm, but just lose some mana power, and may suffer a little minor injury.

When Gu Chen was in the late period of Lingying, in terms of Anli, he was no worse than the monks in the early days of Yuanshen. Now he has stepped into the period of seizing the sacrif in, and his strength has increased several times. In the face of the thunderstorm of the seizing period, it is simply like

is better than the generation genius with peerless talent and special physique.

Gu Chen rushed into the thunderstorm, grabbed it with his virtual hand, and his mana turned into a huge palm the size of a thousand feet. A thunderstorm was directly pulled off by Gu Chen's ramen strips.

Then, Gu Chen had a big mouth, and the thunder robbery of hundreds of feet and thousands of feet long was poured into Gu Chen's mouth and was swallowed into his stomach.

Chaos yin and yang really run, and the thunder disaster transforms yin and yang, just like two electric dragons running fast in Gu Chen [body], reaching the limbs and bones in an instant, tempering every muscle and bone of Gu Chen!

In an instant, Gu Chen's golden body, thunder and lightning, turned into an electric man.

The huge palm in the sky kept grabbing it, tore off all three thunderstorms, and was swallowed into the abdomen by Gu Chen. It turned into a yin and yang electric dragon, strengthening Gu Chen's body and Yuan Ying!

Three thunderstorms, split from tens of thousands of feet of the sky, seem to be endless." Gu Chen tore thousands of feet, and the thunderstorms seemed to be not rare.


Three thunderstorms went straight down. All of them hit Gu Chen's body, roaring three times, and continuously blew up the electric fire about the size of a thousand feet.

Gu Chen seemed to merge with the thunder disaster. His whole body was bathed in the thunder disaster. His body and Yuan Ying were baptized by the thunder disaster without any damage. Instead, he absorbed a lot of thunderous power, so that Gu Chen's strength was even better than one point!

The thunderstorm is very sick. "I only heard a few loud noises of rumbling", magnetic magnetic..., the explosion, and soon, a magnet that seemed to absorb the thunderstorm suddenly appeared in the sky. The three thunderstorms were like tentacles stretched out by octopus. After brushing it, it was taken back.

There is still a lot of thunderstorm power left. The lightning flashes and opens greatly. The ancient Chen stands in the void. The [body] internal mana keeps running, quickly digesting the power absorbed when crossing the thunderstorm just now, and the strength has soared.

From the thunderstorm to the departure of the thunderstorm, it's just two flicks of time.

However, this short two-finger time made all the monks of the Great Mongolian Capital open their eyes wide and their eyes were full of incredible. Looking at Gu Chen in the air, they opened their mouths one by one, and many of them even forgot to breathe, which was extremely shocked!

After a short period of shock, it was an extremely shocking sound of exclamation!

"My God, is that still a thunderstorm? I feel that the ancient killer rushed into the thunderstorm and seemed to rush into the water to swim. Isn't it too easy?" "Isn't the strength of the ancient killer too strong? Triple thunder robbery, even the master in the later period of the seizure, did not dare to despise it. If he was hit by three thunderstorms at the same time, he would also be a little injured. However, the ancient killing god actually... was not hurt at all?" "I feel that the ancient killing god did not resist the thunderstorm, and there was no resistance at all Isn't it too tough? Not only was he not injured, but it seems that his strength has become stronger, which may have absorbed the power of thunderstorm.

"When crossing the disaster, absorb the power of the thunder disaster?" "Oh, my God, we cross the disaster, nine lives. Even if some geniuses cross the disaster, they will be half killed by the thunderstorm. The ancient killing god crossing the disaster is so simple. Not only is it not injured, but the strength has been enhanced. Oh, my God, The monks in the robbery period were amazed one by one. Looking at the ancient plunder in the air, their faces were full of shock. Although the monks in the robbery period were more than the golden elixir period, there were many masters in the secret place of the spring of life.

Even the top master of the Yuanshen period, looking at Gu Chen, his eyes were also extremely shocked, and he was secretly surprised. In less than a year, Gu Chen's strength was more than three times higher than when he participated in the martial arts competition.

The top master in the early stage of the Yuanshen can feel a sense of horror in Gu Chen. If he fights with Hou Junji, Wu Daozong and King Ajiluo now, I'm afraid it's easy. Gu Chen will win, instead of playing so hard at the emperor's conference, he will use up almost all the cards.

Not long after, the thunderstorm power that Gu Chen had just absorbed was completely transformed into his own strength. When his eyes were opened, two lights flashed, just like two electric lights.

Gu Chen's eyes instantly fell on a valley a hundred miles away, where the virtual purple mandarin duck was located.

A flash of lightning, Gu Chen disappears, wind and shadow escape........................

In a flash, Gu Chen teleported over a hundred miles, appeared in the array of thousands of miles of yellow sand, and came to the side of the virtual purple mandarin duck.

Xu Ziyang was watching in the direction of the imperial capital. In the array of thousands of yellow sand, she only saw the yellow sand flying all over the sky. She could not see the end and could not see what happened in the sky.

However, she heard the shocking thunder clearly.

Unexpectedly, someone crossed the thunderstorm in the capital of the Great Mongolia. When Xu Ziyuan thought of Gu Chen, he thought of Gu Chen. Not long after thinking about it, Gu Chen stepped out of the void and came to the side of Xu Ziyuan. He said happily, "Sister, I'm stepping into the sting period, haha" I Gu Chen was extremely comfortable and extremely happy. He waited for this day for too long. Since he got the Ruyi Linglong Pagoda, he was waiting for the day when he could open the time pagoda on the second floor of the pagoda.

This day has finally arrived.

How can Gu Chen not be happy?

The voice "Gu Chen's palm was raised, and a female layer of golden light pagoda floated from the palm of his hand. Gu Chen threw "Ruyi Linglong pagoda, turned into a thousand feet of size" and fell beside him.

"The Tower of Time, open..." Gu Chen shouted loudly.


A muffled sound sounded, and the heavy tower door slowly opened.

After the tower gate, a white light seems to connect to another world.

Gu Chen took Xu Ziyuan's hand and said happily, "Sister, let's go!" The two passed through the tower gate, and the white light in front of them dissipated. "A small world" appeared in front of them.

There are mountains, water, huā, grass, and trees and forests. The second floor of the whole Ruyi Linglong Pagoda is several miles in size.

The virtual purple mandarin duck looked at the scenery in front of him and said with a smile, "Is this the tower of time? I thought it was a tower. It turned out to be a small world.

Gu Chen nodded and said: "Each floor of Ruyi Linglong Pagoda" is a small world. The second, fourth and sixth floors are the towers of time, which can accelerate and slow down the passage of time. The second floor can accelerate and slow down the time twice, divided into two areas, one piece, the time accelerates twice, twice the outside time One piece, double the time deceleration, which is half of the time outside. Sister, come with me. Let's go to the time deceleration area.

The whole space is several miles in a square circle, and there is a light curtain in the middle, which splits the whole space into two areas. On the left is the area where time accelerates, and on the right is the area where time decelerate.

The second floor is the tower of time, which only changes the speed of time, which is equivalent to changing the law of time. However, it does not change the law of life. How much life is outside, how much is inside?

Therefore, entering the Tower of Time does not increase or reduce life expectancy, but there is a length of time relative to the outside.

If a person has a 100-year life, then he enters the second floor of the pagoda. Whether it is the acceleration area or the deceleration area, his life is 100 years.

However, in the time acceleration area, the passage of time is twice that of the outside. After a year outside, there are two years inside, 50 years outside, and 100 years inside. Compared with the outside, it has only lived for 50 years, but on the tip, the longevity is still 100 years, which has not been shortened.

Therefore, the virtual purple mandarin is in the area of time decelerating, and the Xuanyin vein will still attack when she is weak. Now the virtual purple mandarin is 23 years old, and it is still 10 years away from the Xuanyin vein.

If the virtual purple mandarin duck stays in the time deceleration area on the second floor of the pagoda, it will take 20 years to stay inside for the old year.

In this way, Gu Chen originally only had 10 years to find the way to relieve the Xuanyin vein, but now he has 20 years, which is doubled.

Soon, Gu Chen took the virtual purple mandarin duck through the light curtain in the middle and came to the area where the time slowed down twice. There was a mountain peak that was not too high. Under the peak, there was a lake of a hundred feet. The lake was green grass like spring, and the scenery was full of scenery. It was a good place

When the two walked to the lake, Gu Chen said, "Sister, you will live here in the future. Try to minimize the time you go out. I will send you everything you need. In 20 years, I will definitely find a way to relieve the Xuanyin vein. Then, let's travel around the world and be a pair of immortal couples." Xu Zi He raised his hand and stroked Gu Chen's face and said, "Brother, just try your best. Don't force it. It's my greatest pleasure to know you in this life, although I have no regrets!",