Pure Yang Zhenxian

Chapter 006 There are many spiritual stones

Volume 5 Chapter 006 There are many spiritual stones

Volume 5 Chapter 006 The spirit stone is more

spent 450,000 spiritual stones, and Gu Chen also bought two flame vines.

Three Jiuyang grasses and two flame vines cost a total of 1.7 million spiritual stones. With so many spiritual stones, even the immortal giants and immortal families will not be easily used. They have to pinch them, but for the ancient spiritual stones, it is just a dime.

In his universe bracelet, there are millions of lower-grade spiritual stones, and now even half of them have not been used. There are more than 300,000 middle-grade spiritual stones, which is equivalent to more than 30 million lower-grade spiritual stones, upper-grade spiritual stones, and more than 10,000, which is equivalent to more than 100 million lower-grade spiritual stones.

Of course, Gu Chen is not a prodigal son. He only buys the elixir he needs and doesn't need, and he doesn't buy any.

At the beginning, five high-level elixirs earned 1.7 million spiritual stones. Yang Dingxu was very satisfied, and his face smiled more loudly. He said loudly, "The next auction is Tianyinzhi, a total of three plants, all of which are more than 2,000 years old. The reserve price of each plant is 300,000 spiritual stones, and each time the

"300,000 spiritual stones..."

"330,000 spiritual stones..."

"360,000 spiritual stones..."

Tianyinzhi is the spiritual grass with extreme yin attributes. As usual, many monks opened their mouths to auction, but as soon as they called for the third bid, the whole scene was silent.

The person who opens his mouth is not someone else, the only top master present in the dawn period hides in the sky.

No one wants to have a conflict with a top master in the Mingqiao period for the sake of a Tianyinzhi.

Many monks turned their eyes to Gu Chen in the corner. Several times before, Gu Chen came out halfway and grabbed love, but this time the auction was Tianyinzhi, not what Gu Chen wanted. He seemed to be wandering outside, and he turned a light of this auction.

"Hmm... In front of the top master of the Mingqiao period, the top master of the Yuanshen period is just a scum!" Many monks thought angrily.

They were robbed of Jiuyang grass and flame vine by Gu Chen. Gu Chen was the top master in the Yuanshen period. If they were unhappy, they could only hold it in their hearts. Now Gu Chen did not dare to compete with the sky cloud to grab Tianyinzhi. He regarded Gu Chen as a scum in his heart, and finally

Zang Xiaoyun used 360,000 spiritual stones to buy a Tianyinzhi, and the auction of the last two Tianyinzhi plants was auctioned. He was bought by two monks at the price of 500,000 spiritual stones.

"The next auction is Chalcedony flowers, five plants, two more than 3,000 years old, three more than 2000 years old, 3000 years reserve price of 400,000 Lingshi, each price increase, not less than 40,000 Lingshi, 2000 years reserve price of 200,000 Lingshi, each time the price increase, not less than 20,000 Lingshi. " Yang Dingxu said loudly.

The higher the year of the elixir, the more expensive the price will be. If it is more than a thousand years old, the price will double.

The chalcedony flower is not the spiritual grass needed by Gu Chen. Among them, two 3,000-year-old chalcedony flowers were taken away by two top masters in the Yuanshen period, and three of the 2,000-year-old flowers were fiercely competed by the monks.

"The next auction is..."




Since the auction of chalcedony flowers, Yang Dingxu has auctioned ten kinds of high-level elixirs in a row, none of which are positive elixirs. Gu Chen did not open his mouths. He has been sitting in the corner in a low-key manner, with his eyes slightly closed. It seems that this auction has nothing to

After more than an hour, Gu Chen has been silent. The monks gradually forgot this annoying master of the Yuanshen period in the corner.

After auctioning more than ten kinds of advanced elixirs in a row, Yang Dingxu's face suddenly smiled thicker, and his mood suddenly became much more excited. He shouted, "The auction of advanced elixirs has basically been auctioned. Before the auction of fairy grass, there is another rare elixir between fairy grass and advanced elixir It is an elder of this cabinet. A few months ago, he accidentally found a rare elixir in a polar place - red **.


Many monks who practice the fire system have bright eyes.

Gu Chen also opened his eyes, and his eyes showed interest.

Red**, an elixir with polar yang attributes, can only grow in the land of polar yang. Due to the limited conditions, it is very rare and can be called the fairy grass in the elixir. Therefore, it is ranked between the advanced elixir and the fairy grass.

Yang Dingxu was very satisfied with the performance of the monks and said, "Red ** is very rare. It is often difficult to have one plant for more than ten years. However, this time, the elders of this pavilion found ten red plants at one time in an extremely sunny place..."

Ten red plants**......

The monks who practiced the fire system had a smile on their faces. Ten plants, how could they buy one this time?

Gu Chen's lips also curled up and said in his heart, "Hey hey, ten red **, I don't know how old it is. I bought it. Basically, those miscellaneous supporting roles have almost been replaced."

Pure yang elixir does not limit the type of each material, but only lists two main drugs, and several main preparations, which are essential. All of these are fairy herbs. As for other preparations, there are dozens of pure yang elixir prescriptions, but it shows that these elixirs mainly look at the positive strength contained in them. It can be replaced by a more advanced positive spirit grass.

In the ancient Chen Qiankun bracelet, there are many elixirs for more than a thousand years, and there are also many positive elixirs. In addition to the auction, the difference is not much. If another ten red ** are sold, if the year is enough, the problem of dispensing medicine will be basically solved.

Yang Dingxu was obviously adjusting the taste of the monks. Seeing that many monks showed an expectant expression on their faces, after a long time, he said, "These ten red **, each of which has more than 4,000 years."

"4000 years...?" Some monks have exclaimed.

"Enough!" Gu Chen was also overjoyed.

Yang Dingxu showed a satisfied smile on his face and shouted, "Ten 4,000-year-long red **, each with a reserve price of 1 million spiritual stones, each price increase, must not be less than 100,000 spiritual stones."

1 million spiritual stones is the reserve price. This is really not an ordinary monk who can bear it. However, for a 4,000-year-long red **, 1 million spiritual stones are worth it. This is simply an unattainable existence.

"One million spiritual stones..." As soon as Yang Dingxu fell, a monk shouted out anxiously.

"1.1 million spiritual stones..."

"1.2 million spiritual stones..."

"1.3 million spiritual stones..."

"1.4 million spiritual stones..."

"1.5 million spiritual stones..."

Soon, the price soared all the way, from 1 million spiritual stones to 1.5 million spiritual stones. During this period, no monk shouted repeated prices.

The sound of the auction was a little late, and someone shouted again.

"1.6 million spiritual stones..."



"2 million spiritual stones..."

2 million spiritual stones, even for 4,000 years of red **, is already a very high price. After 1.5 million spiritual stones, the bidding price has slowed down. After all, there are a total of ten plants, and there is still a great opportunity later.

When shouting the price of 2 million spiritual stones, the scene was even more deserted. After two breaths, another voice sounded: "2.1 million spiritual stones..."

Gu Chen's eyes, as the people who looked out loud, were a monk, the top master in the middle of the Yuanshen period. It seemed that he was a person of the Great Spirit Emperor's Court. The Buddha's Dharma was extremely masculine, and the 4000-year-old red ** also had a lot of benefits for

Such a rare elixir, one plant is not too few, and two plants are not too many. It does not mean that those who have bought it will not buy it later. Therefore, even if it is the first red **, the competition is very fierce.

After all, the top master of the Yuanshen period is not as good as the top master of the Mingqiao period. The 4,000-year-OLD red **, other monks will not give in at all. Which of the monks who can come here is weak?

2.1 million spiritual stones, many monks who practiced the fire system, took a look at each other and shook their heads. This is already a very high price, and it is also a top master of the Yuanshen period. All the monks sell him face.

"2.2 million spiritual stones..." When the monks thought that the first red ** auction dust had settled, a loud voice sounded from the corner and clearly fell into everyone's ears.

The monks looked at it, huh? Is it the single top master of the shen period again? It's been silent for more than an hour, and now it's starting to shoot again?

Every time Gu Chen's bid is made after the monks are about to finish bidding. The previous bid is just a waste of words. Gu Chen knows this truth well, but in this way, in everyone's opinion, Gu Chen is a rush.

"2.3 million spiritual stones..." The monk thought that as soon as he opened his mouth, he was stable. Unexpectedly, someone came out again and looked at Gu Chen angrily.

"2.5 million spiritual stones..." Gu Chen said in a hurry, adding 200,000 spiritual stones at one time.

"Wow..." The monk waved his sleeve and shouted angrily, but he was not going to do it, but was ready to give up, and he was very angry.

2.5 million spiritual stones, the first red**, were bought by Gu Chen.

Yang Dingxu's face was full of smiles, and soon launched the auction of the second red **.

However, this time, it was not much different from the first time. The monk bid after 2 million yuan, and Gu Chen attacked again. This time, the monk glared at Gu Chen angrily and did not shout again. Gu Chen bought the second red ** with 2.2 million spiritual stones.

So far, Gu Chen has used 6.4 million spiritual stones in this auction.

In addition to the major imperial courts and the various families, even the giant sect of immortals and the immortal families, it is difficult to take out so many spiritual stones at one time.

The monks looked at Gu Chen, like a monster, and all thought to themselves: Where did a top master of the Yuanshen period come out? How can there be so many spiritual stones?

For the surprised eyes of the monks, Gu Chen thought as if he didn't see them. Anyway, I have a lot of spiritual stones, and I have to buy all the spiritual grass I want.

"2.1 million spiritual stones..."

"2.2 million spirit stones..."

"2.3 million spiritual stones..."

"2.5 million spiritual stones..."

"2.7 million spiritual stones... Oh, it's too much to bully people. I'm fighting with you!"

"3 million spiritual stones..." RO