Pure Yang Zhenxian

Chapter 032 Tomb of the Red Emperor

God of War, Chi, the place of his fall?

Gu Chen's expression was shaken up. This was the first generation of the god of war of the ancient witch clan. In those years, he held the god of war order and swept the Gai generation of characters from all directions. If it hadn't been for the first generation of the unified human race, Ji, "Who can be against him?

When Yueer talked about the God of War "chi, there was a faint sense of warmth in Gu Chen's chest. It seemed that the God of War also missed the master of that year.

Looking at the huge river as wide as thousands of miles under his feet, Gu Chen said, "The land of the sun is actually under the water?"

Yueer nodded and said, "If not, how could this place not be known to others? If my father hadn't accidentally got the treasure map of the land of the sun, I would never have thought of it. I have deeply remembered the route on the treasure map. Taoist friends, we have to dive into the bottom of the river.

"Go..." Gu Chen said and took the lead in falling into the river.

Soon, the two fell into the Chishui River. Both of them were masters of the secret place of the spring of life. The mana formed a light mask, which blocked the outside of the body and sank into the river without dripping water.

The red water is as wide as thousands of miles, and its depth is more than a thousand feet. The surface of the water looks calm and waveless, but as soon as it reaches the bottom of the water, the water rises rapidly. When it sinks six or seven hundred feet, the rapid river makes the moon'er's magic light mask keep swaying, as

Gu Chen came to Yueer, waved his hand, and a big mana formed a shield, covering Yueer, and said, "Don't go too far,..."

Gu Chen had been to the bottom of the blood. At that time, the cultivation of the secret land of the Divine Sea was able to sink into the bottom of the sea, but it was much more difficult to walk at the bottom of the river than at the bottom of the sea. After sinking down eight or nine hundred feet, the rapid river rotated back and forth at The cultivation of the trick period feels a huge force, as if to tear the mana cover outside his body into pieces.

This natural underwater vortex is much more powerful than the Jiuhuang whirlwind array he laid.

When it sinks down more than 900 feet, the bottom of the river has fallen into the eyes of Gu Chen. The bottom of the river is not calm, but a lot of boulders and potholes. It is these irregular terrain that makes the rapid river water form one huge vortex after another.


Looking at the boulders and potholes at the bottom of the river, my heart suddenly lit up. These boulders and potholes seemed to be irregularly messy everywhere at the bottom of the river at the beginning, but in the eyes of the immortal array master Gu Chen, it turned into an unfathomable mysterious array.

Gu Chen's mana gathered in his eyes and looked at other places. Sure enough, as he expected, the bottom of the river thousands of feet away "although there are also some boulders"

Let the river form a vortex, but the strength of the vortex is far less than that here. The monks in the secret land of the Divine Sea can resist it.

And the vortex strength here, even Gu Chen, a monk who is comparable to the top master in the Mingqiao period, feels a lot of pressure.

Yue'er's voice sounded from the side: "This is a Shangguqi array, on the treasure map, there is this array, the place to the sun, located under the bottom of the earth, you need to pass through this array to reach it."

Gu Chen looked at the boulders and potholes in front of him, and vaguely felt that this array was very similar to the upper ancient array on the Juling Peak of the Dragon Mountains, but it was a little different. For a moment, Gu Chen could not see the specific differences. If you want to deduce, with Gu Chen's achievements in the Of.

But since Yueer knows how to go here, Gu Chen doesn't have to do anything more and says, "Please lead the way!"

Yueer nodded slightly and walked forward, followed by Gu Chen. He jumped down the deep pit and jumped onto the boulder. Gu Chen followed the footsteps of the moon. At the bottom of the thousand-foot river, he walked for half a quarter of an hour, almost every boulder and pothole, and finally jumped into a huge deep pit in the center.

This pit is deep and bottomless. The water flows through here, forming a violent and extreme vortex. As soon as he stepped into this pit, Gu Chen felt a whirlwind. The violent vortex instantly made Gu Chen lose control of his body and was involuntarily turned to the bottom of the earth by the vortex.

After just a flash of time, the feeling of turning the sky and the earth turned and reappeared. Gu Chen has set foot on a hot land. This is a cave. Whether it is the ground, the wall or the top of the cave, it is red, and the air is full of hot breath.

The breath here is even hotter than the flames in the fierce array of Xiaodu Tianjiu.

Yue'er is standing next to Gu Chen. The red breath makes her whole body glow red, which looks more attractive. Yue'er said, "According to the description of the map, you have to walk about a thousand feet ahead. The more you go, the hotter the breath is, the heavier the posit. If you move forward three hundred feet, it It's the right place in the sun."

Gu Chen turned around and looked at the surrounding environment and said, "There is no way out here. How can I get out?"

Yueer said, "I just saw the treasure map. This is the first time I have come here. According to the records on the map, you need to walk through the sunny place in front of you to have a way out."

"Then let's go," Gu Chen said lightly, but in his heart, he paid 120 points of attention.

The smell here is so hot that it may really be a sunny place in front of you, but how similar is the terrain here to that of Gu Chen when he entered the Xuanyuan tomb?

is also in the middle of the ground.

Xuanyuan Tomb is located in the land of Gongzhu, Kowloon.

And here, it may be a sunny place.

The difference is that the Xuanyuan tomb family is shrouded in a large array of earth. The colors in all directions of the cave under the ground are pure yellow earth, and here, they are all red.

Feeling the hot breath in the air, Gu Chen couldn't help guessing in his heart: Could it be that this is a big array of fire?

If there is really a sunny place in front of you, then it is very likely that this is an array of fire.

If it is not the land of the sun, how can we set out the array of fire, such as the ancient array?

The person who is in the array is not only a fairy array master who fully understands the array of fire, but also a great immortal who understands the law of fire to the extreme. Only in this way can he be able to set out the array of fire.

Otherwise, if Gu Chen can understand the big array of the earth, he can understand the big array of fire, but it can't be released in any case. If he is not strong enough, it is impossible to set up the ancient array.

The two walked ten feet forward, turned in the direction of the cave, and divided into three passages.

Yue'er's footsteps did not stop, "continue straight to the cave in the middle, and Gu Chen remained vigilant" followed.

The cave in the middle walked more than ten feet, turned another direction, and three more channels appeared in front of him, and the moon did not stop walking again to the left channel.

walked forward for more than ten feet, turned again, and the front became three channels again. Yueer still did not stop and went straight to the middle channel.

This underground passage is divided into three for every ten feet, like a cobweb, all over the ground. All the caves are not straight. It's really not easy to find the right direction in the cave.

It's easy to go around a few caves, and you can't tell the difference between the southeast and the northwest.

However, seeing that the moon did not pause at all, it was obvious that he had identified the direction.

Although there are many caves here, they are only thousands of feet in size. The memory of the monks in the Mingqiao period is amazing. As long as they memorize the map, they will naturally remember every detail.

Gu Chen silently followed Yueer, turning dozens of forks. Suddenly, a huge cave hall appeared in front of him. The hot breath was ten times better, which was equivalent to Gu Chen's six years of being trapped in Xiaodu Tianjiu's fierce array. There was a place of extreme yang.

"Here, it is the land of the polar sun. In this cave hall, there is a formation called the virtual flame real fire array." Yueer pointed to the cave hall in front of him.

Gu Chen nodded slightly, but said secretly in his heart, "The virtual flame is the real fire array, which is the fire array that blocks the array of thousands of thousands of yellow sand. Here, nine times out of ten, is a complete fire array. I have always talked about the spread of the fire array on paper. I have never seen a real array of fire. See, my understanding of the array of fire can be completely integrated with the array of the earth, and the other five elements arrays can be derived out.

When he got here, Gu Chen felt that the God of War order in his chest was warmer. Gu Chen had a feeling that it seemed that the God of War order was more exciting than in the past.

Yueer said, "Follow me... Although this formation is powerful, as long as you go the right way, there is no problem to break through." After saying that, he walked into the cave hall.

Gu Chen followed closely. As soon as he entered the cave hall, the scene changed. All the caves around him were gone, and all of them turned into a sea of flames, and there was no end to the end. However, these flames were not comparable to the fire of the law. Although they had great lethality to the monks in the secret Some weak reactions did not devour.

Gu Chen followed Yueer and walked in the boundless sea of flames. This virtual flame is a real fire array. Gu Chen knows how to walk, but with Yueer leading the way, Gu Chen does not have to deliberately show his formation.

In the vast sea of flames, I walked for nearly an hour, sometimes walking on foot, sometimes flying with the sword, about thousands of miles away, and suddenly took a step out, and the illusory sea of flames beside me disappeared. Gu Chen and Yueer had come to the other side of the cave hall.

Gu Chen's eyes looked at the huge cave in front of him, and his face suddenly changed.

I saw the hole split, looking at the four big characters: the tomb of the Red Emperor.

Is it the tomb of the Red Emperor here?

Yellow Emperor, Qing Emperor, Red Emperor, Black Emperor and White Emperor, each of these five emperors is a masterpiece in the past and modern world. Each of them represents every line in the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth! The Taoist inheritance left by each emperor has surpassed the three ancient holy places in all walks of life. If anyone can get all the inheritances handed down by the five emperors and combine the five secrets, he can create a larger Taoist inheritance than the ancient holy land. ( To be continued.