Pure Yang Zhenxian

Chapter 047 Gu Chenhua `Witch`

As they went deeper into Wujiang, the villages of the ancient witches became larger and larger. After the ancient Chen Yuanshen traveled for thousands of miles, even the large villages of tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of thousands of people gradually saw that so many people lived together, the houses were connected for ten miles, and towering stone walls were built outside the village

The number of people in the village has reached tens of thousands. The strength of the witches in the village has the cultivation of the Jindan period. Moreover, most of the ordinary witch people in the village also practice the art of the flesh. Many people have the cultivation of the eight or nine levels of the acquired realm, and some even have the cultivation of the innate realm However, in a village, there is only one "witch" who is the kind of witch with weak body and strong mana. On the contrary, the wizard who cultivates the body is not very strong, and there are very few innate realms, let alone the wizards in the divine sea realm.

The wizards who cultivate the body are all strong, like an iron tower.

In a village of more than 100,000 people, Gu Chen met a "witch" Gu Chen's yuan god in the spiritual in the secret place of the life spring and entered the village. The "witch, who seemed to have a feeling in the direction of Gu Chen, observed that the witch in the secret place of the life spring was already very powerful. If the

In order to avoid trouble, Gu Chen Yuanshen did not stop again. It didn't take long to return to the body.

The "witch" of the ancient witch clan is very different from what Chinese humans know. The human race believes that the "witches" of the ancient witch clan are extremely strong in body, fighting against the sky and the earth, full of aggressive nature, but the hundreds of "witches" that Gu Chen saw are weak physical strength and strong mana. Such " It's quite powerful, but if you go to a group battle, your physical strength is too weak and easy to fall, and it is not suitable for a war of conquest. It is very different from the rumored "witches" of the medieval witch clan.

Gu Chen thought for a long time, but he didn't understand why the wizards who practiced the body in the ancient witch clan were so weak, but the wizards who practiced the soul were not bad.

There is still a year before the opening of the God of War Mountain. Gu Chen plans to integrate into a small village and live with the witch people of the ancient witches for a period of time. Maybe he can understand.

stayed in the barren mountain for one night. The next day, Gu Chen threw out his staff and continued to fly south. The "witch" he became was very similar to the "witch" in the first village he went to. Gu Chen wanted to leave here a little further, so as not to meet people who knew the witch.

Gu Chen has just disappeared in the sky. In the same barren mountain, only thousands of feet away from Gu Chen, there was also a escape light. The escape light came to the sky of Gu Chen's position last night. She was a woman in a black robe and a hood with a black veil on her face. Although she could not see her face clearly *'S figure, just looking at the figure from afar, it can also be judged that she must be a stunning woman. The woman stopped for a moment and then flew away in the direction of Gu Chen's disappearance.

Gu Chen flew south for more than 20,000 miles. On the way, he flew through a large village of more than 100,000 people, or even hundreds of thousands of people, and then found an area without a large village for thousands of miles and landed on the ground. As soon as the divine consciousness moved, Gu Chen immediately found that in a deep mountain thousands of feet away, there was a team of more than 200 people fighting with a group of beasts.

Gu Chen's body moved, more than ten feet in one step, and ran to the mountain quickly. Before long, he entered the mountain.

More than these two hundred people are the witch people in the village of Liqiu, more than two miles away. They are hunting and driving the beasts from the ten mountains to this mountain by intimidating and driving them away, and then rounding them up.

Originally, there were only some wild boars, civets, horned deer and other beasts in these mountains. Although the adult beasts were very strong, for the witch people of the ancient witch clan, there was no problem to kill them.

But this time, the witches in the village of Liqiu were a little unlucky. It happened that a group of saber-toothed tigers passed through the mountain and were also driven over by them. There were more than 20 heads of this group of explosive-toothed tigers, of which more than 10 were still cubs, and the adult

The adult explosive-toothed tiger is more than five meters long and is as high as three meters. A explosive-toothed tiger has thousands of pounds of power. Even the nine-layer refining wizard in the after tomorrow are not opponents. Ordinary witches need dozens of people and use weapons and traps to kill.

Liqiu Village is just a small village of about a thousand people. There are no powerful refining wizards in the village. It is the most powerful, but the fifth floor of the heavens is not the opponent of the explosive-toothed tiger at all. However, they have arranged traps in this mountain. In their hands, they all have weapons and are organized in The tiger rushed out of the well area. The explosive-toothed tiger is a famous fierce beast in Wujiang. If these explosive-toothed tigers rush out of the trap area, the situation will be bad. The witch people in Liqiu Village will suffer a great loss.

When he saw this group of explosive-toothed tigers, Li Hu, the leader of the hunting, the first warrior in the village of Liqiu, was not good in his heart. Li Hu once killed an adult mountain tiger alone. He was a five-level refining wizard in the acquired realm. His name came from.

However, in the face of the explosive-toothed tiger, this former tiger hunting warrior can't help but tremble in his heart. The explosive-toothed tiger is not the same level of beast as the mountain tiger.

Therefore, seeing this group of mountain tigers, Li Hu has asked people to go back to the village to send a message, and let all the men left behind in the village come to hunt the explosive-toothed tiger. The explosive-toothed tiger has a bad temper and a strong sense of revenge. Since it has angered the otaku, if they Yes.

Although it is only more than two miles away from the village, the mountain road is rugged. When the slow soldiers in the village come to rescue, it will take at least half an hour later. Now the people who go back to report the news have walked for half a minute, and the explosive-toothed tiger has rushed to the bottom of the mountain crazily.

Li Hu did not fight with the explosive-toothed tiger forward. He stood on the height of another mountain, took everything in his eyes, and commanded the villagers to fight against it.

"The javelin... supports Zuo Shanwa." Suddenly, Li Hu shouted and pointed to the left side of the opposite mountain. The big man, who was 2.4 meters tall, his eyes were full of anxiety.

The six-headed explosive-toothed tiger gathered together and rushed down the mountain from the depression of the left mountain. It had broken through the railing and crossed several traps, which surprised Li Hu.


Dozens of javelins made bursts of air and went to the depression of Zuoshan.

The six-headed explosive-toothed tiger was extremely sensitive. One vertical is ten feet away. Only one explosive-toothed tiger was shot by a javelin. Two javelins were bounced off by its rough skin. Only one was inserted into its waist. Although it was injured, it was not fatal. The injured explosive-toothed tiger

"It's not good..." Li Hu exclaimed.

More than ten witches guarding the depression of Zuoshan were hoked in the eyes. Looking at the explosive-toothed tiger rushing down, they turned their heads and ran away.

The witch people supported in the village have not yet arrived. Now the explosive-toothed tiger has rushed out of the fence trap. Looking at the fierce anger in the eyes of the explosive-toothed tiger, he will never give up his body. He can only get close to each other and have a bloody battle with the explosive-toothed tiger. This time

Li Hu gritted his teeth, picked up his tomahawk, and was about to rush to the explosive-toothed tiger.

However, what happened suddenly made him stop. The explosive-toothed tiger that rushed down the mountain suddenly stopped the speed of rushing down. A transparent light mask suddenly appeared around the explosive-toothed tiger. No matter how fierce the explosive-toothed tiger cracked its teeth, it could not hit the transparent light mask. Millie.

All the witches looked at the source of the transparent mask and saw a "witch" in a black robe with a thin palm of his right hand grasped forward. The transparent mask was spit out from his palm, covering almost the whole mountain peak, and all the explosive-toothed tigers could not escape in the mask. This name, "witch" is naturally Gu Chen.

In the eyes of the witches in Liqiu Village for a while, after a long time, they were overjoyed. If the explosive-toothed tiger rushed down, their lives would be insurable. At least more than half of them would be killed and injured. The appearance of Gu Chen saved the lives of many people.

Li Hu strode to Gu Chen, bent down respectfully to salute, and shouted, "Thank you, witch, for your help."

All the witches at the foot of the mountain bent down to salute Gu Chen and said in unison, "Thank you, witch, help me."

Gu Chen nodded slightly and said, "Let's hunt first!"

Li Hu nodded, rushed to the mountain first, and shouted, "Brothers, we have slaughtered all these beasts. It's a bumper harvest. Use good wine and meat. Thank you, witch"

"Good,..." The witches shouted one after another, all of them with weapons and rushed to the peak.

Soon, all the beasts, including the explosive-toothed tiger, were killed by everyone, and more than a dozen explosive-toothed tiger cubs were locked up in iron cages, which seemed to be domesticated.

When the witch people supporting the village of Liqiu came, all the beasts had been killed.

Li Hu distributed the villagers and transported all the corpses of the beasts back to the village. Then he walked to Gu Chen and said respectfully, "Witch" Thank you for your help to Liqiu Village. Please go to Liqiu Village. We should use good wine and meat to express our gratitude to you!"

Gu Chen nodded and said, "Okay."

He is just trying to integrate into the ancient witches and experience the life of the witches, so that when the God of War Mountain opens, there will be no fw, otherwise people can see at a glance that he is not an ancient witch, so the situation is not good.

Li Hu led the way. Gu Chen followed the witches in Liqiu Village. It didn't take long for him to return to the village. The women and children in the village learned that the hunting was in danger, so they had already run out of the house. Later, they heard people come back to report that there was a bumper harvest, and no one died