Pure Yang Zhenxian

Chapter 057 Fight against Hong

Volume 5 Chapter 057 The Great War

Volume 5 Chapter 057 The Great War

I heard that the fire dragon king who crossed the secret world personally led the monks of the fire dragon clan to conquer Wujiang, which made Gu Chendu take a breath of cold air.

The strong man who crosses the secret world of the virtual world is completely different from the secret world of immortals and mortals. Even if the monk's body is activated more and there is no understanding of the law, in front of the monks who cross the secret world of the virtual world, he is also like mortals. The imprisonment of the law of space is enough What resistance.

However, according to what this fire dragon said, the fire dragon family has now only sent some dragon monks to the edge of the sea of fire in the south, led by Longyan, one of the two top masters of the clan in the late Mingqiao, and there is a top master in the middle and early stage of the Mingqiao, as well as a number of Dragon cultivation in the secret place of the fountain of life.

There are hundreds of people in Longxiu coming this time, divided into three parts. There are three top masters in the Mingqiao period, each with a part of them. Longyan in the later stage of Mingqiao led more than 100 secret monks in the Mingqiao period, living in the middle, and the other two top masters in the Mingqiao period, each with more

Gu Chen entered the sea of fire from the boundary of the fire witch tribe. Later, when he searched, he moved a little to the east, so at this moment, his position is the closest to some dragon monks in the east.

According to the fire dragon monks in the early days of Lingying, this part of the dragon monks was led by the top masters in the early days of Mingqiao.

There are only three dragons in the Mingqiao period, ordinary wizards. It is impossible to kill the dragons in the Mingqiao period. Gu Chen killed this dragon Xiu in the early Mingqiao period. He could have entered the God of War Mountain with ten points. However, among the wizards who participated in the dragon hunting conference, there is also a hidden master. Xiu, that's a bad situation.

Although Shiyu is the goddess of the ancient witch, she should also act fairly. If you give Gu Chen a chance, you have to fight for it by yourself. If you fail to win the dragon hunting conference, even if you can't destroy the rules, let Gu Chen enter the God of War Mountain and kick out other wizards.

It is obviously impossible to kill Long Xiu in the early stage of Mingqiao.

If you kill Long Xiu in the middle of Mingqiao, with the strength of Gu Chen, it is not a problem, but there are also certain risks. If the wizard who hides his strength kills Long Xiu in the late Mingqiao, then Gu Chen will still lose.

If you want to be sure, you have to kill the strongest dragon cultivation in the later stage of Mingqiao. In this way, even if the hidden wizard is strong and has the strength of the later stage of Mingqiao, he can't kill the fire dragon with stronger cultivation than Gu Chen.

Can he still kill the Fire Dragon King who crossed the secret world?

Missing so far, Gu Chen made up his mind to kill the fire dragon with the strongest strength. The higher the cultivation of the fire dragon, the stronger the positive power contained in the fire dragon elixir, and the better the effect of the refined pure yang elixir.

"I've said everything I have to say. You keep your word. Don't hurt my life. Let me go!" After saying that, Long Xiu saw that Gu Chen was lost in thought. He thought that Gu Chen was thinking about whether to kill him, and he looked frightened.

Gu Chen smiled and said, "Since I said I won't kill you, I will definitely not kill you, but I can't let you go back to report and let them prepare. You can stay in the pagoda for a while first!"

After saying that, Gu Chen performed the six-knowledge spell, sealing the six senses of the eye, ear, nose, tongue, body and meaning of the fire dragon in the early days of the spirit baby, so that he could not see, hear, hear, taste, touch and think, as if time was still, sealed by the six He will not know anything that happened during this period.

After sealing the six knowledge of the fire dragon, Gu Chen threw the fire dragon into the second floor of the Ruyi Linglong Pagoda. Then, according to the instructions given by the fire dragon in the Lingying period, he flew away to the place where the fire dragon lived in the middle.

On the second day, Gu Chen had flown away more than 200,000 miles, close to the place where the fire dragon was in the middle.

The closer you get to the place where the fire dragon lives, the more and more fire dragon monks found by Gu Chen. The adult dragon clans are at least the cultivation of the spiritual infant period in the secret realm of the life spring.

In terms of the number of masters in the secret place of the spring of life, all ethnic groups in the world are the dragons.

Moreover, the dragon clan has a long life and a large number of them. The masters of the secret place of the life spring are everywhere.

However, after the dragon clan becomes an adult, it is also extremely difficult to improve its cultivation. Most dragon cultivation, after adulthood, is difficult to go further, so it is fixed in the spiritual infant period. A small number of dragons can step into the shen period, and even fewer can step into the yuanshen period. In the clear t

On the number of monks in the secret realm of the spring of life, the ancient witch clan is not as good as the dragon clan. If it comes to the top masters in the enlightenment period, the ancient witch clan will far exceed, but the fire dragon clan also has a fire dragon king, a strong man who crosses the secret realm. In front of the monks in

Therefore, it is precisely because of the fire dragon king that the fire dragon clan dares to invade the ancient witches. Otherwise, it would be strange not to be chased to the ends of the earth by the ancient witches.

It is only more than 10,000 miles away from the place where the fire dragon monk lives. Gu Chen has been lurking in his body. First, he sneaked into the place where the fire dragon monk lives and take a look at the dragon cultivation in the later stage of the clear mind. What is his strength?

If the trick hole only activates seven or eight hundred, Gu Chen will kill it directly in the place where the fire dragon monk lives. If the trick hole activates more than nine hundred, Gu Chen will wait to lead him away, go to no one's place, and kill him with the god of war order.

Gu Chen's current cultivation has increased a lot compared with coming out of the tomb of the Red Emperor. The yuan god has grown from nine feet to ten feet high. Gu Chen's strength is also equivalent to the top master in the later stage of activating more than 700 tricks. If you use three heads and six arms, you can kill the top master of more

This is already equivalent to the peak strength in the later stage of Mingqiao.

Gu Chen suddenly stopped his body!

Just now, a hidden consciousness quickly crossed his body. His strength was strong, at least he had a clear later cultivation.

Gu Chen did not use three heads and six arms. The strength of the divine consciousness is only equivalent to the top master who activated more than 700 tricks. The divine consciousness swept his body. He only vaguely felt a little, indicating that the strength of the other party was at least close to him, or even above him.

"Is it the fire dragon monk in the later stage of enlightenment?" This place is only about ten thousand miles away from the place where the Fire Dragon Monk lives. If you meet it, it will be normal.

Guchen's divine consciousness spread cautiously, and no monks were found in a radius of hundreds of miles.

Gu Chen lowered the height of the flight, slowed down the speed of the flight, and continued to move forward. It seemed that Gu Chen seemed to be close to the destination, and it became so. In fact, Gu Chen had judged that the monk in the late Mingqiao was nearby, raising his vigilance to prevent sneak attacks.

Since Gu Chen can find the other party's consciousness, even if the other party's cultivation exceeds him, it will not exceed much.

If you are a monk who knows the limit of the understanding period, the divine consciousness has swept the ancient Chen, and the ancient Chen can't find it at all.

The top master of the limit of the Mingqiao period can also pose a threat to Gu Chen. Most of the top masters in the later stage of the Mingqiao period can kill. Even if there is something that can't be killed, Gu Chen can still kill after using the 'three heads and six arms', unless the trick activates nearly 900 monks, Gu Chen No, but the other party can't do anything about Gu Chen.


Suddenly, a sound of breaking the air sounded from behind Gu Chen.

A fast and incomparable light, like lightning, shot at Gu Chen.

Gu Chen's consciousness instantly caught this temption, and the monk who sent out the tempt tempt temption.

The monk suddenly appeared hundreds of feet behind Gu Chen, and then used this mango to sneak attack and shot directly at Gu Chen's life spring. His hand was broken to the extreme. As soon as he took action, Gu Chen died. If the life spring was shot, this body would be scrapped.

At such a close distance, if an ordinary monk in the later stage of Mingqiao has no time to dodge at all, I'm afraid he will be shot into the life spring by this light, and the body will die!

But the purpose of Gangmang is Gu Chen!

Wind and shadow escape!

Gu Chen's body flashed and disappeared in an instant, and he shot in the air.

Gu Chen's body appeared thousands of feet away in an instant, looking at the monk who had just launched the sneak attack.

A martial witch, who is about 2.1 meters tall and extremely strong, appeared in Gu Chen's eyes. It was the martial witch who felt the sharp eyes of Gu Chen in the Temple of War.

At that time, he only had the later cultivation of the Yuanshen, but at this moment, he has the later cultivation!

How many tricks on his body have been activated? Gu Chen is not clear, but it is certain that if Gu Chen does not turn into a dragon, or uses 'three heads and six arms', he is by no means the enemy of this person.

That is to say, this person is at least a top master who has activated about 800 tricks.

"It's you...!" Gu Chen's voice was cold and murderous. Although the two had never communicated, they were deeply impressed by each other.

In the eyes of the martial arts witch, there was a look of surprise and said, "Good boy, you actually have a space fairy treasure of void teleportation. Your strength is not weak, and your qualifications are even more unbelievable, but today you met me, a genius Terminator, and your life is about to end!"

Gu Chen looked at the other party coldly and said coldly, "You are not a wizard of the ancient witch."

A divine consciousness swept over Gu Chen again and scattered into the distance. Obviously, the other party used a large-scale sweep of divine consciousness. After a short time, the martial witch laughed and said, "Yes, I'm not a witch of a bullshit ancient witch. You can't escape today. You can't stand it!"

After saying that, the appearance of the martial arts witch changed, and his body suddenly shrunk to about 1 meter. In Gu Chen's eyes, it suddenly lit up. This man turned out to be the third prince of the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea!

A comfortable smile suddenly appeared on Gu Chen's face!

Gu Chen laughed loudly and said, "Shuo Hong, Zhuo Hong! In Beihai, you chased me for ten days and ten nights. It was not until you chased me into the forbidden land in the northern wilderness that you gave up. I haven't settled with you yet. You came to me first! Haha..."

While talking, Gu Chen's appearance changed and he also changed back to his real body. The black light in his hand lit up, and a long black gun ten feet long appeared in his hand.

Zhuo Hong's face immediately changed, with the light of hatred in his eyes, and he roared: "Panlong breaks the sky gun? The ancient killing god turned out to be you?" RO