Pure Yang Zhenxian

Chapter 094 Gu Chen's Fury

"The devil is poisoned!" Xu Ziyuan exclaimed and said, "Last time he was injured by a jade monument in a town. It has been eleven years. I'm afraid that the injury has already recovered, and the demon king is poisoned, but the super strong man who has stepped into the void period 2,000 years ago can't compete with him."

Gu Chen shook his head and said, "The Zhenming Jade Monument is not simple. It is the only magic weapon I have ever seen that can be placed in the same level as the 1 God of War Order. The Fire Dragon King has been injured under the hands of Siyu for five years, and his strength has not been restored to 20% or 30%.

The demon king's poison quilt, Zhenming jade tablet, directly hit the Yuanshen, and the injury is heavier than the fire dragon king. In 11 years, it is impossible to recover, but I don't know what level the current strength has recovered to. The super strong in the void period recovers 20% to 30% of the strength, and there is also

As long as I can use the power of the law, I can't match it. I just came to Wujiang. I don't know how much noise the demon king has made in Wujiang. I promised Miyu to protect the ancient witch clan. If I let the demon king do something wrong, won't I go against my promise? Xu Ziyuan said, "If, as you said, the strength of the demon king Du Tu has not been fully restored, then the ancient witch clan should have a way to deal with it. The Fire Dragon King is also a strong man who crossed the secret world. When he was not injured, he was also seriously injured by the goddess Siyu and the nine great witches?"

Gu Chen nodded slowly, shook his head again, and said, "That being said, the demon king's poison is far from comparable to that of the Fire Dragon King. Two thousand years ago, he was a guy who could trample on the Holy Emperor Jiyao under his feet. I'm afraid that this person was born, it's not so easy to deal Opinions." Just after saying that, Gu Chen's eyes only saw a light in the distance, coming here.

Gu Chen activated the "eye-catching trick" thousands of miles away, and it can be clearly seen that the escape light is only more than 200 miles away from here. Gu Chen saw the monks in the escape light clearly.

Gu Chen first frowned slightly, and then his expression was slightly shocked by the monk in the light. Although he was about 1.7 meters high, his skin was delicate and his face was tender, and he was obviously only eleven or twelve years old.

What surprised Gu Chen was that this eleven or twelve-year-old teenager actually had the cultivation of the secret land of Shenhai. Although it was only in the early stage of fetal construction, it also shocked Gu Chen. Gu Chen was more than 13 years old when he stepped into the fetal construction period.

The young man went straight to the place where Gu Chen stood and flew away. After a hundred feet apart, he stepped on the magic weapon and stopped in the void and shouted to Gu Chen, "Senior, don't stay here. You will be caught by the big devil and refined into a puppet.

"Oh...the devil?" Gu Chen's eyes tightened and said, "Who is the big devil?"

The teenager shook his head and said, "I don't know that I only know that the big demon is extremely powerful. The remaining eight big witches who have taken away the body of the fire witch are not the opponents of the big devil, and the goddess is not the opponent of the big devil. This big devil killed the hundreds of millions of witches of wizards The vitality and blood were drained away, leaving only a bone and a human skin, as well as a trace of consciousness, which was refined into a bone soul with evil methods. The big devil is extremely powerful. I think the senior must have come here for the first time. He stayed here because of curiosity and advised the senior to leave early, so as not to hurt his life.

Gu Chen said, "I'm a monk of this race. Why do you care about my life?"

The teenager said, "The gods of war of all dynasties have left a message. The enemies of my ancient witch clan are not the whole human race, but the Ji family. The goddess of this generation has also confessed that there are enemies among the monks of the human race, but there are also friends. I believe in the words of the god of war

Xu Ziyuan smiled and said, "We are friends of the ancient witch clan. What's your name?"

The teenager said, "My name is Zhu Huorong. You can call me "Rong" the fire witch tribe Zhu Huo clan to the witch people. This village used to be my hometown. If it hadn't been for the immortal fate at the foot of the burning mountains when I was a child, I got the immortal relics, among which there were many magical charms Tao.

When the lackey of the big devil came to this village to extract essence and blood, it was with the magical charm left by the immortal that I escaped my life. Since you are friends of my ancient witch clan, leave here quickly, lest you will be found by the big devil and lose your life.

At the foot of the burning mountains? Gu Chen seemed to be confused and said to himself, "Is it the universe bracelet I threw randomly on the barren mountain? I remember that there were many charms in the universe bracelet, many of which were flying, hiding... and other escape charms, but I had achieved my cultivation at that time. I didn't like these charms, so I put them in the universe bracelet and threw them together.

But I didn't expect that the universe bracelet took this son to the way of cultivation and saved the life of this teenager? It seems that I really have some fate with this son. At the age of eleven or twelve, I have already stepped into the realm of the secret realm of the Divine Sea. I'm afraid it is at least the qualification of super fairy root. Gu Chen now has the Jiulong floating door, this space secret treasure, and 1 wind and shadow escape, this kind of teleportation secret. There are several powerful magic weapons on your body. Even if you meet a strong man who crosses the secret place. If you can't fight, you can still escape. Moreover, although Wujiang is not big, it also has more than a million miles. Unless you deliberately find the demon king to poison, there is little hope to meet by chance. Gu Chen is not worried about being found and lose his life at all.

Gu Chen said, "I also have the name of the ancient witch clan. It's called "Siyang Gu". You can call me "Gu". I'm here to destroy the big devil. Tell me, how is the situation of the ancient witch clan now? What's the situation?"

Zhu Huorong opened his eyes wide, looked at Gu Chen incredulously, and said, "Are you here to destroy that big devil?" I heard from some seniors that the big devil is the legendary strong man in the secret world of Duxu.

Has the demon king's poison been restored to the cultivation of crossing the secret world? Gu Chen secretly said that things are tricky. As long as the demon king's poison can use the power of the law, no matter how strong Gu Chen's power is, it is difficult to break free from the shackles of the law and fight with the demon king's poison. There is only a certain risk of being beaten, not to mention killing the demon king

However, Gu Chen promised to protect the car witch clan. Although Gu Chen is not single-minded and knows that it is a dead end, he has to break through it, but he also needs to understand the situation first, and then make expedient. If he can save it, he can save it. If he can't save it, there is nothing he can

Looking at Zhu Huorong's eyes, Gu Chen nodded.

In Zhu Huorong's eyes, joy came out in an instant and said, "That's great, Elder Gu, save the goddess quickly!"

Did something happen to Miyu?

Gu Chen and Xu Ziluan looked at each other, and their hearts jumped and said in unison, "What's wrong with Siyu"

Seeing that Gu Chen and Xu Ziyang called the name of the goddess, Zhu Huorong believed that they were friends of the goddess and were more happy. He said, "The big devil wants to be the god of war." He also coerced the goddess to marry him as his wife, otherwise he would kill all the wizards of my ancient witch clan. The goddess Our wedding date, Elder Gu, go and save the goddess. The goddess is holy and noble, and there are ten thousand and ten million people who don't want to marry the big devil in their hearts.

"What? Did you marry the big devil as your wife? Gu Chen suddenly shouted, and his voice suddenly increased several times. This news seemed to inadvertently touch the deep anger in Gu Chen's heart. The beast that had not existed for many years seemed to emerge again. Gu Chen had an impulse to incarnate into a golden dragon and tear the demon king's poison into pieces.

Gu Chen is usually not single-minded, but as soon as he gets angry, it is one-minded. He knows that he is not the opponent of the demon king's poison, but he does not retreat at all in his heart. Even if he dies in the war, he must prevent Siyu from marrying the demon king.

Xu Ziyang looked in his eyes and knew that Gu Chen was already an angry lion at this moment. Knowing the news, it was impossible to see it as if he had disappeared. He must stop it.

Gu Chen was furious and said, "The demon king is poisoned, and he still wants to be a god of war,? Get the fuck out of here. I have the token of the god of war. I have the power of the god of war. I am the real god of war. It's enough to be the god of war. Do you still want to marry siyu? Get the fuck out of here, let's see if I don't beat you up, and the gods will be destroyed..."

Seeing that Gu Chen was so angry that he said something that he shouldn't have said, Xu Ziyuan quickly interrupted Gu Chen's words and said, "Brother, stop it. Besides, Siyu will really get married. It's not too late. Let's set out immediately. I will join hands with you to fight against the demon king's poison

After waking up the dreamer with a word, Gu Chen immediately released the Ruyi Linglong Pagoda and said in a loud voice, "Let's go."

As soon as the door of the third floor of Ruyi Linglong Pagoda was opened, Gu Chen was about to integrate the virtual purple mandarin duck and Zhu Huo into the pagoda. A flash of flash of escape from the north came from the north. In an instant, it was within ten thousand feet in the blink of an eye. He stopped the escape

Gu Chen, I actually met you again. Today, your death has arrived, hahahaha... Before I die, I can see you die in my hands, and I die without regret, hahahaha..."

Gu Chen looked at each other coldly and said, "Hidden Tianji, your body has been destroyed, and the yuan god has been poisoned into a blood soul by the demon king. What else can you laugh out of? You are not even as good as a dog now. How dare you laugh? You died in my hands. You are still a hero with no way. You have no luck. You have been refined into a blood soul, and you are still alive and laugh freely, but it is not as good as a pig and a dog. If you really have a little self-esteem, join hands with me to kill the demon king. If you live, you still have a little

Gu Chen's words made the laughter of Zang Tianji stop immediately, and his face was black and white, with mixed feelings.

Before Zang Tianji spoke, Gu Chen had already said first, "You don't have to pretend. The demon king poisoned you into a blood soul. Why don't you plant means to control you and make you have a sense of autonomy? You have no decision at all. If you failed to destroy your motogami ten years ago, let you completely disappear between heaven and earth today!"