Pure Yang Zhenxian

Chapter 099 Know everything

While talking, the demon king pointed out, and a dark finger shot at the ancient life spring.

The demon king once again misappropriated the law of space and used 1 space confinement. Suddenly, Gu Chen seemed to be trapped in the King Kong, unable to move, and fixed in the void.

The dark finger pointed out by the demon king's poison is as fast as lightning and as a meteor. It is close to Gu Chen. In almost half an instant, it has been shot before Gu Chen's fate spring.

The wizards standing on the side of the goddess Yu were terrred in their eyes. At this moment, Gu Chen was imprisoned in the void by the law of space. He could not avoid it and could not hide. The finger that contained the law of evil, destruction and destruction, everyone knew that it would hit the life spring of the medieval Chen and kill Gu Chen

Qiang people can be saved!

The wizards exclaimed, but because of the space confinement, the wizards who were less than the clear stage could not even move their lips, and they could not make a sound if they wanted to exclaim. Only some top masters above the clear stage made a little exclamation.

At the same time, when everyone thought that Gu Chen was going to die in Huangquan, a vicissitudes and ancient giant tripod suddenly appeared, completely covering Gu Chen's body and protecting him in the tripod.

This tripod is exactly the Taixu fairy tripod that Gu Chen got from the hand of the hidden sky, and another supreme fairy treasure. In the Taixu fairy tripod, the second half of the "Ding Heaven and the Earth" are engraved. However, after Gu Chen learned the God of War Star Sutra, he has not paid attention to the Taoist'

Taixu Immortal Tripod is the best elixirs in the world, and its defense is very strong. With the Taixu Immortal Tripod, the hidden heavenly machine has obtained the immortal body. Although Gu Chen can't be connected with the fate of the Taixu Immortal Tripod, the cultivated tripod is completely integrated with If you can't achieve the effect of immortality, Taixu Xianding is also a treasure to protect the body.


The demon king's poisonous finger slammed on the Taixu fairy tripod and made a bang.

The finger is broken, flying around, and disappears without a trace in an instant. There is no trace on the Taixu fairy tripod, leaving any trace. With the cultivation of the demon king's poison, it is impossible to cause damage to the supreme fairy treasure, the Taixu fairy tripod.

Seeing that Taixu Xianding blocked the attack of the demon king's poison, Xu Ziyuan's heart finally let go. Since her Xuanyin's vein was lifted, her biggest worry was that Gu Chen had an accident. If Gu Chen had an accident and she lived alone, in her opinion, it would be better for her to die directly without Xuanyin's

The goddess Siya Yu also took a long breath. Just now, when she saw the demon king pointing to Gu Chenmingquan, her heart jumped into her throat.

"Taixu Xianding...?" The demon king exclaimed. He was suppressed by Taixu Xianding [Zhenzhen] for two thousand years. His voice was full of hatred and said, "Gu Chen, you are not connected with Taixu Xianding's life. I will take your Xianding. Let's see what else you have to save your life."

After saying that, the demon king stretched out his palm, and the fairy power turned into a dark giant palm to grab the Taixu fairy tripod and suddenly pulled it away.

At this time, a melodious voice came from the Taixu fairy tripod. The sound contained the road of nature, which was as smooth as running water, which made people feel calm and calm.

It is the supreme magical whale song that Gu Chen practiced after he instantly cultivated the spirit whale to the peak.

The sound of the whale song sung by Gu Chen at this time is deeper and smoother than when it was just refined. It has contained a profound natural way, just like having the power of the law. Although the sound of the whale song has no attack power, as soon as the whale song comes out, any unnatural The invisible things will disintegrate.

The air is an invisible thing, and everything can be in the air [from the action. After the devil poison is imprisoned by the law of space, the air seems to have become substance, which makes people unable to move. This is unnatural. As soon as the whale song comes out, it will disintegrate the space law of the devil poison.

As for whether the space law of the devil's poison was disintegrated by the sound of Gu Chen's whale song, or whether the sound of Gu Chen's whale song was imprisoned by the devil's poisoned space law, it depends on their respective understanding.

Gu Chen's understanding of the law is naturally one hundred and eighty thousand miles different from that of the demon king, but his understanding of the sound of whale songs has a certain level.

The sound of the whale song is like the Great Sanskrit sound of Buddhism, the eight tones of the Dragon Family, and the vast and righteous song of Confucianism. It is endless, and it is also like the law.

As soon as the sound of Gu Chen's whale song came out, he suddenly felt that the pressure around him was light, the air returned to normal, and his body was no longer imprisoned by the air. He was overjoyed in his heart. The Panlong killing gun and the Chiyang scale fire sword in his hand immediately attacked the giant palm of the Taixu fairy

The gun of Panlong killed the magic gun, pierced the palm of the demon king's poison, and the flame sword of the red sun scale fire sword, cut the broken palm into two pieces and disappeared invisibly.

All the wizards on the ground were shocked. They were still trapped in the law of space, but Gu Chen had recovered in the air.

Gu Chen's whale song can disintegrate the space law of the demon king's poison, but it can only disintegrate part of it. It can't completely defeat the demon king's poison. It was originally a super strong man in the void period. The understanding of the law has reached a very profound realm, and now its strength has not been

If Gu Chen hadn't understood the sound of the whale song and realized a certain level, I'm afraid that the sound of the whale song sung by Gu Chen would have been completely imprisoned if he couldn't even hear it.

The sound of whale song can't disintegrate all the space laws of the demon king's poison, but Gu Chen is already extremely happy. As long as his body is not imprisoned, it is enough.

Fight against the strong man who crosses the secret world, the biggest disadvantage of the monk who lives in the secret world of the spring of life is that he will be imprisoned by the strong man who crosses the secret world using the space law, can't move, and let him be slaughtered. As long as the space law of the demon king is broken, then this battle can

The palm of the demon king's poison fairy power was destroyed, and his eyes widened, full of shock. He said, "It is said that even the supreme magic of the Taixu Palace 1 whale song has been refined. Without stepping into the secret realm of the void, you have already realized such a state? The Taoist priest of the Taixu Palace I know, the most talented person has to reach the cultivation of the fog period, so that you can understand 1 whale song to such a realm. How can you understand the realm of the enlightenment period? How is it possible?"

Taixu Xianding took back the [body], Gu Chen smiled and said, "Daodu, you forgot, everything is possible for me! Two thousand years ago, you were suppressed by the elders of Taixu Palace. Today, I want to inherit the last wishes of the elders of Taixu Palace and kill you completely. The demon king snorted angrily and said, "1 Whale song can only disintegrate the invisible spirit, which is useful for the law of space, and does not play half the role in the law of substance. Humph... Even if I don't use it, you are far from me, and how dare you speak out wildly?

There are too many secrets about you. I used to be very interested in you, but you are very terrible. From now on, I will never arrest you again. Whenever I have a chance to kill you, I will never show mercy, so as not to save your life. It is today's great scourge. Gu Chen, Wang Duduo's hands were sealed, pointing to Gu Chen. A cold wind suddenly blew in the sky. The water vapor in the air was condensed by the demon king's poison, forming water droplets one by one. Then, the water droplets froze together, forming a fierce ice cone, like a storm, flying towards Gu Chen.

These ice cones are not ordinary ice cones. Each n ice cones contains the demon king's understanding of the law of water, which is enough to kill any monk below the virtual secret world in seconds. The attack power is so strong that it is beyond homesick...,

Gu Chen is well aware of the power of these ice cones. He does not dare to connect them hard. Use, Jiulong floating door, teleportation dodging, 1 Jiulong floating door" can be in an instant. The maximum range of the attack of the demon king's poison is only more than thousands of feet. Gu Chen's continuous teleport

Moreover, as soon as Gu Chen found the opportunity, he would suddenly teleport to the side of the demon king Tudu and launch a raid. Gu Chen's teleportation speed was so fast. The demon demon king Tudu sent out more than 100 attacks in a row, but failed to touch half of Gu Chen's hair.

Seeing that Gu Chen used the art of teleportation to escape, the demon king also used the art of teleportation to chase closely, and kept using the law of water to launch a fierce attack on Gu Chen.

The wizards on the ground were imprisoned by the law of space. They could only look at the poison of Gu Chen and the demon king in the air. They kept moving in a flash, and their bodies appeared from time to time.

After ten days and ten nights in this battle, Gu Chen and the demon king are still in the process of teleportation and escape.

The magic of the devil's poisonous ice cone contains the law of water, which is too powerful. Gu Chen didn't even have a chance to play backhand, but the senior sister and the goddess Siyu are still imprisoned in the temple of war, and there are tens of thousands of wizards' lives. Gu Chen can't leave them and leave, so

The devil's poison is a monk who crosses the secret world. After fighting for a few years, he will not be exhausted, while Gu Chen still only has the cultivation of the secret realm of the spring of life. After a long time, his magic power will be weak.

"Hahahaha..." The demon king took action and laughed: "My immortal power will never end, and your magic power will always dry up one day. Gu Chen, what do you fight with me?"

Time keeps passing, and Gu Chen keeps teleporting to avoid, which needs to constantly consume a lot of mana. The mana in the [body] is getting less and less, and the body is constantly teleporting in the void, without any rest, and it is getting more and more painful.

Gradually, the 20th night went to play table tennis...

The night of the thirtieth is over...

Gu Chen persisted, and his body was as painful as a thousand knives.

Until the thirty-third night, in Gu Chen's body hole, there was a sudden crackling sound, like a blocked pipe suddenly dredged, a powerful force gushing out from the depths of the hole.

Know everything. When the body reaches its limit and is about to collapse, 1 God of War's immortal body has reached the second stage.