Pure Yang Zhenxian

Chapter 109 Collector's Ancestors

The yuan god of Emperor Xiaochen and the head of the Zheng family was hit into nothingness by the "God of War's Star Fist", and the sad screams of the two still echoed in the void.

Gu Chen stepped on the void, grabbed the virtual hand, 1 five-line seal, and the two lower-grade defense fairy treasure with the dark iron piece, and was caught in his hand at the same time.

Killed Emperor Xiaochen, so that the resentment in Gu Chen's heart was slightly calmed down, and the red light in his eyes was slightly weakened. He looked at the dark iron in his hand and killed a head of the family. Gu Chen was in a serious state.

The four sons' families are the only four major families that have been prosperous since ancient times: Xia, Hou, Zheng, Shang, and the rest of the sons' families have basically been submerged in the long river of time, or the power has declined, and the talents have withered. They are no longer the same as before, living in seclusion in the world In case your face is not slightless.

Only the four major families of Xia, Hou, Zheng and Shang have long-lasting strength. The family of the dish family has been passed down from ancient times. After tens of thousands of years or even hundreds of thousands of years, the profound heritage is far greater than that of the four imperial families. The four great families are united. Even the holy court and the Ji family has

However, the four sons of the family are not like the Taoist holy place "Taixu Palace, in general, rivals the Holy Court, but like the Holy Land of Buddhism, Tianchan Temple, in general, admit that the Ji family is the lord of the human race, submit to the Holy Court, settle in the Great Qian Holy Court, and help the Holy Court

Over the years, the forces of the four sons' families have been complicated in the holy court, like a big net, which is deeply rooted. The four sons' families have no sign of disobey the holy court. Although the holy court is afraid, there is no excuse to restrict the four sons' families.

Gu Chen killed a head of the family, which was tantamount to declaring war on the four major families. Gu Chen had five hundred years of experience in his previous life and lived in Daqian for a long time. He knew in his heart that although there were only the strong Du Xu on the surface of the human race, there were only the Holy Emperor and Master Du Zen

In fact, it is much more than that, such as the Holy Son Ji Shenkong, Gu Chen's past and present life, have all met.

The tomb of the Black Emperor, one of the five emperors in the ancient legend, was about 100 years old in Gu Chen's previous life. I heard that there were many strong people who crossed the secret land of the void and appeared. Although it was only a rumor, there must be a reason for the wind.

Gu Chen had heard rumors in his previous life that there were strong people who crossed the secret world hidden in the four generations. At that time, Gu Chen's vision was low, and he thought that the Mingqiao period was already the peak of the ancient wilderness cultivation world, and the strong man who crossed the virtual world only existed in the legend.

Now, judging from Zheng Mengnan's words, I'm afraid that there are really strong people who crossed the secret world of the four generations. Thousands of years ago, in the war between the three races, countless strong people who crossed the virtual world died, and the strong who survived also left serious injuries, some even fundamental fatal injuries.

As soon as the war between the three races was over, there would never be a strong man who crossed the virtual world again. For a while, the strong man who crossed the virtual world only existed in the legend.

It was not until hundreds of years later that the Holy Emperor and the Master of Tianchan suddenly appeared in the world and were made by the world. There are also legendary strong people in the world.

If there are really strong people who cross the secret world of the void in the four sons's family, I'm afraid that after the war between the three races, all the injured strong people who were injured were recuperating and recuperating their wounds. Not all of them died, but they have never appeared in the world. They survived by various

For example, the famous Tianhu King of the demon clan will be reborn after thousands of years. Although the yuan god was finally destroyed by Gu Chen, allowing Xiaobai to recover his body, I'm afraid that other strong people also have many unknown special means to survive to this day.

Gu Chen took a deep breath and said to himself: In this way, aren't there still many strong people who cross the secret world?

Although he had such an idea in his heart, Gu Chen had no regrets. Under the anger of Gu Chen, he did not kill the emperor of Xiaochen and vowed not to stop. Zheng Mengnan blocked the pace of Gu Chen's killing?

In anger, Gu Chen is single-minded. Even if the consequences are serious, he will make him turn over today.

It's just that at this moment, as soon as the emperor Xiaochen was destroyed, he killed one more head of the Zheng family who had no hatred. Gu Chen's murderous heart gradually calmed down and looked to the ground. More than half of the good palaces of the Great Palace were destroyed.

The blood flowed into rivers in the ruins, and there were broken limbs everywhere. There were no fifty thousand monks who died at the hands of Gu Chen, and there were also 30,000, several times more than the number of people who died after the destruction of Leshui City.

Looking at the miserable situation under his feet, the bloody killing in his heart was for no reason, which made Gu Chen have the impulse to turn into a dragon and tear everything apart, but the reason in his heart was annotic for no reason.

After all, Gu Chen is not a bloodthirsty person who is easy to kill. Looking at the miserable situation of blood flowing from his own hands, he can't bear it.

As soon as he closed his eyes, he slipped out a tear and opened his eyes again. Gu Chen's eyes had regained clarity and said, "That's all... That's all... Zang Xiaochen, I will destroy tens of thousands of your Tibetan monks, and you have also died in my hands. I don't want to kill evil

After saying that, holding the dark iron sheet, the mana was destroyed. In an instant, he erased Zheng Mengnan's mana mark left in the dark iron sheet and branded his own mana mark. I don't know what this dark iron piece is? It is like a fragment of a magic weapon, but it is equivalent to a lower-grade defense magic weapon, which shows that the material is extraordinary.

At this time, in the space of the Star Sea, a middle-aged monk of about thirty years old was sitting in the void and suddenly opened his eyes.

As soon as he raised his palm, an iron plate with a foot long and a width was suspended in the palm of his hand. The iron plate was dark, and the corner was incomplete, about the size of a palm.

This dark iron plate shook, and a illusory image suddenly gushed out of the incomplete place. It was the moment when Gu Chen held the dark iron piece in his hand and erased the mana brand.

The middle-aged monk's eyes stared at the virtual shadow of Gu Chen and said, "Unexpectedly, my descendants, boy, I remember you..." In the last sentence, the middle-aged monk closed his eyes, 1 boy, I remember you... This sentence was read out of his mouth and turned into a substantial seal, and entered In the dark iron plate.

Gu Chen had just erased Zheng Mengnan's mana brand in the dark iron piece. He was about to take back the dark iron piece from the universe bracelet. Suddenly, the dark iron piece shook, and a sound wave came out of the iron piece: "Kid, I remember you..." The sound wave turned into substance and spread in all directions. Suddenly, countless Remember you..., the print gushed out of the dark iron sheet.

Gu Chen was shocked and immediately threw out the dark iron pieces. However, although these sounds were strange, they did not cause damage to Gu Chen. After half a sound, the dark iron pieces suspended in the air regained calm and no sound appeared.

Seeing that the dark iron sheet no longer had any reaction, Gu Chen carefully grabbed it and put it into the universe bracelet.

1 boy, I remember you..." "This sentence kept ringing in Gu Chen's mind. Gu Chen said in his heart: It seems that I have provoked another super horrible enemy.

There is more than one terrible enemy provoked by Gu Chen. There are strong enemies such as witch gods in front of him who can compete with the immortals, but the powerful people in this realm can't appear in the world at all, and Gu Chen didn't pay too much attention to it.

Gu Chen turned his attention to one and five lines of printing.

As soon as the mana is urged, the emperor Xiaochen was left in the one-five-line seal in an instant, and the mana in it was branded to be blamed.

1 The five-ection seal trembled violently and almost fell from Gu Chen's hand. Gu Chen's heart was stunned and said secretly: It seems that there are also strong people who have left a ban on this thing. Could it be collectors and strong people who cross the virtual world?

When Gu Chen was erasing the "five elements seal, the mana imprint in it, in a small world of only a hundred miles, the top of a thousand-foot giant peak in the east, three green-shirted monks, the finished word steering wheel sat, the green-shirted monk in the middle was about forty years old, and suddenly opened his eyes

His eyes were full of anger and he shouted, "No! The collector is in big trouble!" The other two green-shirted monks looked at their appearance and seemed to be older. Hearing the voice of the 40-year-old monk, they opened their eyes in an instant and looked at the 40-year-old monk. Their eyes were full of respect and said in unison, "Brother, what's the matter?"

The forty-year-old monk said, "Kunfan, Kunshan" five-line seal fell into the hands of outsiders and was erased from the mana mark. I'm afraid the collector is more or less auspicious."

"What?" Zang Kunfan shouted, "The Tibetan family is in great trouble. Why doesn't the Holy Court help?"

The 40-year-old monk, called the eldest brother by Zang Kunfan and Zang Kunshan, founded the Great Win Emperor's Court. Thousands of years ago, the Holy Court Town waited for Zang Kunxuan in the east. During the war between the three races, Zang Kunxuan fought with the Heavenly Fox King, and both of them were injured

The Heavenly Fox King had to give up his body, and the yuan god sent it to the blood-crowned fox family to be reborn.

Zang Kunxuan entered the secret place of life and death, prolonging the longevity. After thousands of years, the injury finally recovered.

The secret place of life and death is a great secret place for the human race. It is managed by the holy court. It is the ancestor of the Hundred Holy Pavilion. In the secret place of life and death, what has changed is not the law of time and space, but the extremely mysterious law of life.

The law of life is mysterious, which is the most difficult to understand, but it is extremely magical and can change longevity.

In the secret world of life and death, the longevity can be doubled, so it is called 1 secret place of life and death.

If the monk is in the ancient wilderness, he can only live for 14 years. If he enters the secret place of life and death, he can be extended for four years, and he can live like a year, which is equivalent to having three times his life.

After the thousand-year war of the three races, the remaining strong men of the human race were seriously injured. There were not many longevity, and they all entered the secret realm of life and death, extending the longevity. Then with the recovery of cultivation, Shouyuan also continued to recover. In the secret realm of life and death, the longer he lived, until the recovery of

In the secret world of life and death, it is easy to get out and difficult to enter. Even if the cultivation is restored, in this world of three times the longevity, they are not willing to leave.

Zang Kunshan was furious and immediately got up and said, "Big brother, second brother, I'm the least injured. I have recovered 90% of my injuries. My cultivation has basically recovered. You continue to heal your wounds in the state of life and death. When I go out to have a look, who dares to destroy